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Everything posted by Left

  1. Just got home from watching Kong Skull Island, and it was pretty sweet. Like, it's Really awesome. If you enjoy action films at all, adeventure films at all, or nostalgia pieces, go see it.
  2. I lack the consoles, so I haven't played the game and probably won't for a long long time, but I am curious about something. Where in the Zelda timeline does this game take place?
  3. Cap 1 The Iron mans Antman Thor 2 Thor 1 Avengers Avengers 2 Civil War Winter Soldier Guardians of the Galaxy Dr Strange ranked from least favorite to favorite at the end.
  4. Me and another guard have joked about doing it together, because as far as we can tell it's not the hardest job. I doubt we minors with no college would be allowed to have the position, but it would be cool!
  5. So the person that my work hired to be the aquatics director, my boss, is now no longer the aquatics director. I don't know if he got fired or quit, I just got a text from his assistant saying that we again don't have a director. So on the one hand, I've outlasted two bosses and gotten a raise. On the other hand, we lifeguards are pretty much back to having to be our own bosses with little management support. I'm really not sure what to think or feel. I'm kind of hoping that while we don't have a manager Corporate will stop breathing down our necks a bit, because its been getting ridiculous. I just want to be able to lifeguard in peace without having random fake drowning drills and not being allowed to sit with crossed legs.
  6. At least for myself, I totally agree. I've never been close to having unhealthy amounts of fat, but I'm not always at the level of slim that makes me feel comfortable. I'm predominantly a runner, and when I run regularly and do other exercises I'm leaner, lose both weight and fat, and am mentally and physically healthier. I eat close to the same when I'm in a non-running slump as when I'm in, but I do tend to eat better and maybe a little less when I am regularly exercising. Is exercise the best way to lose weight? Meh, from what I've read and personal experience, I don't think so. But I definitely agree that as far as just losing fat goes, exercise is my favorite way. I know a lot of people loathe hard exercise, most of my friends do, but aside from switching from eating crap to really healthy stuff or giving up smoking and drinking, I don't think there's a single other change in lifestyle that brings as many health benefits.
  7. Thanks, we need it, it's hard Enjoy yourself as well
  8. I'm not sure, but probably. Ohio State has offered me some pretty hefty financial aid, so it's about even in cost. I haven't decided yet between the two.
  9. Well on a dare I let my beard grow out for ten days instead of shaving. It's been terribly itchy, and a reminder of why I like being clean shaven. Here's the results.
  10. So @RippleGylf and I stayed up past midnight last night waiting for an admission announcement from BYU, and we both got admitted!!!!!
  11. So I was at work last night, just guarding the pool, and then one of the fifteen kids in the water gets out and tells me that there's poop in the pool. Now I totally get why people pee in the pool, it's a hassle to get out and go to the bathroom and the chlorine kills the germs and everything. But seriously? How do you even take a dump in the pool?! I had to close down the pool, fish the turds out with a twenty foot pole-net, and call in the maintaince chief to see if we needed to change the chlorine levels. Luckily there was another guard on duty so they took care of the paperwork. Just....on a scale of human stupidity....this rates really badly.
  12. If you believe in the trinity that is. Not all christians do, and not all of those who don't are LDS. We believe that Jesus is the messiah and the only begotten son of God.
  13. The sequel to Shadows of Mordor has just been anounced, with a trailer!!! AND STORM ITTTTT!!!!! SHADOWS OF WAR LOOKS RUSTING AWESOME. Dying of happiness Trailer: Shadows of War
  14. Well I had quite the busy reading weekend. I finished The Hollow City (Another excellent book by Dan Wells, although not as unique and new as the John Cleaver books), and started Flowers for Algernon. I got about halfway through it last night, and I should finish it in the next couple days. So far it's really really good. The plot is basically some scientists taking Forest Gump and giving him a surgery so that he becomes Frasier from Cheers/Frasier. It's written as a logbook from the guy's perspective, and it is very hard to put down.
  15. While anime isn't exclusively for kids, the majority of American adults don't get that or just aren't interested. So while I think SA anime is the best approach, I think it's the least likely because economics.
  16. Well the show died before he did, it got cancelled after season two.
  17. I finished the first book in the Earthsea trilogy. It was pretty good, the style is very different from anything else I've read. I'm taking a short break before reading the next one. I've started Dan Wells Hollow City. It's very good so far.
  18. I think it's interesting though that Moses and Joshua were both prophets and political leaders. I'm not sure why sometimes God calls people to more missionary leaders and others to be religious and political leaders.
  19. Yikes, triple posting...but its been three weeks so I guess its chill. Flash: Legends: Arrow:
  20. Ahhh, okay. So maybe read Spellsong Sorceress by LE Modesitt. Basically a university music professor from America is magically summoned to a planet where the magic system is completely based on vocal music. First, the book gives you a breakdown of music terms and stuff, and it may inspire you on some new ways to use music and the access to the magic. Then consult Kaymyth or the rest of us to fill in your gaps in knowledge!
  21. Do you need like technique and music theory stuff? There are some things I can help with ( I'm a pianist) but there's plenty I don't know.
  22. I think that since we have the title for the next Star Wars film we can name the next one, Random Stuff XI: The Last WaffleMaker. ( Or ghostblood, Awakener, etc, Wafflemaker just seemed the next logical step from Admin and Moderator)
  23. That's a really interesting book! It's not my favorite by Clarke, but it is good. I hope you like it. I'm about thirty pages into the first Earthsea book by Ursula Leguin. The writing style is interesting, but so far the content hasn't really interested me. I'll keep reading it though, just to see where it goes. I've been re-reading the Prince of Tennis manga, mostly because I'm in the need of a manga and it's an easy read. I don't normally like sports manga, but this one is okay. Anyone have any suggestions on manga generally? I've got a pretty good app for reading, but I don't know what I want to read. Things I don't like: Over the top fanservice/nudity/echhi content, f-bombs, and I dislike both mecha and video game manga. I'm looking for something between 50 and 300 chapters.
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