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    We're back with more Oathbringer discussion, and this time, we have a spicy topic: Sja-anat and Voidbinding. There's obviously heavy Oathbringer spoilers here (with some minor discussion from Hero of Ages), so be warned. We're here to talk about the Unmade, corrupted spren, Voidbinding, and more--though maybe we end up confusing ourselves more than anything. 

    This week, we have a very cool episode where we interview Ewan Johnson of Arcturus XR, who works on the Stormlight VR experience, Escape from the Shattered Plains. We learn about him and his pedigree (he worked in Pixar since '94), the experience itself, and adaptations they needed to make to the lore to make the experience cohesive. It was really cool, and I'm really excited about the experience. He also said that the VR experience is coming to Oculus Rift as well as to Vive, which before now was buried in the Steam page and not in the official press release.

    Shardcast: White Sand Vol. 1

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week we're reading White Sand Volume 1, the graphic novel, in anticipation for Volume 2 which comes out February 20th. We discuss everything that happened, our feelings on the transition to a graphic novel and its quality, analysis of the magic (as you no doubt expect), and what we expect after the three volumes of the graphic novel are finished. 

    This week we are continuing our adventure through the Oathbringer Tour Words of Brandon, and Ian and I fight again on the interpretation of intent. We got our Shardblades out; it was an epic duel! Tune in now. (Okay, it wasn't that spectacular, but hopefully it was entertaining!)

    Kerry returns as the one true host, and joining her is Eric (Chaos), Ian (WeiryWriter), and David (Windrunner). We also have a special guest: Kerry's phone, which went off a few times. We're all very professional.

    This week, we are delving into the Words of Brandon from the Oathbringer tour (and Brandon's two holiday signings in Utah). There's so much to talk about, especially from the London signing, so we brought Ben--Overlord Jebus--to help us analyze this stuff. There's so much to talk about though that we recorded three episodes worth of content for the Oathbringer tour, and they are meaty ones.  

    Shardcast: Moash

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    This week on Shardcast we talk about Moash, and the controversy revolving around him in Oathbringer. We analyze his role in Oathbringer, our thoughts, and more. 

    Oh we also talk about Elhokar. No reason... We also make some tangents about Star Wars and Hoid. Of course there are big Oathbringer spoilers here!

    Welcome to Shardcast, and Happy New Year! We are starting this year with a podcast that's way too long, but there's much to talk about. We're talking about Dalinar visiting the Valley and the Nightwatcher, and all that stuff. Obviously, there are Oathbringer spoilers here. We talk about the Old Magic, the age of the Old Magic, and of course, the Stormfather's love of the Oxford comma. (I'm only somewhat kidding.)

    Shardcast: The Recreance

    By Chaos, in Shardcast,

    Happy Holidays, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year's. We hope you're enjoying your holidays, so we thought we would bring you holiday cheer by talking about how a bunch of knights betrayed their oaths. Yup, the Recreance is very cheery. Note in this podcast has Oathbringer spoilers!

    This week, Brandon's yearly update on all his projects, State of the Sanderson, came out. It always comes out on the 19th, which his birthday, and we thought we'd do a quick episode talking about the updates, changes, and analyzing all the things in it. We thought it'd be a short episode, so naturally it is 40 minutes instead.

    This week on Shardcast we will have a nice, leisurely, not at all contentious podcast... Just kidding, we're talking about the Love Triangle in Stormlight Archive with Shallan, Adolin, and Kaladin. We fully expect to have a lot of discord in the comments! Do note that we are talking about our personal opinions and points of view. We do hard to discuss all aspects of the love triangle, but if you disagree, please tell us why below!

    This week we have a spoooooky episode. It's Oathbringer's Part Four Epigraphs, which talk about the Unmade. We spitball all sort of crazy things about the backstory of the Unmade, and then delve into all the epigraphs. We talk about all of your favorites of these creepy Eldritch horrors.

    Today we have Kerry (KChan), Ian (WeiryWriter), Eric (Chaos), and Ben--Overlord Jebus, who's joining us on the podcast for the first time!

    Welcome back to Shardcast. This week we are talking in exhaustive detail about Oathbringer's Part Three Epigraphs. And I do mean exhaustive, because this podcast is longer than our Oathbringer reaction podcast. There is, however, a huge deal to talk about. These are the Urithiru gemstones, and it is crazy. Listen on, and we come up with some excellent theories for the time around the Recreance and the False Desolation. Plus, we get on a lot of exciting tangents too. Note: there are full Oathbringer spoilers here!

    Welcome to Shardcast, the Brandon Sanderson Podcast. Today we are here to discuss the Oathbringer's Part Two Epigraphs. That means it does have Oathbringer spoilers, and actually full Oathbringer spoilers--we can't contain our excitement. But we want to dive into some of the most mysterious epigraphs in Oathbringer today. This podcast also contains spoilers for the first Mistborn trilogy (Mistborn Era 1). 

