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So here's where I'd put everyone after rereading everything:


  • Amaiya: Please explain your vote on Hael? What circumstances are those? Just saying that there are circumstances doesn't really help the rest of us any. Same with your vote for Lomion for mayor. Saying that you'd like to see what they do with it isn't really a great reason. Why do you not want me to have an extra vote? I get that you're on mobile, which is why I'm not suspicious of you for your terse responses, but a little more would be helpful.
    So many unanswered questions with Amaiya and that's not helping me get a read of them. 
  • Cenn: Their concern about maintaining discussion seems a bit forced to me. It's only halfway through the turn and votes can change as new information is figured out. I'm slightly leaning towards Darkfriend, but it contingent on Sarah's alignment to a degree.
  • Lomion: A lot of her early posts feel very mimicy and yet, for some reason, she's been getting credit for saying what other people already said. Jak already mentioned PM safety before she did and Kendal already brought up the stuff about Day 1 lynches. Then there's her focus on a mystery role. The fact that she keeps going on about a PM Spying role makes me think that she's either saying this because she knows one exists (likely because she is said role or because a Darkfriend teammate has said role) or because it's easy to contribute advise about a role that doesn't exist and seem to be helping. A large part of the rest of her posts have been about game related things, like figuring out the naming situation, but not specifically about her own suspicions or anything like that. Which makes me very surprised at how much people seem to trust her so far. 
  • Nikel Fain: Only one post and it's entirely RP. I'm hoping we'll hear more from him soon, but if I recall correctly, he did say that he wasn't going to be able to get on as much first cycle.
  • Eryn: Kind of the same boat as Cenn. Something just feels a little off, but they've been active and trying to figure things out too. Still pretty neutral, IMO. 
  • Llewalla: Hasn't said anything yet and hasn't been on since before the game started as is. Difficult to read someone when they haven't done anything at all. 
  • Lorien: Not a lot said, but I like how they stuck to their suspicion of Lexaven. Feels fairly Villagery to me. I especially like how they urge people to follow their suspicions up with a vote rather than just stating them. If no one votes, then their suspicions don't mean much. They could always just be saying that they're suspicious without actually being so! 
    While it could be a tactic to try to move votes away from Sarah, even if it is, I approve of this attitude. 
  • Ba'Alzamon: I find that people tend to focus on those areas that they have a vested interest in. For example, a Wolfbrother might ask what people's opinions are on Village Night Kills to get a read on where everyone stands in the game. So Ba'Alzamon coming right into the game and saying that we shouldn't worry about the Corrupted makes me think he might be Fain. Conversion roles can quickly overwhelm a Village and we shouldn't just ignore them, IMO. Both are quite a serious threat. Last game, Kas was Good Guy Fain and was luckily found out early, so the Village didn't have to worry about it much. I doubt we'll be so lucky this time. 
  • Ana-alline: Hasn't said anything, but has been on in time to see that the game has started. Typical Lurker stuff. 
  • M'Hael: Not enough for me to swing either way at the moment. Perhaps a slight Village lean due to him being a little annoyed with Gladium's vote and Phil's trolling.
  • Kendal: I put her in the likely Villager pool, because a lot of what she's been saying is stuff I would entirely agree with. But that very thing is what worries me. :P A lot of her reads seem very natural rather than faked. A lot of what she's said is also very unhelpful to the Darkfriends. They want to help create confusion, not dispel it. 
  • Ruon: The way they went after Jak seemed like a Villager trying to figure things out, but they just haven't said enough for me to hold to that opinion.
  • Tazrim: Not a lot said, but I'm leaning slightly towards Villager.
  • Gladium: Only posted a Mayor vote for Lomion, so not a lot to go off of. Unfortunately, this seems to be pretty typical of him and we're likely not going to get much more out of him....
  • Sarah: I think I've already said plenty about why I'm suspicious of Sarah. Doesn't help when people seem to be defending them for little reason. 
  • Lexaven: There's only one thing that bothers me about Lexaven. In the beginning, they started by defending me and saying that I'm just playing as I typically do. Then, it turned around and made me suspicious. Until they explain why and how such to diametrically opposed ideas came to be, I'm suspicious. 
  • Bugsy: Not a lot said, but their reasons for voting for Sarah seem genuine and Villagery to me. 
  • Trafalgar: Hasn't said anything, but has been on after the game has started. 
  • Jak: I'm not overtly suspicious of Jak at the moment. There have been some things that have made me suspicious, but there have been plenty of things that make me think that he's a Villager as well. Definitely 50/50 at this point for me. 
  • Gunshy: The only thing that popped out to me about Gunshy's post was when they said that Lomion seemed to be playing up the innocence. I don't think that a Darkfriend would likely come up with that idea, so slight Villager lean. 
  • Alain: I like their view of how the lynch should work, but that doesn't tell me anything about what they're really thinking this game. Considering I have a slight uneasy feeling about both Cenn and Eryn as well, I feel more inclined to think Villager, but I don't want to be swayed by just him agreeing with me. 
  • Cubik: Hasn't said anything, but has been on after the game has started. 
  • Phil: Typical Phil; trollish. Can't say one way or the other because there's not really much to get a read off of!
  • Brigitte: Mostly a gut read, but their approach to this game seems very Villagery to me. I'm not a fan of how they're still voting for Kendal when they've basically said that they'll remove it. If that's the case, then why not move your vote to someone that you actually find suspicious? It seems to be voting for votings' sake, which worries me.
  • Locke: I agree with him that I would much rather see the Mayor go to someone else other than someone like myself or Keland. But, I'd much rather keep it out of the hands of the Darkfriends period. If I were to vote for anyone other than myself, it would likely be Lorien or Alain. Both are people that I suspect are Villagers, but not with enough surety at this point. 
    Considering that's about the only thing that Locke has said (devil's advocate aside), I can't say much about their alignment. They could just be trying to keep the Mayor role out of the hands of players that he knows to be Villagers and make it a little more likely that a Darkfriend could get it after all. 
  • Douza: I like that they're looking out for difficulties with the switching Mayors thing. That is definitely something we need to consider. If we don't vote for a Mayor, even the same person whom we've already made Mayor each day turn, then it won't take much for close votes to be swung by just someone late voting someone for Mayor. This is definitely something we need to consider. 
    That said, that's all they've said, which isn't helpful. 


