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Cultivations Real Name?!


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Since the quote related to Taln, I always thought Reya was someone who might've been closed to the Heralds but not specifically Cultivation.I do like the idea that Rhysa is Cultivation's name - just so I can make the connection of Rhysadium = over-cultivated horse :D

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Random thought.

Odium is on Braize. Now, we've always believed Cultivation is on Roshar, but could she just be in the solar system?

Could she have invested a star and become the sun? The sun is such a necessary part of life, it seems easy to fulfill the intent of Cultivation by being one...

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There would have to be something magical about it, and this doesn't seem the case with Greater Roshar's star. Plus, I think even a Shard would die in outer space / near a star, they are not immortal.

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I assumed the lights winking out were the two other known planets of the Greater Roshar system, Ashyn and Braize. Cause, you know, the sun grew dimmer, so the planets stopped reflecting light.


As far as dying in outer space, though, don't we have Word of Brandon that there is a shard on no planet, wandering?

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Okay theory time.  Reya's Tear is the planet Ashyn and Reya is the holder of the Shard located there.  It is described as being much brighter than the other stars, which if I remember correctly, is pretty common for planets since they are considerably closer to the observer.  There is WoB that there was knowledge of the other planets in Roshar's past to it could be conceivably that "Reya's Tear" is a remnant of that knowledge.

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In Shadows for Silence in the Forests of calamity there is a bright band of stars mentioned? Is this Taln's scar from a different point of view.


I interpreted the stars going out as a vision of a possible future where Odium one and stars start going out one by one as Odium destroys the universe in hatred.


Ha the site edited my mention of the title of one of Brandon's works

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  • 2 months later...

I think it could be Cultivation's name because in Mistborn he slipped the two shard names right by us. I think this could be a similar occurrence. Also in the Stormlight Archive it is harder to spot things because there is so much more going on.

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  • 1 month later...

Baseless speculation, go.

Reya is somebody. But I don't think I've seen anyone speculate about the person that he or she is.

Reya is the name of the person who became the Nightwatcher. 

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Reya is somebody. But I don't think I've seen anyone speculate about the person that he or she is.

Hmmm... Well I'm thinking that the Tear might be one of the other planets in the Greater Roshar system, since it is described as being brighter than the other "stars", so maybe it's Ashyn. And to echo myself from earlier in this thread maybe Reya is the person who held the Shard that used to be on Ashyn?

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I like that idea Weiry. 


It has to be someone very prominent in Cosmere/Roshar history/myth to engender a name that someone more "commonly" born like Kaladin knows without having to think about.


I have to assume that Reya is a someone of Cosmereic significance or they wouldn't name a star after her tear. Sky is almost always a divine realm in human mythology, and usually in myths dealing with star placement, it is deific level, certainly super/heroic level, people who are attributed actions that set stars in the sky. Not normal people, even kings or queens are attributed this kind of legacy. 


If she's not Cultivation and the tear isn't a result of Honor's death, then the Shardbearer on Ashyn is a great 2nd candidate. 


You want wild speculation? How about this?


Yes—one is The Silence Divine, a world like ours where you gain magic by diseases;


/Wild speculation on


Based on that quote.. and something that bugs me about the scene in WoR where Kaladin names the Tear of Reya... how do they know that the "moving stars" are in fact starspren? Do they have telescopes? Did Windrunners in the past fall to space to investigate and pass that knowledge on? 


Or are those actually in fact Satellites, from "a world like ours"? Set in place by Khriss and associates after their Ashyn stint? By scientists from Ashyn to observe Roshar? 


/fun speculation off

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Is it possible that Reya is the name of the woman that wrote the book on Roshar describing and assigning the masculine and feminine arts? I think the book has been named at some point, but the only reference to the author is made by Hoid (to Kaladin believe). She obviously wrote it a long time ago, and considering the impact that it had on Rosharan society, she could have been turned into a legendary character and had a star named after her.

Also, I just thought it was weird how Hoid seemed to go out of his way not to name the author as he was talking about her.

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Just a picky question -- do we know for sure there is a Shardbearer on Ashyn?  Is there a WoB about this?  I know it seems to be inferrable because there is magic there, however there's still magic on Sel.  Just from a Cosmere standpoint, do we know that for magic to exist, a Shard had to be present at some point? 


