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Khaos doesn't care about discussion because she doesn't care about anyone in the house. She is in the house to have fun. If someone would like to hear Khaos' thoughts, one would first have to engage Khaos' interest in what is going on. Right now, she likes her pens and is quite content to stay out of all the drama. And when one says 'engage Khaos' interest' one truly means Khaos and not the one who may or may not be controlling her.

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9 hours ago, little wilson said:

For now though, Khaos' eye caught on one of the other people in the room. A man she was pretty sure had referred to himself as The Hammer (ridiculous name, that, she thought). She slowly made her way over to him and sat down. "My pen has a message for you," she said, placing a blank piece of paper in front of him. She had a feeling he was looking at her like she was crazy, but she didn't bother to verify that as she placed the tip on the paper. She held her breath for a beat, wondering what it would write. You talk greasily; your lips grow foul. She barely contained her snort of amusement at her pen's sense of humor. She picked it back up and looked him in the eye, waiting to see what he would say. Let's see you call me crazy now, she thought.

You talk greasily; your lips grow foul.

For a second, "The Hammer" Jones did not know whether to laugh, swear, run, or draw his sword. What astounded him most was the woman's confidence: he was a trained explorer and killer, but here she was allowing an Awakened pen to write insulting messages directed at him directly under his nose. It was this confidence that shook him inside, and it was probably the only reason that he didn't respond by pulling a weapon. Instead, he simply sat there, dumbfounded at this woman's sheer pluck.

After about five seconds, he came to his senses and grabbed the paper with his meaty hands. The pen clattered to the wooden floor, ignored while Jones wadded up the offending paper and chucked it behind him without a word. He reached down to pick the pen up off of the floor, only to find that it had hastily scrawled another message on the floorboard.

You have the social instincts of a warthog, and the complexion to match.

And while his training told him nothing about what a warthog was, he knew enough to get a good idea of what the pen had just written about him. Leaving the pen and its insulting (but sadly accurate) messages alone, he stormed off to the west east south to inspect another room.


I'm dropping a vote on phattemer because he still hasn't shown up and therefore will be of no help exploring the mansion.

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25 minutes ago, Doctor12 said:

Daniyah, Jefry, Seonid, Wonko and Bard have given reasons why they may not be as active as usual, but at least Wonko and Bard have still been trying to participate.

Memory must be failing me, for I do not remember giving any reason.


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17 hours ago, Mark IV said:


I guess that pacifies me. for now

I'm still going to be a little paranoid though.

Oops, missed this post, probably because of being the last on the page.

By all means, continue to be paranoid. That's a healthy attitude, particularly because of the possibility of conversion.

You had said you were going to elaborate. I assume I addressed what you were going to say?

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Artie followed the straw man out the door and into the depths of the house. He huffed as he struggled to keep up, and had to struggle to stay within eyesight of the straw man. Artie ran through a kitchen, a living room, an indoor greenhouse, a dining room, and other rooms that seemed to lead only to more rooms.

A stool appeared in Artie’s path as if Awakened, and he leapt over it with a grunt. A curtain caught his foot, but he just shook it off. Then, a door slammed into his face and Artie barely avoided crashing into it.

“You got me this time, kid,” Artie managed to gasp out. “This time. I’ll find ya, and expose your prank to everybody on this side of Hallandren. Ya can’t stop me.”

The other doors to the room slammed shut in unison.

Artie began to doubt that he could take on this kid without outside help. They seemed like a powerful Awakener, if what he had seen so far was any indication of their skill. And there might be more accomplices, perhaps buried in the group of potential buyers.

Still, Artie refused to let his doubts show in his face. It was too late to back down now. “A challenge, eh? I haven’t had one of those in a while. I admire your spunk, kid. But you’re only delaying the inevitable.”

Inside the pack, the Snake woke up. It flicked its tongue into the air and hissed appreciatively. Uncertainty and a bit of fear, its favorite combinations. Oh yes, this was shaping up to be a good trip already.

