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8 minutes ago, Daniyah said:

Used the Medical Fabrial on myself.

That's a little too convenient of a reason for my tastes.  It really does feel like bait to catch a Mistborn.

3 hours ago, Jondesu said:

Quintus sat down next to Dr Arelle instead.

"You're a scholar of some type, right? BioChromatic theory, was it? Have you found anything that might tell us what in the Colors is going on with this house, or these crazy people stuck in here with us?"

The young doctor glanced over at Quintus as he sat down.  "Sorry, I've been a little distracted.  I've never seen anything as complex or exciting as this house, with all of it's potential!  I've been digging around, and while I haven't found any Awakened objects yet, did you know that some people have found flakes of metal floating in some type of alcohol?  Really crazy stuff.  I wonder what that could do to you if you drank one.  The metal wouldn't metabolize of course, so you could end up with lead poisoning, internal lacerations... Maybe they were being used as a type of poison?  Wouldn't be very effective overall, though, would just make people uncomfortable most of the time, instead of really hurting them..."


She kept talking a bit longer as Quintus watched her, a bit surprised.  She was obviously intelligent, but excited?  That was an odd perspective after what had been happening.  She couldn't be that oblivious to what was happening, so he could only figure that she'd been sidetracked by what she was seeing in the house and was mostly ignoring the other people.  He needed to remember not to lose his own focus on the house and it's contents, so perhaps this was good for him.  He broke in when Konwa took a breath.


"I've heard that there are people...in other places...who have magic that works by swallowing metals, and then they can do something special with them.  Makes them strong, fast, lets them fly, that kind of thing.  Heard about it from this old storyteller.  I wonder if the owner of this house came from that place?"


She looked at him curiously.  "Another place?  You're talking about Scadrial and their Allomancers, but they're not even from this planet.  Who are you, really?"


Quintus winced a bit at the reveal.  He'd meant to keep his knowledge of the Cosmere, as his master had called it, a bit closer to his chest, but it was too late now, and he realized this woman might actually be able to tell him things that he hadn't had time to learn from his master yet, or that he might even have refused to tell him.


"Scadrial, yeah.  I've never been off world, but it sounds like you have?  How much do you know about what they can do?"




As the conversation with Dr Arelle delved into scholarly talk, albeit with a bit more excitement than the dry texts Quintus had read on occasion, he took a moment to listen in on the continued tale being woven about the previous night.  It sounded like Yiferian had deliberately baited Khaos with a tempting item, causing her to reveal something about herself that made her a target for those who were trying to get rid of the rest of the explorers.  Despite the tragedies of the previous days, when innocents had been killed in the frenzy of the scared mob, he knew they had to take action when someone was assaulted, and others had been killed in brutal ways. He took a moment's break from his conversation with Konwa to weigh in.


"I can understand wanting to protect yourself, Yiferian, but offering help to Khaos like that, only to yank it back at the last minute?  I can't see that as anything but sinister."

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Guess I can't do anything to change your mind then.

Edit- btw, after she revealed that she was the Mistborn and before I told her that I won't be giving it to her that cycle, she said that she wouldn't mind me giving her my vial of pewter, and that she would be exploring that night. She wasn't going to use the vial anyway..

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7 hours ago, Araris Valerian said:

@Wyrmhero, if somebody has a role (from Exploring) and becomes a traitor, would they then have 2 roles?

Strictly speaking, only Eliminators have Roles. It is possible for someone to be an Eliminator and have an Inherent Ability, though.

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Rule Clarifications:

1. What is the order of actions/the Stack like?
Roughly speaking: Defensive Actions -> Offensive Actions -> Ingesting Lerasium etc -> Giving Items -> Exploring.

2. Can someone have two Roles?
"Strictly speaking, only Eliminators have Roles. It is possible for someone to be an Eliminator and have an Inherent Ability, though." Just to make it clear: in previous games, you might think of stuff like Coinshot or Mistborn as a role. For the purposes of this game, if there were to be such a thing as a Coinshot or a Mistborn, that would be an Inherent Ability, not a Role. And yes, that can stack with having an Eliminator Role.

3. Is it one Action per Cycle, or one Action per Turn?
You have one Action per Cycle. Recall: voting is a free Action does not count as an Action.

4. When a player is protected by someone, are they informed who protected them?
No. They are not.

5. Do some kills enjoy priority over others?
No. All kills are considered to have happened at the same time.

6. Can an item be gifted and used on the same Night? e.g. Assassin gives STINK a knife and STINK uses it to kill Elenion.
No. "Almost every item takes effect before being gifted occurs." 

