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Everything posted by Left

  1. I found it very easy to skim and skip read over the sections, so yuppers, you'll probably be fine.
  2. So I got a bit of inspiration to start writing last night, just a few paragraphs, and I thought I'd post here for some feedback on the general concept and hopefully entertain ya'll for a couple minutes. Spoiler'd for size.
  3. I do actually find your opinions and analysis of comics to be really fun and well done, and makes me feel up to date on comic lore.
  4. I've started the latest Enders game book, The Swarm. It's much better than the last several. Ive also read the first few chapters of the fifth season and I'm very intrigued.
  5. In my math class I've been described as the savior of the class for my level headedness and unending sass. I don't know how those go together exactly, but apparently I come off as more level headed than most high schoolers. Around family or strangers that I'm uncomfortable with, I'm very quiet. I listen a lot, I insert a joke or two, that's about it. With my closest friends I'm also somewhat quiet because I enjoy focusing on them and not me. For any group that I'm comfortable in that I haven't already mentioned, I'm usually a strong presence. I might be the leader or not, but usually I'm making people laugh, planning something, getting into in depth nerd conversations, or doing something else where I can be an active participant. I spend the majority of my time during the day alone doing schoolwork or lifeguardibg or reading/netflixing/gaming or working out by myself. When I am in a social situation I generally take advantage of it and really love hanging out. Depending on who I'm with I can be Hoid/shallan level sassy/quipy or pretty soft spoken. I love driving and I love rolling the windows down and blaring classic and blues rock with a mix of modern pop and soft rock. I cut my hair myself and do a lot of my own cooking and laundry and help with grocery shopping. I'm not really model material, but I'm good enough looking that I've been asked by other straight guys for a dance i am very religious, and I've gotten a very good education. When I start college I'll almost have enough credits from AP classes to be a sophomore, and I've tried to cover a lot of fields of study. Probably you'd notice both my religion and my knowledge cause I think I'm probably louder about both than I need to be( although as an on average quiet person that's still not as much as many people). You'd probably not even remember me if you only met me once, because I hold back s lot. The more I'm around people though, the more I get involved, and we'll probably end up at least loose friends
  6. Yo yo yo!!! Midseason break is finally over! Time for the episode break down. First of all, I want to lead with my opinion that all three shows( sorry supergirl, I just don't pay attention to you) had REALLY strong episodes this week. Flash: Legends: Arrow:
  7. I've been bingeing some netflix originals while I wait for the DC/CW tv shows to return. An Unfortunate Series of Events was pretty good; it was funny, well acted, I think it caught the soul of the books (although I haven't actually read them), but got a little repatative. One Day At A Time was a very funny family comedy that gave me the feels. The characters were Very well done. If you want to learn how to write strong women look at how all three of the women in this series were done. Seriously, this show was hilarious, I totally recommend it, and I can't wait for a second season.
  8. I believe this was actually proposed back when TWOK had been out for a few months, but when we asked it got shot down. As far as we know it's a normal sword, not even a normal shard blade.
  9. Darths n Droids is killing me with only three new releases a week. I got caught up months ago, and its killing me not being able to binge it anymore....
  10. When you ask someone out without dying in the process.
  11. The only way zucchini can be reached without being banned is basically if you get permission from chaos to request for downvotes in a polite manner.
  12. Hmmmmm. I wonder. We've seen many instances of linguistic similarities among the planets, most often with Aeons or religions, but most are confirmed to be simply similar linguistic heritages and not historical connections. This feels like one of those, but at the same time there's quite a few connections between nalthis and Roshar so who knows..
  13. I think there really is some level of learning curve for graphic novels. I remember that when I started reading manga I had a very difficult time at first understanding how to follow panneling, when to look at pictures and when to look at the speech bubbles, and of course, since I started with manga how to read it from right to left. I think it's mostly a matter of practice and not so much of consciously figuring everything out, the more you do it the smoother it gets. All that being said, White Sand was not the easiest GN to get into and would be a very bumpy place for newcomers of the medium to start. I think that overhype, the roughness of the book, and the shock of a new medium were probably why the Shard seems to have had such a rough time with White Sand generally.
  14. I thought the first one was pretty good( I'm very used to graphic novels) except I struggled to tell the difference between the characters. That's not terribly unusual for the first book in a graphic novel series, so I'm looking forward to the next one.
  15. It depends on the route, but the quickest way for me to get to the Canadian border by car would take about 8 hours I think. I live in Ohio, kind of the middle ish of the country, so not a quick trip. Ah well, lots of fish in the pond. Just not in rural ohio.....blehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh.
  16. That awkward moment when you realize that the cutest classmate you have- by far- is in your online class and lives somewhere in Canada so you'll never get to know them or anything
  17. Is there anything wrong with the new Thrawn? I haven't watched Star Wars cartoons in a Really long time, so i have no idea what he's like in Rebels. I loved him in the Zahn books, so I've been really excited hoping that he might make it all the way to film.
  18. ......So....... I may or may not have stayed up late the past three or four nights reading the five released books in the I am not a Serial Killer series by Dan Wells. Holy storms they are good. I mean, I know in a way they're kinda teen books, but storms, they are far bloodier than the messiest of Sanderson and creepy as braize. I've never been as scared of a character in a book as I was of John in the first two books. Umm, so yeah, I'll be getting back to Pratchett now that I've completed my detour.
  19. Hey thanks for the input folks, it should be helpful
  20. I'll definitely agree that Freeze was pretty bad, but the beginning of the Court of Owl's was great, Penguin and Ed both started to really shine for me, and I'm sorry but when they finally kill Theo with a bazooka is one of my favorite moments in television. The mad hatter seems intent on just being disturbing, not dark, and it really didn't play well with me. Penguin could be shining Far brighter, but there's way too many distractions from his rule of Gotham. I don't think it's time for Ivy yet, it introduces a thread that overcrowds the already crowded show. There's been so much crowding, even by gotham standards, with imo more winces then pay offs. Now I do get why the last season could be unlikable, but it worked for me. I really struggled with how crowded season three has been while not feeling like there's a single point or plot that will move forward.
  21. So I've been friends with a girl in my math class for quite a while and I'm thinking I'm probably gonna ask her out sometime soonish. We'll probably go to the movies since there isn't much to do in rural Ohio in the winter. So here's my question. Generally, is putting your arm around them fine on a first date? Obviously it depends on the people and what feels appropriate at the moment, so I'm mostly just asking on a pretty general basis.
  22. Barnes I might enjoy..... I don't know. I really enjoyed season two and it seems like everything I liked has vanished.
  23. Has Gotham gotten better past the Mad Hatter storyline? I had to call it quits about two thirds in because it just seemed so incredibly dumb. I'm not against going back, but only if it gets better.
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