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20 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

By sacrificing both a teammate, and a late game conversion, Arinian? That makes very little sense. Whilst constant scrutiny can only be a good thing, at some point you should consider that your proposal is so unlikely that it makes no sense. The cost/benefit of bussing Rae is dramatically against it, and the situation that would have had to emerge for that to occur is remarkably convoluted.


11 minutes ago, little wilson said:

This, dear children, is what we call a tunnel.

Sure, sure. Of course it's tunneling and drastic change from Rae on Lemon it's just me tunneling, sorry for it.

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Since it doesn't sound like you're going to drop this without any sort of explanation for the switch from Lemon to Rae, Arinian, let me explain. This is something we wanted to keep from the thread because it ruins the game, but we need to move past this and your fixation isn't helping.

Last cycle, Rae confessed that she was an eliminator to me, Orlok, and El. She said that she was the only really active eliminator. Since Orlok and I both believed her soother claim, we thought it would be best to leave her alone for a time, to keep the game alive, and go after a different suspicion. I'd been suspicious of Lemon for a few cycles, and thought she was likely to be the Seer, so Orlok had her scanned, and the result was no allomancy. This is exactly what would show up for a Seer who is out of atium.

So we went after Lemon at first, but when both Rae and Lemon decided to try to go after Orlok in response, and the vote difference between Lemon and Orlok wasn't enough for us to risk a last minute vote change/manipulation that resulted in his death, we switched to Rae.

I'm still convinced Lemon is evil, but it's obvious now that she is not the Seer.

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30 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Since it doesn't sound like you're going to drop this without any sort of explanation for the switch from Lemon to Rae, Arinian, let me explain. This is something we wanted to keep from the thread because it ruins the game, but we need to move past this and your fixation isn't helping.

Last cycle, Rae confessed that she was an eliminator to me, Orlok, and El. She said that she was the only really active eliminator. Since Orlok and I both believed her soother claim, we thought it would be best to leave her alone for a time, to keep the game alive, and go after a different suspicion. I'd been suspicious of Lemon for a few cycles, and thought she was likely to be the Seer, so Orlok had her scanned, and the result was no allomancy. This is exactly what would show up for a Seer who is out of atium.

So we went after Lemon at first, but when both Rae and Lemon decided to try to go after Orlok in response, and the vote difference between Lemon and Orlok wasn't enough for us to risk a last minute vote change/manipulation that resulted in his death, we switched to Rae.

I'm still convinced Lemon is evil, but it's obvious now that she is not the Seer.

Wait, she was scanned and came up with no allomancy which should have meant she was out of beads. She survived the lynch, which means that she had at least one bead left. Do the elims have a smoker? Do we have any confirmed smokers? 

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37 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Since it doesn't sound like you're going to drop this without any sort of explanation for the switch from Lemon to Rae, Arinian, let me explain. This is something we wanted to keep from the thread because it ruins the game, but we need to move past this and your fixation isn't helping.

Last cycle, Rae confessed that she was an eliminator to me, Orlok, and El. She said that she was the only really active eliminator. Since Orlok and I both believed her soother claim, we thought it would be best to leave her alone for a time, to keep the game alive, and go after a different suspicion. I'd been suspicious of Lemon for a few cycles, and thought she was likely to be the Seer, so Orlok had her scanned, and the result was no allomancy. This is exactly what would show up for a Seer who is out of atium.

So we went after Lemon at first, but when both Rae and Lemon decided to try to go after Orlok in response, and the vote difference between Lemon and Orlok wasn't enough for us to risk a last minute vote change/manipulation that resulted in his death, we switched to Rae.

I'm still convinced Lemon is evil, but it's obvious now that she is not the Seer.

Oh, okay. This explains everything, Rae is only active eliminator so Lemon is elim. Belive Rae and in same time don't belive her, logical.

Sorry maybe you didn't noticed that before but I'm super stubborn and as I said to Orlok before, we will talk after Rae will be lynched.

And I don't think that Lemon is elim. 

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I said "really active." Lemon is posting, sure, but I would call her activity "less active". Far from inactive, but also far from very active. Eliminators like very active teammates, especially if they are drawing flack for multiple cycles like Rae was. 

I'm ignoring you now, Arin. Your posts are more irritating and ridiculous than not and you refuse to even think you might be wrong. I have literally nothing more to say to you.

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21 minutes ago, Arraenae said:

Just a friendly reminder that this Turn doesn't end for another thirty minutes. Get your thoughts in now before you die!

Hi Rae. :P 

10 minutes ago, little wilson said:

I said "really active." Lemon is posting, sure, but I would call her activity "less active". Far from inactive, but also far from very active. Eliminators like very active teammates, especially if they are drawing flack for multiple cycles like Rae was. 

