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28 minutes ago, Lord Gregorio said:

I don't think it can be that way. There have been too many moments where I was just sitting thinking about literally nothing and I've felt the spirit. Driving down the road I've been saved from serious car accidents by little promptings telling me to slow down or get to the other side of the road a bit more. I've missed deer by a few feet and a car coming the other way because I listened to those little feelings. There is something out there. A God.

Agreed. This is why I said that @Shadowed knows that these are thoughts coming from an external source.  I've experienced the same thing myself; an idea comes to me that doesn't follow from what I was thinking about at the time, that isn't the way I think about things, that I shouldn't have had any good reason to know about... and then it turns out to be correct, for no good reason that I can honestly attribute to myself.  I've had these pieces of inspiration help me with my job, I've had them help me in social situations, I've had them help me out of danger I didn't realize I was in until afterwards.  It doesn't happen as often as I'd like, but it happens enough to be recognizable, to understand that it's something real and trustworthy.  Something worth putting my faith in, that I can say "I know this is real and it's true."

And the Gospel tells me what it is, why it's there, and what I should do about it.

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4 minutes ago, Mason Wheeler said:

Agreed. This is why I said that @Shadowed knows that these are thoughts coming from an external source.  I've experienced the same thing myself; an idea comes to me that doesn't follow from what I was thinking about at the time, that isn't the way I think about things, that I shouldn't have had any good reason to know about... and then it turns out to be correct, for no good reason that I can honestly attribute to myself.  I've had these pieces of inspiration help me with my job, I've had them help me in social situations, I've had them help me out of danger I didn't realize I was in until afterwards.  It doesn't happen as often as I'd like, but it happens enough to be recognizable, to understand that it's something real and trustworthy.  Something worth putting my faith in, that I can say "I know this is real and it's true."

And the Gospel tells me what it is, why it's there, and what I should do about it.

Exactly. I have. Or rather my grandma had this experience that sends chills down my body. If you've ever seen Ephraim's rescue, Ephraim Hanks has a couple experiences with a man in a gray tweed suit. My grandma fell down one time (She's older and so it was incredibly hard for her to stand back up) in front of a bus her and my grandfather were trying to get on. She said a man in a gray suit was standing near and I don't remember exactly what happened, but my grandfather was a very talkative man and my grandma said he would have struck up a conversation with the man.

All that confusion aside (since I don't remember the full story) I think that man in the gray suit could be one of the Three Nephites. Just a speculation, but I love coming to this thread and hearing other people's spiritual experiences.

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6 hours ago, Shadowed said:

idk if this is the right place to come but

i’ve been thinking a lot about religion lately.

I was raised atheist by firmly atheist parents who were/are very dismissive of ‘spiritual nonsense’ etc. And I always thought ‘yeah, I have a super logical analytical skeptical brain, I can never be religious’. And especially since I’ve been struggling with anxiety/stress and other things, I thought there couldn’t be a God who would let this happen. But recently… idk, I just feel like something, somewhere was watching over me, guiding me, loving me when no one else was.

and I only just realised that I might be able to put the name Jesus to that feeling.

so, any of you wise experienced LDS peoples - if you have any advice, or help, or general words to the effect of ‘it’s not just in your head’ - it would be greatly appreciated.

thank you for reading :))

I can understand the thought that "there couldn't be a God who would let this happen." We certainly live in a world where sorrow and trial is abundantly common.

But, if there is an eternal God who loves us with an infinite love, would He let those things happen to us if there wasn't some reason for it all, and if there wasn't some way to overcome and come back from those sorrows and trials?

That kind of seems like a twisted worldview, to say that all bad things are for a reason. But I'm not saying that these bad things aren't bad. Pain, especially pain caused by other people, is not pleasant. God sorrows when his children have to endure these things, and those that cause pain will be held accountable, in one way or another.

But God has an eternal perspective. We lived as spirits before we came here, and we'll live eternally with glorified bodies after we leave. Our time here on Earth is a very small portion of our eternal lives. In the grand scheme of things, any trials we face here will seem like far too little compared to the rewards we receive for enduring them well.

Something that our religion believes that isn't a major part of any other is that, because we are literally God's spirit children, we are also his literal heirs. Those that make the vital covenants in the temple, keep those covenants, and follow the commandments are able to inherit everything that God has, essentially becoming Gods and Goddesses themselves, able to have their own spiritual children, and able to make their own worlds for those children to inhabit.  Why would God place us on a seemingly insignificant speck in a vast universe, forced to suffer trial? To learn. To grow. And to become more like him, so that we can be prepared someday to take up what He has, and so that we can empathize with our own children as they go through the same thing. God put us here so we can become more like Him.