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6 hours ago, Haelbarde said:

Oops, missed this post, probably because of being the last on the page.

By all means, continue to be paranoid. That's a healthy attitude, particularly because of the possibility of conversion.

You had said you were going to elaborate. I assume I addressed what you were going to say?

Yeah. I sort of forgot about that. :P

Sell, yes, you did address what I meant. The fact being that I've only seen you play since the latest AG, means I don't really know how vanilla Haelbarde would behave? 

Of course, I'm taking this with a pinch of salt right now, but yeah, that mostly answers most of my questions. 

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Hmmm... Straw. My response might have been unclear before, but one of the major (read: only) advantages that the village has in finding eliminators is that we can find where people have changed their positions from earlier in the game. Which is why, especially in this scenario, I think posting off-topic content without referring to the game at all shouldn't go unremarked, which is why I poke-voted you. RP is definitely better than nothing (I should be able to get do some RP after Thursday), but I'd still like to hear a bit more from people doing so exclusively. (Even if you RP that Khaos approves of a non-lynch, Wilson, that at least gives us a general understanding of your position. @Arraenae, I'm counting you in this group too.)


In the interest of this, I'll say I'm getting some weird vibes from Wonko, and Mark, apparently, had the same weird vibes, so I'm not sure they're unfounded. I'd rather lynch an inactive this cycle, so I'll see how I continue. It's mostly a gut read, but I'll try and put it into words. You seem very... strenuous when making your arguments, somehow? Like you're deliberately overpushing your arguments a bit in order to emphasise "Hey! I'm a villager! Trust me!" But, as I said, it's more gut read than anything.

So, at the moment, I'll give a friendly poke vote to @polkinghornbd, because I don't think I've seen them post yet. Welcome to SE, polking! Anything to say? Any questions you want to ask?

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28 minutes ago, The Young Bard said:

So, at the moment, I'll give a friendly poke vote to @polkinghornbd, because I don't think I've seen them post yet. Welcome to SE, polking! Anything to say? Any questions you want to ask?

I will point out that Polking's first game was QF10 and he's been in 6 games to date (8 if you include the two running now). So not exactly 'new'.

People that have contributed something: Jondesu, Elenion, Elbereth, Mark IV, The Young Bard, Doc, Wonko, Unodus, Nyali, Clanky, Orlok.

Yes, I know more people have posted than that, but those seem to be the people who've properly tried to help out. Of those, El hasn't contributed all that much at all, and I feel the Elenion, and Clanky haven't really either (with Elenion, he's asking other people questions, but not adding much necessarily himself). Probably the key contributors are Jondesu, Mark, Bard, Wonko, I'd say. Doc's had some good stuff too. So far, the only person I'd be truly willing to say is village would be Jondesu, everyone else has been fairly noncommital. 

Re: Phat - he can often tend towards inactivity. Not sure if I'd be willing to D1 lynch him for it, but it'd be nice if turned up...

Vote Tally:
Duck(0): Straw{1}
Elbereth(0): Hael{1}
Bugsy(0): Araris{1}
Chaos(0): Elenion{1}
Seonid(0): Elenion{2}
Haelbarde(0): Mark IV{1}
Straw(0): Bard{1}
Unodus(1): Ecthelion{1}
Doc(1): Rae{1}, Elenion{3}, Jondesu{1}
Jondesu(1): Araris{2}
Elenion(1): Wilson{1}
Ecthelion(1): Unodus{1}
Phattemer(2): Rae{2}, Elenion{4}
Magestar(1): Doc{1}
Polking(1): Bard{2}

Unodus(1): Ecthelion
Doc(1): Jondesu
Jondesu(1): Araris
Elenion(1): Wilson
Ecthelion(1): Unodus
Phattemer(2): Rae, Elenion
Magestar(1): Doc
Polking(1): Bard

As far as exploring goes, for the moment, I still think it's worth everyone exploring. It gives us a better chance at getting more useful items, and should, at most, only net us 2 more eliminators. We need to find something to kill the Heart, which I thought was possible for us to do without having found it. The more we explore, the more likely we are to find that, for once we can actually get to the Heart.
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1 hour ago, Haelbarde said:

As far as exploring goes, for the moment, I still think it's worth everyone exploring. It gives us a better chance at getting more useful items, and should, at most, only net us 2 more eliminators. We need to find something to kill the Heart, which I thought was possible for us to do without having found it. The more we explore, the more likely we are to find that, for once we can actually get to the Heart.

