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Personal saddest moments in the Cosmere? (open spoilers, all cosmere)


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I'm re-reading Mistborn series 1 right now and I absolutely choke up like nothing else every time Kelsier leaves Vin - "You still have some things to learn about friendship, Vin. I hope someday you realize what they are." The bookend scene to this one in Secret History, where Vin turns the line around on Kelsier before choosing to go to the Beyond with Elend also gets me equally. Something about the way Brandon wrote these parts just really hits home, but I also feel it's super impactful to me just because Kel and Vin are among Brandon's best developed characters


I wouldn't even say The Final Empire is my favorite book in the Cosmere, but I don't think anything has had the emotional impact that that scene and line has on me every time I read or hear it.  Gun to my head, I'd probably choose Stormlight as my favorite Cosmere series, but I really can't say anything in it has ever made me cry like these scenes. On the tragedy scale, Vasher's backstory is also pretty sad, but since we don't really see it, I guess it hasn't impacted me the same. Wax killing Lessie didn't impact me the same way because I had no idea who either were, yet.  Though I would say overall, I sense some melancholy in all of the Mistborn books that I don't really pick up in others.


Anyway, I just wanted to get the emotions out there and off my chest, but also see what moments have impacted folks here in different ways.  Am I forgetting something obvious in other books? Have you cried during other Cosmere scenes?

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For me it was in the Stormlight Archives. This scene from RoW had me sobbing:


The meeting between Kaldin and Tien right before Kal declared his 4th ideal. All in all one of the most powerful scenes I ever read.

The scenes you talk about are also very good, to say the least, but for me the one above hit home the most. ^_^

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1 hour ago, Marukka said:

For me it was in the Stormlight Archives. This scene from RoW had me sobbing:

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The meeting between Kaldin and Tien right before Kal declared his 4th ideal. All in all one of the most powerful scenes I ever read.

The scenes you talk about are also very good, to say the least, but for me the one above hit home the most. ^_^

That is an excellent one, and one I totally forgot in the context of this post! Yeah, it DID get pretty dusty in here when I read that scene ;) .


Also from RoW, Raboniel’s entire arc and motivation are rather tragic overall. Didn’t move me to tears, but certainly made me blue.

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Lessie in Shadows of Self got me real good. The reveal, her second death, and how Wax reacted to it made me really sad. Wax's conversation with Sazed made that whole situation a lot better for me.

Kaladin's emotional stuff in RoW was pretty heavy but I somehow managed to go through that book without tears. Got really close a couple of time though.

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This is probably because it's so fresh in my mind, but Sazed bringing Vin and Alend's lifeless bodies back amidst the flowers got me. The sense that they've both been struggling for so long and finally get to rest, but without ever seeing the world they worked so hard to save. Worse for me was their inability to have a normal life together.

Spoilers for Hero of Ages

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14 hours ago, ScadrianTank said:

Lessie in Shadows of Self got me real good. The reveal, her second death, and how Wax reacted to it made me really sad. Wax's conversation with Sazed made that whole situation a lot better for me.

Yes, that one was very intense too. And even when Sazed explained himself it left me with a bad taste. It felt just cruel and no matter of logic (and sound) reasoning could really make it better. But also Wax' reaction to all this felt just right and real. Great scene(s).

As for Mistborn era 1, I always loved Kelsiers mourning of Mare. The little snippets that reminded him, the small moments of her hopes and dreams. All the while his fight to let nothing get him down, to keep up his hatred to destroy the ones who got him into this situation. But it never got me to tears (at least not as much as the mentioned scene ^_^). 

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Kal & Tien in RoW, as well as Eshonai's end "you wanted to see what was beyond the next hill, see it all", also the story of the Dragon and the Dog. Might be because the book's still fresh in my mind...

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(Edit: Just noticed that I forgot the actual title of the thread while writing this and went for most emotional scenes in general instead, but I guess some of them work this way as well :huh:)

"What's a man's life worth?" in Way of Kings.