Of course, we make mistakes, or are hurt by the mistakes of others. That's why God sent his son, Jesus Christ, to suffer and die for us; so that we would have a way to repent from our sins, be healed from the effects of others' sins, and overcome our trials.

Jesus felt every single physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual pain of every single one of God's children. So he knows exactly what you're going through, better than anyone else in the whole world. He's the one that knows best how to guide you through your trials.

I've felt his love and guidance in my life. I've felt the love of God and Christ through the Holy Ghost in ways that I can't explain. I've seen things, felt things, that cannot be explained by anyone or anything else. I know this is true. I know that God loves you, and his Son Jesus Christ loves you. Jesus is your literal spirit brother. He's your older brother, one that you can rely on in any situation. He knows what you're going through, and also knows how to help you through that so that you become better on the other side.

If you've felt that, don't ignore it. Because it is true.

And please, if you have any questions about the Church, ask me, or any of us. We're happy to answer.

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Slightly off-topic, but I told my friend once that I got along pretty well with my siblings. He thought that was funny. Is it so hard to believe that some people like their siblings and don't fight all the time?

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2 hours ago, AonDoor said:

Slightly off-topic, but I told my friend once that I got along pretty well with my siblings. He thought that was funny. Is it so hard to believe that some people like their siblings and don't fight all the time?

To be fair, it really depends on the sibling.  Those of us who have several will know exactly what I mean...

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ok i don’t really have time to write a proper response how i’d like to, but i’m so so grateful for all of those responses. they all really helped me, and there’s something about reading the wholehearted writing of someone who truly believes every word of what they’re saying… it’s very very difficult not to believe it as well.

I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before?

something stuck with me, in what Bookwyrm said. he said that Jesus is my older brother. and for some reason that really resonated with me - as an eldest sister, i’ve always wanted an older sibling, someone to look up to and ask for advice. and to find out that i’ve always had one… it’s just nice, i guess. it makes me happy.

again, thank you so much for all of your responses, they were all really appreciated i may have copied them into a note on my phone to read when i’m feeling down because they’re all so nice

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2 hours ago, Shadowed said:

ok i don’t really have time to write a proper response how i’d like to, but i’m so so grateful for all of those responses. they all really helped me, and there’s something about reading the wholehearted writing of someone who truly believes every word of what they’re saying… it’s very very difficult not to believe it as well.

I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before?

something stuck with me, in what Bookwyrm said. he said that Jesus is my older brother. and for some reason that really resonated with me - as an eldest sister, i’ve always wanted an older sibling, someone to look up to and ask for advice. and to find out that i’ve always had one… it’s just nice, i guess. it makes me happy.

again, thank you so much for all of your responses, they were all really appreciated i may have copied them into a note on my phone to read when i’m feeling down because they’re all so nice

I was going to say something in response, but then I realized that He could say it better than me:

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid."

John 14:27

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About the sibling thing, I also mostly get along with all of my siblings, and miss all the ones that are at college or out of the house.

I'm going to college in the fall, and I'm not quite sure how I'll survive without my younger siblings. I'm glad I'm going to a college where two of my older siblings and lots of cousins are. At least it won't be completely unfamiliar, and I won't be totally alone.

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3 hours ago, Tani said:

About the sibling thing, I also mostly get along with all of my siblings, and miss all the ones that are at college or out of the house.

I'm going to college in the fall, and I'm not quite sure how I'll survive without my younger siblings. I'm glad I'm going to a college where two of my older siblings and lots of cousins are. At least it won't be completely unfamiliar, and I won't be totally alone.

Exactly. I'm likely going on a mission this summer/fall and I know I'll miss my siblings. College is real similar, but a bit different because you're like moving on with life and realize you won't see them as much.

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10 hours ago, Shadowed said:

I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before?

Congratulations on that!  You got a response and were able to recognize it!

From the scripture I linked earlier:


Now, we will compare the word unto a seed. Now, if ye give place, that a seed may be planted in your heart, behold, if it be a true seed, or a good seed, if ye do not cast it out by your unbelief, that ye will resist the Spirit of the Lord, behold, it will begin to swell within your breasts; and when you feel these swelling motions, ye will begin to say within yourselves—It must needs be that this is a good seed, or that the word is good, for it beginneth to enlarge my soul; yea, it beginneth to enlighten my understanding, yea, it beginneth to be delicious to me.

