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The Ten Orders: How They do Everyday Things

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18 hours ago, AonEne said:

and I'm now wondering...would anyone want to do a roleplay of this? Ten protags, one for each order, with other characters as needed, and how that would work on Earth.

I call Skybreaker!

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The ten orders when they stumble upon a cat:

Windrunner: Protects the cat from dogs and other dangers. Is now known among the locals as “Catman”.

Skybreaker: Calls pest control, the local shelters, and all potential cat owning families within the area.

Willshaper: Makes the cat a loyal companion to protect them on their adventures. Names the cat “Dirt” cause why not.

Elsecaller: Uses the cat to study the effects of caffeine on the brain. This has happened several times before, so many cats now roam the city attacking all who smell of coffee.

Truthwatcher: Really wants to pet the kitty, but foresees that the cat will scratch them if they do so. Sometimes still pets the kitty anyways.

Bondsmith: Unites all of the cats together to form Voltron.

Stonesmith: Has a soft spot for cats, but is terrified of them. Stands rigidly still as the cat rubs against their legs.

Edgedancer: Adopts the cat. Already has adopted dozens of forgotten cats.

Dustbringer: Harnesses the sheer destructive power of the cat to knock things off shelves everywhere.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves the cat into a fierce lion and claims that they rescued it from poachers.

Edited by Lunamor
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On 3/17/2019 at 8:07 PM, AonEne said:

*gets arrested*

By the way, I just remembered this,

and I'm now wondering...would anyone want to do a roleplay of this? Ten protags, one for each order, with other characters as needed, and how that would work on Earth.

I'll take Lightweaver or Elsecaller!

(Also this thread is sitcom fuel)

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The ten orders as policemen

Windrunner: Leads a Swat team, will always jump a bullet to save someone else, survived far longer than anyone expected

Elsecaller: Code-breaker, complains to the mafia for making his job too easy

Skybreaker: If he were to melt down all his medals, he could make a life size statue of himself, which he doesn't do cuz' that's against regulations

Dustbringer: Opens fire at anything from mass murder to jaywalking, was suspended from the force several times

Stoneward: Content to keep patrolling the same road for years, never sleeps or drinks on the job.

Edgedancer: Police detective, solves all the cases everyone else gave up on

Lightweaver: Police mole, some suspect he's a double agent, turns out to be a triple

Truthwatcher: Interrogator, can get the truth out of anyone with that stare of hers

Bondsmith: Runs the station, takes responsibility for the Dustbringers' behavior

Willshaper: Left the force after two months, too repetitive

Edited by Arcoss
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How the 10 order pick up a date at a bar

Windrunner: Smiles engagingly and buys a drink claiming they want a steady relationship and someone to look after their date is a bit put off by the intensity of the last statement

Stoneward: Remembers a parent's dating advice and follows it religiously

Skybreaker: Does not date causally but one day turns up with a date (no one knows how)

Edgedancer: Looks to the person who sits by themselves and offers conversation

Bondsmith: Will not date untill all of their friends have dates first

Elsecaller: Looks up modern dating guides and comes up with a scientific algorithm to arrive at the best dating options

Willshaper: Doesn't look twice at someone that has even one quality in common with an ex

Dustbringer: Goes instantly to the person who is showing the most skin

Truthwatcher: Plays the only card they have (the pity card) and waits for someone to pick them up

Lightweaver: Becomes what they think is the ideal date.  This leads to problems.

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The ten orders on a flight:

The Windrunner listens attentively to the flight crew's safety instructions and spends the flight studying the safety card. In the case of unexpected loss of cabin pressure they would help others first. 

The Skybreaker tells other people to take out their headphones and listen to the crew's instructions. Gets annoyed at the Willshaper for running up and down the aisle. 

The Dustbringer is the kid behind you kicking your seat. 

The Edgedancer switches seats with the Truthwatcher because they asked nicely. They also give the Dustbringer a toy to make them calm down. 

The Willshaper ignores the seat belt sign and sneaks back to where the crew keeps the snacks and drinks. They spend the rest of the flight looking out the window happily munching on pretzels and drinking dangerous amounts of ginger ale. 

The Truthwatcher foresaw they would sit in front of the Dustbringer, so they asked the Edgedancer to change seats with them. But they can't get any shuteye because now they're in the seat next to the Willshaper and wake up every time they have to get up to pee from drinking too much ginger ale. 

The Lightweaver gets up to shenanigans impersonating the pilot and copilot, walking around during the flight casually asking who's flying the plane right now. The Skybreaker is not amused. 

The Elsecaller is only on the flight to conduct research on human behaviour in confined spaces over longer periods of time. When they get bored they think of ways of improving the plane's design. 

The Stoneward puts on Avatar, immediately falls asleep, and doesn't wake up until the plane has landed. 

