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Reginald was unsure what to make of this development.  Someone would die today.  That was for certain.

But perhaps they would be a traitor.  Reginald had worked hard to try and direct the focus of this increasingly mob-like group towards his suspicions, but it was difficult to change the minds of so many.  The most he had been able to do was move the lynch towards a couple minor suspects.  But it was better than nothing.  Steps in the right direction, however, small, were still steps.

Reginald took out his pipe.  He lit it for a moment, then put it back out.  Now was not the time.  He could feel weariness settling upon him, but he would have to fight it, for a while at least.  He needed to be sharp for whatever happened next.  There would be little clues that came out, signs and meanings in people's reactions to the results of today's lynching.  The mob was getting worked up, he could feel it.  Yes, someone would die today.  But it might finally be the right person.  

One step at a time.  Reginald sighed.  Perhaps they would leave this madhouse soon.  But who knew how many traitors were still in their midst?  Reginald had never been terribly religious, but now he sent up a silent prayer to Harmony.  He would need more than luck to survive this mess.

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Well this has put me in a point of pressure. Should I tie it to see some vote manips? 

Edit: Maybe I should. I don't mind either of Karnage, Ventyl or Experience getting lynched. Each are different level of suspicious in my book. So Karnage 

Edited by TJ Shade
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The only thing Lafay knew was confusion. As the night drew near he thought about the events of the day. He’d gone from eating, but not enjoying, the scarce food they had left to being called a liar by half of the people in the warehouse! Then it was finally cleared up when Lorrine finally cleared up that all she’d done last night was eat and sleep. 

Ola had wanted to defend him in front of the Scadrians, but Lafay knew that it wouldn’t have gone over well and had convinced her not to. She’d wanted to say, “I’d never bond a liar! Liars can’t keep their oaths!” Not only would the presence of a Spren on Scadrial confuse everyone in the room, but it could draw the eye of any other potential worldhopper in the PRE, and Lafay didn’t want to have to answer those questions. 

Eating his sad meal that they called dinner here, Ola floated onto his fork. She was a small orb pulsing in duple and triple time, it’d been a long time since he’d seen her in this form. She always said it was the most comfortable, but she had seemed to take a liking to the Scadrian fashion and looks. He continued wondering about why she’d gone back to the simpler form he was about to ask when interrupted.

”Lafay, will you ever swear your fourth Ideal?’ She asked, seeming resolute. He was shocked, she’d always nagged him about it, but she had never sounded like this about it. “It’s been four years Lafay. Four years and you haven’t progressed, most Willshapers would’ve been Full Radiants two years ago. Why not you Lafay?”

He never answered her. Even though he knew why, Ola wouldn’t understand. Could a Spren, even a true one, understand what it meant to lose someone you loved? Lafay didn’t think so, but maybe someday, he’d finally swear that Ideal...

(ninja’d! Also, if I don’t die all of my RPs might just become me making up my characters past on Roshar, because I’m really enjoying it!)


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Shard hated every moment of being stuck here. He hated the lack of control, he hated having to interact with so many people he barely knew, and he hated that he didn't have enough goldminds with him to feel truly safe. He'd already stored up as much health as he could in them, but he was worried about not having enough in case he needed it.

So Shard had spent some time hiding from the others, and trying his hardest to make people ignore him. Eventually, the group of people began to suspect him for exactly that reason. They were following him now, and he was also low on his iron flakes. It'll have to be enough, he thought to himself. All I have to do is tap the goldminds, burn some iron, take their hits, and act dead. Then I can escape once they leave my body alone.

Turning around a corner, Shard came to a dead end. The crowd was almost upon him. He quickly gulped down his last vials of iron and turned around and prepared to fight. The crowd came around the corner, weapons in hand. A man at the front of the group held up a pistol at Shard. "We've got you now, loyalist! No where to run." 

Shard nodded and held his arms out. The man fired, and Shard pulled the bullet down as it hit him and tapped gold. He spluttered up some blood to make the effect look more real before tapping some gold and then stopped breathing. His stored up health would keep his body from dying without the air for just a little bit, which is all he needed.

The crowd came over to inspect him, searching his clothes and pockets. After they didn't find anything, they began to left. Shard counted the retreating footsteps to make sure no one was still in range to hear him get up. He could still feel the bullet in his chest. He had to tap just enough gold to make sure it wouldn't hurt him too much but wouldn't leave his body yet. He was about to sit up when he realized he hadn't heard one person leave yet.

Shard began to panic. I don't have much more health stored up, he thought to himself. If he doesn't leave soon, I'm not going to be able to heal myself completely! The moments seemed to stretch on for hours, each second felt like an entire day. Finally, whoever had remained behind began to leave. Shard breathed a sigh of relief finally and sat up and tapped the rest of the charges. The bullet was pushed out of his chest and he finally began to breathe properly. He'd tapped all the rest of his goldminds. Any longer, and he might not have-

A gunshot rang through the hallway, Shard's corpse collapsing to the ground as blood pooled from his head.

Experience has been lynched! They were a PRE Operative Lurcher/Bloodmaker Twinborn!

Experience (4): Ashbringer, Elandera, Magestar, Mist
Karnage (3): Kidpen, TJ Shade, Ventyl
Ventyl (3): Experience, Karnage, Lahilt
Ashbringer (0): Matrim's_Dice

PMs are still open! Make sure I am in them, along with Young Bard and Fifth Scholar. There will not be a lynch this turn. Items are available in the black market.

This turn will end on Friday, June 12th, at 9 pm CDT, and the next turn will be posted at 10 pm CDT.

