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Taln Facts

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Sooo, I have wondered for a while which character is the Cosmere Chuck Norris. And I have reached the conclusion that it can only be Taln. After all, he is... well, Taln. But we obviously need to write down all his incredible facts: I’ll start: 

*The Oathpact was really between Honor and Taln. The other Heralds were only there because Taln didnt want more than one Honorblade. 

*Nohadon is Talns pen name. 

*Taln once tried tossing a chasmfiend to see how far it would go. Its impact on a nearby planet caused the Cataclysm of Ashyn. 

*Honor was Talns hype-man. 

*Taln knows everything about Vax. 

*Taln doesnt like rain, and decided to spend five minutes to build a small shed to stay in while the Highstorms passed. Humans found it and named it Urithiru. 

*Taln once got hit by lightning in a storm. He hit the lightning in return, and the storm got so traumatized that it needed two weeks vacation every year. This how the Weeping was created. 

Anyone else who has Taln facts?


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Taln once through a bolder at an army.  It killed 80 people.  Then it hit.

Taln was annoyed with Aimia a few hundred years ago.  It was only mild annoyance.  That is why the island was not destroyed completely.

Some people on roshar build out of highstorm crem.  They were inspired by Taln building out of highstorm rain.

Cremlings were created by chasmfiends that shrank rather then fight him.

Edited by Karger
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Adonsalium knew about Taln. He Shattered himself just to let Taln become who he is. 

When you see Shards whimper inn front of Ruin or Odium, Taln arrives making Odium (and Ruin in the Beyond) full-out cry. 

Taln took inspiration from the Julia set and made Roshar. He did this a few times before he told himself that the current permutation was enough.



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@Nathrangking dunno where the other one went. I think a mod killed it unfortunately. 


*Hoid has never insulted Taln. He can’t find anything to insult. 

*Taln once invested aluminum.

*Taln doesnt need a Honorblade. The Honorblade needs Taln.

*The Regals are the Voidbringers who Taln has bothered to kill personally. 

*Braize is where Taln goes for relaxing vacations.

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Hoid once ended up worshiping Taln by accident.

Taln once went to Patji for a tropical getaway but he came back finding the island too quiet and boring for his taste.

The God Beyond was originally what Honor called Taln.

Taln is the secret seventeenth Shard of Adonalsium

And one last fact for the Wheel of Time fans:


Taln knows what's up with Nakomi and the pipe.


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Nightblood was created because Taln needed a razor.

Taln let the desolation start because he was bored of chasing ghosts.

Taln made the thrill a pacifist.

Taln once fought Kaladin to a standstill in a grumpiness contest.

Adonalsium is Taln's cognitive aspect. It shattered when people realized it was too weak.

(Minor Alcatraz spoilers)


Taln broke Alcatraz.


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Taln uses shardblades as toothpicks.

Shards shatter if they look at Taln the wrong way

When Lift saw him she knew him to be awesomeness incarnate.

He puts life back into the lifeless.

The lord ruler curses by his name.

Denth is a snail next to him.


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The reason plants on Roshar hide all the time is because they're afraid whoever is coming is Taln.

Dalinar would give his pain to Taln.

Taln gives blessings and curses to the Nightwatcher.

Taln didn't like the tenth pancake, so he willed it out of existence.

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OP, Im sorry to say that the Role of Cosmere Chuck Norris is already taken by the almighty Stick.  But Stick is Stick, and does not mind or care if others approach his divine status.  



When the 16 tried to Shatter Adonalsium, they first had to get Taln's permission; Nothing breaks without his say so

Taln breathes Breaths  

Taln is Adonalsium's predecessor (Retired)


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27 minutes ago, Quantus said:

OP, Im sorry to say that the Role of Cosmere Chuck Norris is already taken by the almighty Stick.  But Stick is Stick, and does not mind or care if others approach his divine status.  



please, don't be confused. and yet IT should have made it clear:

the stick is not chuck norris.

the stick is a stick. period.

you could not soulcast IT into chuck norris if you tried

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19 minutes ago, king of nowhere said:

please, don't be confused. and yet IT should have made it clear:

the stick is not chuck norris.

the stick is a stick. period.

you could not soulcast IT into chuck norris if you tried

(pzzt, the topic is which character in the Cosmere is the equivalent of Internet Chuck Norris.  Nobody's getting transformed into anything, because any proper Chuck Norris equivalent would laugh at such feeble attempts.  Which is Stick's Shtick)


Stick's Shtick...try saying that 5 times fast...

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