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I'd like to have Tani around just a little longer, and Matrim seems to be pretty genuine so far. I kind of want to vote of Striker, but their interactions with Szeth seem off, and Szeth is still on the top of my suspect list.

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Not sure how to feel about Lotus not wanting to be elected. Isn't that yer job as a villager? 

Its a low confidence assessment, but I'm currently theorizing a Mat-Elandera-Tani team. Mat and Elandera just voted for each other, which is an obvious connection, and last round they were in sync too. If they are evil, I can see them prioritizing getting teammate Tani two votes over getting an elim elected. So it's on my radar. 

I still suspect Mat for the RNG idea post. 

Elandera was hesitant to cast an election vote, which seems like an elim holding it in reserve for a good opportunity to elect a teammate. In addition, this line "I'm a bit suspicious of Szeth for that severe and quick trust in Striker, who is usually suspected by everyone D1, so I'm less likely to vote for either of them," didn't hold water for me. 

To test my theory, I'd like to try electing Szeth, who Elandera suspects. 

Szeth Lotus

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55 minutes ago, Illwei said:

anyone wanna tag me with a summary of what has happened or am i going to have to read it tbh

Wyrm happened. I'm still dealing with the fallout :( 

Edited by Kasimir
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1 hour ago, Archer said:

I still suspect Mat for the RNG idea post.

Why? I was just bouncing ideas around, and it was mostly a joke anyway, thrown out there before I actually thought about how it made no sense.

58 minutes ago, Illwei said:

anyone wanna tag me with a summary of what has happened or am i going to have to read it tbh

Just read it :P.

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So, coolio, TJ got elected. And so did Tani. I'd be fine with either of Tani or Elandera as the next WL. It just depends on if we want to keep doing Tani for a bit, or if we want to diversify who gets the WL thing throughout the game. I think I'd prefer spreading it out a bit, just so it's not always the same person over and over again (both so it's not boring and so it doesn't feel like one person is hogging it for the whole game). In that case, I'll vote for Elandera, though I'm willing to be persuaded to Tani.

As for the election, I think I'll go for Mat. Despite our disagreements on stuff, he really did feel like he was coming from a villager-y headspace when he was going back and forth with me. And I appreciate that. Obviously I can't vote on myself, and Szeth has just felt really combative to me so far, which read more like an elim to me, personally.

Also here's the VCs because I like making vote counts :)


Worker Leader:

Elandera (2): Matrim's Dice, Striker
Tani (1): Elandera
Fifth (1): Archer

Inner Circle:

Matrim's Dice (2): Elandera, Striker
Szeth_Pancakes (1): Archer
Striker (1): Matrim's Dice

EDIT: Put the VCs in a quote box because it looks nice :P 

Edited by StrikerEZ
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The Hawaii situation has been resolved, and I should be able to remain active in this game throughout my vacation. 
Campaign speech #2 (which will continue until I get voted as representative.) [please note that all of my comments are made in good fun and to parody politician stereotypes, and do not reflect my actual political opinions. Also sorry if this one isn't quite up to par with my last one, I haven't slept properly in 24 hours, but I wanted to get this out before I head to bed]
My fellow workers! It is good to see you again. I see that I wasn't quite trusted very much, so I decided to spend more of my money in order to campaign more and improve my public image! 
A situation has come to my attention that I would like to discuss. It sounds like the nobles in charge of the factory heard about our desire to have better wages. And you know what they said? They said, absolutely not. Rust them, and their greedy fingers. Now, that in and of itself isn't a huge issue. But what is, is the fact that apparently, they are considering hiring some individuals from out of the city to work here, to replace us if we seriously pursue this. 
Where do I even begin with this? You know, as I mentioned last time, that I've been working here a long time. Of course, I've lived in this city for a long time too, my parents were raised here, and I've been raising my kids here. Most of you who I know personally either live here in the city or nearby. We're a community, and this factory is a part of that. 
So what in Harmony's name are the nobles thinking that they can just grab some underpaid workers from Elendel, and bump out all their local workers? That's plain wrong. They're a part of this community, this city. They provide important livelihood and jobs for the people and economy here. Outsourcing both undermines their connection with the city the factory was built in and makes the community lose trust in them. I see this as both being bad for them and bad for us. In the short term, they may be able to save on production costs, but have they thought at all about the support the community gives to all the workers and various workplaces throughtou the city? No, they haven't. While generally the stuff we make in the factory tends to go to Elendel, it can't go there if our city just decides to stop giving the factory a permit. Which very much could happen if all the workers here suddenly lose their jobs just for daring to request to be treated like people, and not machines. I'll say this now, and I'll say it again: we cannot take this lying down! We MUST summon our courage and stand up against them and their decision. Not through violence, but through clear facts and bold action. If that means threatening factory shut down, we have to be willing to do it! And most of all, I will never let any outside workers take any jobs here. This I promise you each. 