And that's everyone. There are a few other things I wouldn't mind addressing, but this took longer than I wanted to begin with. So those will have to wait till later. 


EDIT: Bolded names to make it easier to read.

Edited by Metacognition
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So, uh, I cleared up one of your questions about me already, Meta. The other, about El, I've already said too. I do want to see what she'll do with it. The Mayor is a publicly responsible role. I'm not opposed to testing people by giving it to them. It works fine in my opinion. I just really don't trust you right now. Sorry. I'm getting a much stronger village read on El.

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Out of the 3 main contenders for mayor (Lopen, Meta and El), I trust Elbereth/Lomion the most. Lopen, I've already spoken about (and he's answered well, but I'd still like to hold off giving him an extra vote). Meta... I don't know his gamestyle, and he could well be village, but I'd like to get to know his gameplay a bit better and judge for myself.


At this stage, without any other hunches at the moment, I'll poke AliasSheep/LLewella, as they haven't posted at all, and they're not a new player. Deathclutch, too, I'd like to hear from. (And Rubik, I'd like you to post as well, if you see this. What are you thinking?)


EDIT: Realized DC hadn't posted either.

EDIT II: Made the orange orange-ier.

Edited by The Young Bard
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I'm emotionally drained from the play I just saw (actually, all three plays I've seen in the past two days have been draining due to their moral ambiguity, but this one was particularly intense. It was called Roe, about Roe v. Wade. It was heavy.), and I have a headache, so forgive me if I seem short and snappish.

Okay. Let's make this short, then.

1. Votes. I may not be on tomorrow before turnover (although it's likely I'll be on for a bit in the morning), so I should vote now if I want to vote at all. So... Let's see.

