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Mid-Range Game 42: The Auction of Lord Winsting

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5 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Welp... haha that’s what I get for posting 

Well, I'd say it's an understandable consequence of posting without contributing anything as that could be an elim tactic to try and fly under the radar. It's certainly not something that helps out the village in any way.

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2 minutes ago, Shard of Reading said:

Don't read too much into my vote because I have never played mafia like this before and my strategy in the past has always been to listen to who is moving so I am still trying to figure out strategy. 

'listen to who is moving' as in the physical mafia game where everyone sits in a circle, for anyone who is confused by that

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3 minutes ago, Matrim's_Dice said:

'listen to who is moving' as in the physical mafia game where everyone sits in a circle, for anyone who is confused by that

Yes. And it normaly works quite well. But now I have to actually think about what I am doing when playing. Darn. (In a good way)

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16 minutes ago, DeTess said:

Well, I'd say it's an understandable consequence of posting without contributing anything as that could be an elim tactic to try and fly under the radar. It's certainly not something that helps out the village in any way.

Or a person who answered people’s questions and got the stink eye from straw. I wasn’t planning on posting C1 because I tend to raise a fuss, but 48 hour cycles are a long time not to post. Also I have no analysis so the choice was to let suspicion build against me or answer which I did 

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1 minute ago, The_God_King said:

Or a person who answered people’s questions and got the stink eye from straw. I wasn’t planning on posting C1 because I tend to raise a fuss, but 48 hour cycles are a long time not to post. Also I have no analysis so the choice was to let suspicion build against me or answer which I did 

First, you posted this twice.

Second, going back and reading your posts, I can see what they mean. The first 'hiding in a barrel' one was RP. The second one was explaining why you wrote that- so you could lynch vote next cycle since you had to post to avoid falling asleep. The rest of your posts were trying to explain yourself.

So I am reading NAI for TGK at the moment.

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I don't think trying to lay low cycle 1 is NAI. It actively harms the village if anyone purposefully goes inactive.

That having been said, it actually makes me lean non-elim on TGK now that I'm thinking over his likely motive, as the only reason I can think of for doing this is if someone wanted to dodge the volatile C1 lynch, even if doing so this way attracts a lot of attention in the later cycles.

I don't see an elim doing this, because their team could help deflect a C1 lynch if the lynchee doesn't screw up too badly, while a villager or bleeder doesn't have that safety net.

However, I still believe such a move is not in the village's best interest. @The_God_King, why do you think you'll be able to contribute more next cycle? It can't be because of the volume of info, as we're already 6 pages deep at this point.

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48 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Dang, that’s not what I was wanting to convey. Last game we had similar number of posts and we didn’t find anything useful and even lynched a couple village because of it. I don’t appreciate the inquisition. I won’t argue meta on this. I think there’s plenty of good discussion and honestly I usually RP C1 and read the clarification and initial analysis that I myself can’t contribute much to. 

33 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Welp... haha that’s what I get for posting 

7 minutes ago, The_God_King said:

Or a person who answered people’s questions and got the stink eye from straw. I wasn’t planning on posting C1 because I tend to raise a fuss, but 48 hour cycles are a long time not to post. Also I have no analysis so the choice was to let suspicion build against me or answer which I did 

I assume you are referring to QF44? In my opinion, a large part of the reason the elims won that was because they flew under the radar.

It is not my intention to discourage you from posting or contributing. In fact, it was the opposite. I was just letting you know that typically, I am suspicious of people who say stuff like that on D1, as I feel like it discourages discussion. In this, I believe I am of the same opinion as Orlok (be active, make reads, don't just try to survive, etc).

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5 minutes ago, Emi said:

Hey, I'm voting now! For me, Kynedath is a little bit suspect

2 minutes ago, Emi said:

You was acting like it all was too good, sorry!:ph34r::P

I'll give you a reputatin point as a cheer;)

As Kynedath said, I'm curious to hear your reasoning. Care to share any suspect things he's said? I'm rather confused.

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Oh boy! That's a big apology alright! I'd ask you to retract your vote, although it isn't quite that simple in this game. If you have any suspicions based on gut reads or logic, maybe try voting on them if you really have nothing against me.

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5 minutes ago, Emi said:

Oh, we are getting it from acting, whoops...

You've been posting small replies, with the few actual analysis posts being largely incomprehensible. I'm still a little suspicious about Elkanah, but I think Emi is a lot more suspicious right now.

Re the Straw/Xino team, I think that's unlikely. Straw has been suspicious of me, but he's been relatively clear in his intentions. Orlock has not told me what he wants me to do, or how lynching me could help the village. I think Orlock's actually more suspicious than straw right now, and like others have said, lynching active players sets a bad precedent. Xino has been a little off, but he still seems pretty clear to me. I'm not really seeing the connection between them, as waiting a bit to vote on someone while you think over their decisions is something I do all the time.

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2 minutes ago, The Young Pyromancer said:

Apparently they don't, if they wanted to retract their vote completely.

Yes. One more time: sorry, I'm just learning how it works....

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4 hours ago, Karnage said:
15 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

How is Sart's "bandwagon-y attitude" any different from mine? I explicity voted on Karnage because he already had a vote. There is a 3-vote minimum for the lynch this cycle, and because it is very rare for any obvious AI stuff to come up cycle 1, some bandwagoning is necessary for a lynch to happen at all. I'm usually uncomfortable voting on Straw, since his village playstyle sends to set me off consistently. But I think having lynch pressure this early is good, and I'm somewhat suspicious of Xino for trying to remove that pressure so quickly.

19 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

I’m here and I think I’ll vote on Karnage, as someone who is only poke-voting and who also already has a vote.

@Araris Valerian So you are perfectly fine with joining a bandwagon but not with poke voting. Interesting. To me this kinda seems like I am missing something in the equation that would make this make sense. But, I do not think I am. I believe this is very incongruous. Not that by itself it is suspicious. By its self I find it NAI but...

If Sart is elim and you are too, then this might make sense. It seems to me like poke voting and bandwagon are mutually fair game if one person like one then they will probably like the other. But from these statements you are putting a vote on someone that is poke voting but then later turn around to defend someone you haven't even had contact with in the thread, for being a bandwagon. This kinda screams (or at least by my logic) that you two are both elims and you were trying to defend a fellow elim.

But, you don't have any votes so I will redact my vote on TGK and put it on Sart because if he gets lynched then you will look pretty guilty to everyone else.

If this doesn't make any sense that please respond!!!!!!!! And tell me well my logic went astray.


Just curious... did anybody see this? At this point it seems a little swept under the rug of new posts and I really just want to see if my logic makes sense. 

Also does anyone have a vote count? @A Joe in the Bush

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@Karnage I'll try making one. Give me a few minutes.

EDIT: I think this is correct.

Sart(4): Xino, Arraenae, Karnage, Matrim's Dice
Straw (3): Wilson, Orlok, Sart
Karnage (2): Furamirionind, Araris
The God King (2): Experience, Shard of Reading
Emi (1): Pyro
Furamirionind (1): DeTess
Kynedath (1): Emi
Xino (1): Straw

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