Maybe noob questions, just can't remember reading anything to this point.  Thanks!


Edit:  Answered my second question:


Q:  Does the Silence Divine take place in the Cosmere?
A:  It does, it takes place on a planet called Threnody. There is no shard on that planet however. The magic is more something you interact with, not something you perform b/c there isn't a shard there.


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Just a picky question -- do we know for sure there is a Shardbearer on Ashyn?  Is there a WoB about this?  I know it seems to be inferrable because there is magic there, however there's still magic on Sel.  Just from a Cosmere standpoint, do we know that for magic to exist, a Shard had to be present at some point? 


Maybe noob questions, just can't remember reading anything to this point.  Thanks!


Edit:  Answered my second question:


Q:  Does the Silence Divine take place in the Cosmere?

A:  It does, it takes place on a planet called Threnody. There is no shard on that planet however. The magic is more something you interact with, not something you perform b/c there isn't a shard there.



Brandon actually made a mistake there, The Silence Divine does *not* take place on Threnody, Shadows for Silence in the Forests of Hell does.  tSD takes place on Ashyn which does not currently have a Shard.

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  • 2 years later...

So I'm going to run off in a completely different direction here.  We have seen that Brandon likes to play with naming conventions, giving each world a unique feel, whether it is the Aonic root of the non-Fjordan Selish names, or the predominant doubling of the first consonant on Nalthis, or the imperfect symmetry of Rosharan names.  Naming conventions are important in the Cosmere.


Reya is a name unlike those we have seen before.  But for some reason, it triggers something about the names from the Lord of the Rings for me, where members of the same family would have similar names.  Which has me thinking, completely out of left field, what if Reya is Rayse's sister?  Not necessarily Cultivation, but one of the other as-of-yet unnamed Shard's vessel.  What if Reya's tear was shed for seeing what her brother had become as Odium?  After seeing him destroy others, she may have decided to help imprison him on Braize, not destroy, as he is her brother.  Which could have led to her appearing in Rosharan mythos, if she is not Cultivation, even though she is not the one of the System's shards.


That is my thought, with no proof or substantiation.  An important female character who we have not yet met.

Thanks @Green Hoodie Mistborn for the WOB about Cultivation not being Reya.

Edited by Stark
Strikethrough's added, had originally missed Green Hoodie Mistborn's photo of Brandon disproving the Reya is Cultivation.
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Maybe Reya was Ambition? /wildspeculation

Might make Stark's "Reya is Rayse's sister" theory more interesting if true.

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On 3/8/2014 at 9:45 AM, Argent said:

It's possible. We don't usually see the Shards' names go down in history, but Roshar is more cosmere-aware than the other Shardworlds, so it's possible that Cultivation's name has become a part of some cultures' lore. 


I will tentatively agree, and maybe see if I can get an answer from Brandon.

but we do, Scadrial had Atium and Lerasium, Nalthis has the tear of Edgli, Sel has Aeons and Skaze, on Roshar Honor/the Almighty is known in Vorinism as Elithanathile which is Elin+Tanvast+Palindromes. The Shard holders names are almost always known on their planet, even if the people don't know it. 

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17 minutes ago, thejopen27 said:

Ethanathile which is Elin+Tanvast+Palindromes

It's Elithanathile, actually, but I still I don't quite see it. It's definitely symmetric, and it has the elith part, which is similar enough to the elin we see at the end of the Vorin versions of the Heralds' names (e.g. Talenel'elin), but the closest match to Tanavast is thana or thanath - which is only about 50% match in my eyes.

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34 minutes ago, Argent said:

It's Elithanathile, actually, but I still I don't quite see it. It's definitely symmetric, and it has the elith part, which is similar enough to the elin we see at the end of the Vorin versions of the Heralds' names (e.g. Talenel'elin), but the closest match to Tanavast is thana or thanath - which is only about 50% match in my eyes.

Yes, I mis-typed the first part, I'll go correct it. They only took the Tana part to more easily fit their Palindrome, They butcher most of the Herlads names to fit the Palindrome, why not Tanavast's. Many langauges shuffle back and forth the Th and T sounds in words e.g. Thomas.

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