2. Mayor vote. Um. Maill. He's vocal, he participates in lynches, and he would definitely put that power to use. Plus, I trust him to an extent. Does this really fit my criteria for a Mayor from earlier? No, not really. I'd prefer to elect someone newer. But there's no one I trust even a bit that also fits that category, and few people in that category that have even posted. :( So that's what I'm going with for now. May change my mind in the morning.

3. Lynch vote. Sigh. I think... Sart. I don't suspect him that much, but I suspect him more than I suspect anyone else. And that's enough for a D1 lynch, I think. Plus his death would probably be one of the most useful given how much discussion's happened around him. (Again, vote subject to change if my morning self decides that my tired night self was an idiot.)

4. Meta - I really doubt that the PM spy role exists. I really do. But it's not that hard to at least somewhat protect against that possibility, and I've just seen how bad it can be (twice, given that I just read through LG2 as well). Plus, emphasizing that also puts more emphasis on PM safety, which is a good thing. (Will talk more about that in the morning. I have some about that already written up, but it's not finished and I don't feel like bothering right now, so I'll finish that in the morning.)

5. Also to Meta's point - True, I haven't talked much about my suspicions. (To be fair, I usually don't... Doesn't excuse the behavior, though.) I should do that. Maybe I'll write up my thoughts on players in the morning, too. No promises.

6. I feel like I've been more talkative than I usually am when I'm not traveling... I'm not sure how this happened?

7. Good night. I'm going to bed. (Now. I could stay up and transcribe and finish that roleclaiming thing I wrote earlier. That's possible. If I do, I deserve to be scolded. I need sleep.) Sorry if I sounded irritated. I'm tired.

8. Oh, look, another post. Oh, look another vote on me for Mayor! What the heck. I don't... Ugh. I'm too tired to respond to this, except to note that you gave reasons for not voting for the other candidates, but no actual reasons for voting for me. Mind elaborating?

9. Goodbye.

Edited by Elbereth (Lomion)
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8. Oh, look, another post. Oh, look another vote on me for Mayor! What the heck. I don't... Ugh. I'm too tired to respond to this, except to note that you gave reasons for not voting for the other candidates, but no actual reasons for voting for me. Mind elaborating?


Eh. The way I see it, my votes could really influence the result if I picked one of 3 candidates. I don't trust you, as such, but I distrust the other 2 more. Once I have more solid leads next turn (hopefully), I'll pick someone for stronger reasons than that.


Also, Maill, is that orange enough for you?  ;)

Edited by The Young Bard
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Even though there's been a good amount of posts since my last post, I don't feel like my reads have changed all that much. Meta posted that large post up above, which is pretty similar to how I feel. Something curious to note, me, Meta and Wilson have all noted that Nyali seems off somehow. I don't really know what that means, since it's only Day 1 and D1 reads are almost always guesses as much as they are logical thinking(at least, in my case :P), but it surprised me a little that both Wilson and Meta agreed with me that she seems a bit off.


Hael, while you did post already, I'm wondering if you've got any reads yet? Specifically, I'm wondering what you're thinking about each of Sart, Wilson and Meta.


Edit: Saw Sheep/Llewella on just a bit ago. I'm surprised you have posted yet. Any reason for your silence so far?

Edited by TheMightyLopen
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About the mayorship, I think it is really a target for the eliminators. I mean extra one extra vote might not seem like much, but it is the difference between two people dying. One other thing about mayorship is that it is that when someone wins, they are not vote for the people that put them in office. This would be a great way to not be lynched and the mayor would make points to move suspicion from their voters. This is because then they would be suspicious themselves. I am voting for Mezal(Meta) because I am less suspicious of him, also, I don't like it when people vote themselves for mayor. It just seems like they could make a better point voting for someone else.

I find everyone that is voting for Lomion(Elbereth)suspicious because of them saying "I agree with her posts" and not putting their opinions forward. I am not actually suspicious of Lomion herself because I think the eliminators are setting her up. I do agree that Eryn(Nyali) is a little off. I say that because of all the opinions she is throwing around, she would say one thing, but then say another that is contradictory to what she just said! I believe that is why she is so suspicious in a subtle way, also, rereading through the forum and I am still suspicious of Lexaven(Winter) , but am more suspicious of Eryn at this point. I don't like Phil Bill(Stink) because of the way he has been acting. I think trolling is funny, every once in a while, but when it is your play style, then that is a little weird. He is also in agreement with Lomion, but is voting for Jak(Lopen). I think he is going to change his two votes close to the end of the cycle, maybe.

