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6 minutes ago, Sart said:

I didn't realize this was Mailliw's last game. I'll sign up then. Haven't had any good ideas for RP in a while, so any suggestions would be nice.

Yay! Another player! Time to completely redo role balance. yay. . .

Signups will close in 35 minutes. Game will start, shorlty after that. Like within an hour of that. I have to deal with something RL first.

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So, Aeleus thought, setting the letter back down on the table, he has need of my “special talents” in Arelon. The king himself! This will be quite the job.

Aeleus strode over to his room. Most of his belongings were still packed in suitcases; he hadn’t really needed too much here in Duladel. He could probably be out of this town within a couple hours if necessary. The letter had said “as soon as possible”—but the sender had no way of knowing how soon that would be. Aeleus chuckled to himself and sat down for a brief lunch.

*                         *                           *

After packing the remainder of his personal things into the last suitcase, Aeleus walked over to his bookshelf and pushed aside the largest books to reveal a secret crawlspace. He withdrew the wood planks, knife, and box of stamps, then clambered through the hole into the space behind. Once inside, he opened the trapdoor at the bottom and climbed down the ladder into a larger storage area in the house’s foundation.

The room was piled high with bones—some human, others belonging to monstrous beasts unknown to even him. Well, he thought, these are going to be quite a hassle to get out of Duladel…

*                         *                           *

The next morning, Aeleus departed, driving a long wagon-and-trailer bought from one of the local merchants. Several layers of tarps were draiped over the cargo. Well, hopefully I can pass without it getting examined too closely.

The first couple of hours passed without incident. The area around the town was open countryside. Aeleus fell into a trancelike state, as he often did when on long journeys. I’m curious what Arelon will be like. After the whole political drama back in the Dula Senate, this should be a breeze! Maybe when I’m on an off day I should—

“Pardon me, sir, but all trade wagons leaving the border are subject to a search. Would you please…?”

The voice jarred Aeleus back to reality. Well, I’ve reached the border. “Uh, er, yeah, go ahead, but all that’s back there is a load of hay.”

The border officer and his men removed the tarps. All they’ll see is a load of hay.

The men proceeded to jump around on top of the hay.

Something cracked.

Aeleus swore.

The border patrol officer came back up to Aeleus’ open window. He was holding a snapped femur bone. A human femur bone. “Are you aware that—”

In one fluid motion, Aeleus reached out the window, grabbed the man by the collar, and hoisted  him into the air. “Look, my friend, we can do this the easy way or the hard way,” Aeleus said. “If you want to find out where the skeletons in the back came from, be my guest.”

The man’s eyes bulged out. He was legitimately fearful for his life. Poor sap. Aeleus dropped him to the ground. He immediately ran a safe distance away and signaled to his men to let the wagon pass.

And Aeleus and his cargo pulled away from the border stop. Not an altogether pleasant day, Aeleus considered, but hey, it could have gone a lot worse.

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4 minutes ago, The Only Joe said:

Blah, blah, writeup to come, still sending PM's, talk here, It's a day, lynch someone. Cycle ends in 48 hours, I'll post a Timer and player list after I've sent out all PM's.

Best Day 1 post ever.

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The dawn of a new day was abhorrent for Ashkelon: a new day meant more possible thieves and more beggars looking for tips.

But he was feeling a bit nostalgic for the old days on the Dula Senate, so he decided to try out some more rabble-rousing.


Bandwagon poke-vote time! Stink

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2 minutes ago, Ecthelion III said:

Stink. Defend yourself with logic, please.

He's going to pick Logic up and hit you over the head with it, just you wait and see.:P

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What was that Wayne quote again? Something like "I bought a ward against logic, so now I can add 2 and 2 and get a zucchini" or something like that???

Player list:

  1. Ecthelion III
  2. Elbereth
  3. Mailliw
  4. Silverblade
  5. Elenion
  6. Arraenae
  7. Master Elodin
  8. The Young Bard
  9. Eolhondras
  10. Straw
  11. Magestar
  12. Amanuensis
  13. Orlok
  14. Stink
  15. Conquestor
  16. Jaime
  17. Emerald
  18. Antgrgmn
  19. Wilson
  20. Araris
  21. The Silver Dragon
  22. Burnt Spaghetti
  23. Kipper
  24. Aonar
  25. Alvron
  26. Renegade
  27. Lopen
  28. Sart


Edited by Ecthelion III
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Just now, Ecthelion III said:

Elenion, what is up with you and unnecessary bandwagons?

They're not unnecessary: it raises the stakes.

Ashkelon enjoys high-stakes, because high risk = high reward.

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Official Player List:

  1. Alvron
  2. Amanuensis
  3. Antgrgmn
  4. Aonar
  5. Araris
  6. Arraenae
  7. Burnt Spaghetti
  8. Conquestor
  9. Ecthelion III
  10. Elbereth
  11. Elenion
  12. Emerald
  13. Eolhondras
  14. Jaime
  15. Kipper
  16. Lopen
  17. Magestar
  18. Mailliw
  19. Master Elodin
  20. Orlok
  21. Renegade
  22. Sart
  23. Silverblade
  24. Stink
  25. Straw
  26. The Silver Dragon
  27. The Young Bard
  28. Wilson

The Cycle ends:


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I must say, that i do like how the embodiments of dark and light are as far away from each other as possible in the playlist. Oh look! Elbereth is near the middle -ok, like only a third down but still, she's nearer to Alv. Wonder if that means anything :P

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Dang. Burnt posted on Day 1 before me?! I must be slacking or something. :P

So, my vote: Bard. You should be around soon to respond, so you get a vote. Lucky you.

There's been a few players that have been on since the game started but we've not heard anything from them yet(or at least, I haven't). Ya'll should speak up! (Looking at you: Aman, Renegade, Arraenae, probably other people that I didn't notice)

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42 minutes ago, TheMightyLopen said:

Dang. Burnt posted on Day 1 before me?! I must be slacking or something. :P

So, my vote: Bard. You should be around soon to respond, so you get a vote. Lucky you.

There's been a few players that have been on since the game started but we've not heard anything from them yet(or at least, I haven't). Ya'll should speak up! (Looking at you: Aman, Renegade, Arraenae, probably other people that I didn't notice)

Yep, just logged on a minute a go.

@Eolhondras, you're online, so you should see this. Unless you're too busy checking your doc... :P 

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