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Everything posted by UltimateArchivist

  1. Whichever rules you desire. Skyrim/Elder Scrolls works fine; you would be a Phonomancer, like me!
  2. I like Szeth because he is insane. In other words, we have some startling similarities.
  3. Welcome to our haven of scholarship. 'Twere you a Mage, what would be your chosen Element?
  4. It is good to meet you! Were you a Mage, which Element would you choose?
  5. It is good to have you on the Shard! Were you a Wizard, what would be your chosen Element?
  6. Very interesting. However, I do not believe that this new information proves my Shard Chart wrong. The reason for this is because it cannot be wrong; neither can it be right. It is not meant to be; it is merely speculation. If we were simply ascertaining which attributes would form from a perfect combination of the two branched Shards, attributes similar to what I have put forth would arise. However, when one is considering the Intent of the Shard, the history of the Shard, the location, the Vessel's circumstances, and thousands of other small contributors like these, of course my Chart will show holes. I am not Brandon. However, stretching something like this shows its strength too. I applaud you for questioning knowledge. And those of you with an open mind who takes this for what it is has hopefully gleaned a small bit of perspective as to my thoughts when I created this. Know that my revisions will be far more secure in the future. The Ultimate Archivist
  7. I'm not entirely sure that Vessels can adjust the Intents of an entire Shard like that. In the past, all we've seen is the Vessel becoming adjusted to the Shard's Intent. It is a good thought, but I believe that seeing as it has never yet happened in-world, it cannot be confirmed. If someone does not match a Shard's Intent, they typically cannot control it very well. (For instance, Kelsier controlling Preservation.) Thank you for your input! It is vastly appreciated. That... is odd. I also found that I put Discretion in two seperate places. It is clear that though I thought the Chart was ready for publishing, there are still many more problems that need addressing. Thank you for bringing this to my attention! The Ultimate Archivist
  8. Thank you very much! it is very appreciated. Oh this a very good addition. It makes sense to specify a little more than loathing, a more... Cultivated Hatred. Clever!
  9. I cannot stress enough that this is not an exact science. This is me having fun and speculating. It does not have to be true; it was a recreational study that is completely hypothetical.
  10. Yes, and I do remember that when I originally started, I didn't feel like they would merge like that either. I thought Honor and Odium would make something similar to justice, and Honor and Cultivation something more like Progression, but outside influences and the phrasing in the stories led me to believe I should change the name. This is all make believe, folks. Just for fun.
  11. Very true. After all, this is very hypothetical. It's hard to take into account the fact that, like Harmonium, these are not a direct mixture of the constituent elements, but those two and something else; and Intent, a Connection, something odd we just have not yet identified. That's why it takes the Harmonium-Trellium Reduction Reaction to form Lerasium and Atium out of Harmonium. Now you see why I left them blank.
  12. Here we are, in RoW. I don't know what page it is, but it is the moment when Navani is bonding the Sibling, the moment when she and the Sibling find common purpose in protecting the Knights Radiant. Honor's song welled up in her, and she sang it. The pillar began to vibrate as the Sibling sang Cultivation's song. The pure sound of Lifelight. The sound began to shift, and Navani modulated her tone, inching it closer and closer to... The two snapped into harmony. The boundless energy of Cultivation, always growing and changing, and the calm solidity of Honor - organized, structured. The vibrated together. Structure and nature. Knowledge and wonder. Mixing. The song of science itself. "That is it!" the Sibling whispered to the Rhythm of the Tower. "My song". Of this, I am fairly certain, and I am sure others can attest, but please, if I am wrong, do not let me continue in ignorance! I abhor being wrong, and would welcome correction.
  13. If there are any you don't agree with, feel free to propose ideas of your own! Yes, it was very hard to make at times; some Shard combos really stretch your creativity.
  14. "Noble" fits me fine, I just can't wait until I get to "Keeper" or "Inquisitor". P.S. @Lord Spirit, I'm a Lurcher too! I don't know when I've last seen one; Coinshots are seemingly far more popular.
  15. I'm almost certain this idea has been done before, but I couldn't find anything posted here. Please note that this is a rough chart and not in any way definitive; it is a personal interpretation of how I think Shard Combination would work. All shards within a white box are a combo I see as being plausible. All Shards within a black box are double combos: doesn't count Grey boxes indicate Shards that would have extreme difficulty mixing. Pink boxes indicate Shard combos we know are canon. Green boxes indicate Shard combos that are possibly canon or could become canon. Blue boxes are not real Shards. They are my guess as to the sixteenth Shard and its respective combinations. I am aware that there may be inconsistencies with my logic. This is highly opinionated. However, I thought it would be beneficial to share it. If you have any questions, ask! If you have corrections, also ask! I am here to serve.
  16. Shardcast is still waiting for the Ultra Legendary Leatherbound Dragonsteel Exclusive Secret Version Anniversary Edition with Metal Cover Inlay and Original Illustrations to come out.
  17. Most people don't like characters because of how they act. I don't like characters because of why they act. And so, Lanfear is my least favorite.
  18. We learn that as far as Ta'veren go, Rand is the one. Artur Hawkwing was an enormously powerful Ta'veren, but it states in the books that Rand is stronger. Afterwards, Rand demonstrates that inexplicable ability to light his pipe with a mere thought. I'm sure that this topic has been bled dry BUT i'm opening it back up anyway! I propose that Rand has become so strongly Ta'veren that he can simply will the threads of the Pattern to flow in a way he pleases. I believe he as gained this power by being offered infinite power but rejecting it (When he destroyed the Choeden Khal) being offered the oblivion of nonexistence (Suicide) but choosing life, and by deciding to progress and try again. Then, once the Creator saw that he would never abuse infinite power, he just got it anyway. A little job perk for saving the WHOLE STORMING PATTERN. Anyway, does anyone have any thoughts about this topic? Why do YOU think it happened? Do you think Rand can just control the Pattern now? Let's discuss! Delightfully perplexed, the Ultimate Archivist.
  19. I say this half jokingly and half seriously; Ender Wiggin. If he had enough time to prepare, he's the smartest military genius I've ever seen. He could most likely figure out some way. Especially if he has access to all of Earth's and the Buggers' resources. But if you just put them in a room together, yeah, there's no contest. Maybe Loki from Marvel's Loki could do it?
  20. The Lord Ruler was once a beloved cartoon ogre, which explains his super strength before the Ascension. However, he used hemalurgy to change to a human when he Ascended, then formed Feruchemy and Allomancy to throw off the trail.
  21. Oh, yes. I continue to forget that the Cosmere and the real world differ in vital ways. I keep trying to apply real world principles to a similar, though fundamentally different, sphere. You will have to forgive me; I will cull down those errors.
  22. I provide a second opinion. As a current chemistry student, an Oxidation-Reduction reaction is indeed a chemical change, redirecting the formal charge of the constituent particles, affecting which bonds they can form in the future. Color is a property of chemistry; depending on the structure of the measured particles, different forms of light can be absorbed, reflected, and emitted. A chemical change would certainly effect the color of a material. Sorry, @Treamayne. It is my duty to support fact. With simultaneous approval and apologies, the Ultimate Archivist.
  23. Welcome to our haven of scholarship and knowledge. What is your preferred medium of information?
  24. A very happy day of birth to thee, most Honorable Administrator and Scholar!

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