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1 minute ago, Experience said:

I have no idea what that means. Care to enlighten me(and any one else who doesn't speak what I believe is french) on the meaning?

It's a mistborn-ified version of wake the sleeping dragon. Which itself is another way to say poke the bear.

And yeah, "Au contraire mon frere" is french and essentially translates to "On the contrary".

Edited by Kynedath
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If we get down to it I suppose Pyro is more right though, I mean I totally forgot that Araris' was a bear which is why I tried to make it more mistborn. But I stand by my decision, even if it's only because I prefer the sleeping dragon saying to the bear one.

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11 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Some GMs don't require you to green out your last vote. Not sure if Stiker is one or not.

I mean, it'd be nice, but I'm just going by last votes in the thread anyway, so it's not a big deal if you don't green out votes when you retract them.

Also, as for pinch hitters, I'll figure out what to do if I need them.

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I'd rather let other people read through the thread and come up with their own suspicions, rather than focus all the discussion around my (somewhat arbitrary) reads. I have reasons, and I'll share them later, but I think I'll be able to read other people better before I do that.

Edit: In response to Pyro, everything comes from the thread. Pyro, you are my only PM actually.

Edited by Araris Valerian
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Bloodmaker: While storing in gold, roleblocks kill you instead of roleblocking you. When tapping 5 gold charges, you are immune to all kills. (Storing: Both/Tapping: Night)

A self-protect. This seems like a risky one to store up to for- only one turn of protection for two turns of weakness. More powerful when used in conjunction with something that lets you store a whole bunch at once.



Pinnacle: While storing in electrum, you can only vote on a player who has already been voted on. While tapping 2 electrum charges, you will have a 50% chance of not being affected by roleblocks. While tapping 4 electrum charges, you will be unaffected by roleblocks. (Storing: Day/Tapping: Both)

A limited protection role. Unless you really want to be a lynch leader, you might as well store whenever. Tapping is up to each individual player depending on circumstances.


Gasper: While storing in cadmium, your posts have word caps of 200 words. While tapping 2 cadmium charges, your actions can’t be tracked and your role can’t be revealed. While tapping 4 cadmium charges, your alignment won’t be revealed and you have a 50% chance of being able to hide from any kill attempts. (Both)

A self-protection role. Notably, you can store and still get boxings if your posts are exactly 200 words long. The tapping abilities seem like they would be more useful to elims (or the kandra), but the protection would be useful to anyone.


Subsumer: While storing in bendalloy, you are frail, and any attack action taken against you will kill you no matter what. While you have 2 or more bendalloy charges stored, whenever you become roleblocked, you will reactively tap 2 charges to energize yourself, negating the roleblock. (Both)

This is the only passive Feruchemy role in the game, but it is probably the most dangerous to store. I leave it to the decision of any with this ability to decide their storing patterns.

Also @StrikerEZ what counts as an attack action?



Spinner: While storing in chromium, the chances of you receiving an item decrease. While tapping 1 chromium charge, the chances of you receiving an item increase (for example, if there are 17 players, your odds go from 1 in 17 to 2 in 18). When you tap multiple charges, your chances increase at the same rate (e.g. 2 in 18 for 1 chromium charge, 3 in 19 for 2 chromium charges, etc.). (Both)

A RNG-manipulation role. So it essentially gives you an extra slip in the pot, so to speak? Interesting. More effective with lower numbers, obviously. I would imagine that Spinners would try to store when they’re on huge lynch trains and tap when they’re on smaller ones.

Edited by xinoehp512
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3 minutes ago, Araris Valerian said:

Edit: In response to Pyro, everything comes from the thread. Pyro, you are my only PM actually.

...that's actually kind of sad. And I think I'm a lot of people's only PM, as I sent one to (I think) every member of the game???

Mos of them are just Nai chatter/like no responses though.

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5 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

Also @StrikerEZ what counts as an attack action?

Honestly not sure what I meant when I wrote that. For now, I'm going to say that it means any kill attempts can't be blocked because that's the way it reads to me, but I'm going to ask Joe (the one who came up with the original idea) what he meant.

6 minutes ago, xinoehp512 said:

@striker, in what way is the chance of you receiving an item decreasing when you use this ability?

In the opposite way of increasing their chances. So like giving everyone else an extra slip while you just get the one.

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8 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

...that's actually kind of sad. And I think I'm a lot of people's only PM, as I sent one to (I think) every member of the game???

Mos of them are just Nai chatter/like no responses though.

I don’t think it’s sad. I sort of have a reputation among the more experienced players as not being very chatty in PMs, and I suspect my more aggressive play style makes the newer players less likely to message me. That’s fine though, since unless you are in a doc, the heart and soul of the game happens in the thread. I prefer using PMs for dastardly schemes rather than plain old chit chat.