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Twei - posted a short post. Kind of felt like an evil post somehow, like she was just trying to post something rather than actually searching for an eliminator.

That's exactly what I was doing. Read between the lines here to find out why.


My thoughts on Sart: Elb pointed out that Sart is used to a meta where the 'whether to lynch' discussion is common. With that in mind, him bringing it up to me reads more as a villager trying to kickstart discussion than an eliminator trying to distract.



Hey guys! I exist! Anyways, I don't completely trust Wilson because she seems like she's trying to draw suspicion towards others without actually saying much herself. Also I think that we should focus less on the corrupted right now and more on the Darkfriends, since they are more of a threat at the moment.


Elodin, for the reason Meta pointed out. It's D1; the village perspective is basically "You're suspicious!" with no faction qualification until something else happens to inform it. You bringing it up suggests it's important to you.

Hey guys! I exist! Anyways, I don't completely trust Wilson because she seems like she's trying to draw suspicion towards others without actually saying much herself. Also I think that we should focus less on the corrupted right now and more on the Darkfriends, since they are more of a threat at the moment.

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[*]Brigitte: Mostly a gut read, but their approach to this game seems very Villagery to me. I'm not a fan of how they're still voting for Kendal when they've basically said that they'll remove it. If that's the case, then why not move your vote to someone that you actually find suspicious? It seems to be voting for votings' sake, which worries me.

I'm pretty sure I made it clear that it was a vote for the sake of voting more so to get the discussion going earlier, I hadn't changed it yet because it wasn't necessary it's not hurting Keland because the focus for multiple votes have been on others. I haven't decided who I am truely voting for yet. I didn't have time yesterday evening to post anyway, I started a couple of them and got caught up in something at home before I could finish it.. By the time I got back to it there were 10 more to read first and I just kept getting caught up in other things. Now that we only have 12 hours left it's a little different I will remove it to remove the chance of my one vote causing something I didn't intend but yesterday I didn't think there was a rush to get it off...

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I seriously don't understand how changing my mind makes me evil. 

Seriously, though? 

I just woke up, so this might sound a little annoyed, but why is it that we're not allowed to change our minds? Why write long text walls if you don't expect anyone to listen? 

I have difficulty explaining most of what I feel, suspicions wise. I'm not good at logic. So if I have difficulty explaining and am putting disclaimers everywhere, that's not eliminator style. That's just me. Also, look at my good games. I have a tendency to get lynched again and again for not being able to put my feelings into words. And my eliminator games, I usually get lynched for good reasons. 


I want to start actually playing, not being on the defensive. That helps nobody. Right now, I'm not super suspicious. Still wary of people who are suspicious of me without explaining why.  

If my playing style has changed, so has my personality. Majorly. 

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I said the part about the corrupted because in my opinion a faction that is more threatening and easier to detect is more dangerous than a conversion one that starts out at one and increases slowly. It's why in LG21 we didn't immediately focus on Autonomy.

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Hello all.  Aye Lopen, I did log in earlier - I saw how long the thread was and then went back to stressing over exams.


Anyway, I've read through the thread, and the discussion over the Mayor... intruiges me.   I'm of the opinion that it is quite an important role, and really do not want the eliminators to have that spot.  The chances for manipulating the lynch are too many for me to be comfortable with it (this is from the perspective of someone just coming out of a game where clever vote manipulation won my team the game).  Thus, I've been quite suspicious of Sart.  Their ideas for choosing a mayor seem very convenient.  To sum up my thoughts: We can't confirm that they are actually using RNG, meaning they can actually just choose whoever they want and claim the RNG chose for them, thus deflecting suspicion if an eliminator gets the power.  This also allows them oppurtunities for putting eliminators in power with the Mayor role.  They're also downplayed the importance of the role, which further serves to increase my suspicion.  Orlok and El have also raised similar points.  Not using RNG, that is, but putting the Mayor role in the hands of someone other than one we already signifigantly trust.  El is guilty of this to a greater extent, and I'm not comfortable with her idea of giving the role to a suspected Eliminator (though she does bring up the issues with that in her post.


