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Long Game 74: You Want It Darker


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6 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

weirdly bandwagon-y this cycle, though, and doing less raw analysis (not like I'm any better though)

I blame this on the fact that the QF, which I'm in, started right as C1 ended. So I'm now juggling two games instead of one (as are a bunch of the other players in this game : P)

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Just now, The Young Pyromancer said:

Is it just me, or is TJ weird this game?

I don't think it's just you... me and Gears were commenting earlier that his thing about Gears being sus for assuming me and Illwei village and defending us was odd. 

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Okay, first off, @TJ Shade just want to say that, just because something like the Ventyl situation happened in LG67 doesn’t mean that everyone here would know that or prevent it or even want to prevent it. I was there and I don’t even know what you’re talking about. :P

Second, here’s a vote count:

Striker(4): Matrim's Dice, The Windrunner Supreme, Maill, Quinn, 

Ashbringer(5): Young Bard, Stick, Striker, Araris, Fifth

Illwei(1): Tani, 

Araris(2): Illwei, Experience

Gears(1): TJ

TUO(1): Ash


6 minutes ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Huh. Switching from a returning player to a new one is a curious pivot, and I'm actually going to defend Tani; if anything, I get the feeling just as many elim teams would tell a newer member not to play up their newness because it attracts suspicion, and their actions have been consistent with a new player figuring things out and trying not to die or get killed. I don't trust Tani, but wouldn't say that any of the points raised against them have been AI either. Again, I'm very curious what Striker thinks about the practices of most eliminator teams, or whether he's just making these sweeping assertions with the idea of finding easy targets.

The swing onto Ash was weird both in who did it and how quickly it happened; if for no other reason than that, I'm happy voting Striker to keep Ash alive, who's another of my village reads from last cycle, as well as for the reasons above from his posts (inciting wagons for weird reasons based off assumptions about elim teams he's constructed in his head). When I get the time I will probably take a look at the votes from this cycle but I need to get dinner so I'll leave a reads list here and be done with it. :P 

I just want to say: even I don’t remember why I voted on Stick. Looking back on her (at least in my memory; don’t really have much time to reread anything), she’s been giving me generally null to village vibes, because she seems to legit be trying to solve the game. I think that one post about the Coinshot from her just threw me off.

As for my thoughts of the elim team: yes, I’m making assumptions. But I’d rather having something to go off than nothing. And if I’m wrong because my suspects are villagers or because we start getting kills that don’t fit the profile I’m thinking of, I’d adjust my assumptions. 

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Just now, StrikerEZ said:

Second, here’s a vote count:

You missed Bard's vote. It's currently

Striker (5): Matrim, Windrunner, Maill, Quinn, Bard
Ash (3): Stick, Striker, Araris
Tani (1): Illwei
Illwei (1): Tani
Gears (1): TJ
Araris (1): XP
TUO (1): Ash

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13 minutes ago, Quintessential said:

oops lol sorry Illwei's vote should be on Araris :P keeping track of votes in two games at once is harrdddd

The next person to try and use this "second game" excuse is gonna get it don't try me :P.


4 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

Stuff from last night. Went back and read them again, to see if it was a one time thing, but no Gears feels off here - as I said it appears like he's defending Illwei, Quinn and Striker, to an extent, to appear very villagery. Gears.



Edited by Illwei
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I don't know what's going on with the vote counts but it should be this.
Striker(5): Matrim's Dice, The Windrunner Supreme, Maill, Quinn, Fifth
Ashbringer(4): Young Bard, Stick, Striker, Araris
Illwei(2): Tani, Quinn
Araris(2): Illwei, Experience
Gears(1): TJ
Order(1): Ash

6 hours ago, _Stick_ said:

Here they explain that it's essentially just a random vote, and that they would prevent a tie if it comes down to it (which it did, and they followed through on this, changing their vote to Books). I'm curious though, why didn't you vote for TJ, who (as far as I could tell) was the only player you expressed actual suspicion on in the post?

I get why Ash wouldn't vote TJ, as there wasn't any chance of TJ being exed. And voting for Reading over other people with similar vote patterns because again Reading was a viable exe. It was a bit closer than I remember and it looks like Ash already got to this but I don't think this is unreasonable. I will note Ash voting someone who doesn't have any votes this cycle. And then retracted it so that's a wash. Now is voting for another 0 voter, but doesn't look serious. I wouldn't count on Ash feeling the need to self pres at 4-3 ~15 hours before rollover. Overall not feeling very enthusiastic about an Ash vote.

Gears being evil shouldn't mean that Illwei, Quinn, and Striker are all village. I don't actually remember a lot of Gears elim games, but the TLR game I remember didn't have a lot of Gears defending villagers to my recollection.

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2 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

I don't know what's going on with the vote counts but it should be this.
Striker(5): Matrim's Dice, The Windrunner Supreme, Maill, Quinn, Fifth
Ashbringer(4): Young Bard, Stick, Striker, Araris
Illwei(2): Tani, Quinn
Araris(2): Illwei, Experience
Gears(1): TJ
Order(1): Ash

Er... you have me voting on both Illwei and Striker lol (I'm so glad I'm not the only one getting VCs wrong tho :P)

4 minutes ago, Devotary of Spontaneity said:

the TLR game I remember didn't have a lot of Gears defending villagers to my recollection.

