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That makes 2 people this cycle (plus Wilson previously) who have announced that they have elim reads on me. Can you guys show me the evidence that makes you read me that way so that I can address it? I want to prove myself to you all so that we can focus on someone who actually might be a good target for the lynch.

That said, PK is worrying me. Remember last game with Sheep? I'm afraid this might be the same thing. As for right now, however, I'm keeping my vote on him.

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I haven't gotten much of a read on PK yet, though I'll see if I can get a chance to review his posts. Len, I don't have a particular Elim read on you, though I'll probably be forever wary of you, so I'd be interested in the reasoning too.

For now, I'll wait and see rather than drop a vote that hasn't been thought out.

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Sorry I haven't been active for a while, been getting ready for christmas x.x
The omen is a pretty interesting development, can't find the time to write rp though.

now, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think we've heard from @EcthelionIII for a while? (never used mentions before, sorry if I've formatted that wrong x.x)
I won't drop a poke vote yet since it might be an Ookla thing, but he was brought up as being suspicious before- I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on that

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1 hour ago, Unodus said:

now, correct me if I'm wrong but I don't think we've heard from @EcthelionIII for a while? (never used mentions before, sorry if I've formatted that wrong x.x)
I won't drop a poke vote yet since it might be an Ookla thing, but he was brought up as being suspicious before- I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on that

I think he's either forgotten about the game or stopped caring. He tends to go inactive toward the ends of games. I'll tag him here (@Ookthelion III), and tell him irl that he is wanted in-thread.

1 hour ago, Jondesu said:

I'll probably be forever wary of you



Vote tally (unofficial):

PK (2): Haelbarde, Len

Polking (1): JUQ

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Well this has been an active day. >> We've still got 20+ players and we've had less than a page of discussion with just four hours left in the day. It's the fourth day, people! This is when discussion should be hitting it's stride and finding Eliminators, not petering out.

@Wonko the Sane@Doc12@Nyali@Araris Valerian@Bugsy6912@Ookla the Inimitable@Nathanvanduij@Arinian@OrlokTsubodai@polkinghornbd@Clanky@The_Lady_of_Chaos@jefrywlfersn@Ookla the Paranoid@Ookla the Incarnate@Elbereth@Ookla The Russian (Mark)

I think that's everyone who hasn't already been mentioned. Plus the other two, that's nineteen players. Of 27. That's a solid 70% inactivity rate on the fourth day. Which is frankly ridiculous. Show up. Discuss. Voice suspicions. Present another option for the lynch besides a couple poke votes on an inactive.


Edited by Ookla the Insufferable
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So, my case is likely a little different than others, but there may be a generalization possible. I have enough going on that prevents me from spending hours every day on analysis for this game, and I am hesitant to participate heavily if I don't feel I have anything useful, relevant, or meaningful to contribute.

The creeping inactivity in this game has also hurt my desire to post - if i didn't have much to say when everyone is talking, I have far less to say when nobody is. Ironically, this is probably the source of the problem. If nobody talks, then nobody can analyze posts. If there's nothing to analyze, nobody wants to post. It's a vicious cycle. Although I was against it at the start of the game, I'm beginning to change my tune about lynching inactives.

I wonder if it might not be a good idea to start lynching lurkers without mercy until people start talking. Maybe even something hardcore like: once you're up for the lynch, you're gone even if you show up to talk. At least until we get people talking again.

(Note: I'm not serious about that last suggestion, it would be unfair. But we need a credible threat to enforce participation.)

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45 minutes ago, Ookla the Insufferable said:

Well this has been an active day. >> We've still got 20+ players and we've had less than a page of discussion with just four hours left in the day. It's the fourth day, people! This is when discussion should be hitting it's stride and finding Eliminators, not petering out.