I'm also suspicious of Lopen for two reasons.  He, like Sart, downplays the important of the Mayor, yet votes for himself?  This could very easily get him the role (by making people less wary of voting for him as Mayor).  He also uses the defence of "If I was X I wouldn't do A, and I've done A, so I can't be X".  Which is an awful defence, seems incredibly suspicious, and I last saw used by Aman in LG21, who was an eliminator.


I'm wondering on the possibility of not having a Mayor at all, at least this early in the game.  It gives a lot of sway to people we can't be overly sure of, and I'm much prefer to give the power later on to someone who I trust (the list of which currently containing no one).  Of course, we also run the risk then of giving the eliminator the same power, supposing we were wrong about trusting them.  Still unsure on this, and I need to think more about it to properly clarify my thoughts on the matter.


StrawMan is of course, immediately suspicious by how he posts supporting El for Mayor with no supporting evidence.  Which leads onto El's seemingly rather flustered attempt at avoiding being made Mayor.  Given how she's spoken about the Mayor role putting spotlight on the player who gets it, I can see why she'd want to avoid it - if she was an eliminator.  Of course, she makes reasonable points about her not being good with vote manip roles, but as she stated herself, those are different kinds of roles. 


Now, the voting at the moment is, if I remember correctly (and I probably haven't), predominantly leaning towards Sart.  As much as I'm suspicious of Sart, I'm also suspicious to around the same levels of Lopen.  For the reason, I'm going to vote for Lopen, and hope that some good discussion comes of it.

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This is a game of mafia. The village doesn't win if the village isn't willing to lynch. I think it's pointless to go into a game of mafia wondering "Hm. I'm not sure if I want to lynch on the first day. I mean, I just don't know anything!" If you have that attitude, you'll never know anything.

I completely agree, Wilson, that the advantages of a day one lynch significantly outweigh the disadvantages, but that's not the point I was making. What I was saying is that it was impossible to assume that everyone else agrees with this. And the evidence from a host of previous games runs in line with this statement - there has been a marked opposition in many games played to the day one lynch. Sart, therefore, can't be seen as seeking to avoid the day one lynch through creating superfluous conversation - instead, to my mind, he sought to have the issue addressed swiftly - a prerequisite for actually having the discussion.

As for the Mayor role. I agree that it would be best for the Mayor to not be someone with a reputation, but I'm not voting for Meta because of any rep or his intelligence as a player or anything like that. I voted for Meta purely because he's my best lead for a villager. That's it. That's what I care about when it comes to voting people for Mayor. I don't care to make the same mistake I made in the first run by voting the Darkfriend Channeler as Mayor, even if it's only for a cycle. Could we vote in a newer player that we don't know as well? Sure, we could. Want to know the kind of team Gamma had as eliminators in the first game? None of them had played more than 2 games. I don't trust Gamma because he's a troll. So no, I'm not going to vote on someone willy-nilly just to see what they'll do with the mayor position. I'm voting on my best guess for a villager.

Wilson, again, you create a strawman - a misrepresentation of the argument I put. I didn't say that we should vote for people based on their intelligence or reputation, rather that we should avoid doing so - for we gain nothing in terms of additional scrutiny, and simultaneously lose the benefit of scrutiny for another player. In my mind, at least, this advantage is worth sacrificing your additional 8 points of trust in Meta.

Finally, your final point is to me, nonsensical. Yes, Gamma went with an unconventional team last time. He may well have done so again this game. But there is absolutely no reason to distrust all newer players because of his actions last game - which is the implication of your refusal to vote for a newer player.

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Hello all. Aye Lopen, I did log in earlier - I saw how long the thread was and then went back to stressing over exams.

