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Your Least Favorite Cosmere Story And Why


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White Sand. I've read a story about a mage that isn't as powerful as others and uses their magic in different ways but still ends up being the most important mage in the world. That book was The White Order by L.E. Modessitt Jr and it was extremely well written and had great twists and turns. 

White Sand was predictable, kinda angsty and kinda boring. 

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Warbreaker, but only because I read it when I was too young (I didn't feel comfortable with some of the humor and situations). I still haven't re-read it since then, though I will when the semester is over.

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I liked Warbreaker because I felt like it was a little unique for Sanderson in that the magic system wasn't really the focal point compared to Allomancy in Mistborn and Stormlight in SA. I know it goes into Breath and Awakening, but that whole system is more of an aside to the political spectrum that dominates the book. 

Elantris wasn't really exciting until the last 3rd of the book. The main magic system is broken for nearly the entire book, so you never really end up getting a grasp of how powerful Elantrian magic can really be. 

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My least favorite was WoA, it was his first sequel, and it really shows. The end was good, but the rest was... bleh. HoA made up for it, of course.

I, too, read Warbreaker when I was too young for it. I still liked it, but I didn't really understand it. Re-reading it after high school was much more enjoyable.

My favorite cosmere story is Eye of the World >.>

For real, though, it's a tossup between the two SA books so far... I have high hopes for bk 3! I just can't get over the sheer scope of the story. Where Jordan made things feel busy and over-complicated, Brandon has pulled off a feeling of ultimate grandiosity. It's wonderful.

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I find Mistborn first era the least enjoyable among Brandon's works, and I agree that Well of Accession was the worst. I too was annoyed by Zane plot and I am too damnation old for Vin's teenage dilemmas and found her annoying as well. 

That being said, although it was the first series of Brandon that I've read, I loved it enough to take the monstrosity of a novel that is the Way of Kings next, and for that I am thankful, because it's a masterpiece. 

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I forgot to post what I thought about my own topic. Now it just seems unoriginal to say The Well of Ascension. I always found Elend to be kind of a bland character, and there is a huge focus on the novel with his personal growth as a leader, and his political beliefs. I just couldn't really care about him. And to be honest it was mostly lacking the charisma and charm of a certain some one...

Edited by WaxOnWaxOff
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On 4/14/2017 at 2:28 PM, I am Witless said:

Warbreaker, but only because I read it when I was too young (I didn't feel comfortable with some of the humor and situations). I still haven't re-read it since then, though I will when the semester is over.

I know that feeling. I was in seventh grade when I first read the Song of Ice and Fire. Scarred for life. :mellow:

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My least favorite is White Sand. Specifically the Graphic Novel version. I felt like it was too rushed with very little payoff. (I am trying to read both the original prose and the graphic novel in tandem so I'm no further in the original than the first graphic novel is.). I feel like it definitely has a lot of potential though.

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White sand the manuscript really should be out of contest as its not released because Brandon dont think its good enough....

(I kinda liked it myself, but thats besides the point).


I would propably agree with those saying second mistborn, but it might be partly because I really loved first mistborn, and the second may seem worse then it really was by comparison.

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For me, it's Shadows of Self. I like to have fun while reading books, and for some reason, during SoS, I just... didn't. Maybe it was because I guessed pretty quickly who Paalm/Bleeder was, and thus it soured the conflict between her and Wax for me, and the ending, revealing Sazed's manipulation, didn't sit well with me either. It's not a bad book (I mean, this is Sanderson), but I simply didn't enjoy it.

I actually like White Sand quite a lot, in contrast to what I see in this thread. I had pretty low expectations for it, though, whereas they were pretty high with SoS, which might explain why I enjoy one and not the other.

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@Rasarr I also liked White Sand a good bit, especially considering the draft hasn't been edited since like 1999 if I recall. The story isn't even polished very much, but I was still entertained by it. The dialog in the official release isn't very good though, so I could see why that one is rated lower by most people. 

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Four words.



I really don't like how the story flows. While the characters in the first book were great, the ones returning and the new ones as well just feel awkward in this sequel, especially Tindwyl and Straff Venture. I was okay with the Zane subplot, but it was rough. The only part in WoA that felt polished was the last few chapters. (As a sidenote, the Marsh subplot is brilliant, in my opinion.) 


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1 hour ago, Captains Domon said:

Four words.


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I really don't like how the story flows. While the characters in the first book were great, the ones returning and the new ones as well just feel awkward in this sequel, especially Tindwyl and Straff Venture. I was okay with the Zane subplot, but it was rough. The only part in WoA that felt polished was the last few chapters. (As a sidenote, the Marsh subplot is brilliant, in my opinion.) 



Marsh's subplot and TenSoon's sarcasm. I always liked that the book had such a likeable talking dog...


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Going to have to go with Elantris.

It was one of Sanderson's earliest books so I think that may explain it.

It's not that Elantris was bad. On the contrary, it was still a good read. His other books are just spectacular, so a book that is merely good falls at the bottom of the ranks.

Well of Ascension might actually be one of my favorite books. The ending made up for whatever pacing was in it earlier.

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  • 3 months later...

At the risk of necroing this thread, I also have to go will Well of Ascension. I always enjoy a good venture into a new world and magic system so I really liked Elantris and White Sand, but WoA just seems rough. The whole Zane-Arc just goes against what has been established for Vins-Relationship with Elend and it's conclusion was painfully obvious the whole way through. The ending was good, but, as they say on Roshar, it's the road that matters.

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