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Soulbearer: While storing in nicrosil, you don’t have access to one of your other abilities. If scanned for your role, the ability that you are currently storing can’t be scanned for. While tapping 1 nicrosil charge, you can perform an extra action with the stored ability. For every nicrosil charge you use, you gain another action. (Both)

From what I understand, this ability allows you to use both of your normal actions to perform a single other action, as well as giving you extra actions. (So if you tap once, you can use both of your normal actions plus the extra one- and with each nicrosil charge on top of that, you can use the action once more.) This has the potential to be incredibly powerful in combination with another role, as it allows you to save up actions. It’s similar to A-duralumin, except that if you store the ability from the action you use, you can use your original action on that as well. A duralumin-nicrosil pairing would have the potential to store up both actions each turn until they got some other way to use them.



Trueself: While storing in aluminum, any actions taken against another random player will affect you as well. While tapping 1 aluminum charge, emotional allomancy has a 20% chance of not working on you. For each additional aluminum charge you tap, emotional allomancy has another 20% chance of not working. (Storing: Both/Tapping: Day)

This ability doesn’t seem particularly useful. A 20% chance for immunity is much weaker than the immunity granted by a Smoker, and there are likely to be many more negative actions flying around than positive ones.



Connector: While storing in duralumin, you cannot vote on any players. If you do vote on someone, your vote will be cancelled as if someone Soothed your vote. When tapping 1 duralumin charge, you can change one player’s vote. Changing a second vote requires another 2 duralumin charges. Changing a third vote requires another 3 duralumin charges, and so on for each extra vote you wish to change. (Day)

Allows you to store up your own vote, essentially. It might not seem like much, but it can be very, very dangerous- essentially allowing a single player to take control of the lynch.

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Wow.  I go to work and the thread doubles in length.  And here I was hoping I'd be able to keep up with C1.  :P 

2 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

Mist. My current greatest suspicion is now on Experience (it's not actually a huge suspicion though). I've also got mild elim reads on Coda, Kynedath, and Magestar, although I don't think Coda/Experience are a team. I've got mild village reads on Shard of Reading and Karnage (although I'm somewhat miffed you picked me to vote on after my C1 death in the MR). Anyone (aside from Mist) not mentioned in this post, could you please do some analysis and/or vote on somebody (not just poke vote)? We have lots of players to look through, and it's harder to find elims if people aren't solving the game. If people could post a list along the lines of:


Shard of Reading

I think that would help us out. Also, if anyone has a different read on one of the above folks, I'd appreciate hearing about that as well.

I'm not sure that the role analysis is doing much good, although I understand it's something of a SE tradition to have lots of discussion D1 about the various abilities on the game. I just don't recall said discussion really coming up again post C1. Since people seem to be pretty objective when talking about roles, they make posts that are also fairly NAI. The discussion of the Kandra may be slightly more useful, but I doubt it. For the elims, the Kandra is just another player to kill on the way to their win con. To the village, they aren't really a threat at all. To the general SE player, they are a weird mechanic that people on a forum about making crazy theories can make crazy theories about. I think that last factor is going to overpower the other two.

'Sup Araris.  Cycle one Elim reads on me are nothing new, so I won't bother defending myself unless you've got serious reasons to be suspicious of me.

As far as posting my reads, that's something I probably won't do unless I feel I really have the Elim team pinned down.  Saying who I'm getting bad vibes from will inherently alter their behavior, and I prefer to see things play out beyond cycle one before I make any hard accusations.  If I have suspicions of a specific person, I'll vote on them, and explain myself when I do.    

The role analysis and kandra discussion should be taken for what it is; people are probably just trying to get their word count up for the boxings.  It's not terrible, as it does give us a chance to begin getting a base reading on people.  I'm slightly more suspicious of the people analyzing the roles than the kandra discussion, since in my experience analyzing the roles is a good way to appear to contribute without doing anything suspicious.  But that's not a hard and fast thing.

That's all I've got for now.  I'll probably make another post pretty soon, once I've caught up with the thread.

Edited by Magestar
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So pretty much what I’m getting from catching up on the thread is that everyone is talking about the kandra and at the same time everyone thinks we shouldn’t be talking about the kandra:

  • First off hunting for the kandra and hunting for the elims is not the same thing, as far as I’m concerned. Hunting for elims involves looking for evidence of hidden teamwork, which doesn’t apply at all to a kandra, whose main weakness is they have zero allies.
  • Second, the kandra has a serial killer win condition and I would expect them to have the ability to kill, as befitting a serial killer.
  • Third, do we actually know that the game ends if all the elims die but the kandra is still alive? @StrikerEZ

That is all I will ever say about the kandra for the next few cycles.


Lotta posts are clearly just made for boxings hehe. Can’t really fault that.

I appreciate Araris sharing a trust/suspicion list this early. Kind of impossible to get solid reads at this point but it’s still phenomenally useful for later in the game when analyzing who is and isn’t in cahoots.

Anyways I’ll vote… Kynedath, how do you plea?

