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The Fellowship of the Thing - I'm bored. Let's mess around! (Retired)

Channelknight Fadran

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17 minutes ago, Channelknight Fadran said:

"Hopefully just the Fellowship, though I don't know exactly how it works."

Remaining in front of Da'ar, Remembrance flicks a wordless thought towards the group of people near Fadran, describing the intricacies of extradimensional spaces. The thought contains a strange bending sensation.

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25 minutes ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:

Greetings. I am- Da'ar would be presented with a river of thoughts, meanings, feelings, sensations, and events. The birth of a planet, the death of a star, the vacuum of space, the abundance of life. Many of these thoughts detail complex mathematics, that of a hyperindexing temporospatial claudication, one in particular describing the exact planar and dimensional interactions of a hypercube. Some thoughts contain nothing but colors and shapes, and others what appears to be emptiness. These thoughts all bind together in a singular shaft of will, a description of this strange creature's existence. -but you may call me Remembrance.


"Well, nice to meet you Remembrance, I'm Da'ar"


I'm not sure I understand what Remembrance is, is it some kind of incarnation of spacetime, an ageless being observing the multiverse or something else?

16 minutes ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:

Remaining in front of Da'ar, Remembrance flicks a wordless thought towards the group of people near Fadran, describing the intricacies of extradimensional spaces. The thought contains a strange bending sensation.

Black mages from Da'a thought they know a lot about spacetime and dimensions. They know how to shape the fabric of spacetime into shields and weapon, they commonly opened portal betweens dimensions or created pocket dimensions to store objects. Put a thousand together and they could create a full-fledged dimension -and they had done it nine times. But upon receiving Remembrance's thought Da'ar could only come to one conclusion: like a physician who cleaned a wound because she thought foul odours brought sicknesses, they knew nothing and their successes where more akin to luck than to applied knowledge.

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33 minutes ago, mathiau said:

I'm not sure I understand what Remembrance is, is it some kind of incarnation of spacetime, an ageless being observing the multiverse or something else?


An ageless being observing the multiverse. :D

Remembrance is an energy being that travels from universe to universe with the intent of experiencing as much as it can. It does not know who or what created it, neither does it really care. (Right now, at least.) It remembers its beginning, which I think I may have symbolically described a few dozen pages ago, and where it began existing. (It has referenced an "Origin-place" before.) Despite its time in the multiverse, it thinks mostly in sensations, images, and emotions, and only recently learned to communicate with words. If you haven't noticed already, the creature tends to fly from emotion to emotion. It is extremely curious, and is easily distracted by new things.


33 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"Well, nice to meet you Remembrance, I'm Da'ar"

Da'ar... Remembrance repeats his name, the word echoing in its mind with a bell-like note. Yours is different from the rest. The sound you make from your- an image of Da'ar's throat flits from Remembrance's mind- is new. A... a click, almost? Curiosity fills the creature's mind, distracting it from its previous curiousity in Fadran's out-place.

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26 minutes ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:


Da'ar... Remembrance repeats his name, the word echoing in its mind with a bell-like note. Yours is different from the rest. The sound you make from your- an image of Da'ar's throat flits from Remembrance's mind- is new. A... a click, almost? Curiosity fills the creature's mind, distracting it from its previous curiousity in Fadran's "out-place".

"A click? Do you mean the glottal stop?"


How did you guess there was a glottal stop? I don't remember saying it

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9 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"A click? Do you mean the glottal stop?"

Remembrance transmits its uncertainty. It also expresses a wordless desire to view Da'ar's memories in the hopes of learning more about this "glottal stop".

9 minutes ago, mathiau said:

How did you guess there was a glottal stop? I don't remember saying it


I've studied phonetics, and I have some knowledge in general linguistics. :D


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19 minutes ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:

Remembrance transmits its uncertainty. It also expresses a wordless desire to view Da'ar's memories in the hopes of learning more about this "glottal stop".

"Er... Depends. Will you only look at the memories about this sound or will you see everything?"


I have studied phonetics, and I have some knowledge in general linguistics. :D


I feel like I should warn you Da'a and Da'ar are currently the only two word I've invented for Da'ar's language and I have no idea if when I add more it will feel coherent the words belong in the same language or not

2 minutes ago, STAG said:



@s don't ping when inside a quote box

@Knight of Iron

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11 minutes ago, mathiau said:

"Er... Depends. Will you only look at the memories about this sound or will you see everything?"

A sense of amusement emanates from Remembrance, followed by a twist of curiosity. I see that which is, but I seek only this knowledge. A pause follows, what seems to be Remembrance contemplating. Humans shape sound. This is so, yet I do not understand why.

12 minutes ago, mathiau said:

I feel like I should warn you Da'a and Da'ar are currently the only two word I've invented for Da'ar's language and I have no idea if when I add more it will feel coherent the words belong in the same language or not


Ah, don't worry! I don't judge. ;)


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8 minutes ago, Knight of Iron said:

"Sure," said Professor X, "Go ahead."

“If we do capture Dax, I worry about what will happen if he goes off my world. Will he still be able to draw from the sustaining power?”


Actually wondering how this could work.


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10 minutes ago, EchoOfThePlanes said:

A sense of amusement emanates from Remembrance, followed by a twist of curiosity. I see that which is, but I seek only this knowledge. A pause follows, what seems to be Remembrance contemplating. Humans shape sound. This is so, yet I do not understand why.

"So you won't remember any other knowledge hidden in my mind?"

1 minute ago, STAG said:

“If we do capture Dax, I worry about what will happen if he goes off my world. Will he still be able to draw from the sustaining power?”


Since you can capture the literal incarnation of time without any side effects I suspect it will work

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1 hour ago, Knight of Iron said:

Professor X shrugged. "Is that how he is sustained? From being on his world?"

“The power is one with the earth, it flows through all living things. I expect… different powers sustain these worlds.” Merl thought out loud “if my powers eventually dim from being too far away from Dax, shouldn’t his dim from being too far away from the source?”


Again, I could just ignore this rule, or give other explanations. Another answer is to somehow find a way to take part of the source. Another addition to the side quest.


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1 hour ago, STAG said:

“The power is one with the earth, it flows through all living things. I expect… different powers sustain these worlds.” Merl thought out loud “if my powers eventually dim from being too far away from Dax, shouldn’t his dim from being too far away from the source?”

“I’m sure we can figure it out,” Professor X assured, “I’m one of the best researchers in all the Kalos region, possibly further. And I have my trusty part-time assistant, of course.”



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