    Welcome back to Shardkeepers! This time with Edgedancer being available as a standalone, we can pretend this podcast on analyzing Edgedancer is timely, and not months late. Yup, we are finally analyzing Edgedancer, nearly a year late, but shhhh, we were all very busy in the spring. So we're a bit out of practice (if we were ever in practice in the first place). 

    We almost have all the gang together: Kerry, Ian, and I return, but we also have Alyx (FeatherWriter) in it. So of course instead of talking about Edgedancers we end up talking about Renarin and the Truthwatchers. We do talk about Lift, and Lift being awesome, but we also talk about Nale's name. That's a good 30% of this podcast.

    Today we have a special episode of Shardkeepers, our analysis podcast, where we are talking solely about Oathbringer predictions. Strap yourself in: this one's a long podcast, but you know what, Oathbringer is a massive tome by itself. 

    We recorded this a long time ago, prior to all the sample chapters and the beta read, so we know no special information. A few of us did see the first Dalinar flashback, but that's it. Obviously, there are Stormlight spoilers for Way of Kings, Words of Radiance, and also Edgedancer, and some minor mentions of other books. 

    You guys thought we could get through this podcast without Feather developing a crush on the bad guy? Aww, that’s cute. It has just happened. Now I’ve realized he probably dresses completely my style. That’s unfortunate. Alright. Guess we have our trash fave for this book. Ay, welcome to the dumpster. We’re back.

    We did it everyone! The last part of Edgedancer, and what a trip that was, huh? I struggle to figure out what’s going on with “listening” that everyone keeps telling Lift to do, and come up with a theory before the reveal, just barely. A conversation with some cremlings. Wyndle achieves his dreams after blatantly hinting at it. 

    I'm the worst Cosmere fan. What is wrong with me? Gosh dangit. I'm the worst at Cosmere. FeatherWriter's cancelled. Let's just... wow.

    Welcome back to Splintercast. Today, Lift is hot on the trail of Darkness, also known as Nale/Nahlay/Nail/Nalan, because who the heck knows how to actually pronounce that name. Definintely not me. Featuring: Her Pancakefulness, reunions with old friends from Nalthis, and Feather maybe starting to care a little about Szeth.

    Look, like the most tangental reference to Renarin just happened, and I’m like… on the verge of tears. That’s a lie. There actually are tears in my eyes.

    And in case that pull quote up there in italics didn’t give it away, this week, Feather talks about a character who does not even appear in this book. Somewhat at length. Because she has problems and 90% of them are Renarin Kholin.

    In other, non-Renarin related things, Wyndle is dropping unsubtle hints, Lift makes it into the city, eats someone’s breakfast, meets a weird guy who may or may not be Hoid, and my cat who was not even in the room while I recorded audibly cries through the door. Dalish, please. Kitty, could you not? 

    I’m so out of my depth all of a sudden! There’s so much worldbuilding happening! Augh! I feel like I’ve been thrown into the deep end, and I’m just trying to like, absorb as much of it as possible.

    Back at it again with the Splintercast! Let’s do Edgedancer, everyone!

    For those who are new to Splintercast, this is an audio-reaction podcast where I record my spoken reactions to reading Cosmere books for the first time, this time, the Lift novella from Arcanum Unbounded. I loved this novella, and I adore Lift, so this one’s pretty fun.

    We said there would be a December episode, and here we are on New Year's Eve with one! This month we have an extra long episode as well: over an hour and twenty minutes digging through the Arcanum Unbounded essays and picking apart everything in them. Shockingly, we were more than able to talk about these for a very long time. We dig through each of Khriss's essays. I feel we could have even talked longer, but I'm sure we will mention them a lot in the future.

    What! A podcast that isn't Splintercast Reads A Book? I know, it does seem crazy, but it's true. Welcome to the Shardkeepers Podcast, our theory podcast where we discuss all sorts of minutiae of the cosmere. As I learned when recording, this usually results in headaches, but we make that sacrifice for you.

    Today, we're going to talk about an amazing quote that we got earlier this year about Nightblood that blew our minds.

    I’m pretty salty about that. However, I’ll try to keep most of my salt contained to like, that one event, and not let it completely overtake this episode. Like, I don’t want this to be a salt-fest.

    The end is upon us! Unfortunately, as I said last episode, this is not my original reaction file, because for reasons unknown, that recording up and disappeared on me. It has fled. So instead, you get backup Current!Feather’s reactions, but hey, we’re gonna have fun with it anyway.

    Mistborn: Secret History. Also known as, ‘Kelsier Punches Literally All of the Deities.’

    Our trip through the Cognitive Realm leads us to some unexpected new acquaintances as we start to leave Scadrial behind… Kelsier makes friends and cons them, because that’s what he does. I go back and forth on how to pronounce the word “Ire” before finally actually figuring it out and we finally figure out what gave Vin the heebie-jeebies before she met with Hoid in Hero of Ages!

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