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The next book title


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Kingdom of Wit, romcom where Jasnah and Hoid get married.

"I'd watch this world burn to get what I want, and that's some old fashioned heretic lovin' ".

Knife or Wife, romcom where Kaladin and Syl get married.

Knock on Wood, romcom where Lift and Wyndle, idk, go to prom? :::shrug::: they can't all be winners.

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I think (like many others do) that Knights of Wind is highly likely. Could be Knights of the Wind, if we want to have the ‘t’ in there. It wouldn’t be a perfect palindrome then, but lots of Rosharan names switch one letter around. 

Another option is that one of the letters might be replaced with an ‘H’, or maybe just an ‘H’ added in. that’s another thing they do to still maintain technical symmetry.
See: Shallan, Shalash, etc. 

Knights of Honor would fit well there. 

Edited by Ookla the Disproportionate
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On 11/29/2020 at 8:43 AM, Mistborn Surgebinder said:

A few of my faves:

Knight of Winds (in-world book about kaladin after he dies). King of Woe/King of Wrath. Keeper of Ways/Woe.

AH! He is not going to die! I'm sure of it!

I have already imagined him of worldhopping to different worlds with Syl, meeting and punching Kelsier and lecturing Bavadin for her devious deal with Odium. Besides WoB gave a huge clue that Kaladin could potentially become spare-faring in future. Besides, why would Wit move around him so much and give him a freaking Trailman' Flute twice! *Screaming Worldsinger*


12 hours ago, Solant said:

Kingdom of Wit, romcom where Jasnah and Hoid get married.

"I'd watch this world burn to get what I want, and that's some old fashioned heretic lovin' ".

Knife or Wife, romcom where Kaladin and Syl get married.

Knock on Wood, romcom where Lift and Wyndle, idk, go to prom? :::shrug::: they can't all be winners.

Kiss of Wit- next stage of Jasnah-Hoid relationship.

Knights of Waystone- Stormlight Archive/Kingkiller crossover. Kaladin swooping down to Kvothe to snap him out of his depression. 

Kiss of Windrunner- Kaladin finally gets his romance xD 

Edited by Ramona Tehradin
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Some K words I'm noodling with: Keeper Knowledge Key Kernel Knife

and W words: Weep Will Wisdom Wax Widow Worth Wrath Weapon Wedgie Weather Weapon


The book titles tend to be more metaphorical and flowery than literal (if you read WOK or WOR without knowing what the tiles were, I don't think you'd pick those titles out for those books).  I also think he'll avoid repeating any words already used, so no kings, way, words, war.  I think Kill is too active a word for the kind of in-world books they tend to feature.  Keeper of Winds, or Kernel of Wrath are possibles.  I find Keeper of Wisdom too cliched.  Though it's a bit meaningless, Knife of Will has the right kind of balance to it, I think.  Or for the jokey ones Knowledge of Wedgies for the worst of all possible Braizian punishments and Kaladin on Wayne for the worldhopper slashfic you never knew you wanted.

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Please keep the jokes coming because I dearly love to laugh. lol

On serious topics, what do we think about prepositions? If the "the" is not ignored, then we have:

TWOK-WOR-O-ROW- ...KOWT and not KOW. 

Or, maybe, all prepositions are ignored, and it's really WK-WR-O-RW-WK? and any prepositions can be included. 

So perhaps: 

"Keeper of the Words" (a book detailing the Shin's role in safeguarding the oaths of the Radiants)

"Knights of the Winds" (a history of the Knights Radiant kept in a Shin holy book)

"Killer on the Winds" (a history of the Assassin in White)

"Kingdom of Woe" is also good, but a bit grim dark I think lol

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I think it's gonna be a book on one of two things really:


1) a book on the Recreance, long lost


2) a Shin book about the transfer from Ashyn to Roshar or the like

Or maybe

3) about the Ghostbloods



1) would be something like

Knights of Woe

Knights of Waived Ties/Trust


2) would be

Knights Of Wandering 

Kin of a World Torn


3) Kindred of Worldly Truths?


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knife/knives of ____________ sounds like a real title to me. 

Keeper of Woe was another good one that sound pretty plausible to me. Its a little close to Bearer of Agonies though, which is already a title that gets used in the books. On a side note, Bearer of Agonies would make a sweet book title in the back 5.


Edited by Jon
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1 hour ago, Ookla The Frustrated said:

I thought it would be King of the World, but due to TOdium, that won't work.

Keeper of Wisdom's Truths is always a safe alternative

Maybe, in the vein of Oathbringer, it's Szeth's tell-all autobiography: Killing Odium: Whoops, Taravangian.

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There's been several threads on it. I'll just quote myself from a year-old thread.


Possible K words: Knight, Kingdom, Kaladin, Kale, King, Kangaroo, Ketchup, Kin, Kitty

Possible middle words: of (probably), or, on

Possible W words: Wit, Ways, Winds, Warlord, Watch, Wedding, Welfare, Whales (Spacewhales?), White

My possible combinations: King of Wit, Kale of Whales, Knight of White (?), Kingdom of Winds, Kangaroo on Watch, etc. 


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