Anyway, I've read through the thread, and the discussion over the Mayor... intruiges me. I'm of the opinion that it is quite an important role, and really do not want the eliminators to have that spot. The chances for manipulating the lynch are too many for me to be comfortable with it (this is from the perspective of someone just coming out of a game where clever vote manipulation won my team the game). Thus, I've been quite suspicious of Sart. Their ideas for choosing a mayor seem very convenient. To sum up my thoughts: We can't confirm that they are actually using RNG, meaning they can actually just choose whoever they want and claim the RNG chose for them, thus deflecting suspicion if an eliminator gets the power. This also allows them oppurtunities for putting eliminators in power with the Mayor role. They're also downplayed the importance of the role, which further serves to increase my suspicion. Orlok and El have also raised similar points. Not using RNG, that is, but putting the Mayor role in the hands of someone other than one we already signifigantly trust. El is guilty of this to a greater extent, and I'm not comfortable with her idea of giving the role to a suspected Eliminator (though she does bring up the issues with that in her post.

I'm also suspicious of Lopen for two reasons. He, like Sart, downplays the important of the Mayor, yet votes for himself? This could very easily get him the role (by making people less wary of voting for him as Mayor). He also uses the defence of "If I was X I wouldn't do A, and I've done A, so I can't be X". Which is an awful defence, seems incredibly suspicious, and I last saw used by Aman in LG21, who was an eliminator.

I'm wondering on the possibility of not having a Mayor at all, at least this early in the game. It gives a lot of sway to people we can't be overly sure of, and I'm much prefer to give the power later on to someone who I trust (the list of which currently containing no one). Of course, we also run the risk then of giving the eliminator the same power, supposing we were wrong about trusting them. Still unsure on this, and I need to think more about it to properly clarify my thoughts on the matter.

StrawMan is of course, immediately suspicious by how he posts supporting El for Mayor with no supporting evidence. Which leads onto El's seemingly rather flustered attempt at avoiding being made Mayor. Given how she's spoken about the Mayor role putting spotlight on the player who gets it, I can see why she'd want to avoid it - if she was an eliminator. Of course, she makes reasonable points about her not being good with vote manip roles, but as she stated herself, those are different kinds of roles.

Now, the voting at the moment is, if I remember correctly (and I probably haven't), predominantly leaning towards Sart. As much as I'm suspicious of Sart, I'm also suspicious to around the same levels of Lopen. For the reason, I'm going to vote for Lopen, and hope that some good discussion comes of it.

That does make quite a bit of sense. The only thing I disagree with you about is Straw, as his behaviour is nearly always trollish and unhelpful. However, due to the analysis and reasoning above, I will also place my vote on Lopen. Edited by Master Elodin
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That does make quite a bit of sense. The only thing I disagree with you about is Straw, as his behaviour is nearly always trollish and unhelpful. However, due to the analysis and reasoning above, I will also place my vote on Lopen.

He's not acting abnormally, but placing suspicion is always useful.  Hopefully he'll defend himself at somepoint.

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This is all very logical and such, Phil thought. Why couldn't these people let loose and have fun? Only one person had died so far, so it's barely any problem!

Shut up, thought Bill.

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I completely agree, Wilson, that the advantages of a day one lynch significantly outweigh the disadvantages, but that's not the point I was making. What I was saying is that it was impossible to assume that everyone else agrees with this. And the evidence from a host of previous games runs in line with this statement - there has been a marked opposition in many games played to the day one lynch. Sart, therefore, can't be seen as seeking to avoid the day one lynch through creating superfluous conversation - instead, to my mind, he sought to have the issue addressed swiftly - a prerequisite for actually having the discussion.

Wilson, again, you create a strawman - a misrepresentation of the argument I put. I didn't say that we should vote for people based on their intelligence or reputation, rather that we should avoid doing so - for we gain nothing in terms of additional scrutiny, and simultaneously lose the benefit of scrutiny for another player. In my mind, at least, this advantage is worth sacrificing your additional 8 points of trust in Meta.

Finally, your final point is to me, nonsensical. Yes, Gamma went with an unconventional team last time. He may well have done so again this game. But there is absolutely no reason to distrust all newer players because of his actions last game - which is the implication of your refusal to vote for a newer player.