From the OP " This requires the players to find the Heart of the House, as well as a method of slaying it. Neither of these can be found before the first Traitor is killed". So we still have to kill a traitor first before finding anything heart related. I'm still all for exploring as I said earlier. Even if I didn't think exploring was our best option I would still want to explore just to find out what is all hidden in this game. 

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12 hours ago, Doctor12 said:

Thus, Mage could be an eliminator who was turned last night, and was confused when he didn't get a contact for anyone else, thus asking this question. 

It's sad that I saw this coming.  The level of paranoia here is killing me. :P I actually did ask for confirmation.  I was mostly wondering if Omens could give a neutral role.  I think I asked the GM this earlier, and I was given a PAFO, which I suppose was obvious.  I should have asked if there were two Traitors.  I can tell you I'm not a traitor, and that I didn't find anything last night, but I can't prove it. :P 

I'm actually kind of suspicious of Jondesu, I think, but I have been somewhat busy, and would like to read over the thread before I make a definite accusation.  As I said in MR18, I've been kind of busy visiting relatives, so my activity will not be at it's usual levels until after Thanksgiving.

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13 hours ago, Mark IV said:

Your honour, id like to note how wonko has turned around in his opinions. Though he doesn't outright say it in the first post, he seems to favour exploring. 

Now, he seems to be vehemently against it.  

This stark change happened over the course of a turnover.

I'm... not sure where you got this? I've been consistently in favor of exploring right now. I still am. But I want everyone to understand that doing so is dangerous, and if we do it too much, it will likely cost us the game. I did recently clarify what I thought "too much" to be -- exploring after our fifth omen -- but that's hardly a stark change.

If we have to lynch someone -- which seems like the way this will go down -- I agree that dropping an inactive is our best bet, because it's least likely to bite us.

For the record, though, my strongest suspicion right now is Araris. He's said little toward the discussion except to come out with an ability that would make him an instant target for the Eliminators, and gains him little to nothing to have publicized. However, it does make us all want to keep him alive, and would justify his further exploring even if the group decided that was inadvisable.

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Okay, I'm going to break character to say a few things:

Not everyone has to take the game as seriously as others. This game is an RP game first and foremost, and I think we've fallen away from that in the last year, to the detriment of the games and the subforum as a whole. If people want to roleplay, they can roleplay. If someone wants to stay in character all the time, that's fine. They're well and able to play the game exactly as they wish to play, and no one should demand them to play otherwise (unless they're breaking the rules).

I haven't been unstressed playing a game of SE since before LG12. Do you want to know why? Expectations. Some of these expectations are ones that I place on myself--when I'm evil, I feel like I need to be the best player I can be so I don't let my team down. Most of these expectations are placed on me from others, when I'm good. Do you know how blasted frustrating it is to have unwanted expectations thrust upon you from others? I am a player just like everyone else in this game and I'm not any more important or right than anyone else, despite what my dreaded reputation says to the contrary. If you haven't played with me, you don't know me, and reputations are often wrong. I can play this game how I wish to play it. If I don't want to write 1000+ word essays detailing exactly how and why a person is suspicious, I don't have to (and yes, this is something I've done in the past). If I don't want to spend hours and hours on the game every single day, even though almost no one else spends the same amount of time on it, I don't have to (and yes, that's how I've played almost every game in the last 2 years). If I don't want to provide anywhere near the same level of contribution I have in the past, I don't have to.