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8 hours ago, Illwei said:

tbh lotus voting me reeks of a pocketing attempt tbh

I did notice how she left her pokes on

Edit: @StrikerEZ, Just noticed, I'm actually voting Elan for the Inner Circle and you for WL right now :P Not the other way around.

Edited by Matrim's Dice
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I think I love this game and you should run it again but as a LG and with any needed/wanted changes.

Archer: run it again... with you as an elim? :P. (Does Tani like being evil, do we have records on this. Check their stats wiki)

Actually, I hate being evil in Avalon. And Mafia. And just in general.

I was hoping more Avalon-ish. (that's what I meant by the thing about changes.)

Wait, I was in charge of making a stats wiki? (oops.) Or does someone else do that?

The time I was evil in the two-team game, I pocketed Quinn and felt terrible about it. Also, I tried to have her not killed in the NK. And failed. And felt terrible about that too.

Edited by Tani
Formatting is being weird.
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2 hours ago, Matrim's Dice said:

Edit: @StrikerEZ, Just noticed, I'm actually voting Elan for the Inner Circle and you for WL right now :P Not the other way around.


Updated VCs now:


Worker Leader:

Tani (1): Elandera
Fifth (1): Archer
Striker (1): Matrim's Dice
Elandera (1): Striker

Inner Circle:

Matrim's Dice (2): Elandera, Striker
Szeth_Pancakes (1): Archer
Elandera (1): Matrim's Dice

So, I think I'm fine with where everything is right now.

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Hi all,

You have a little under 24 hours before rollover. Get those orders and votes in!

Current votecount:


Inner Circle Votes:

Mat (2): Striker, Elan
Elan (1): Mat
Szeth (1): Archer

Worker Leader Votes:

Elan (1): Striker
Fifth (1): Archer
Striker (1): Mat
Tani (1): Elan

Edit: Ninjaed by Striker :P 

21 hours ago, Archer said:

We vote again every round for WL, right?

Yes, you do.

Edited by Kasimir
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12 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I'm just better. :P

Shh, I have a co-GM and I feel like you just gave him an opening >>

Also, reminder to all players: first, don't forget about your election statement! Send those in earlier, if you can. And as long as you have made one post, you are eligible to submit other write-up content, like ads, op-eds, and so on :P These should also be sent in before rollover. 

Edited by Kasimir
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57 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Shh, I have a co-GM and I feel like you just gave him an opening >>

Also, reminder to all players: first, don't forget about your election statement! Send those in earlier, if you can. And as long as you have made one post, you are eligible to submit other write-up content, like ads, op-eds, and so on :P These should also be sent in before rollover. 

Wait, am I understanding correctly that I can get further outreach than I'm already getting? Sign me up. I must reach the voters!

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1 minute ago, Steeldancer said:

Wait, am I understanding correctly that I can get further outreach than I'm already getting? Sign me up. I must reach the voters!

Absolutely :P

You already qualify as you've made one post this cycle. Election statement is in the event you get elected; otherwise, an advertisement, op-ed, stuff for the classifieds section, that's fair game though I retain the right to refuse anything too game relevant (e.g. Tineye/Watchman/Informant trying to use this to signal.) Just drop it in your GM PM.

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I feel like the more inactive I am, the more people are suspicious of me :P

I feel like Striker, Elandera, and Mat are only voting within themselves, with one notable exception. I’m still very suspicious of Striker based on his actions D1, and I just feel like my suspicions are getting stronger.

13 hours ago, StrikerEZ said:

So, coolio, TJ got elected. And so did Tani. I'd be fine with either of Tani or Elandera as the next WL. It just depends on if we want to keep doing Tani for a bit, or if we want to diversify who gets the WL thing throughout the game. I think I'd prefer spreading it out a bit, just so it's not always the same person over and over again (both so it's not boring and so it doesn't feel like one person is hogging it for the whole game). In that case, I'll vote for Elandera, though I'm willing to be persuaded to Tani.

As for the election, I think I'll go for Mat. Despite our disagreements on stuff, he really did feel like he was coming from a villager-y headspace when he was going back and forth with me. And I appreciate that. Obviously I can't vote on myself, and Szeth has just felt really combative to me so far, which read more like an elim to me, personally.

Also here's the VCs because I like making vote counts :)

EDIT: Put the VCs in a quote box because it looks nice :P 

This post especially reads very strangely to me. The statement about not wanting to have one Worker Leader the entire game feels like it goes against the village wincon. Can you (Striker) tell me a reason why having multiple different WL’s during the game is actually helpful? And “Oh, I just don’t want to feel like one person is hogging it” doesn’t count. Plus, I don’t see the reasoning for voting Elandera. Is it just because they support your suspicions of me? The bottom paragraph is ok, but I could see a Mat/Striker e/e situation here.


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I think I currently read Szeth_Pancakes village. I can't point you to exactly what makes me think that because I don't remember all the bits or where they are.

@Kasimir does the WL get a doublevote on both IC and WL, or just IC?

Additionally, please don't expect me to have strong reads this early on.