@Wonko the Sane@Doc12@Nyali@Araris Valerian@Bugsy6912@Ookla the Inimitable@Nathanvanduij@Arinian@OrlokTsubodai@polkinghornbd@Clanky@The_Lady_of_Chaos@jefrywlfersn@Ookla the Paranoid@Ookla the Incarnate@Elbereth@Ookla The Russian (Mark)

I think that's everyone who hasn't already been mentioned. Plus the other two, that's nineteen players. Of 27. That's a solid 70% inactivity rate on the fourth day. Which is frankly ridiculous. Show up. Discuss. Voice suspicions. Present another option for the lynch besides a couple poke votes on an inactive.


I can be active but high inactivity frustrates me. I even don't know If i gonna play this game further  if nothing will change.

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I'm here, and posting, though I have enough to do today that I probably shouldn't be... Quotes from previous cycles, as usual: 



Khaos had a sudden urge to say the number 14. She barely suppressed it, having no idea where it came from. Crazy is not chaotic, after all, and if she started talking to herself, blurting out random words, people would think she was the former.

Oops. >> I was going to go back and check the spreadsheet after I finished that post, and then I forgot... Hasn't survived in 14 games, then. 



Ummm... @Elbereth, Rae is dead and village.

...And I am alive and apparently the village idiot. Thanks, Len. >>



-_- Apologies. I meant to say "a role that would help us lynch the elims" or "a role that would help us against the elims" or something to that effect. Frankly, I just want some kind of confirmation that exploring helps the village in the least.

Ah. Well. The game wouldn't really work if exploring didn't help the village. You expect that the eliminator team just keeps getting new members and powers, and the village doesn't get anything to counterbalance that? Yes, exploring helps the village. Can confirm. (Or, if you want a non-balance argument, my item which was stolen would've helped the village. Had it not been stolen. >>)



Oh. and another thing. We have a thief among us. A vial of tin was stolen from me. If the person who took it could PM me, I'd be happy to ... drop charges (read: not hold a grudge)... against the thief. You can keep the vial. 

Can confirm. >> I had something stolen from me last night, and I am slightly less willing to forgive than Mark. If the thief is an eliminator, then I am sad. If you're a villager, don't steal unless you have reason to! I could have put my item to use, were it not stolen. You almost certainly cannot. So thanks for that. 

I agree that the lack of posting so early in the game is rather shameful, and I apologize for contributing to it. :( I will attempt to post every turn from now on (with the. possible exception of this next night turn, as it's the last two days of school before finals and I may be a bit busy). I haven't seen anything (since my idiot gut read on village!Rae) that strikes me as particularly suspicious, and I have no issue with PK being lynched, so I'll leave my vote off for now. 

5 minutes ago, Arinian said:

I can be active but high inactivity frustrates me. I even don't know If i gonna play this game further  if nothing will change.

And this is why inactivity is bad. Not even because it allows the eliminators to skate by without posting, or makes it harder to find suspicions or to lynch. Because new players interested in our community see only inactivity and nothing happening, and that really doesn't interest them. So they don't get invested, and they don't keep playing. Because we don't care enough to actually talk. :( And that's just saddening. 

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Sorry i haven't been active, my SE time has been going to MR18. I'm not caught up on old posts, but it seems the only votes today are for PK and Polking? I think that, since inactives are just as likely to become elims as non-inactives, killing inactives is a good thing. Both PK and Polking are being voted on for low/no activity, right?

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Khaos cocked an eyebrow at the Hammer. She was certain she'd talked to him a few days ago, but it wasn't about why she was suspicious of him. She'd mentioned in passing why she thought he might be a Traitor. Two completely different things. She still thought he was a Traitor, even more-so now that TBA's comment a couple of days ago was explained. She remembered now why she hadn't bothered to follow the Hammer that night. TBA had been so certain he was good, and why in the world would someone be so certain unless they knew something. But then, if TBA knew things like that, why would he still be alive? Unless the Traitors knew that he'd been faking because he'd actually chosen a Traitor to claim wasn't a Traitor....