Hmm, could we consider someone like PK to be an elim? Maybe Rae converted PK first, thinking that they would be active for the game, but then PK goes inactive. *shrugs* Just a thought. :P 

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Day 7: Hanged


Waern arrived at the atrium to find everyone already there. Raised voices greeting him, an argument already in progress.

"What is going on?" he asked, raising his own voice to be heard. He faltered slightly at Armina's presence, but mustered himself. "Why are you all yelling at each other? This is hardly professional!" Fine, now he was yelling. But it was different for him, he was allowed to yell. It was his damned building, and he'd do what he liked within it.

"Why didn't you kill her?" Locke asked, gesturing at Armina. "You're the one who wanted us to turn on each other, what has suddenly changed that you aren't following through on your end of this deal?"

"Nothing has changed," Waern said quickly. "And I'll thank you to remember your place here, Obligator. There was simply some... evidence... that trumped your accusations, nothing more than that. That will have to satisfy you, as I am not at liberty to divulge the nature of that evidence as of this moment in time."

"Fine, sir, I suppose that will have to do," Locke replied, giving a dismissive wave of his hand. "Then if you'll forgive me, I'll go and do something more constructive than trying to find that skaa infiltrator. Which according to you, is apparently literally anything else." With that, he stormed off.

"He seems angry, but that's never an excuse to raise your voice at your superior," Armina said, smiling sweetly at Waern. "Perhaps he should be reminded who's in charge here. Perhaps a week of cleaning duty will help him to remember where he stands?"

Waern clenched his fist and gritted his teeth, nodding once, before turning his back on her and walking off. He was in no mood to deal with the degree of smugness Armina was displaying today. He was interrupted in his brooding by a shout from the hall.

"Everyone, come here!" Locke's voice shouted from the hall. "And someone bring me a knife!"

They found him in the hall, in front of a large window. Locke carefully tested his weight on the windowsill and lifted himself up, steadying himself against the glass. He stretched out his arm to the group, and Waern wordlessly passed Locke the knife from his belt. Locke busied himself cutting at the ropes that suspended Alrin from the heavy iron frame, looped around the handles.

"Someone hung him there?" Variel asked, voice full of surprise. "They're mocking us. Mocking our efforts to catch them."

"They hanged him," Waern said, absent-mindedly. "Paintings are hung, people are hanged," He shook himself out of his stupor. "I mean, yes, you're right. They are mocking us. But that just means we have all the more reason to find them, doesn't it?"

"Got it!" Locke said from above them, as a few threads started to snap. "Look out below!" The final thread of the rope snapped under the blade of the knife, and there was a shriek of surprise from the group as the body fell on them. Almost all of them managed to get away in time.

Hadrian stepped back towards Alrin, leaning down to examine him. "Is he-" he begun.

"He's dead," John said quickly, "now please for the love of the Lord Ruler, help get him the hell off me. ...Oh, Lord Ruler, he's cold, and he's starting to smell. I think I'm going to be sick..."



Alrin (Arinian) was an Obligator!

Day 7 has begun! It will end at 21:00 PM GMT on Tuesday.


There is still a Tineye alive, so PMs may be continue to be sent.



  1. Alrin (Arinian)- Obligator
  2. Sheon, formerly of House Idris (Seonid)
  3. Locke, formerly of House Tekiel (Orlok Tsubodai)
  4. Eobard (Steeldancer) - Lurcher
  5. Straw (Straw) - Obligator
  6. Quintus, worldhopper (Jondesu) - Coinshot
  7. Hadrian, formerly of House Penrod (Araris Valerian)
  8. John (Shqueeves)
  9. Variel, ambitious and young (StrikerEZ)
  10. Marsh, but not that Marsh (Darkness Ascendant)
  11. Pix (Lemonelon)
  12. Jaina, obsessed with pandas (littlewilson)
  13. Sart (Sart) - Smoker
  14. Cyfna (Elbereth)
  15. Edguardo 'The Great', long on plans but short on money (Paranoid King)
  16. A Joe in the Bush - Rioter
  17. Armina, of House Handler (Arranae)
  18. Sony
  19. Mira (frozen Mint) - Tineye
  20. Rin (doc12)
  21. Gaskon Renaud, who may get around to procrastinating eventually (Amanuensis) - Obligator
  22. DarianHammersmith
  23. Droughtbringer
  24. Davus
  25. Nickel, formerly of House Izenry (Aonar Faileas)


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Edited by Wyrmhero
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Well, Rae.