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3 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

This post especially reads very strangely to me. The statement about not wanting to have one Worker Leader the entire game feels like it goes against the village wincon. Can you (Striker) tell me a reason why having multiple different WL’s during the game is actually helpful? And “Oh, I just don’t want to feel like one person is hogging it” doesn’t count.

I don't understand why me not wanting to have one person hog the WL power the whole game isn't a valid reason to want to vote for different people. I'm not a fan of mayoring or anything that resembles it, and having on person be the WL the whole game screams mayoring to me. Plus, it could be that Tani is actually an elim, even if I don't think it's likely, and they act villager-y for now, then at the last minute vote to get a final elim in when we've been expecting to have a +2 to the village nominee. Plus, getting more people into the WL position gets more people voting, because they have to decide who they trust enough to nominate rather than just going with the village consensus and voting for Tani. Plus, the more people we get as WL throughout the game, the more chances we have to catch someone slipping up and doing something that only makes sense for an elim to do.

6 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I feel like Striker, Elandera, and Mat are only voting within themselves, with one notable exception. I’m still very suspicious of Striker based on his actions D1, and I just feel like my suspicions are getting stronger.

I mean, I'm voting on Elandera and Mat because they're people I think are villagers and other people have already voted on them (both in this turn and in the past). And can you say exactly what I did that made you suspicious of me?

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Szeth_Pancakes, I've thought about it a bit and am not sure if I trust you enough to ICe you. The thing about having a constant WL is kinda a bit suspicious, especially since (in everyone else' perspective) I could be Elim or Villager and you don't know for sure which I am.

Another reason to not have the same WL is because if the WL is always the same, the Elims only have to get their pick to second place (which is easy if only two people are voted on) and extort the main WL, making it so the main WL can't accept the WLship. These two bits might have to take place on different cycles, I don't remember exactly.

How long til turnover?

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35 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

I don't understand why me not wanting to have one person hog the WL power the whole game isn't a valid reason to want to vote for different people. I'm not a fan of mayoring or anything that resembles it, and having on person be the WL the whole game screams mayoring to me. Plus, it could be that Tani is actually an elim, even if I don't think it's likely, and they act villager-y for now, then at the last minute vote to get a final elim in when we've been expecting to have a +2 to the village nominee. Plus, getting more people into the WL position gets more people voting, because they have to decide who they trust enough to nominate rather than just going with the village consensus and voting for Tani. Plus, the more people we get as WL throughout the game, the more chances we have to catch someone slipping up and doing something that only makes sense for an elim to do.

I mean, I'm voting on Elandera and Mat because they're people I think are villagers and other people have already voted on them (both in this turn and in the past). And can you say exactly what I did that made you suspicious of me?

I dunno. I think maybe I’m just trying to look for hard evidence to support my gut elim read on you. As many of ye who have played with me before know, I tend to post first, and think second. Also, why Elandera? Is it just because they share your suspicions of me?

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7 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

I dunno. I think maybe I’m just trying to look for hard evidence to support my gut elim read on you. As many of ye who have played with me before know, I tend to post first, and think second.

That's fair. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised you have a gut elim read on me. That always happens to me, no matter what alignment I am. I'd be more surprised if you didn't suspect me tbh :P

8 minutes ago, Szeth_Pancakes said:

Also, why Elandera? Is it just because they share your suspicions of me?

Partially that, but mostly because they're like my only other option (as in, someone that people have already voted on) that isn't Fifth, who's giving me weird vibes I can't shake.

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31 minutes ago, Tani said:

These two bits might have to take place on different cycles, I don't remember exactly.

Here's the illustration of how Extortion works:

No one is Worker Leader during Cycle One because the game does not start with a Worker Leader. Ren is elected Worker Leader by a majority of four votes in Cycle One. Wyrm, one of the Elims, sends in an order to Extort Kas. This means that Kas cannot be voted Worker Leader in Cycle Two.

In Cycle Two, Ren is Worker Leader and has a double vote where the Inner Circle is concerned. Meanwhile, voting for the Worker Leader continues. Now, Kas should - by right - become Worker Leader due to having three votes. However, because of the Extortion (thanks Wyrm!), the Worker Leader position will pass to the player with the next highest number of votes: Wyrm, with two votes.

In Cycle Three, Wyrm is thus Worker Leader.

36 minutes ago, Tani said:

How long til turnover?

A little over twenty hours.

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16 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

That's fair. I guess I shouldn't be too surprised you have a gut elim read on me. That always happens to me, no matter what alignment I am. I'd be more surprised if you didn't suspect me tbh :P

I feel you :P

16 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Partially that, but mostly because they're like my only other option (as in, someone that people have already voted on) that isn't Fifth, who's giving me weird vibes I can't shake.

Ok… in that situation, I’d probably try to start a train, but your reasoning does seem village-y, or at least not elim-y.

On another note, I am not reading Mat village anymore. I did tell him before this game started about his tendency towards abrasiveness when he is an elim. My best guess for an elim team right now would be Striker/Elandera/Mat/+2 - with the +2 possibly including Archer.

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