If you want Khaos to contribute, your characters are going to have to give her a reason to. A reason that she will find worthy of warranting her attention. Right now, she literally doesn't care about anything to do with the current discussion (though you'll note that I did place a vote, so obviously I'm fine with a lynch), and if left to her own devices, she'll continue not caring. Which means that even if there are posts that I want to respond to and which I normally would respond to, I can ignore those. I told myself before this game started that I was playing as her. Everything was going to be how she would be. If she doesn't care about something, I don't care about it. If she wants to do something, she'll do it. I still fully intend to do that because you know what? It's kind of freeing. It's kind of fun not worrying about the game. And it's not like my lack of 'contribution' is going to hurt the game--though I question that I'm not contributing. Any post that contains RP or game discussion is contributing to the game. What you're talking about is worthwhile contribution. And that's entirely subjective. Just because it's not your level of contribution or posts about what you think is important doesn't mean that it's not contribution.

Assuming that Khaos ever finds a reason to actually care about what's going on, until that point, I'll be voting. And my votes do have reasons and suspicions for them. I'm just not saying those because Khaos has no reason to say them (she doesn't even find them suspect. As it stands right now, she'd rather join the traitors than work against them). And that's fine. It's okay to not take a game seriously. It's okay to have fun roleplaying in this roleplaying game. It's okay to use the character you signed up with.

Stop acting like it's not.

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Wow, this is becoming too much to process and keep up with. Doc, I honestly just wanted defense from you considering you did seem out of character, and since I couldn't remember if I had one or two votes against me, I wanted to lodge a vote on someone who had one already (I thought? Maybe I was wrong), so that I wouldn't die myself. After all, I'm about 85% sure I can trust myself.

I am still in favor of letting this be a no lynch day, and I can't remember, but did I place that vote before I started arguing that way? I think I honestly forgot that I had voted for you until you quoted it. Glad you did so I could retract it.

I'm gonna have to settle down a bit and probably just do at most another RP post, because the discussion is getting so carried away here.

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9 minutes ago, little wilson said:

Okay, I'm going to break character to say a few things:

Not everyone has to take the game as seriously as others. This game is an RP game first and foremost, and I think we've fallen away from that in the last year, to the detriment of the games and the subforum as a whole. If people want to roleplay, they can roleplay. If someone wants to stay in character all the time, that's fine. They're well and able to play the game exactly as they wish to play, and no one should demand them to play otherwise (unless they're breaking the rules).

I haven't been unstressed playing a game of SE since before LG12. Do you want to know why? Expectations. Some of these expectations are ones that I place on myself--when I'm evil, I feel like I need to be the best player I can be so I don't let my team down. Most of these expectations are placed on me from others, when I'm good. Do you know how blasted frustrating it is to have unwanted expectations thrust upon you from others? I am a player just like everyone else in this game and I'm not any more important or right than anyone else, despite what my dreaded reputation says to the contrary. If you haven't played with me, you don't know me, and reputations are often wrong. I can play this game how I wish to play it. If I don't want to write 1000+ word essays detailing exactly how and why a person is suspicious, I don't have to (and yes, this is something I've done in the past). If I don't want to spend hours and hours on the game every single day, even though almost no one else spends the same amount of time on it, I don't have to (and yes, that's how I've played almost every game in the last 2 years). If I don't want to provide anywhere near the same level of contribution I have in the past, I don't have to.

If you want Khaos to contribute, your characters are going to have to give her a reason to. A reason that she will find worthy of warranting her attention. Right now, she literally doesn't care about anything to do with the current discussion (though you'll note that I did place a vote, so obviously I'm fine with a lynch), and if left to her own devices, she'll continue not caring. Which means that even if there are posts that I want to respond to and which I normally would respond to, I can ignore those. I told myself before this game started that I was playing as her. Everything was going to be how she would be. If she doesn't care about something, I don't care about it. If she wants to do something, she'll do it. I still fully intend to do that because you know what? It's kind of freeing. It's kind of fun not worrying about the game. And it's not like my lack of 'contribution' is going to hurt the game--though I question that I'm not contributing. Any post that contains RP or game discussion is contributing to the game. What you're talking about is worthwhile contribution. And that's entirely subjective. Just because it's not your level of contribution or posts about what you think is important doesn't mean that it's not contribution.