[Late, I know >> ]

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This seems like a pretty clear cut case to me- I don't think it's reasonable that a traitor would try to stage their own death in a game where you might become a traitor next round, so I believe Wilson is not a traitor (for this cycle, at least).

The way I see it, only (edit) four people knew that Wilson was a mistborn- and that makes them prime suspects.


Edited by Unodus
I'm bad at reading
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Got the quicklinks up, if people have been using them. Also have a vote tally:

Daniyah(5): Wilson, Seonid, Straw, Jondesu, Unodus
Wilson(1): Ecthelion

I do agree that Daniyah does seem somewhat suspicious - @Daniyah You say you protected yourself? Was there any particular reason you felt the need to do so? 

And I agree with I think it was Seonid - thus far, Wilson is playing about as much as I'd expect. She's very capable of pulling a WGG (she and Burnt Spaghetti effectively pulled one off in LG15b, right?), but yeah, doesn't seem like it'd be the best play right now. There's plenty of low active or inactive players, while still enough players actually contributing to the discussion that she was in a nice incognito spot. Incidentally, a great position for an eliminator to be in, but that's not the vibe I'm getting. And doing a publicity stunt now wouldn't really help her out. Given I know she wanted to be more relaxed about her play this and subsequent games, while she could be being super devious and mind gaming the hell out of us right now (I believe she's capable of doing so), I'd be confident that's not happening at the moment. If more evidence came to light, I'd possibly revise my position, but at the moment, that doesn't seem likely. Of course, there's still the chance the eliminators will get another teammember. Although given none where found last night, this seems fairly unlikely.

I think I'm going to withhold my vote for the moment. I would like to hear Daniyah respond to my question, and I'm sorta wary of the (edit: equal) largest bandwagon we've had yet. 


Having updated my notes, our inactives are essentially:

  1. Bugsy (only if he doesn't post again this cycle)
  2. Doctor (posted Day 3 I think, but otherwise hasn't posted since Day 1)
  3. Jefrywlfersn (posted twice N0, but not since)
  4. Mark IV (hasn't posted since D3)
  5. nathanvanduiji (hasn't posted this game)
  6. Orlok (hasn't posted since D1)
  7. Polking (has only posted on D0 and D2)
  8. Lady of Chaos (well, posted last cycle, but has  only made about 4 posts across D1, D3, and D4, and not really contributed anything).

That's 8/26 (30%). Also, worse case scenario, none of those players are eliminators, which means eliminators:villagers is 1:2 (6:12).

And while I'm throwing out stats, our number of unique players posting is dropping quicker than we're losing players: 
N0 | 28
D1 | 30
N1 | 15
D2 | 18
N2 | 16
D3 | 19
N3 | 12
D4 | 14
N4 | 13

Edit 2 - @Unodus 2? Wilson said she was talking to Seonid, Aonar, and El in addition to Daniyah. I assume the others all knew, but Daniyah was the last to find out.

Edited by Haelbarde
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*Raises hand sheepishly

I've been horrible at keeping up with this game, I'm sorry. 

So yeah, I'm still in the game, and I'm really sorry for not giving the game the attention it deserves. My exams finished last week, so technically I have no excuse not to participate now. So...yeah. I really don't have much to say at this point of time. Some time soon I'm going to have to sit myself down and read through the entire thread to see what I've been missing, because I've honestly not been paying much attention to who's being lynched and the arguments being made. What I have been paying attentions to are PMs, since they're usually direct questions to me, and I will try to answer them. So if you want to interact more directly with me, PM me!

Anyways, my problem with the game currently is probably that I haven't been paying much attention since last week, where exams were looming and Mr18 was a game where I could be more directly involved, and too much has gone past with me merely skimming through this game. 

I promise to change that :)

So yeaaah, something I have to contribute to this discussion! I have had a PM with Daniyah since day 1, and she claimed having the fabrial to me on night 3, and the pewter vial night 4, which made me trust her, because she initiated the conversation. However, I find curious it when others say that she claimed she found nothing to them. Her defense isn't really helping her out as much, IMO, so if nothing changes I'll drop a vote on her tomorrow night. 

