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Protagonists more powerful than Rand

Mason Wheeler

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The question came up in today's livestream about fantasy protagonists more powerful than Rand al'Thor.  Brandon mentioned that he couldn't think of any at the moment.  A few ideas were put forth, and others shared in the chat that never got read out loud on the stream, but none he could really unequivocally agree on.

The rule is, viewpoint main protagonists only, no side characters, gods, etc. Can anyone think of a good example?

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I'll start it off.  For me, the obvious choice is Pug, from Raymond E. Feist's Riftwar books.  The Riftwar saga was quite long, comprising multiple series in an epic overarching narrative that spanned multiple generations.  Pug was one of the main characters in the first book, a kitchen boy who was discovered to have some talent in magic and ended up apprenticing with the local wizard.  Through a series of plot events, various things happen to him and over time he becomes one of the most powerful wizards ever known.  The books change viewpoint characters as time progresses on Midkemia and the other worlds of Riftwar, but Pug remains more or less in focus throughout.

At one point he


destroyed an entire world, to keep it from being infested by a terrible evil which would have then moved on to consume other worlds, by creating a rift large enough to drop its moon on it, shattering the planet.

And that seems to objectively be a feat of magical power far beyond anything we've ever seen Rand, or any other Channeler, be capable of.

(Warning: the above is marked as a spoiler for a reason! If you haven't read the Riftwar books, go read them!)

Edited by Mason Wheeler
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Ooh hard question, Rand is powerful

 This might be true:

In the Nichols Flamel series The Alchemist the main character (josh) at one point actually creates an entire world and travels through time and has an enormously large power set

Which can debatably more powerful than Rand


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Name a popular omic book character,

congratulations you jus found one, at some point or another the had more power than Rand.

Now from books?

If you consider Melkor's section of the Silmarillion as him being the protagonist then he counts.

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22 hours ago, Frustration said:

Name a popular omic book character,

congratulations you jus found one, at some point or another the had more power than Rand.

I would disagree

Superman can be killed by Balefire

Flash can be killed by Balefire

Batman can be killed by Balefire

Wonderwomen can be killed by Balefire 

Rand on a power level I think holds more than any of these also


since he’s actually is able to alter reality itself

And he can use Balefire 

I haven’t actually read any of these comics so maybe Superman absorbs the sun or something 

But that’s enough of derailing 

I wonder if 


Sazed would count


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1 minute ago, Bejardin1250 said:

I would disagree

Superman can be killed by Balefire

Flash can be killed by Balefire

Batman can be killed by Balefire

Wonderwomen can be killed by Balefire 

Rand on a power level I think holds more than any of these also

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since he’s actually is able to alter reality itself

And he can use Balefire 

I haven’t actually read any of these comics so maybe Superman absorbs the sun or something 

But that’s enough of derailing 

I wonder if 

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Sazed would count


Superman Prime one million would put the smack down on Rand before he could even begin to weave.

Flash has on a number of occasions run faster than time itself, and ended up going backwards in time.

Batman who laughs is on a multiverse level of power, and if you don't count that, he once had possesion of the Mobius chair.

Wonderwoman's blacelets have yet to be cannonically destroyed(all times it's happened being retcone) So they likely would resist Balefire similar to ceullandar(I tink I spelled that right.)

Trust me with how long comic books have been going at one point or another just about every protagonist as had the power to destroy entire realities at one point or another. 

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24 minutes ago, Frustration said:

Superman Prime


24 minutes ago, Frustration said:

possesion of the Mobius chair.



24 minutes ago, Frustration said:


Wonderwoman's blacelets have yet to be cannonically destroyed

I have no clue what any of these are so I’ll trust you:lol:

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  • 4 weeks later...

Balefire will kill all. That makes him the strongest. Rand can Deathgate and Fire Blossom as well. Superman Prime can still be burned out by Balefire (I think) and Rand can just open a gateway in front of any attack and have it come out behind Superman. Batman who Laughs might beat him, but Rand does have a chance. Just Gateway Wonder Woman into Balefire or Fire Blossom her. It'd be tough, but use Balefire shot through gateways to hit Flash or just keep on trapping him with cuendillar. (He can make that, right?) If not, Gateway. Honestly, he would have a much better chance if Androl was helping him. 