On 12/2/2016 at 3:48 PM, Elenion said:

I think this makes 6 elims (basing that off of a Nyali post from last cycle which said 5 as of then), so I'm suggesting that we go light on the exploration from here on out. We really don't want to make any more Traitors than we already have, and while I've got a few suspicions we still don't even have a single dead elim.


And The Hammer was being cautious about things that there was no reason to be cautious about. Why would a man so big be stepping so lightly around how many Traitors there were? Didn't he realize how awkward that made him appear? There were obviously 6 Traitors. Two Omens had been found the first night, one the second night, two the third night and now one the fourth night. Basic addition says that that total comes out to six. So it didn't make sense for someone to not only tread light around what the number might be, but also tie that information back to another explorer. It was almost like he knew how many Traitors there really were but didn't want to seem like he knew things he shouldn't and wouldn't know if he weren't Traitor. So he was being overcautious in explaining himself.

Khaos was near-certain that The Hammer was a Traitor. Now to follow him the next night. Maybe find the others. She had her eye on C.L. Anky and Eques Tempore still as well, and she felt those two were both rather very solid reads for Traitors. Even that Professor--Hae, or whatever his name was--was looking a little.....Traitor-y. Poor Rotiart was just having a nap and some of these bloodthirsty hounds were surrounding him with cudgels, claiming that they were just poking him to wake him up. You don't surround someone if you're just poking them. You don't send three people to poke someone awake. That wasn't even chaotic. That was a team effort. You don't spread chaos working as a group.

Khaos paused. Hm. Maybe the Traitors weren't the good guys here. She'd thought they were just spreading chaos and maybe they were at first, when there were only two or three of them, but it couldn't really be called chaos now with six of them, could it? She wasn't sure, and she didn't particularly like feeling unsure about that, since it had been a core foundation for her the last few days. Though, she admitted, with her core foundation shaken, now things were bound to be even more chaotic. Who knew what she'd do with nothing to follow...

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    Thanks for showing up guys. We have two pages now! :P We have a vote on an active player! I personally agree with Wilson. Elenion. You've been oddly cautious this game compared to how you've played before, and the situation with JUQ feels off. If you're innocent, I'm sorry. I think you're our best shot right now though. 

    Now, anyone want to make this into a real lynch? We're two and two for PK and Len; let's not leave this deadlocked.

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    I took a look over some of the previous thread, and I think I'm going to toss my vote on polking.  He's posted exactly twice since joining the game, one explaining some RL issues that made him less active (fair), but those should be over from what he said.  I know we talked about the inactive Elims being less of an issue, but something feels off about him.

    I'll try to RP if I get a chance, I meant to do that most of the game and got caught up in the game discussion instead.

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    Sorry for the late post >>. Unfortunately, timezone is a thing.

    20 hours ago, Elenion said:

    Can you guys show me the evidence that makes you read me that way so that I can address it?

    Certainly. On D1 the way you kept changing your vote caught my attention - you voted on four different people. Now, that could be something a villager would do but I've never seen anyone shifting their votes like that before. Then after the turnover you express surprise over the fact that no-one had cast any "actual (suspicion-based) lynch," despite your own weird voting pattern. So there's one thing. 

    Then there is that about Mage's suspicion and then his death that I explained on my previous post. 

    And then there is the point Khaos makes.

    Therefore, Elenion. Seems like the lynch is already up. I'd regret so much it if you turn out to be a villager. Hopefully you get on before the turnover and explain. 

    Edited by Daniyah
    Grammatical error
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    Um, guys. Bandwagon, much? o.O Len wasn’t in any danger, and then he accrues five votes in the space of two hours. Three of which have little to no reasoning accompanying them. That’s a little out of the ordinary. 
    If he does turn out evil, in addition to the previous interactions we can look back over, I’ll be more suspicious of Jondesu - his vote on polking feels like an attempt to divert attention away from Len, although if so it would have made more sense for him to vote on PK.  
    If he doesn’t, I’d particularly suspect Aonar and Arinian for voting essentially without reason (then Araris, Dani, and Wilson in order of most to least suspicion, after that), and PK because I could easily see this bandwagon being an opportunity for the elims to turn the lynch from a teammate. 