Interesting that Arinian is killed after being suspicious of both Wilson and Orlok; however, Arinian did say that they were a "cleared" villager since they've been pushing for Rae's lynch since D2. So, probably just a coincidence. 

Or,  the elims wanted to make it seem like Wilson and/or Orlok wanted Arinian killed off to make them seem more suspicious. 

Just a couple of thoughts for the beginning of the cycle. :P 

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@Darkness_ you specifically said that I was going on about wanting to be lynched and killing me. I made one post about that.

As for the other posts you quoted. You are doing exactly what the impartial moderator for this game already advised people not to do. Perhaps you should go back and read that post.

Additionally, you clearly pay attention to the Bad Day thread. Perhaps you'll recall the post I made about Comcast giving my name to a debt collector? That same weekend (last weekend, mind you, just before I voted on myself), my roommates decided that books are unfriendly and had me remove all of my things from the living room, so they can do things that they want with it, to make it more representative of everyone here (despite them making me remove everything of mine from the room). Then I got a rock chip in the windshield of my beautiful new car the very next morning while driving to work. When I next checked the thread, I saw even more stuff about how my playstyle change (something that should be completely NAI) is so uber suspicious-looking, after having already explained that too. So yes, I made that post about being done with the game. I can only handle so much stress at one point in time, and the game was so not worth it right then.

You got on my case for not seeing something Lemon said on entire other board completely unrelated to SE. You might want to take your own advice here.

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Hey, sorry for the inactivity lately, band got really crazy from this past Wednesday all the way until yesterday. In other news though, we won the contest yesterday! I'll try to be more active now, but don't expect a whole lot, honestly.

Okay, so, I think it's pretty obvious that Rae is an elim. I'm still skeptical if she's the Seer though. It would've been a good gambit to gain village trust by spearheading the discussion of the game as the Seer for those few cycles where she did, but I don't think that necessarily means that she's the Seer. I think it's a lot more likely that she's just a converted thug. She could be the Seer, but I'm not gonna bet on it. 

And since Rae told El, Orlok, and wilson that she was the only really active elim, I guess that mostly clears them up. 

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From a corner, Armina watched Waern order Locke to do janitor work, unable to suppress a grin. Locke quarreled a bit, before finally grabbing a broom and dustpan. Then he awkwardly knelt down and touched the bristles of the broom to the ground.

Watching that insufferable git attempt to do servant's work was so satisfying. And to think that Armina had forced the Prelan to make Locke do this...

"I hope you clean all of that up before Waern comes back," she said. "Here, let me help you." She strode towards a trash bin and swiftly kicked it over, dumping its contents over the floor. Then she picked up the bin and shook the remaining things inside onto the floor.

Armina giggled at the expression on Locke's face. "You'd best get working," she said with a smug smile.

@Orlok Tsubodai, you know what you owe me if you don't get some response RP up for this. :P

Anyone want to be an upstander and help poor, dimished Locke?

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So Lemon was scanned and found to be an elim? 

Also, Rae, Finally...
Yeah, the way she's been behaving makes me doubt she's Seer as well, but I always knew she'd be an elim.

@Orlok Tsubodai @little wilson I see, Rae confessed to the both of you, and did she tell you about Lemon? Do you guys know who the other elims are/or have hints/suspicions?

7 hours ago, little wilson said:

@Darkness_ you specifically said that I was going on about wanting to be lynched and killing me. I made one post about that.

As for the other posts you quoted. You are doing exactly what the impartial moderator for this game already advised people not to do. Perhaps you should go back and read that post.

Additionally, you clearly pay attention to the Bad Day thread. Perhaps you'll recall the post I made about Comcast giving my name to a debt collector? That same weekend (last weekend, mind you, just before I voted on myself), my roommates decided that books are unfriendly and had me remove all of my things from the living room, so they can do things that they want with it, to make it more representative of everyone here (despite them making me remove everything of mine from the room). Then I got a rock chip in the windshield of my beautiful new car the very next morning while driving to work. When I next checked the thread, I saw even more stuff about how my playstyle change (something that should be completely NAI) is so uber suspicious-looking, after having already explained that too. So yes, I made that post about being done with the game. I can only handle so much stress at one point in time, and the game was so not worth it right then.

You got on my case for not seeing something Lemon said on entire other board completely unrelated to SE. You might want to take your own advice here.

I was referring to that whole period in general, I shouldn't have worded it like that, my bad.

I wasn't pushing at your playstyle, I assumed at the time that you were stirring up confusion and doubts, in retrospect I understand your frustration at people dissecting your playstyle and such, and for the record I was never against you then. I was musing upon the thoughts. I swear you posted those problems after the controversy around you, and you wanting to be lynched and cleared I suppose would be the culmination of that stress. :/ I should have drawn the line. I'm so sorry :(.