It seems that you've taken this first step and found that it is indeed delicious to you, and honestly that's pretty awesome.  Now... keep going.  Keep praying, and keep listening with your heart, and the responses will come.  They won't always be as powerful as this first one — you don't need something big to prove to you what you already know at this point — but I promise you, you will receive what you need, from one who knows what you truly need and who loves you.

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12 hours ago, Shadowed said:

I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before?

something stuck with me, in what Bookwyrm said. he said that Jesus is my older brother. and for some reason that really resonated with me - as an eldest sister, i’ve always wanted an older sibling, someone to look up to and ask for advice. and to find out that i’ve always had one… it’s just nice, i guess. it makes me happy.

again, thank you so much for all of your responses, they were all really appreciated i may have copied them into a note on my phone to read when i’m feeling down because they’re all so nice

That's cool. What the members of the Church of Jesus Christ call the Holy Ghost is hard to describe, but I'd say it's very possible that's what that relaxing feeling was. Also, Jesus isn't just your older brother, he is quite literally the eldest brother. I think that's pretty cool and awesome too. 

I really liked everyone elses responses. Glad there's somewhere online where I can talk with random people about stuff like this. :)

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back to the sibings, i miss my older siblings a lot and I don't know how I'll survive my mission and college without them. I don't miss my younger brother when I'm away from him.  I don't really like him, he throws fits whenever something doesn't go exactly how he wants, he acts like he's spoiled, he's a little spoiled, etc. I just hope he gets better as he grows up. I did, so he probably will.

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On 3/2/2023 at 10:49 AM, Shadowed said:

I tried praying, about 30 mins ago, and i don’t know if it’s just me believing what i want to believe but i felt so… relaxed. like i could fall asleep right there. and considering i’ve been so stressed and burnt out lately… logically, that couldn’t have come from just me, because then why haven’t i felt it before?

something stuck with me, in what Bookwyrm said. he said that Jesus is my older brother. and for some reason that really resonated with me - as an eldest sister, i’ve always wanted an older sibling, someone to look up to and ask for advice. and to find out that i’ve always had one… it’s just nice, i guess. it makes me happy.

I'm also an oldest sibling, so I've often felt a form of comfort in knowing I really do have an older brother who cares about me more than I can imagine. I'm glad you were able to feel that too.

I'd encourage you to keep praying! And, when you feel you're ready, try to reach out and find out more about our church.

Sometimes prayer just provides that simple feeling of peace and calmness. I know I've felt it before. And I know it's not just me. So it's not just you; I can assure you of that, and I'm glad you were able to feel it.

2 hours ago, InfiniteInsanity said:

I have discovered the thing I dislike most about my dad being the bishop. 

He knows I know how to conduct music. So recently whenever the person who normally conducts is gone he has me do it. It's fun but also kind of terrifying.

It's not that bad. You were fine.

Edited by The Bookwyrm
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15 hours ago, Being of Cacophony said:

AAAAAHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!! I had to say the closing prayer today! It was kind of terrifying... and kind of... Utterly horrifying!!!!!!

I had to say the opening prayer! I glared at Bishop on my way off the stand and he was laughing at me for the rest of the meeting.

40 minutes ago, Eran of Arcadia said:

We got new sacrament trays a few weeks ago, where the slots to put the used cups are in the corners. This is probably more hygienic what with COVID and all. Anyone else see these?

I haven't, that's really interesting.

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2 hours ago, Eran of Arcadia said:

We got new sacrament trays a few weeks ago, where the slots to put the used cups are in the corners. This is probably more hygienic what with COVID and all. Anyone else see these?

yeah, we have those.

1 hour ago, Aes Sedai said:

I had to say the opening prayer! I glared at Bishop on my way off the stand and he was laughing at me for the rest of the meeting.

:P I'm so glad I had to say the closing prayer, I could escape quickly, whereas you had to stay :D B)

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10 hours ago, Eran of Arcadia said:

We got new sacrament trays a few weeks ago, where the slots to put the used cups are in the corners. This is probably more hygienic what with COVID and all. Anyone else see these?

We've had these for a while.

We're also still putting bread in the cups in the water tray even though the pandemic is basically over...

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