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Mid-Range Game 25: Lowborn Intrigue


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MR25: Lowborn Intrigue

"Brightness Ialai, a Brightlord Vendel has requested to see you." a guard informed Ialia, wife of Highprince Sadeas. 

"Send him in," she replied. Curious. I haven't seen Vendel in quite some time, Ialai thought. A middle-aged man entered the room soon after. He had dark hair slicked back down to his shoulders, and light green eyes.

"Cousin Vendel, it's a surprise to see you here at the Shattered Plains," Ialai said as he approached. "I thought you were at Kharbranth?"

"That's because I was," Vendel said gruffly. "Until that storming Taravangian had me banished for...practicing on some patients of his. I don't know what had him so upset. It was only a couple of darkeyes. The experiments weren't even fatal! ...for all of them," he added under his breath.

"I see..." replied Ialai. "And what is your purpose for coming here?"

"Well, I heard that you have quite a large army here. I figured you could spare a few of them to help me with my research," he said.

"And what do I gain from sacrificing some of my husbands men to your, what was it? Ah, yes, your research?" she asked.

"I'll share my findings with you. Some of my products have shown excellent promise," Vendel said proudly.

"I suppose that could be useful to me," she said with a thoughtful expression. I think this could be very useful indeed, she thought. "Alright, you will have your men. But it won't be any of our fighting men. That would be wasteful. No, you can speak with Sadeas and he'll give you command of a Bridge Crew. We can't let you do your experiments out in the open, so you'll have to be careful with how you do them. I'd suggest bribing some of the bridge crew to administrate your...products, so no blame will be placed to you," she said. And if they show promise, they'll be of far more use to me than you ever will, she thought to herself, smiling slightly. I can always use more spies.

"A brilliant idea!" Vendel exclaimed. "I knew coming to you was the right idea. You have my thanks, Brightness. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'll go speak with Brightlord Sadeas about that Bridge crew..." he said as he bowed and left the room.

The Game


Vendel has secretly contacted a small number of of the bridge crew to do his bidding, promising them freedom and riches if they follow his commands and succeed in distributing his poisons without getting caught.

There are two factions in this game: the Spies and the Unlucky. Vendel's Spies know all of the members of their faction, and win if they outnumber the Unlucky. The Unlucky win* if they kill all of the Spies. (*still bridgemen though :P)

Cycles in this game are split up into 24 hour Days and 24 hour Nights. The game will be starting on Night 0, but no kill actions may be submitted. During the Day, players will vote to lynch a player. Tied lynches result in a coin flip, and there is a 2 vote minimum for a lynch to occur.

Role and alignment will be revealed upon death, but Poisonings will not. Assassin and Poisoned Guard kills will be indistinguishable in write-ups, but Spy kills will be shown differently. Players that survived an attack will be shown in the write-up(as either protected by an anonymous player or saved by the "Tough" ability).

Spies and Poisoining


Vendel's Spies are the standard eliminator faction. They have a group doc to conspire in, but may only use it during the Night(since it's too dangerous to meet up during the day). The Spies can still view the doc during the Day, but they can't edit it. Each Night, one of the Spies can choose to forgo their Night Action to poison a single player(regular eliminator kill).

Unlike the traditional eliminator faction, Vendel has given his Spies non-lethal poison to spread among the Bridge Crew. Each Day Turn, one of the Spies may Poison a player as their action. They may not take another action during the Turn, but they can still vote. After the Day is over, the target player becomes Poisoned, secretly changing their role ability for the rest of the game (see each role for the exact details).  Players will not be informed if they are Poisoned.

All players begin the game unPoisoned, including the Spies.  The Spies are able to Poison each other.



While all of you are darkeyes, some of you find yourselves in better positions than others.  Of course, being as secretive and sneaky as possible, the Spies may also hold any of the following roles.  Some roles may not necessarily be included.  The Poisoned ability for each role is listed in purple

Unremarkable: You don't have any special skills or valuable traits. As such, you've been forced to talk your way out of a lot of bad situations. While you weren't able to talk your way out of being a bridgeman, the others do listen to you.

  • Each Night turn, you may secretly vote for another player via PM.  The player with the most secret votes during the Night is reported as a “villainous scoundrel,” and receives an additional vote against them towards the following Day’s execution, revealed after the Night is over.  Ties result in no vote being placed.
  • Your vote actually ends up subtracting one other Night vote placed on the target player.

Surgeon's Apprentice: You only trained for a short while, so you only know the basics.

  • Each Day turn, you may select a player to target, hampering the Poisons in their system for (only) the following Night and Day.  The target will be informed at the start of the Night that they are not Poisoned for the duration of the cycle.
  • You end up Poisoning your target; your target will become Poisoned for (only) the following Night and Day, and will not be notified.  If the target is already Poisoned, this has no discernible effect.

Merchant: You've always had a cunning eye which allows you to tell if someone is lying or not.

  • Each Night turn, you may select a player to target and discover their alignment (Unlucky/Spy) after the Night is over.
  • Your scan will always yield the wrong result (when seeking an Unlucky, you will receive a Spy result, and vice versa).

Guardsman: You have experience as a mercenary guard, although the fact that you're now a bridgeman might hint that you weren't a very good one.

  • Each Night turn, you may select any player, other than yourself, and guard them from a single attack.
  • You unwittingly end up killing your target, rather than defending them.  Oops.

Assassin: You are one of the sneakiest and most devious members of the bridge crew.

  • Each Night turn, you may target any player to kill (other than yourself).
  • You unwittingly befriend your target, defending them from a single attack.

Worldsinger: You are a master storyteller, using your stories to promote goodwill and happiness... not as a means of propaganda, obviously!