Hopefully by tomorrow night I would be able to compile my thoughts on the game so far. (Remind me if I don't)

Again, sorry for my quietness >>

Edited by Doc12
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A heads-up to everyone: Chaos and I will be going on a cruise over Christmas. As a result, we will both have a week-long period with absolutely no Internet connection, starting on the 18th. Does anyone have any recommendations as to how we should handle that? Should we get some pinch hitters lined up?

Edited by Wonko the Sane
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1 hour ago, The_Lady_of_Chaos said:

I'm not very good at telling, it looks like currently Dani is the main suspect? can someone please give me a quick vote tally?

there's literally one by Hael a few posts above.
For the sake of repeating it:
Daniyah(5): Wilson, Seonid, Straw, Jondesu, Unodus
Wilson(1): Ecthelion

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 @The_Lady_of_Chaos, Dani is currently a number of people's main suspect, because of events towards the end of last night. However, you should try and make your own judgments, instead of going along blindly with the thread. Remember that discussion is a huge part of this game. So far, you haven't given any real opinions on anything. I understand your reluctance; I, too, struggle to come up with things to say at times. But it really is the most important thing you can do.

I recommend that you read through each post in this cycle (It's only two pages, you can manage it :P), then give a post with your reactions. How do you feel about the things people have said? What points stuck out to you? Do you agree with what people are saying? Why or why not? What things don't make sense to you? Who do you think is acting suspicious?*

One trick I like to use when catching up on the thread is multiquote. As you read through, highlight sections of posts that stand out. When you do, an option to "quote this" will pop up. Click it, and it will automatically quote the selection for you. Then, go back to reading. When you finish, the response box will be already filled with everything that caught your attention, ready for you to respond to it.

In the end, the most important thing to realize is that what you say isn't actually very important at all right now. The difference between the most brilliant deduction and the most illogical fumbling is not all that much, especially this early in the game. So don't worry about it. Just start talking. Say what's on your mind. Say anything.

Oh, and nag @jefrywlfersn until he does the same. :P

*I'd like to emphasize that last one. I understand that it can be hard for new players to develop solid suspicions. I'm not asking you to do that. Skill with analysis comes with time. Right now, imagine that the lynch is in your hands. If you had to, who would you kill? You might be wrong. You probably will be wrong. That isn't the point. We aren't asking you because we think you have the answer. We are asking you because we want to see what's going on in your head.

Regarding your other post, that isn't going to work. We're going to be outside the U.S. Our data plan doesn't cover that; we won't have access to cellular data. There is WiFi on the ship, but it's expensive, and we don't intend on paying for it. The only way we'll be getting online during the trip is if we happen to find free, safe WiFi at one of our stops, and I'm not sure how likely that is. It's better to assume we'll be totally dark for the duration of the trip.

Oh, just a few quick pointers: it's against the rules of the forum to double-post like that. Instead, if you have new information, you should edit it into your old post. Also, this is the usual color for out-of-game information: ordinary blue. It's just to the right of cyan, the one you picked. I don't think there was any confusion, but it's probably best if you use this color in the future.

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On 12/7/2016 at 1:12 PM, Ookthelion III said:

First, because of the lynch on Len

Um, I dunno if you've noticed, but Wilson expressed her suspicion of Len a cycle and a half before he was lynched.

I too am suspicious of Dani, for the reasons stated by other players. She also asked me if I had any useful items.


Hess looked around. He hadn't really interacted with the other members of the house for a long time, but he was used to that. He was a loner at heart, especially being Returned. He also did not have many friends, due to his habit of making offensive wisecracks at unfortunate times. However, his impression was that Yiferian had something to hide. He wondered if Rotiart was also guilty of something for a while, then decided against it. He approached Rotiart, and said, "Y'know, I thought that you were hiding something for a while, but now I think you're innocent."
"Well, it's nice of you to say that, but why do you think so?"
"It requires a lot more intelligence that you have to hide something so well."


@Paranoid King Want to answer that?


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So, I'm being told that  even if dani had passed you the item, you wouldn't have been able to use it, Wilson? Because this quote:


 Can an item be gifted and used on the same Night? e.g. Assassin gives STINK a knife and STINK uses it to kill Elenion.
No. "Almost every item takes effect before being gifted occurs."

Conveys as much.

Now, I don't understand the suspicion on Daniyah. Even if she had passed the item, you wouldn't have been able to use it. So, instead, what you should be worried about is tonight's turn. Because that is when Daniyah's vial would have come in handy. 

Dani has been in constant contact with me since N0 (or is it N1?) She did tell me she found something; and in further asking, she told me it was a protective one use item. 