Player List:

  1. @Karnage - Lance Neverwatch 
  2. @Elandera
  3. @Elkanah 
  4. @The Young Pyromancer - Pyria Young
  5. Shard of Reading - Reading PRE Operative Leecher/Pinnacle Twinborn
  6. Experience - Shard PRE Operative Lurcher/Bloodmaker Twinborn
  7. @Lahilt - Lahlit
  8. @Ventyl - Lafay Etteax
  9. Coda PRE Operative Seeker Misting and Hemalurgist
  10. @Matrim's_Dice - Lord Cauthon
  11. @TJ Shade - TJ Shade
  12. @Emi - Lorinne
  13. xinoehp512 - Neru Loyalist Rioter/Gasper Twinborn
  14. @Kidpen - Villin
  15. @Mist - Lumen
  16. DrakeMarshall - Lorena Blackburn PRE Operative Gasper Ferring and Thief
  17. Araris Valerian - Araris Valerian Kandra
  18. Devotary of Spontaniety - Adomert PRE Operative Slider/Sentry Twinborn
  19. @Kynedath
  20. @Walin - Lerin
  21. @Ashbringer - Faleast
  22. @The_God_King
  23. @Magestar - Reginald Kettis

Black Market

  • Medallion: 6 available (45 boxings)
  • Charged Spike: 5 available (65 boxings)
  • Uncharged Spike: 2 available (90 boxings)
  • Dagger: 2 available (80 boxings)
  • Bulletproof Vest: 4 available (35 boxings)
  • Steel Trap: 3 available (25 boxings)
  • Lerasium Alloy: 1 available (115 boxings)

PMs have been sent out, but there was an error with the spreadsheet, so I will be fixing some of them now.

Edited by StrikerEZ
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Alright, so other than Matrim’s vote, which was probably storing, there’s no manipulation, and the pushback away from XP was likely not Elim organized. I think that helps clear Lahilt, Ventyl, and Karnage to some degree, since the shift from XP>Drake was Village>Village.

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37 minutes ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

What does Experience being village tell us again? @Elandera

Forgot about rollover to change my vote to an actual lynch candidate, but apparently that didn't matter...

It tells us that Ventyl prompting Lahlit to remove their vote from Experience D2 was not an elim trying to protect an elim. With that, all of the arguments brought against Ventyl are null (Emi didn't take an action and thus couldn't be roleblocked was the other one). It also means the swing to Drake D2 was not an elim machination, unless there was another candidate up for possible lynch at the time. 

1 minute ago, Ashbringer said:

Alright, so other than Matrim’s vote, which was probably storing, there’s no manipulation, and the pushback away from XP was likely not Elim organized. I think that helps clear Lahilt, Ventyl, and Karnage to some degree, since the shift from XP>Drake was Village>Village.

I disagree that it clears Karnage, but will agree it pretty well clears Ventyl for now, regarding the reasons for suspicion. It wasn't until the last few minutes that another vote was placed on Karnage, bringing him up to three votes. If he had an elim team, they could have removed vote manipulation to make it not suspicious when he was at two votes.

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8 minutes ago, StrikerEZ said:

Ah okay, TJ edited in their vote moving to Karnage, so I didn't see it. I'll be fixing that in the writeup.

Yeah, sorry about that. As I stated in the reason for edit, I hit send accidentally.
Yeah, I agree that Ventyl and Lahilt are soft-cleared for the moment. Unfortunately, that means I've run out of all elim suspects. Maybe Karnage would be my best bet at the moment, and maybe I'd like to follow up on Araris' suspicion on Kynedath. But other than that, I've got nothing.

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Aye. I'm more suspicious of Ventyl for his reaction than data at this point, but I'll set that aside.

I'm... not sure why I said this helped clear Karnage. I thought I had a reason, but I'm tired and may have just combined all my people-to-suspect into one.

Edit: oh, because the votes today. Yeah, nothing here is a perfect clear, but it helps to some degree. This is the problem last-minute votes causes. Signing off.

Edited by Ashbringer
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Well, I can't really say I didn't expect this.  I only had at worst mild suspicions of Exp.

I would rather have had a tie, but this is fine, I guess.  Exp hadn't been active enough recently that I feel their death will greatly decrease discussion.  I wouldn't mind if some inactives die, but the curse of this game is that the actives are often the best lynch options.  

3 hours ago, TJ Shade said:

So.. players who voted for Experience, how does it feel to be rich? :P

By my calculations, I only got at most four boxings from voting on Exp.  :P  So, I'm kinda not rich.

I am a little curious who has the most boxings at this point.  Kind of a shame Exp got lynched, actually, since they're probably the most likely to have that at least somewhat calculated.

Trying to narrow down who I'm suspicious of at the moment...

I've got a pretty village read on TJ and Elandera.  I'm not terribly suspicious of Pyro, Matrim, or Ventyl.  Karnage is sort of in the middle, as are Emi and Lahilt.  I can't really get reads on the inactive players, which basically removes The God King, Walin, and Elkanah.  That leaves Mist, Ash, Kynedath, and Kidpen as mildly suspicious.

I'll try and do some analysis on each of those players before the end of the night.  If there's a village kill role out there, which I'm beginning to doubt, I'd suggest aiming for an inactive or one of your suspicions.  Inactives are pretty safe.

Finally, I'm interested in being contacted by an Archivist, if there are any in the game.  I'm curious about how that ability works, and what sort of knowledge an Archivist might have.

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3 hours ago, Magestar said:

By my calculations, I only got at most four boxings from voting on Exp.  :P  So, I'm kinda not rich.

Whoa, that means they had close to 80 boxings?? We really lynched our best chance at getting the lerasium bead huh?

EDIT: If Matrim indeed stored last turn (and it looks like he did), he's not the new Kandra.

Edited by TJ Shade
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