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Cassie explained a little about spren and Radiants.

"So that's why . . ." Evelyn pulled a chair over to her and slowly sat down, fer eyes fixed on the floor. When she looked up again, her eyes were blurred with tears. "I probably owe you all an explanation. I won't try to hide anything, because you're probably all Radiants or something and even if you aren't then that Sha-Theoxis this will probably just take the memories away." The words were bubbling out. Evelyn noticed and stopped taking a deep, shuddering, breath. When she began talking again her words were more controlled.

"I became an Elantrian two years ago. One day, I woke up to find myself with the silvery skin and white hair of an Elantrian. I was terrified. I didn't know what had happened, and I thought I must be sick or something. I locked myself in my room, terrified of what would happen if anyone saw me. My mom knocked on the door, trying to get me to come out or open the door. When I wouldn't she called my dad.

"They opened the door to my room, and as soon as they saw me I knew it had been silly of me to be afraid of them. My parents wrapped me in their arms, telling me that it would all be okay. And everything was. The other Elantrians found me after a few days and explained what had happened. They taught me how to use the Aons, and I was able to go back to school after I had mastered the illusion I'm currently using.

"For an entire year, everything was wonderful. I was learning so much! I would practice the Aons everyday, learning new ways to use them. Then, about a year ago, my parents went on vacation to the U.S.A. When they came back, they didn't remember any more. When I tried to tell them about what I had learned, they thought it was some book or fantasy thing I had thought up with my friends. I finally accepted that they would never remember or understand, and we grew more and more distant. I couldn't share the thing I was most excited about. They don't even know I'm here right now," Evelyn continued in a soft voice.

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Draug nodded in sympathy as Evelyn told her tale. All the same...

What would it be like? he wondered. To share the truth with whoever you wanted?

It was a luxury he would never know. Go too far, and his bond with Sae would break, leaving him at the mercy of Sha-thoexis. But it was a sacrifice he made willingly.

Suddenly, something Evelyn had said sparked something in his memory. "Wait a minute. Silvery skin?"

On 6/24/2019 at 9:44 PM, AonEne said:

Ooh, have we got a prophecy on our hands, Draug?


Yes. Maybe. I really ought to get approval first, though. :P


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So many questions . . .

"Yeah, I think I could use some cake right about now," Evelyn said, managing a faint smile.

She turned to Doc, and tried to answer his question. "To understand the official reason you'll need to understand a bit more how our power works. You see, there's something special about the UK. It lets us draw power from it, but the farther away we go, the weaker our power gets. We officially came here to test a way for us to get the same power here as we did there. So, technically, we came here for that, but I guess I was hoping . . . "

Draug asked another question before Doc could respond. "Wait a minute. Silvery skin?"

Evelyn turned to him, a little surprised. "Yeah, is that important or something?"

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"Someday, someone's gonna write all this down." Doc muttered, "Once I read that, then I'll finally understand how magic works." he paused, then asked a burning question, "Ok, ok. So your current appearance is an illusion right? Could you dispel the illusion and show us what you actually look like?"

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If it’s about the cake, Leona has a talent. You’ll see  

Oh dear a prophecy? More sidetracking?

“Well in that case, who am I to ignore somebody’s requests for cake.” 

Leona raised her hands and inhaled. There was a platter on the table. She concentrated on the air above it. With an exhale, the air formed into a slice of cake, and fell six inches to the platter. 

well done said Onyx. not very useful for combat, but you no longer need to have a whole freaking conversation every time you do that. 

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15 hours ago, I think I am here. said:

Rob isn’t exactly the type of person to outwardly show feelings for anything, let alone people.

Exactly why this could be character-development-inducing!

If there is a prophecy, perhaps it should be discussed after the prom, when we might be splitting up anyway.

DAPPER. It's like you're trying to help me with this. 34e0ay.jpg

7 hours ago, Blessing of Potency said:

Ashlyn watches him walk away then continues on her way, she still had to pick up a couple things. Once she was done she walks to the front. Looking around she notices Rob standing with a group of people, she recognizes a few of them from school. Deciding to be brave again she walks over, “Hello again!”

Ashlyn's friend stalked her there, hiding behind a rack of fruit and watching.


Cassie suppressed her urge to hug Evelyn after she concluded her story, seeing that Jamie had gotten back. She widened her eyes at Jamie instead, as if to say, Come over here! Looking back at Evelyn as she took off her necklace, she blinked in surprise. Okay, wow. She's pretty.

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9 hours ago, Sorana said:

Shana shook her head.

"Flid and James are still missing. We need James to drive us back, so we kind of have to wait for them."

@Blessing of Potency


Flid doesn't have a phone, so James needs to get the notification


Edited by Emperor Stick
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Shana saw Rob study the condiments he had fetched and smiled. Rob. Stone faced, soft hearted Rob. She wanted to hug him and tell him he could do it, because he was great, because he was her friend, the one she trusted as much as Doc or Ben. But not with Ashlyn standing here.

"Why don't you come along?"

She asked Ashlyn.

"We have a huge table and there's always cake."

Gesturing towards their groceries she added.

"And we've got enough food for everybody. If you don't mind a house full of teenagers. It can be loud and crazy sometimes."

@Blessing of Potency

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Ene, may I have some more memes please?

“We’re knights Radiant. Basically means we have spren-“ she gestured to Onyx, who was hovering by her head. “and can do weird things like make cake out of air, which is very useful. And teleport, fly, heal ourselves, create illusions, stick things to other things, and also set things on fire.” She took a breath. “Also every so often we swear oaths, which are called Ideals. When you reach your third oath, you get a massive shapeshifting sword. At the fourth, or maybe fifth, you get a giant suit of armor. Like Iron Man.” 

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5 hours ago, Sorana said:

“Why don't you come along?"

She asked Ashlyn.

"We have a huge table and there's always cake."

Gesturing towards their groceries she added.

"And we've got enough food for everybody. If you don't mind a house full of teenagers. It can be loud and crazy sometimes."

Rob looked up from the condiments when Shana invited Ashlyn to come along. A normal person, come along to a house full of Radiants, magic dream demons and who knows what else? He didn’t know if they could hide they’re powers for as long as Ashlyn came, especially if she started asking where in the world they got all that cake from.

But still... they could do it, right? They hadn’t had a visitor in a while.

“If you want to,” Rob added, even though he didn’t have to. He’d just sort of said it. That was... uncharacteristic.

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1 minute ago, Blessing of Potency said:

“Well, if there’s cake I think I have to come.” She says, “though I’ll need to run my groceries home first.”

@Sorana @I think I am here.


Shana pulled out her phone and drew up her number and their address.

"We live there. And my number, in case you can't find it."

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25 minutes ago, I think I am here. said:

Rob looked up from the condiments when Shana invited Ashlyn to come along. A normal person, come along to a house full of Radiants, magic dream demons and who knows what else? He didn’t know if they could hide they’re powers for as long as Ashlyn came, especially if she started asking where in the world they got all that cake from.

But still... they could do it, right? They hadn’t had a visitor in a while.

“If you want to,” Rob added, even though he didn’t have to. He’d just sort of said it. That was... uncharacteristic.


Rob: *Considers* I guess if we're careful, having someone normal won't be a problem...
Jace: *visiting every other day for the past two years while thinking he was normal and magic-less*
Rob: Yes, we haven't had any visitors in a while...
Jace: *At this point technically not a 'visitor' because he practically lives there with them, but is still normal person as far as anyone knew until recently.*


Yes, that seems right. ^_^


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