Later, on N4, she explained to me that El was asking for vial. I said I would have given mine, had it not been stolen (on a side note, I suspect the thief is an elim, because they haven't even claimed to me. Sure, they might be paranoid, but I'm just assuming the worst case scenario). Dani then tells me she knows who El is talking about, most likely. 

Wilson, who do you think might have leaked your identity? Because that person seems either untrustworthy or a very good businessman.  

Anyways, onto last night - dani then tells me that she thinks she should contact the mistborn directly. And, apparently, now I see that she does. 


Note that I'm not trying to cast suspicion in anyone, I'm simply taking a step back and looking over what happened again. 

My interactions with Dani tell me she isn't an elim, atleast yet. She asked me the same questions in the black prism game (the are you an eliminator) and in this game. Then she asked me if I were an elim companion to aonar. So, yeah, I suspect that's more of a paranoia question than a serious or a confusing question. (Of course it's not serious) 

Wilson, do you know who protected you? I'm not asking for the name, just asking whether you know it.

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...Interesting. I'm glad I waited before posting my thoughts. I think I'll wait a little longer, now. I do believe Dani is likely an Elim, but certain elements are coming together a little too cleanly, and giving me some new suspicions. I would share, but the information might do more to muddle the waters than clear them, right now.

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19 minutes ago, Ookla The Russian (Mark) said:

So, I'm being told that  even if dani had passed you the item, you wouldn't have been able to use it, Wilson? 

Wilson, who do you think might have leaked your identity? Because that person seems either untrustworthy or a very good businessman.  

Wilson, do you know who protected you? I'm not asking for the name, just asking whether you know it.

I'm aware that I couldn't have used it last night. If you notice, I already mentioned that fact. Dani tried to make make me seem more suspicious by saying that I wouldn't have even used the Pewter last night had she passed it, and I reminded her that I couldn't have. Perhaps you missed that interaction though. I also referenced it in one of my first posts this cycle, saying something about how if she'd passed the vial and the kill had succeeded, the vial would've been lost to the house. If she'd passed the vial and the kill hadn't succeeded, I would've been able to block any kill the next night. By not passing me the vial, she made it so there was no chance the vial would get lost nor that I would have protection the following night, should I survive.

It's been mentioned multiple times that only El, Seonid, Aonar, Dani, and one other person knew my role. At least, those are the only people I told. The anonymous person, as I've already said, I am nearly certain is not a Traitor right now. El, Seonid, or Aonar could be, but even if they were, I don't think they would've tried to kill me last night. They could just as easily use me. Dani is virtually the only truly questionable person who knew my role and would've tried to kill me. Or had her teammates try to kill me. This is exactly why I told Aonar, Seonid, and El the second everything with Dani happened. I wasn't about to possibly die and let that information die with me--which likely something Dani wasn't counting on when she arranged my death.

I have no idea who protected me. I had no item that could protect, and to my knowledge, none of my contacts did either.


Here's a general question to everyone:

If you had a vial of Pewter (self protects from all kill actions regardless of type for a single night, which is not the case with iron, which only protects from metal-based attacks) that you could not use, and you were in contact with a Mistborn, would you pass the Mistborn that Pewter as soon as you could? If you had a protection item and you were in contact with a Mistborn who claimed to not have any vials and therefore could not protect themselves, would you protect that Mistborn? Or would you protect yourself?

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dammit Wonko the Sane, why you gotta give me last minute paranoia x3
This isn't the first time I've seen traitors exploit what seems to be irrefutable guilt by making an attack that incriminates a villager in some way.


On 12/7/2016 at 4:05 AM, Daniyah said:

I found out who the Mistborn was, so I asked Wilson herself to confirm it. She denied, but when I told her I was hoping to pass my vial to the Mistborn directly she admitted being the Mistborn. And so I asked her if she wouldn't mind receiving it the next cycle since I wanted to use another action this cycle. She said okay. This was like 30(?) minutes before turnover. 


Does no one else think it's odd that Daniyah "found out" who the Mistborn was for seemingly no reason before she confronted Wilson? If you want to survive the Lynch, Dani- I want to know how you came to know who the Mistborn was.

What this implies is, one of the four (excluding Dani) leaked Wilsons identity, and since no one has confessed likewise- that can only mean one of them is a traitor who set Dani up to take the fall as the "newest and therefore most untrustworthy confidante", no?

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