    Given that, I’m okay with Len being lynched, because I think it’ll give us a fair amount of information either way, and considerably more than lynching PK would on average (since we only get information from his lynch if he turns out evil). I don’t think there’s a need for me to add my vote, though, and it’s possible that someone could vote to change things in the last twenty-five minutes, though probably unlikely at this point. No need for me to take away the possibility altogether, though.

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    Night 4: Once Upon A Time...

    There was a large House on a hill. And in this House, there lived an old man.

    The old man was generous and kind, and also very wealthy. People used to say that he had his servants drive him around in a golden carriage, in which he would visit people less fortunate than him and build them a new House, throw them a visit, pay for education at the city's top schools, or just give them some of his fabulous wealth to do with as they wished.

    Some said that it was simply a selfish desire to be praised that lead to this. Some said it was simple guilt, that he would be born into such a life through chance, while others suffered for the circumstances of their birth which they could not help. Still others said it was a whim he never grew out of, something he did because he could but did not care for or not care for especially. Most people were less cynical, and said he wished to help. Certainly for whatever case and reason, he did more for them than anyone else they had ever met. There was a sadness in his heart, they said, a void that was only filled by his helping of others.

    For although the man was kind and wealthy and well-loved, he had no wife and no children. There was no-one in his own family for him to lavish such attention and money on, no-one to carry on his legacy after he had died. So instead, he treated the entire community as though they were his family, each parent his child, and each child his grandson. He loved these people, and was loved in turn.

    Then, one day, he was robbed. As he stepped out of his carriage to visit another less fortunate family than his own, he was pushed down to the dirt by an assailant, for he had no guards. What need of guards would he have when he was so loved, after all? The coin purse he held was pinched from his frail, old hands, and the thief ran away without a care in the world. He was rich, and could not be found, for he had worn clothing that made him utterly untraceable. The old man fell to the gutter and broke his neck as he fell, landing on the cobblestones with a thud.

    He did not call out as he fell, and did not say anything, but he had recognised the man. The thief was someone that he had helped, with a family whose life had improved because of his generosity. He took the name of the thief to his grave, though everyone around could see the recognition in his eyes. People said it was the last act of generosity he ever performed.

    They were wrong.

    In his dying moments, the man's frail old heart hardened. He cursed the people that he had helped, that their greed and selfishness would lead to this. What was the point of his helping them, he wondered, when they would treat him so badly? Why spread his fortune around, when someone could just so easily take it from him by force and leave him for dead?

    So he cursed the people of this community, those he had let into his House and into his heart. He cursed them all, everyone who had benefited from his aid, or hoped to benefit from it in the future, or who would try to benefit it without his permission. He cursed everyone who he had helped, everyone who had set foot on his lands, their descendants, and everyone else who simply let such evil run rampant.

    He died in the gutter, his last breath giving a final Command to the House, for he knew it would hear him if he put all his Breath into one final Command: 'Exact Revenge', he instructed, for he was of a great Heightening, and could imprint intricate orders within a single Command. 'Seek them', it said. 'Draw them', it said. 'Kill them'.

    In all stories and myths, there is often a grain of truth in the folktales that people tell. The difficulty is in sifting between the lies and the embellished facts to find the single nugget of truth that spawned the story. It is debatable whether such a man ever existed. It is also questionable how plausible his actions are. Scholars have said that enchanting an entire house is impossible.

    ...In the House, Isaac dropped a few feet with a snap. The stool used to support him rolled around on the floor before coming to rest on a wall. Once more, revenge had been exacted. Still there were many more to go. But no matter how long it took, vengeance would be wrought.

    Isaac 'The Hammer' Jones (Elenion) was an Explorer with a [Dented] Shield!