Assuming that Khaos ever finds a reason to actually care about what's going on, until that point, I'll be voting. And my votes do have reasons and suspicions for them. I'm just not saying those because Khaos has no reason to say them (she doesn't even find them suspect. As it stands right now, she'd rather join the traitors than work against them). And that's fine. It's okay to not take a game seriously. It's okay to have fun roleplaying in this roleplaying game. It's okay to use the character you signed up with.

Stop acting like it's not.

Well said. I agree wholeheartedly.

I do think you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you announced before the game began that you were going to adopt a new style. I only figured out that that's what you were doing yesterday, and until then, I was confused as to why you weren't doing anything to "contribute". But yes, this is absolutely a valid way to play the game, and perhaps even a better one.

I'm worried, though, that this will make it difficult for you and I to interact. RP -- especially with another player -- takes significantly longer for me than straight analysis, and as I've said before, my SE time is pretty limited right now. I hope I get the opportunity to RP later; I like this character, and haven't yet written anything from her perspective. But it's entirely possible that I will never get that chance, and so will never be able to talk with Khaos. Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with this?

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Amen, Wilson. I'll admit that RP is my favorite part of these games. I sign up for games where the story interests me, or the setting. Before I left, since people were developing persistent characters with a history of mutual interaction. RP was reasonably common, and wasn't denigrated as useless contribution. And honestly, it was more fun that way.

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21 minutes ago, Wonko the Sane said:

Well said. I agree wholeheartedly.

I do think you could have saved yourself a lot of trouble if you announced before the game began that you were going to adopt a new style. I only figured out that that's what you were doing yesterday, and until then, I was confused as to why you weren't doing anything to "contribute". But yes, this is absolutely a valid way to play the game, and perhaps even a better one.

I'm worried, though, that this will make it difficult for you and I to interact. RP -- especially with another player -- takes significantly longer for me than straight analysis, and as I've said before, my SE time is pretty limited right now. I hope I get the opportunity to RP later; I like this character, and haven't yet written anything from her perspective. But it's entirely possible that I will never get that chance, and so will never be able to talk with Khaos. Do you have any suggestions on how to deal with this?

I mentioned it to a few people before the game started and I'm pretty sure I mentioned it in every PM I was in last night. I either explained exactly what was going on or that I was going to be playing the game for fun. The reason I didn't say anything in the thread is because from the second I signed up, it was Khaos, and I didn't want to break character long enough to even say that I would be playing differently (though if you compare my past sign ups to this one, there are some very stark differences).

As for interaction: PMs. Khaos isn't in those. They're entirely me. Until you have time to RP, or someone else does something that brings Khaos into the game more, PMs are the way to get what I'm thinking.

EDIT: and character break over

Edited by little wilson
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Is it okay that some of us are here because we like elimination games, love Brandon Sanderson books, and enjoy the complexity of the games run here, and not because of the RP? I do like RP, but I generally get enough of it in person through LARPs and tabletop games. Elimination games are one thing I can't do in person because no gaming group I've ever been a part of takes them seriously, which makes them totally not fun. So, I was excited to see that people on my favorite author's fan forum were running online elimination games, and joined to get in on that aspect, and not the RP aspect.

Should I stop signing up for games if I don't plan to RP in them?

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Super Secret list for Telling if Object is Sentiently Awakened

  • Attempts to communicate (Usually in a creepy way): Check!
  • Seemingly indestructible: Check!
  • Mysterious origins: Check!
  • Omens of Doom: Reported (Haven't seen myself)
  • Dangerous: Check!
  • Smells fishy: Undetermined.
  • Unnerving music: No.
  • Someone willing to pay for investigation: Check!

