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1. Provide a picture (if you are comfortable with that). 
Uhh, message me if you really want? Im not putting my name or face out there for the entire internet.
2. Provide your real name (if you are comfortable with that).

3. Which book is your favorite and why?

 I usually say WoR though I havent reread it that much. Im not sure. 

4. What have been your main contributions to the community? What are you known for?

Hanging around the Discussions board and being nice to people, I think. I used to hang out a lot in the Newcago Court when it was active and that was a lot of fun. I also write things sometimes, though I haven't done that in a while. 

5. What made you join the forum?

Originally I was trying to get access to a hidden section of Brandons website that you could do via a scavenger hunt on this site. Then I got active in the WoR anticipation boards and then kinda migrated over here. 

6. How many hours do you spend on the shard on a given day?

Anywhere from less than one to like five. Depends how much free time I have, how many interesting people are online etc. 

7. Describe your fondest Forum experience.

Probably y'all being super supportive of me through some pretty difficult times. A close second is from the Newcago Court days, when @Kobold King and @Quiver and @TwiLyghtSansSparkles and a bunch of us had....basically gif/meme wars? Largely based on MLP but on other things too.  It was a lot of fun. 

8. What is one thing that Brandon does really well?

Feminism! Also mental illness. G-d bless Brandon for his representations of mental illness. The scene with Kaladin at the Honor Chasm has helped me greatly many many times. 

9. What is one thing that he could work on?

Cant think of anything specific right now. 

10. Which fictional character is the best representation of yourself?

Thats a really tricky one. There are a lot of characters who I want to be like in some way or another. Characters smarter and braver and more productive than me. Probably someone else would do better to answer this one for me. 

11. Any additional comments, whether it be about your life outside of the forum, favorite food, your website, or...anything!

Proud Jew here. I live in Israel currently, and eat a lot of chocolate. I draw, fairly mediocre but I'm getting better, which often on the shard turns into silly fan art (see: Sailor Roshar). Uummmm Im married to @Pinnacle-Ferring who I met through the Shard. He is wonderful. We invited Brandon to the wedding and he sent us a letter back. That was pretty cool. I was going to share some wedding pics via a PM though I haven't done that yet.....bug me if youre interested. Thats about all I can think of right now. Im usually pretty happy to talk if you have any questions. :)

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On 1/17/2018 at 8:25 AM, Del-light-full said:

Uummmm Im married to @Pinnacle-Ferring who I met through the Shard. He is wonderful. We invited Brandon to the wedding and he sent us a letter back. That was pretty cool. I was going to share some wedding pics via a PM though I haven't done that yet.....bug me if youre interested. Thats about all I can think of right now. Im usually pretty happy to talk if you have any questions. :)

I remember when you posted that you guys got engaged. When was the wedding? Also congrats! :)

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1. Provide a picture: it should be somewhere in the post. Dunno where.

EDIT: Ah, it's at the bottom of the post.

2. Alexander

3. Probably Words of Radiance. A Storm of Swords by GRRM should have a mention as well.

4. I am posting pretty frequently, so there's that I guess. I joke around as well. But the major thing is probably my username. 

5. I lurked here for some time, and then I created an account in order to make thread I found interesting. I liked the place, so I stayed.

6. Right now, I haven't been on very much, but in some periods I'm pretty sure I can be on here for hours. I wish I could make a speed-bubble. 

7. Hmm... I have had lots of fun joking or interacting with different community members, so there are loads of fond memories. Can't pick just one!

I was kind of happy to see how many liked a recent Amaram post I made though. I had been trying to explain him for months, and it seemed like that post finally managed to show how I saw him.

8. Worldbuilding and characters. He is the greatest worldbuilder in fantasy. Stormlight alone contains more cool ideas than most things, and if you add the entire Cosmere to that... wow.

Characters are excellent as well. Kelsier, Dalinar, Hrathen, Amaram, Vin... too much awesomeness.

9. Work on? He rushes through stuff sometimes, such as the entire ending of Calamity or Amarams character arc in OB. He might want to work a bit with that. Sometimes I feel like he is focusing on the wrong things as well, but that is probably highly subjective.

10. Sadea... Elend I mean. Elend. I'm nerdy, I read books, I like to irritate people for fun. 

11. Tried to think of something awesome to put here, but I couldn't come up with anything, so I'll just tell you all to be kind toward your toasters. 


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  • 2 weeks later...

Just discovered this thread, and don't really know anyone, so.... @Parttimedragon seems cool. I nominate them.

Edit: Any votes for me would be very much appreciated. You will get brownies and sherbet lemons (Harry Potter reference!)BA117%20Sherbet%20Lemons.jpg1456176242492.jpeg

Edited by Totally_Not_A_Worldhopper
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