    Isaac 'The Hammer' Jones/Elenion (5): Aralis (Araris Valerian), Yiferien (Daniyah), Khaos (little wilson), Arinian (as himself), Aon Deag (Aonar Faileas)
    Rotiart/Paranoid King (2): Isaac 'The Hammer' Jones (Elenion), Professor Alberde Hae (Haelbarde)
    Sean/polkinghornbd (2): Juq (JUQ), Quintus (Jondesu)

    Character List

    1. Dr Konwa Arelle (Wonko the Sane) - A biochromantic scholar.
    2. Frost (Doctor12) - He changed his name to something he thought sounded cool. Coincidentally, he is no longer invited to parties.
    3. Shara (Nyali) - A real estate agent that ain't afraid of no ghost, because she doesn't believe in them.
    4. Stick (I_Am_A_Stick) - A thin piece of wood that has been cut off or that has fallen off a tree. - Explorer
    5. Aralis (Araries Valerian) - Not all-together there.
    6. Yiferien (Daniyah) - A murderous maid with her mind on the property market.
    7. Exion (Unodus) - Gambling with his life...
    8. Rotiart (Paranoid King) - Not suspicious at all guys.
    9. Moro (Magestar) - Searching for treasure. - Explorer
    10. Bugsy (Bugsy6912) - Not related to any potential crook.
    11. Doctor Ryan Oglethorpe (phattemer) - Has a strange speaking problem. - Explorer
    12. Quintus (Jondesu) - Entering the mansion.
    13. Khaos (little wilson) - A fear junkie.
    14. Isaac 'The Hammer' Jones (Elenion) - In search of treasure. - Explorer
    15. Nightspud (Assassin in Burgundy) - A questionably starchy person. - Explorer
    16. Nathan (Nathanvanduij) - Signed up.
    17. Dr Artie Neuems (Arraenae) - An old gentleman comparing about today's youth. - Explorer
    18. Billy (Darkness Ascendant) - An rural man enamored by the House's appearance.
    19. Arinian (Arinian) - Appearing as himself.
    20. Greg Ronald (STINK) - TBA - Explorer
    21. Locke (Orlok Tsubodai) - George Washington in disguise.
    22. The Guy in the Red Uniform (Ecthelion III) - Too easy...
    23. Aon Deag (Aonar Faileas) - Has no interest in buying, so what is he there for?
    24. Sean (polkinghorndb) - Planning on asset-stripping the House.
    25. C. L. Anky (Clanky) - Hired for investigative purposes.
    26. Prof. Alberd Hae (Haelbarde) - Searching for the research notes of the Five Scholars.
    27. The Lady of Chaos (The_Lady_Of_Chaos) - TBA
    28. Jeffery Wilferson (jefrywlfersn) - TBA
    29. Eques Tempore (Straw) - TBA
    30. Sheon Idris (Seonid) - A shade of his former self.
    31. Juq (JUQ) - TBA
    32. Huxton (The Young Bard) - He means well but does bad. - Explorer
    33. Kasther (Kasimir) - Intreped young estate agent. - Estate Agent
    34. Kresla (Elbereth) - Wide-eyed and innocent. This cannot end badly.
    35. Mark (Mark IV) - Better than Mark III.

    Kasther's Pocketwatch



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    Rule Clarifications:

    1. Can Traitors still Explore?
    Why yes. Yes, they can.

     2. Can the Heart of the House be discovered in the same Turn an Eliminator is killed?
    Yes, since kills precede exploration.

    3. Can I give another player an item?
    Yes, and doing so takes up an Action. You may also only give one player one item per Action. (So, for instance, if Assassin in Burgundy has a [Brittle] Knife and Lerasium and he wants to give STINK the [Brittle] Knife in a way that doesn't involve poking it through his gut, he has to spend one action giving STINK the [Brittle] Knife; the Lerasium goes over the next Night.)

    Edited by Kasimir
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    Interesting - I'm not sure where all of those last-minute votes came from. Admittedly, nobody is registering on my radar as suspicious, which is an annoying position to be in, but Len certainly didn't. Wilson, at least, was consistent. I'd have to go back and check who the rest of the votes had voted on before.

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