Melkor counts as a god. Creating and destroying worlds is nice, but Rand can just straight burn them all out, and he can warp reality. Melkor can be killed by Balefire. Josh can be killed by Balefire. Pug can be killed by Balefire, and Rand can use Gateways which I think is similar to that rift you were talking about. If Androl got better at gateways he could, in theory, do what Pug did. Also, Sazed would not count. Anyways, I think that if they were in a fight, most epics with prime invincibilities might be able to fight him.


Larcener, Steelheart, et cetera. However, Firefight would be burned out by the Balefire so she wouldn't be able to revive.


Edited by Flaming Coinshoot
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  • 2 years later...


I found this randomly when looking up character vs character things online.

I have arrived for a swift necro.

On 7/7/2021 at 8:03 AM, Nuatoma said:

Harry Potter would beat Rand.  He beat the darkest and most powerful wizard of all time despite being Harry Potter!  Doesn't matter that he's not as powerful as Rand.  He's Harry Storming Potter!

Harry Potter is fun and all, but Rand would just have him gone instantly.

Even Percy Jackson would have a better shot at Rand.


Now, for the actual purpose of this thread...

From what I recall of Rand, I do think there is a character that could beat Rand. 

Tom Bombadil.

Need I say more?

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On 11/10/2023 at 10:09 AM, The Last Fæ said:

Actual Answer: Adonalsium, Prove me wrong. If we are going to be sticklers for the Protagonist Rule: I don't know who.

.... Sazed probably, he has a viewpoint.

Oh and a Nephalem from diablo. They've killed enough gods to do what they want. 

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On 11/11/2023 at 3:27 PM, Argenti said:

.... Sazed probably, he has a viewpoint.


The reason I didn't say Sazed was the morality of fighting Rand & I wasn't certain if the expenditure of resources would put Ruin over Preservation, or vice versa, and because of that Sazed might refuse the fight, now ignoring those restrictions Sazed would most likely win.

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  • 2 months later...

Giorno Giovanna, from Jojo. Specifically at the end of Jojo Part 5, with Gold Experience Requiem


Giorno gains the ability to essentially negate anything and everything that happens to him. Taken from the wiki, he can "revert all actions and willpower back to the state of zero, completely nullifying them and preventing them from becoming real". So anything Rand throws at him, Giorno can simply negate it.

Johnny Joestar from the end of Jojo Part 7 could also theoretically beat Rand, but only if he strikes first and if his conditions are met, which isn't too likely. 


If Johnny manages to meet his condition AND strike Rand first, then Rand will be stuck in a state of infinite rotation until they die. The way it's described on the wiki, it will even keep going across multiple universes, so it's likely that is Johnny were to strike Rand with Tusk Act 4, then the Dragon would just forever be stuck in a state of rotation even in his reincarnations.  

Mat might be able to beat Rand with his luck, it's not impossible. With Mat's luck, you can justify genuinely anything. Depending on how the ending of One Piece goes, Luffy might also be able to beat Rand. 

Edit: Also any relatively powerful female protagonist, because Rand just. Won't fight them. Medaka from Medaka Box, while I haven't read that series, comes to mind first. She, like Rand, also has superpowers that is basically just "she is the protagonist", except the difference is she is a woman so Rand will be very reluctant to fight her. 

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sora, (ft. donald & goofy.) at lowest, he's universal/multiversal depending on translation. with his friends, (who are literally (one of) his powers(s)), he overpowered the X-blade, which was forged from the clash of 2 higher beings, and defeated the person wielding it. he has the power of waking, which restored his (and his friends') existence. to say that kh fans underplay him would be the understatement of the year. (he also learns Holy in chain of memories, but 1, gameplay only, 2, haha reset go brrrrr)

donald knows Flare, which by itself is a powerful spell, but he also uses Zettaflare, something that has only been otherwise used twice, by deity-level entities.

goofy is... smart i guess??? he's kinda just here to buff sora & be a meat-shield.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...