Hmmm, well this is more promising than the last few investigations at least. thought C.L Still, no fishy smell and no unnerving music so seems like a bust. Probably just another prank like those kids with their "awakened" rock. To this day I have no idea where they got that giant rocklike bug from in the first place! Anyways I have been paid enough for three days work so I'll at least stay that long. Maybe I'll see if there is any truth to these Omen sightings.

Completing the checklist C.L placed it back into his satchel and set off to find more clues. It was time for some serious investigating.

"Has anyone else seen these Omens?" 

"Oh and if you ever smell fish let me know immediately!"


So I don't now if I missed it somewhere but do we know who found the second omen? As for Bugsys omen talks about Locke claiming finders credit. Does the part of the omen that reveals what type of elim is created refer to the write-up or to the message from the GM to whomever finds the omen?

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5 minutes ago, Nyali said:

Is it okay that some of us are here because we like elimination games, love Brandon Sanderson books, and enjoy the complexity of the games run here, and not because of the RP? I do like RP, but I generally get enough of it in person through LARPs and tabletop games. Elimination games are one thing I can't do in person because no gaming group I've ever been a part of takes them seriously, which makes them totally not fun. So, I was excited to see that people on my favorite author's fan forum were running online elimination games, and joined to get in on that aspect, and not the RP aspect.

Should I stop signing up for games if I don't plan to RP in them?

Of course it's ok if that's what draws you to these Ganges. And I think we'd be less as a community if you dropped out.

By the same token, we'd be less as a community if the roleplayers weren't welcome here (like, for example, if their role play was considered not a valuable contribution to the game).

You shouldn't feel pressured to RP or drop out.  Personally, I'm pushing back against the perception that a single, hyper-analytical approach to these games is the only right way to play. Not everyone enjoys that (and even fewer people enjoy it all the time). Just like not everyone enjoys role play. Nobody should be forced into a style of play that they dislike just to satisfy the expectations of the community - so long as it doesn't involve personal attacks on other players or breaking the rules.

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1 hour ago, little wilson said:

If you want Khaos to contribute, your characters are going to have to give her a reason to. A reason that she will find worthy of warranting her attention. Right now, she literally doesn't care about anything to do with the current discussion (though you'll note that I did place a vote, so obviously I'm fine with a lynch), and if left to her own devices, she'll continue not caring. Which means that even if there are posts that I want to respond to and which I normally would respond to, I can ignore those. I told myself before this game started that I was playing as her. Everything was going to be how she would be. If she doesn't care about something, I don't care about it. If she wants to do something, she'll do it. I still fully intend to do that because you know what? It's kind of freeing. It's kind of fun not worrying about the game. And it's not like my lack of 'contribution' is going to hurt the game--though I question that I'm not contributing. Any post that contains RP or game discussion is contributing to the game. What you're talking about is worthwhile contribution. And that's entirely subjective. Just because it's not your level of contribution or posts about what you think is important doesn't mean that it's not contribution.

This is cool.  It's an entirely fine way to go about things, and I think it's an interesting idea.  You've made it clear, and I like what you're doing. 

That said, I play these games because I enjoy the strategy, and how it stimulates my mind.   If I want to RP, then I'll do it, because I enjoy it.  But I play these games for the opportunity to engage my mind.  I think that it's very important that everyone should play these games how they think best, and I entirely agree with you about 'Worthwhile Contribution'.  It's very subjective. 