The Bondsmith is scared of flying and can't wait for the pilot to unite the plane with the ground again. 

Bonus round for what some of the spren are up to: 

The Honorspren turns into a tiny plane and zips around the cabin sticking people's plastic cups to their tray tables. 

The Cultivationspren thinks about the beautiful garden they could grow out of all the luggage on board. 

The Cryptic humms happily when they realize the airline lied about extra leg room. They then hide in the bathroom and observe human behaviour. They yell "No Mating!" when a couple tries to join the mile high club. 

The Stormfather grumbles about it not being right that everyone is flying these days. 

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The orders making cookies:

Elsecaller: Takes a poll of everyone’s favorite kind of cookie, then goes shopping and makes sure they have all the right ingredients.

Willshaper: Doesn’t pay attention to the recipe and tries to add what they think would taste good.

Skybreaker: Follows recipe exactly and gets annoyed at Willshaper then banishes her from the kitchen after she tries to add hot sauce.

Stoneward: Insists on using a family recipe of his and sides with Skybreaker on stopping Willshaper.

Lightweaver: Tries to aid Willshaper by lightweaving them to look like normal ingredients.

Dustbringer: Is constantly sneaking dough from the bowl and turns the oven up high. (She likes her cookies crispy)

Windrunner: Protects the dough from Dustbringer and turns the oven down. Makes sure everyone washed their hands befor starting.

Edgedancer: Remembers all the ingredients they forgot to add including an extra half cup of chocolate chips she swears was in the original recipe.

Truthwatcher: Foresees Edgedancer and changed the recipe so it calls for a half cup less chocolate chips.

Bondsmith: Oversees everything and makes sure it all runs smoothly. (As much as can be expected)

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How the 10 orders drink

Elsecaller: Drinking dulls the wits but science calls for me to experience drunkenness at least once.

Willshaper: Tries a new wine every time they see one this gets expensive.

Skybreaker: Never drinks ever and minimizes Dustbringer's damage.

Stoneward: Drinks exactly one beer and then leaves the bar after listening to everyone else drink.

Lightweaver: Attempts to draw what they see while drunk but can't quite get it right so they throw an art tantrum.

Dustbringer: Is an very mean drunk starts fight that Skybreaker stops.

Windrunner: Does not drink and makes sure to get everyone's keys.  Must protect them.

Edgedancer: Makes sure to share their drink with others.

Truthwatcher: No one is sure if they are drunk or not you have seen their glass be refiled several times but their is not difference in their behavior.

Bondsmith: Unites all the different verities of beer into one.  Willshaper loves it.

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How the orders play Monopoly:

Windrunners: Play by the rules at first, but gets exasperated quickly. Discovers covert Adhesion can be used to rig dice.

Skybreakers: Has read the rules many times, keeps the pamphlet of rules close on hand, and Harmony help the one who suggests "House rules" (I know Harmony is on a different planet, but we're running low on benevolent Shards on Roshar). Begs the Windrunner to use Adhesion on pieces in Jail.

Dustbringers: Tries to singe 0's on the end of the money to make it seem they have more than they do. Nobody believes them. They also rack up the prices on auctions. Some men just want to watch the world burn...

Edgedancers: Somehow, their piece always slides past Jail. 

Truthwatchers: They decided not to play. However, they did make popcorn to watch the chaos.

Lightweavers: Taking notes from the Dustbringers, they have Lightwoven money. Not making the money worth more, they just make some players seem more successful than they are. This leads to overconfidence, and, occasionally, people ganging up on the victim.

Elsecallers: They win the game. Every time. The rest have started planning games around when they are gone.

Willshapers: They are not good at the game, but they do enjoy picking a new piece each time. This irritates everyone who has their own piece. As an offering to the Willshaper, the rest have made a custom Monopoly piece for them to stop the thievery.

Stonewards: They will not give up Park Place. They will die on that hill, and die they do. Every. Time.

Bondsmiths: Monopoly by nature drives men apart. As does Uno and MarioKart. They do not play any of these.

Edited by Stormgate
Changing cohesion to adhesion
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How the ten orders rob a bank:

Windrunners: Insists that everyone wear masks, bulletproof vest, and carry guns with blanks before going.

Skybreakers: Is an undercover cop who busts his gang as soon as they enter the bank.

Dustbringers: Brings rocket launchers, grenades, and assault rifles, robs the bank and then lights the money on fire.

Lightweaver: Lightweaves themselves into a known billionaire and withdraws hundreds of millions before fleeing.

Elsecaller: Soulcasts the back wall of the bank enters the vault Elsecalls away with as much money as they can get their hands on.

Truthwatcher: Does not go to the bank that day.

Willshapers: Wanders away from the rest of the team and ends up at a different bank on the other side of town.

Bondsmith: Unites the best crews to create the ultimate team of thieves and gets away clean.