Plot armor is the key. Rand is a ta'veren, which means, quite literally, "person with plot armor" (I know it's described as "people around whom the Wheel of Time specifically weaves the Pattern with all surrounding life-threads", but the Wheel of Time is the author and the surrounding weaves are plot armor. Ta'veren is "person with plot armor")

Does that make his plot armor stronger than Superman Prime One million's plot armor? Considering Superman Prime One Million's goal is to resurrect his girlfriend, I'm not sure his plot armor is all that strong. Power levels mean nothing in the face of plot armor.

That's all the time I have, but the discussion moving forward should center around plot armor, not power levels.

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2 hours ago, Leuthie said:

Plot armor is the key. Rand is a ta'veren, which means, quite literally, "person with plot armor" (I know it's described as "people around whom the Wheel of Time specifically weaves the Pattern with all surrounding life-threads", but the Wheel of Time is the author and the surrounding weaves are plot armor. Ta'veren is "person with plot armor")

Does that make his plot armor stronger than Superman Prime One million's plot armor? Considering Superman Prime One Million's goal is to resurrect his girlfriend, I'm not sure his plot armor is all that strong. Power levels mean nothing in the face of plot armor.

That's all the time I have, but the discussion moving forward should center around plot armor, not power levels.

He does have plot armor, but that doesnt make him untouchable. Rand is still at risk of death if he gets careless. Ta'veren are not immortal, and they can most likely die before the plan for them is carried out. Otherwise Rand wouldn't be at any risk until the Last Battle.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Keras Selyrian. His magic (which stems from his sword) literally annihilates anything it hits. When he hits something it’s simply… gone, no dust, no blood, nothing. I don’t think he’s a god? (It hasn’t been revealed yet)

Explanation of the series he’s from, plus suggested reading/listening order


(He’s the main character of the series Weapons and Wielders by Andrew Rowe. I would recommend reading Arcane Ascension 1 and 2 first, then Weapons and Wielders 1 and 2, then Arcane Ascension 3, then WW 3, rounding off the currently released books [as of April 19, 2024 for anyone reading this in the distant future] with Arcane Ascension 4. If you wind up wanting to read War of Broken Mirrors, then read that last, after both Arcane Ascension and Weapons & Wielders. Trust me, it’ll help you understand a lot.)


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I say this half jokingly and half seriously; Ender Wiggin. If he had enough time to prepare, he's the smartest military genius I've ever seen. He could most likely figure out some way. Especially if he has access to all of Earth's and the Buggers' resources.


besides. He could just drop a little doctor and it's all over.

But if you just put them in a room together, yeah, there's no contest.

Maybe Loki from Marvel's Loki could do it?


He has infinite chances as long as he time slips before balefire weaves.


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  • 4 weeks later...
On 2/11/2024 at 5:27 PM, aneonfoxtribute said:

Giorno Giovanna, from Jojo. Specifically at the end of Jojo Part 5, with Gold Experience Requiem

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Giorno gains the ability to essentially negate anything and everything that happens to him. Taken from the wiki, he can "revert all actions and willpower back to the state of zero, completely nullifying them and preventing them from becoming real". So anything Rand throws at him, Giorno can simply negate it.

Johnny Joestar from the end of Jojo Part 7 could also theoretically beat Rand, but only if he strikes first and if his conditions are met, which isn't too likely. 

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If Johnny manages to meet his condition AND strike Rand first, then Rand will be stuck in a state of infinite rotation until they die. The way it's described on the wiki, it will even keep going across multiple universes, so it's likely that is Johnny were to strike Rand with Tusk Act 4, then the Dragon would just forever be stuck in a state of rotation even in his reincarnations.  

Mat might be able to beat Rand with his luck, it's not impossible. With Mat's luck, you can justify genuinely anything. Depending on how the ending of One Piece goes, Luffy might also be able to beat Rand. 

Edit: Also any relatively powerful female protagonist, because Rand just. Won't fight them. Medaka from Medaka Box, while I haven't read that series, comes to mind first. She, like Rand, also has superpowers that is basically just "she is the protagonist", except the difference is she is a woman so Rand will be very reluctant to fight her. 

Mat’s luck is canonically subservient to Rand. In Shadow Rising Mat had tossed that coin and Rand made it go his way, as one example.

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