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28 minutes ago, The_Truthwatcher said:

What should I read?

There’s some surprisingly good stuff in the Creator Corner section that people here have shared. II’ve been reading a few people’s stuff. I think original works tend to be better than fanfics because if your reading a fanfic, the entire time you’re just comparing it to the original, and the fanfic is bound to be at least significantly different from the original in terms of writing style. 

also. The Kingkiller Chronicles is the best series ever*, as long as you’re okay with waiting 12 years for the next book. 

*No, Brandon is still my favorite Author, but Kingkiller is my favorite series.

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10 hours ago, AonEne said:

Happy to help provide familiarity and rightness, then! :P Anything in specific you want to get off your chest, or shall I track down some conversation topics, shoot them through the heart, and freeze the meat for winter? 

Oh sorry I literally signed off right before you posted this but nah. There was nothing specific, mostly just the relatable questions (hence the mental exhaustion question). Buuut it’s morning now and I’ve slept, so I’m feeling good now. Thanks for asking though!

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13 hours ago, AonEne said:

Getting incrementally better. It’s very hard to beat one’s own brain in a fight. I wish I was being bullied or something instead of dealing with mental disorders, then I’d have something physical to blame and take out my fury on. 

That’s probably not what you were looking for, I’m too talkative this time of night. How are you doing, Jay? 

I send hugs, Ene. Our brains can be evil creatures.

I’m doing pretty decent. Life is repetitive, but it’s slowly getting better.

13 hours ago, Truthless of Shinovar said:

Pretty good. School starts in about a month for me so that’s something

I’m excited for actual school, it’s been too long.

13 hours ago, Hentient said:

Because of Covid they are trying to limit our passing periods and so we will only have 2 classes a day but each. Class. Is. Three. Hours. 


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Well, in my professional opinion, things would have happened, and those things would have been different from the things that did happen. These things have effects on other things too. 

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The Roman army had been largely decimated and did not hold well against Hannibal. If he had marched towards Rome, there wasn't much army to resist him. He would likely seize Rome. It is much harder to retake a city then to defend it, especially since Rome was symbolic. To take Rome would be to go straight to the heart and soul of the Roman people. 

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Do you ever just hate your brain?

like I am consciously aware of the fact that I have 3 essays and 2 tests due by Thursday, one of them being the course Final.

and I can’t do them. 

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