The only part that was responding to you directly was the part that quoted you. The rest was in response to people who had posted after you saying that they didn't like the idea of Meta being voted on based on his rep and would prefer a newer player getting the position.

And I'm done talking about the lynch. It's been beaten to death and I'm sick of it.

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Okay, I am going to be off for a bit (well that's not entirely true I will be driving for several hours so I might be bad and check the thread here and there but I definitely won't be typing and driving...) with that being said I wanted to put some stuff out there in case I don't have a chance to later.

I have been trying to come up with careful arguments for why I'm choosing who I am but it's hard... Most of what I think is just gut feelings right now. I am voting for Gladium because his troll like post, even if that's all it is, bothers me it seems weird. Also the fact that the only other person who voted for him is someone who has all the votes right now and because no one trusts him why would they follow his vote, could be an elaborate ruse... Or nothing at all, but at least Straw might try and defend himself.

As for mayor I'm not voting yet, I'm still not sure who I trust enough to give that responsibility to...


Here is an update so far (I think)

Lynch votes:

Sarah/Sart(4): Keland, Mezal, Bugsy, Lomion

Lorien/Conquestor(1): Cenn

Trafalgar/DeathClutch(1): Tazrim

Aan-alline/phattemer(1): Eryn

Douza/Twei(1): Jak

Gladium/Strawman (2): Sarah, Birgitte

Cenn/Seonid(2): Alain, Phil Bill

Ba'Alzamon/Elodin (1): Douz

Eryn/Nyali (1): Lorien

Llewella/AliasSheep (1): Ruon

M'Hael/Haelbarde (1): Amaiya

Jak/Lopen (2): Ba'Alzamon, Llewella

Mayor votes:

Mezal/Meta(3): Mezal, Keland, Lorien

Jak/Lopen(3): Jak, Sarah, Phil

Lomion/Elbereth(3): Amaiya, Gladium, Ruon

Tazrim/Hellscythe(1): Tazrim

Amaiya/Maillliw (1): Lomion

Eryn/Nyali (1): M'Hael

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The only part that was responding to you directly was the part that quoted you. The rest was in response to people who had posted after you saying that they didn't like the idea of Meta being voted on based on his rep and would prefer a newer player getting the position.

And I'm done talking about the lynch. It's been beaten to death and I'm sick of it.

You're done talking about the lynch? The lynch is the biggest public decision of the day, so I don't think you can really be "done talking about the lynch" unless you want to be "done being helpful".
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You're done talking about the lynch? The lynch is the biggest public decision of the day, so I don't think you can really be "done talking about the lynch" unless you want to be "done being helpful".


Have you been reading the thread? Half of the discussion so far has been focused on the stupid meta discussion about the lynch and not the lynch itself. When I say "I'm done talking about the lynch," I'm referring to the pointless discussion about if a lynch should happen or if people should've known that it should happen before the game started. Refer to Orlok's first paragraph of the post I quoted.

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Current thoughts based on what I'm thinking:


Tentative trust on Elodin.

Wilson is fed up, tentative trust.

Jaime is considering loads of options, both good and bad so dunno.

STINK is being unhelpful.

Orlok seems to care more about people properly arguing instead of the lynch.

Distrust Sheep.


Therefore looking at the posts on this page, Sheep.

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Have you been reading the thread? Half of the discussion so far has been focused on the stupid meta discussion about the lynch and not the lynch itself. When I say "I'm done talking about the lynch," I'm referring to the pointless discussion about if a lynch should happen or if people should've known that it should happen before the game started. Refer to Orlok's first paragraph of the post I quoted.

Of course I've been reading the thread. My point still stands. If you want to stop this discussion, then say something relevant instead of just giving up on convincing people that there should be a lynch. If you feel that debating the point is useless then you can stop, but then your opinion won't matter to anyone.

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Current thoughts based on what I'm thinking:


Tentative trust on Elodin.

Wilson is fed up, tentative trust.

Jaime is considering loads of options, both good and bad so dunno.

STINK is being unhelpful.

Orlok seems to care more about people properly arguing instead of the lynch.

Distrust Sheep.


Therefore looking at the posts on this page, Sheep.


Dare I ask why?

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