The TLR game is probably not a good example, though, because Gears was a mechanically likely suspect from basically the start, so he had to be careful what he said. He was also elim in QF49 if you want to go back and read another elim game of his.

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The main names that stick out to me from D1 are Striker, Pyro, Illwei, and Reading. Pyro is the only one that I really find suspicious, basically for jumping on Striker and then questioning the Books train without really getting involved in the voting. Illwei just kind of confuses me. Reading and Striker are interesting as trains that never really went anywhere. I'd give a slight village read to people that voted on Reading later on, just because elims didn't need a counter-wagon at that point, with Books being village. I'm not actually sure that Striker did much AI stuff C1. Mostly things were just happening to him. So my gut says Pyro is most suspicious going out of D1.

5 hours ago, Ashbringer said:


Um. No, and just um. Striker sent me a PM and I got mild village vibes from it (not really the content, but the existence of the PM itself). People don't try to pocket me because I don't really talk enough in PMs for that to work. So it really makes more sense for village!Striker to initiate that conversation.

I also find it interesting that neither Striker nor Ashbringer seems to want to grinch the other. Seems like we should have a third option, and I'll go with my gut from D1 and vote The Young Pyromancer.


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4 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

I also find it interesting that neither Striker nor Ashbringer seems to want to grinch the other. Seems like we should have a third option, and I'll go with my gut from D1 and vote The Young Pyromancer.

Couldn't neither one wanting to vote the other suggest that they're both elim? I mean, I can see it as them being both village, too, but I don't think it's a reason to back off of either of them.

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1 minute ago, Quintessential said:

Couldn't neither one wanting to vote the other suggest that they're both elim? I mean, I can see it as them being both village, too, but I don't think it's a reason to back off of either of them.

or one could be elim and one village trying to pocket or something or get village creat it's all NAI without more context that I don't want to look for rn

Imma go cook some spinach

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Just now, Quintessential said:

Couldn't neither one wanting to vote the other suggest that they're both elim? I mean, I can see it as them being both village, too, but I don't think it's a reason to back off of either of them.

It could, but I have a village read on Striker.

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Okay, this version of the vote count should be completely accurate now:

Striker(5): Matrim's Dice, The Windrunner Supreme, Maill, Quinn, Fifth
Ashbringer(3): Young Bard, Stick, Striker, 
Illwei(1): Tani, 
Araris(2): Illwei, Experience
Gears(1): TJ
TUO(1): Ash
Pyro(1): Araris

So, I really don't have time to be on here (I still have two assignments I need to do, so after this I'm closing this tab and not coming back until I'm done), but I just want to say that I'm mostly indifferent towards Ash right now. I feel less strongly about the stuff Stick has pointed out than I did when she first pointed the stuff out. Plus, even if some of the PM stuff I sent him didn't pan out the way I thought it would, I still got a mostly village vibe from it. But, I would rather not die, and if not enough people are voting on other people, I'll be sticking to Ash. 

People I would be down to grinch: TJ, Maill, Pyro, Illwei, maybe Gears?
People I would absolutely not be down to grinch: Mat (even if we disagreed a lot, he feels village), bippy, Tani, Araris, and Elandera. 

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1 hour ago, Fifth Scholar said:

Maill (been getting weird vibes in PMs and the Illwei focus is just odd);

Wait, so I've been thinking about this, and I'm confused. Our PM hasn't been that detailed or long. I don't know what gave you weird vibes just from the handful of messages there. 

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The sun woke Sara up far earlier than she wished.

Peaking through curtains half-drawn, hitting her eyes at just the right angle. Bed too hard, clothes too tight. If she had to talk to one person today, it would be her death. 

A little dramatic there, you think? She hushed her thoughts. Creaking joints matched the creaking floors as she shuffled to change. Getting old at 27? She felt old, though she could imagine her uncle laughing at that thought now. "You're barely out of your childhood!" He would say.

What would today bring? Another death? A peak out the window showed a man already waiting for the tavern doors to open. It couldn't be later than noon. Maybe she'd take a drink or two tonight, just to get her through another long, late night of pretending like she knew how to talk to people. Traumatized people. 

What's happening to our town?


Oooooo... thoughts. Finally have some things to say.

1 hour ago, Araris Valerian said:

The main names that stick out to me from D1 are Striker, Pyro, Illwei, and Reading.

Striker and Illwei yes. I'm still uncertain where the suspicion on Reading came from. I may be stupid.

For the most part, though, I'm reading Illwei mild village. What's making me suspicious is her defending Striker, who I am suspicious of. Oh and also the random vote on Tani that I don't think ever got explained? Nevermind, scratch the mild village. No idea what to think about Illwei.

General lack of concrete info in PMs, and points easy to fake or defend from Striker. Also, he jumped right on voting for Tani after Illwei did, blaming it on emphasizing being new. Hello? I've done the same thing! I can say at least for myself it's not me being like "oh look at me, I don't know anything and am harmless," but actually not knowing how things work around here. I know of at least two people that can say I've asked them basic questions about game slang in PMs.

While, unlike Tani, I haven't played games like this before (unless you count the deck of cards version of Mafia I guess), but they could easily just be confused even after having played games elsewhere. Interesting that that point would be made specifically about Tani, and not me, when we're in virtually the same boat.

Anyway, old points. Nonetheless: Striker. Oof, this feels bad.

Subject to change based on new discussion! Finally got all my work done, so I'm hopefully here for the night. As of right now, though, this is my best vote. (Sorry <3)

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