To be fair Lemon has mentioned the stress and such here, and I know her situation is more of a constant than a few bad days.

And I don't think you two are actually elims, I just thought the entire thing was suspicious and it was worth bringing attention to it. 

8 hours ago, Sony said:

Well, Rae.

Interesting that Arinian is killed after being suspicious of both Wilson and Orlok; however, Arinian did say that they were a "cleared" villager since they've been pushing for Rae's lynch since D2. So, probably just a coincidence. 

Or,  the elims wanted to make it seem like Wilson and/or Orlok wanted Arinian killed off to make them seem more suspicious. 

Just a couple of thoughts for the beginning of the cycle. :P 

And yeah, I think it's an attempt to garner suspicion on Orlok and Wilson.

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I'm not sure it matters, but I'll vote on Rae and hopefully get back on later to talk about the remaining elims. I hadn't really considered the fact that Rae could be a Thug, so if that's the case what I said about Orlok being village would be slightly less true since he wouldn't have cost his team a conversion. But there isn't too much point in worrying about that until we see what role Rae has.

Edited by Araris Valerian
Actually putting my vote on Rae
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Locke’s scowl quickly changed into a smile. “It can’t be easy, Armina.” 

He walked towards her, now, ignoring the rubbish on the floor. “Growing up in a lesser family, failing, over and over again, to make something of yourself.”

Walking towards the window, Locke continued, “In many ways, I admire your tenacity. Carrying on, fighting this uphill struggle. It’s a shame you broke, and for what? Skaa? Atium?” Locke laughed, but his voice became solemn.

“I could have made something of you, Armina. Given you a place in my Ministry, helped raise you up. There’s still time, Armina. Renounce this treason, give up your compatriots, and you can get out of here alive.”

Locke caught himself. Armina had a habit of a hot temper, and he’d more likely find a windspren in Luthadel than watch her change her mind.

Not that it would do her much good. Locke grinned, content in the knowledge that she'd hang before the day was out.

@Arraenae, as promised. Whilst I'm here, Rae.



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59 minutes ago, Orlok Tsubodai said:

Locke’s scowl quickly changed into a smile. “It can’t be easy, Armina.” 

He walked towards her, now, ignoring the rubbish on the floor. “Growing up in a lesser family, failing, over and over again, to make something of yourself.”

Walking towards the window, Locke continued, “In many ways, I admire your tenacity. Carrying on, fighting this uphill struggle. It’s a shame you broke, and for what? Skaa? Atium?” Locke laughed, but his voice became solemn.

“I could have made something of you, Armina. Given you a place in my Ministry, helped raise you up. There’s still time, Armina. Renounce this treason, give up your compatriots, and you can get out of here alive.”


Armina's good mood vanished. For a moment, she was back in the halls of House Heron, scrubbing the floors as a condescending Lord taunted her about her family name. She bit back the first snarl of rage and glared daggers at Locke until she could speak coherently.

"Never," Armina hissed. "Unlike you, I fight for more than a place at the top of the heap. This was never about the Atium. This is about e--"

She stopped before she could betray herself. Her fingers twitched towards the blade concealed in her robes. After a moment of hesitation, she flexed her fingers and forced her hand back to her side. This wasn't the time or the place. "Watch your place, Locke. Say what you want, but at the end of the day it'll be your body lying limp in a ditch, not mine."

Armina turned her back and left, more shaken than she wanted to admit.

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Locke grabbed Armina’s arm as she left, and pulled her back into the room. “You would accuse me of immorality?” His expression turned to one of contempt. “The Final Empire has stood for a thousand years, safeguarding civilisation. Yes, I seek leadership. I seek leadership to guide her through the coming storm. To build on my ancestors’ successes, and raise her to yet greater heights.” Walking back over to Armina, his voice started to grow pained. “You’d throw all this away, for what? Personal gain? Some barbaric ‘principle’? I suppose we must appreciate the opportunity you’ve provided us to cleanse our bloodline of your corruption, Handler.”


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Armina whirled around and struck Locke with the flat of her forearm. He grunted in pain, allowing Armina to wrench her arm free. Then she shoved him backwards.

"I don't do this out of principle," Armina said icily. "I do this because I recognize reality. The Final Empire is a failure. Things are changing. You can't keep the Skaa down forever."

Armina backed up warily, watching Locke watch her. Then she turned and ran. She'd get him, all right. Some poison in his food ought to wipe that smirk off the smug bastard's face forever.

@Orlok Tsubodai

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