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Which non-human species would you want to be?


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I kind of want to be a chasmfiend just for the primal urge of running around wrecking armies.  Alternatively Reshi greatshells or skyeals are both fun.

8 hours ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

What is the name of the sea creature Shallan sees? The one that is supposed to be good luck? I forgot what they are called. 


Edited by Ookla the Prolific
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Are things like Elantrian's or Returned still considered human?  I want to say Singer, but it would really depend on the historic era (ditto Kandra).

Lacking other compelling choices, Id go Spren.  Probably Honorspren of the kinds we've met.  

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13 minutes ago, Kelsier'sGodComplex said:

What is the name of the sea creature Shallan sees? The one that is supposed to be good luck? I forgot what they are called. 

I wanna be one of those. 

A santhid?? those things are massive!

I would be a kandra, they fascinate me and can change. I'd like to experience that.

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Singers sound like they could be one of the coolest options given all of the potential Forms (the ones that don't require bonding a voidspren at least) as long as you're at a time when knowledge of how to attain those Forms is available. Be fun to decide 'I feel like being artistic this week' and shifting to Artform, or the other options. Venli's Envoyform also sounds like it could be awesome, if not for the whole 'voidspren influencing you' aspect.

46 minutes ago, Lump-wing said:

I'd choose to be one of the Noldor - a clan of elves in TLotR

Pity the Cosmere doesn't have those... the Sho Del might be the closest equivalent but we know almost nothing about them and a lot of what we do know is from a non-canonical book subject to revision.

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7 minutes ago, Coda said:

Siah Aimian, Dysian Aimian, kandra, dragon, axehound, spren, Aviar, Ones Above, singer, larkin, greatshell, Evil, shade, seon, skaze, santhid, etc.

That doesn't make a decision

Also, I'm not sure we can count Dragons as a few people have chosen as we haven't actually seen a Cosmere dragon

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My first thought was KANDRA! But on further thought, the idea of a shard or even a powerful Mistborn bring able to control me is... Unappealing.

So Singers I guess. I would be stuck on Roshar (what with needing spren) but that could be okay.

Aimians could be cool. Either version. I don't know enough about them yet to say for sure though.

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Sleepless. I don't know why, but swarmforms have always fascinated me. If nothing else, I like the idea of being in more than one place at once. Though I'm not sure I'd spend time making myself look like a human, especially if its not super convincing anyway.

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On 09/12/2019 at 6:26 PM, Ookla the Quill said:

As cool as being a dragon would be, I have to say kandra too. Shapeshifting is the sole power I've always wanted. Near-immortality is a just a bonus. 

Apparently dragons in the cosmere *are* shapeshifters. So you can still be a dragon!

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