1 hour ago, little wilson said:

I haven't been unstressed playing a game of SE since before LG12. Do you want to know why? Expectations. Some of these expectations are ones that I place on myself--when I'm evil, I feel like I need to be the best player I can be so I don't let my team down. Most of these expectations are placed on me from others, when I'm good. Do you know how blasted frustrating it is to have unwanted expectations thrust upon you from others? I am a player just like everyone else in this game and I'm not any more important or right than anyone else, despite what my dreaded reputation says to the contrary. If you haven't played with me, you don't know me, and reputations are often wrong. I can play this game how I wish to play it. If I don't want to write 1000+ word essays detailing exactly how and why a person is suspicious, I don't have to (and yes, this is something I've done in the past). If I don't want to spend hours and hours on the game every single day, even though almost no one else spends the same amount of time on it, I don't have to (and yes, that's how I've played almost every game in the last 2 years). If I don't want to provide anywhere near the same level of contribution I have in the past, I don't have to.

You're absolutely right.  It's very good that you've made this clear.  I have played with you in the past, and I had absolutely no idea this is how you felt about your reputation.  I would hope that, now that you've said this, you will find that people will act accordingly.

Still, I think Nyali has a good point.  I know, when I looked at these games, I did not sign up for the RP.  I signed up because I love Mafia-style games.  I enjoy thinking about things from a strategic standpoint, and using my mind in a way that allows me to test it and exercise it against people who think similarly to how I do.  I don't get this chance often.  I get my fill of RP in other ways, but when I see a game like this, I might RP, because it looks cool.

In conclusion, I think that each and every person has as much right to not RP at all as they do to RP.  I don't think that you're saying that RPing is the only way to play, however.  I appreciate that everyone can play as they'd like, and I'm glad you've expressed your feelings.  It makes it easier for me to play with you, knowing how you feel about the game.

Wow.  I'm surprised I had time to write all this. :P 

Editl;  Ninja'd by Seonid.  I agree with all of his points.  He actually said what I was trying to say better than I did. :P   This is an excellent community, and I think it's because we act like one.  This community is very accepting of all playstyles, as long as they don't offend anyone, or break the rules, and I think that it's wonderful.

Edited by Magestar
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Ignore this for now, posted my RP in the wrong thread.  I'll update this with RP in a minute.

Quintus groaned as he turned around to see yet another wall and doorway having changed.  They never moved while he was looking, but he didn't think to bring a mirror with him to try and catch changes while he was looking away.  Maybe he'd find one as he moved through the house.

The wax drippings that formed the "blood letters" had been strange, certainly, but Quintus had seen plenty of odd things in his time as a Worldsinger.  He'd been more interested in the reactions of the others in the house with him.  Some had been worried, of course, but others had quickly turned analytical.  Those were people he'd need to watch out for, since they were likely to try to find many of the same things he was searching for (not that he knew what he might find, but he'd know when he found it).

Then there were a few people that didn't seem surprised at all.  Quintus was beginning to suspect that not all of the people in the house were there simply for the house itself.  He'd have to watch himself, since there likely would be some who wouldn't mind at all leaving some bodies behind them.  He downed a vial of Bronze and Steel (he still didn't understand how his master had given him these abilities, but he wasn't about to complain) and set them both on a low burn to alert him of any sudden movements, or other uses of magic.

Edited by Jondesu
The correct RP for this thread
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16 hours ago, Arraenae said:


@Unodus, are you saying that before Ecth placed his vote on you you made a post?

(are you kidding me? Check page one >.>
like, I get that it wasn't very long post- but I don't see why I got poke voted over someone who was actually inactive...)



for future reference just keep an eye out for the badly animated swordsman  v

Edited by Unodus
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30 minutes ago, Unodus said:

(are you kidding me? Check page one >.>
like, I get that it wasn't very long post- but I don't see why I got poke voted over someone who was actually inactive...)

Thanks Unodus. It's much easier to ask someone where their posts are than to hunt them down myself.

Hael, I apologize for not contributing more -- life conspired to keep me away from SE and I'm not much of a strategy person, so I'm not much help when we're deciding whether to lynch or not lynch, or explore or not explore. Once it's D2, I'll probably have much more to analyze and have a lot more time to do it. (Yay for Thanksgiving!)

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