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1 minute ago, DrakeMarshall said:

Third, do we actually know that the game ends if all the elims die but the kandra is still alive? @StrikerEZ

The villagers would win in that scenario.

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1 hour ago, Magestar said:

Cycle one Elim reads on me are nothing new, so I won't bother defending myself unless you've got serious reasons to be suspicious of me.

That's fine, I wasn't looking for a defense. I was trying to start dialogue so we could pin down a few people to choose our lynchee for the cycle from.

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Pyria crouched in the corner, hiding from the scary men. She heard people talking about traitors, wondering about ‘loyalists’ and the Pee-Arr-EEy. Her daddy had talked like that. He spoke about traitors sometimes, when he came home late at night and walked funny. He was always very angry. Then, in the morning, he made Pyria promise not to tell anyone. He said it was ‘cofidental,’ and so she kept quiet.

Pyria’s stomach growled. It had been awhile since she had met the nice man who talked to her, and she was getting hungry again. The food was across the room, near all the people. The little girl clenched her fists, then stood up. Her daddy always told her to stand up for herself. He said if she needed something done, she should do it herself. That was what her daddy had done, and now he was important! Pyria puffed up her chest, then strode forward. Someday, she was going to be important too! Then daddy would have more time to spend with her!

As she began to push against the throng, she gripped her necklace for comfort. Her daddy had given it to her for her birthday. He had told her it might save her life someday. She didn’t understand, but she had wanted to, so she smiled and nodded.

Pyria squeezed through gaps of the crowd, making her way toward the tables for eating. The man from before was gone, but there was someone else there. She spoke up to them. “Excuse me, how do I get food?”

(open to anyone)

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Reginald bustled into the kitchen, looking straight ahead.  He'd often found that if you merely appeared to belong somewhere, people tended to assume that you did.  His girth, of course, helped as well.  A portly man looked as though he belonged in a kitchen.  

There were a number of attendants manning the kitchen, running about cooking food for the many people who were now held hostage within this compound.  Reginald closed his eyes and inhaled deeply, ignoring the people milling about.  They seemed to be ignoring him, for the most part.  The kitchen was filled with the hearty, pleasant aroma of meats, pastries, and roasting vegetables.  There would likely be some sort of savory scones and meat pies.  Commoner food, but delicious none the less.  Reginald looked forward to tasting it.

"You there!"  a woman said.  "What're you doin' in here?"

Reginald opened his eyes to see a woman who very nearly matched him in size rising from her seat in a corner of the kitchen.  Ah, Reginald thought, the head cook.  My opponent, for today.

"Hello my good woman," Reginald said, bowing deeply.  "I merely hoped to inspect the meal we're expected to eat.  And might I say, if it tastes as good as it smells, we're in for quite the treat."

"It very rusting well ought to smell good."  the woman said, shaking her head.  "But I can't let you stay in here.  I've got orders, you know."

Reginald nodded, his eyes finding a stack of meat pies stacked in the corner on a small tray.  "Of course, of course!  I understand completely.  I'll be on my way."

Reginald grabbed the woman's hand, bowing deeply and kissing it.  He deftly turned her as he kissed her hand, so her back was to the meat pies.  Then, while she was still stunned by his sudden display, he swept past her, swiping the tray of meat pies from the counter as he exited the room.  And he was out.  

Reginald chuckled as he took a bite out of one of the meat pies.  That hadn't been terribly difficult.  People were so easy to distract.

As he walked into the main area, Reginald noticed that a number of tables had been set out, piled with food.  His enjoyment faded, slightly.  Taking things was a good deal less fun when they were being given to you.  

"Excuse me, how do I get food?"

Reginald turned to see a small girl struggling to reach the food tables.  He grinned. 

"Why, my dear, you take it!" he said, striding over to her.  "But in your case, I'll make an exception, and give you some, just this once."  

Before she could move, Reginald quickly stacked two or three of the meat pies on her head.  @The Young Pyromancer

I'm seeing a lot of Kandra discussion in the past few pages.  I don't really have a problem with that in general, but I'd like to speak specifically to the people who are talking about what abilities the Kandra might have; this is really a very fruitless discussion.  There's really no way to prove whether or not the Kandra has any of the abilities you're theorizing it might.  Given that we can't really prove anything about their abilities, watching out for them or continuing to discuss them is largely irrelevant.  It may become more relevant later in the game, but discussing the Kandra past the point of how their existence effects our search for the Elim isn't really useful.  And with that, I'll join Drake in being done with the Kandra discussion.

Just now, Araris Valerian said:

That's fine, I wasn't looking for a defense. I was trying to start dialogue so we could pin down a few people to choose our lynchee for the cycle from.

Ah.  I see.  In that case, Coda reads the most Elim to me from the people on your Elim reads list.  I'd be most comfortable lynching him today, at least at the moment.  That might change as time goes on, but I'm willing to place my vote on him for now.  Coda.  I'll definitely have more to discuss later in the cycle, but it's a bit early for me to have any really solid reads.

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