  • Each Day turn, you may target a player and subtly win them over to your way of thinking, changing their vote to a player of your choice.
  • You mischievously make your stories so long and monotonous that they put your target to sleep, silencing their vote (rather than changing it).

Eavesdropper: You have very keen hearing, so you can listen in to the quiet conversations that happen at Night.

  • Each Day turn, you may choose two players, and see any PMs between the two of them during the following Night.
  • You make yourself too obvious trying to listen in, which keeps the 2 players you targeted from being able to PM each other.  (At the end of the Night, you will be informed that no PMs took place between the target players.)

Con Artist: You are an expert at emulating others and putting on secretive guises of secrecy, giving you an edge in many unforeseen situations.

  • After each Day execution, you automatically take on the lynched player’s role (but not alignment) for the following Night and Day, along with the non-Poisoned version of their role ability.  If there is no Day execution, or the executed player survived, you do not steal any role, and receive no powers for that cycle.
  • You always receive the Poisoned version of the executed player’s role ability (but are not notified of this).

Tough: You've been through a lot before you became a bridgeman, which makes you difficult to finish off. This is a passive extra life role that a player may start with alongside their active role.



When Night comes, the whispers start. 

PM rules:

Unlimited PM's during the Night.
No group PM's allowed.
Both me and Steeldancer should be included in all PM's.
You may be notified during the Night that you can't contact a specific person, because you realize someone is trying to spy on your conversation with said player, so you keep quiet.
Messages may still be sent if all of the Eavesdroppers are dead.

Action Order



1. Unremarkables Vote
2. Protection
3. Kills(except Night 1)
4. Scanner

Doc access and PM's are allowed during the Night.


1. Worldsinger
2. Lynch
3. Poisoning
4. Surgeon Apprentice
5. Eavesdropper

NO doc access or PM's during the Day.

And that's the game! I thought I'd let the Bridge number be up to the players, so decide what you want before the game starts and I'll go with that(please don't go too high or low :P). I wanted to go with a Bridge crew, since I thought it'd be funner than just sticking with the same story as MR8(although I did steal some things directly from MR8 since I'm rushing things a bit >>). I also thought you all might have fun coming up with criminal(or not) backstories for how you got to be a bridge crew member.

Sign-ups will last until October 19th(not sure about a specific time). I'll be on vacation until the 17th, so I might not respond to questions or anything until then. Also, no promises that everything in the game is covered in the rules. ;)

Player list:

1. Darkness (Nuatoma Akihiko)
2. Randuir (Tenodin)
3. Straw (An Explosive Gerbil)
4. Brightness Radiant (undecided)
5. Hemalurgic Headshot (Kurt Barnacles)
6. Jondesu (Div)
7. Sami (Reddathan)
8. Roadwalker (Silver Feather)
9. Drake Marshall (Pashul)
10. Lemonelon (Ellenie)
11. StrikerEZ (Ardenal)
12. Walin (Nerkel)
13. Arinian (blank)
14. Sart (Mortago)
15. Megasif (Kohl)
16. OrlokTsubodai (Locke Tekiel)
17. Manukos (manukosokunam)
18. Eternum (Deral)
19. Shqueeves (Melb)
20. Joe in a Bush (Jost Joslin)

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Ooh, this sounds fun!

I'll sign up Ellenie.

Very rare for a woman to join the bridge crews- almost unheard of. Ellenie is a former soldier who happened to take too much pleasure in the Thrill and started seeking it with her comrades instead of her foes. Her twisted happiness when battling led her commanding  officer to demote her to the bridge crew as opposed to killing her outright. He'd be damned, but he wanted to see her suffer!

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I'm signing up as Ardenal, a former soldier who was put into the bridge crews for kililing several of his fellow soldiers by accidentally cutting one of the bridges with a Shardblade he had been loaned.

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Heres a current sign up list (oh what fun! I get to make a sign ups list!!!)

1. Darkness (Nuatoma Akihiko)

2. Randuir (Tenodin)

3. Straw (An Explosive Gerbil)

4. Brightness Radiant (undecided)

5. Hemalurgic Headshot (Kurt Barnacles)

6. Jondesu (Div)

7. Sami (Reddathan)

8. Roadwalker (Silver Feather)

9. Drake Marshall (Pashul)

10. Lemonelon (Ellenie)

11. StrikerEZ (Ardenal)

12. Walin (Nerkel)

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Since this is my first RP, how do you roleplay in SE? I've looked at other MR's and all the role playing seems to be just voting and calling other people suspicious. Can we give lines or non-action verbs for the character to do to set up tension or stuff? As a side note, is that what we're always supposed to do, and the people I saw were just metagaming about votes?

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13 minutes ago, Walin said:

Since this is my first RP, how do you roleplay in SE? I've looked at other MR's and all the role playing seems to be just voting and calling other people suspicious. Can we give lines or non-action verbs for the character to do to set up tension or stuff? As a side note, is that what we're always supposed to do, and the people I saw were just metagaming about votes?

You can role play anything you want. Some games focus on it more, so the write ups for each day/night cycle will include plenty of prompts to help, and some don’t do much, but it’s all up to you. Some people roleplay everything including votes, some just roleplay in addition to their gameplay. Totally your choice.

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59 minutes ago, Walin said:

Since this is my first RP, how do you roleplay in SE? I've looked at other MR's and all the role playing seems to be just voting and calling other people suspicious. Can we give lines or non-action verbs for the character to do to set up tension or stuff? As a side note, is that what we're always supposed to do, and the people I saw were just metagaming about votes?

If you want to look at a more roleplay heavy game, I'd take a look at lg30 or lg33. 'Gameplay' and RP is kept separate by many, but not all people. Arraenae is a player who often combines the two, so take a look through a game she played in for an example of that.

Edited by randuir
added links, and it's definitely LG33
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