"What's the most important step a man can take? Always the next one." in Oathbringer.

Hoid's stories in general. From "Fleet kept running!" over The Dog and the Dragon to The Girl Who Stood Up.

Definitely the Fourth Ideal, especially with Teft's "Say it, lad!" thrown in there.

Kelsier's death, especially Vin's reaction to it.

Their short reunion in the Cognitive Realm.

Marsh managing to pull the earring and Vin exploding into Preservation's power.

The Catacendre, of course.

On 31.8.2021 at 0:35 AM, NattyBo said:

I thought of another one in Secret History. When Kelsier is watching Dox, Ham, etc die. But specifically Dox cursing Kelsier as he died, that really hits me hard.

Ham didn't die, and Kelsier didn't watch Dox die, he was told by Leras after the fact, so that scene's probably what you mean? It is impactful!

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3 hours ago, Elegy said:

"What's a man's life worth?" in Way of Kings.

"What's the most important step a man can take? Always the next one." in Oathbringer.

Hoid's stories in general. From "Fleet kept running!" over The Dog and the Dragon to The Girl Who Stood Up.

Definitely the Fourth Ideal, especially with Teft's "Say it, lad!" thrown in there.

Kelsier's death, especially Vin's reaction to it.

Their short reunion in the Cognitive Realm.

Marsh managing to pull the earring and Vin exploding into Preservation's power.

The Catacendre, of course.

Ham didn't die, and Kelsier didn't watch Dox die, he was told by Leras after the fact, so that scene's probably what you mean? It is impactful!

Yes. Thank you for correcting my faulty memory! When Leras tells Kel that Dox cursed his name as he died…I had to put the book down. Just ROUGHED me up. 

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Sazed searching and searching, and finally finding, Tindwyl's frozen corpse at the Tin Gate of Luthadel.

Even centuries after his double Ascension to become "a god among gods", I would bet that if He could, Harmony would trade godhood to be able to live out a mortal lifetime with her.


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Spook tearing off his blindfold and seeing what he's done in HoA has always got to me a little bit, as much as anything else in any book has. The abrupt shift of perspective, the realization that he's been manipulated from a force for good into a force of Ruin and then accepting that he would probably have to die to undo what he'd done. It hits as hard as anything for me.

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Sort of odd since it is actually a positive for the heroes but "You cannot have my pain" really hit me hard. The realization that all of the mistakes of the past and the pain that comes with it being an integral part of who we are and that the bad can't/shouldn't be separated from the good without changing who we are. It was almost a triumphant sadness if that makes any sense.

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36 minutes ago, Psykopathic said:


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I was never a huge fan of Ellokhar but the simple fact he was just starting to redeem himself and then he died in the middle of the 1st oath while Kaladin watched. Geez that shot a chill through me. 








Yes! Especially the fact that his son was there!

Also, along the lines of the"triumphant sadness", I loved Maya's declaration is RoW. For some reason, her dedication alongside the implications of that really got .

36 minutes ago, Psykopathic said:


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I was never a huge fan of Ellokhar but the simple fact he was just starting to redeem himself and then he died in the middle of the 1st oath while Kaladin watched. Geez that shot a chill through me. 








Oops, quoted twice

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1 hour ago, Psykopathic said:


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I was never a huge fan of Ellokhar but the simple fact he was just starting to redeem himself and then he died in the middle of the 1st oath while Kaladin watched. Geez that shot a chill through me. 








This scene hit me, but not in a sad way: I was storming PISSED at Moash. He’ll get his, one day…grrrr

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  • 4 weeks later...
9 hours ago, Cocoa said:

The Battle of Luthadel and its aftermath roughed me up pretty good. The scene with Kaladin being unable to prevent the wall guard and singers from killing each other and Elhokar being struck down mid-oath, too.

You mean Kholinar right?

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