Edgedancer: Remembers the banks that other forget and robs them with a team of misfits.

Stoneward: Robs the same bank that got him put away before.

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How the ten orders get arrested:

Windrunner: Tries to “save” someone from getting injured on a hike, so they kidnap them to prevent them from going on the hike in the first place.

Skybreaker: Arrests themselves for accidentally littering.

Edgedancer: Steals from the rich to give to the poor (read: forgotten).

Elsecaller: Gets arrested for conducting illegal experiments on random passerby.

Truthwatcher: Somehow manages to wander into a top secret government facility.

Willshaper: Tries new “experiences” like robbing a bank and random heists.

Stoneward: Was just standing in the middle of a construction site and would not move. Didn’t say anything, just stood there. Birds even landed on them.

Dustbringer: Has committed practically every single crime. Especially arson. Their most recent one was blowing up random buildings.

Lightweaver: Gets arrested for impersonating the president. No one knows how long they were doing it or where the real president actually is.

Bondsmith: Tries to take over the world so he can “unite” all of the countries together.

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How the ten orders act in prison

Windrunner: Makes sure that all others are well cared for and tries to get them parole.

Skybreaker: Memorizes all prison rules and would have been the first to receive parole but he keeps pointing out flaws in the management system and giving the gaurds infractions.

Edgedancer: Is in charge of the nightly prisson party that they invite all of the new prisoners to. No one knows how they get the booze.

Elsecaller:  Spends a week locked in solitary with law books then gets out of prison on a technicality.

Truthwachter: No one seems to remember what they are in prison for or why they are still here but they give great advice on prison life if you can get them talking

Willshaper: Got arrested specifically so that they can experience prisson.  Dutifully takes notes on everything the Truthwatcher says.

Stonward: Is a model prisoner as he just stays were he is put.  Eventually they put him on house arrest because moving him is too much trouble.

Dustbringer: Is currently on his 7th Jailbreak the evidence of the last 5 are still visible in the newly patched walls

Lightweaver:  Are they still in prison?  No one knows for sure but I think I saw them at mealtime.

Bondsmith: Treis to unite the prison guards with the prisoners and form a collective prison identity.

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How the 10 orders celebrate parole:

Windrunner: Ensures that all weapons are taken before the party starts to keep their friends safe.

Skybreaker: Throws a party that abides by every rule of their parole including some that their P.O. have not heard of.

Edgedancer:  Invites many of the ex cons that society has forgotten.

Elsecaller:  Celebrates by teaching some wrongfully accused friends how to draft an appeal.

Truthwatcher: Goes to the track with friends and picks all of the winning horses.

Willshaper: Misses the party because they got sidetracked by a crime in progress.

Stoneward: Invites some family for the same type of party they had thrown before going to jail.

Dustbringer: Gets rearrested for the same crime.

Lightweaver: Throws a costume party.

Bondsmith: reconciles the two fighting factions that developed when they got put away.

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How the ten orders go on a run

Windrunner: Refuses to leave the parking lot, in case there are any runners that need to be protected from the cars

Skybreaker: Doesn't run on the crosswalk when the hand is red even though there aren't any cars within a mile

Dustbringer: Purposefully runs out in the middle of traffic, hoping to cause a wreck (gives windrunner a heart attack every time it happens)

Edgedancer: Runs Glides with the really slow people so they're not forgotten

Truthwatcher: Doesn't go on a run, he foresees nothing but pain, agony, and shin-splints

Lightweavers: Creates illusions of self running really fast by everyone else just to tick them off

Elsecallers: Studies what the best form for running is

Willshapers: Goes on all the different roads, and never runs on the same one

Stonewards: Often wonders what running would be like, let alone moving

Bondsmith: Tries to get everyone to run together, in a pack, but no one ever sticks together



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Lots of things about prison! I like them all!


And, also, how the orders play MarioKart!

Windrunner: tries to keep everyone happy at first, but after getting egged on by his spren quickly gets sucked into the competitive spirit.

Skybreaker: gets annoyed by the fact that this is a video game, and automatically enforces the rules. 

Dustbringer: hits every item box possible and gleefully unloads his shells on both fellow competitors and computers.

Edgedancer: plays manual drift and is the absolute master of it.

Truthwatcher: makes more popcorn to watch this chaos.

Lightweaver: Was in a desperate fight with the Willshaper for first, then Lightweaves their screen to include an extra turn to throw them off.

Elsecaller: Has it down to a science, with the best character, best car, and automatic drift. They are continually frustrated by the fact they still can’t beat the Willshaper.

Willshaper: is storming good at the game. Has explored every last map, knows all the shortcuts, and all the tricks to avoid shells. He uses a different car and character every time, and doesn’t fall for the lightweaver’s trick.

Stoneward: stubbornly always uses Mario and the standard kart every single time.

Bondsmith: refuses to play, just like monopoly. :)

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