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Having a Bad Day?: Get 'yer Hugs here!!

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He's actually surprisingly good at it. He has managed to successfully prepare a way to repair all of the 50 year-old, corroded, galvanized-steel water-pipes in the house. Those are about the only mishaps that occurred over the entirety of his week or two attempt at re-plumbing this house. I'm feeling proud of him more than anything else. 

Especially now that that light forsaken shower is over...*shiver*

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..maybe this isn't the right topic for this.

I was just lying on my bed, reading a book, and a thought occurred to me:

"Is this seriously my life?"

I'm almost 30. I have no life savings. I'm not particularly invested in my work place career. I've lost touch with most of my childhood friends, and I still live at home with my parents.

I'm not having a...bad day, exactly, bit I suddenly just feel really hollow and...disappointed?

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Had the Botox shots I've been dreading on Monday morning, and the actual process was a good bit less painful than I feared (though by no means comfortable). 

However, I have spent the entire time since then sore and in more pain than before. I stayed on the couch once I got out of bed both yesterday and today, almost entirely. Getting up to use the bathroom or get myself food or water is far more difficult and taxing than it has any right to be. I hope this ebbs back to my normal level of suckitude soon.

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1 hour ago, Quiver said:

..maybe this isn't the right topic for this.

I was just lying on my bed, reading a book, and a thought occurred to me:

"Is this seriously my life?"

I'm almost 30. I have no life savings. I'm not particularly invested in my work place career. I've lost touch with most of my childhood friends, and I still live at home with my parents.

I'm not having a...bad day, exactly, bit I suddenly just feel really hollow and...disappointed?

I kind of know that feel. I mean, I'm living on my own, but sometimes I wonder if this is how things are going to be forever. 

I guess the best thing you could do is find something to give life meaning, cheesy as it sounds. Writing something that I tell myself will be the next Big Thing helps me. You might do something different, but the point is to do something you like that you can get invested in. 

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I found out today that the solo I was planning to do for the [INSERT STATE ORGANIZATION] Solo/Ensemble contest has been taken off the list for solos that you can do. I'm sad, because I really liked that solo. This isn't something absolutely terrible, but I felt like posting it anyway.

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At this time, I usually have my violin lesson. Once my mom drops me off, she goes and does some errands. 

One thing: My lesson's on Thursday. 

So I'm stuck here for the next few hours listening to a couple violins how to play high notes and a clarinet learn how to imitate a 3 year old's scream. 

Whoop de do. 

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21 minutes ago, Assassin in Burgundy said:

At this time, I usually have my violin lesson. Once my mom drops me off, she goes and does some errands. 

One thing: My lesson's on Thursday.

I assume it's Wednesday for you? How... how did this happen?

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Just spent the morning helping my parents replace/rebattery all their fire alarms/carbon monoxide alarms. 
At one point we had to undo and redo 30 minutes of very difficult work. At which point I slammed my funny bone on the edge of a mirror. 

While the frustration is mostly gone, my ears are still ringing from testing those storming things. 

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I just... I don't know. I struggle with feeling accepted. I feel like I'm not good enough and everyone I know can see it. I know I'm not right about this, and people are reaching out to me, but... I don't know. Maybe this is all hormones. School is better because I'm not the only new student this year, so there's just a sort of "acceptance-cloud" that includes everyone. It's just not... like that everywhere else. *Sigh* Maybe I just feel like this because I forgot my notes and that dang due date is catching up...

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49 minutes ago, KnightRadiant said:

I just... I don't know. I struggle with feeling accepted. I feel like I'm not good enough and everyone I know can see it. I know I'm not right about this, and people are reaching out to me, but... I don't know. Maybe this is all hormones. School is better because I'm not the only new student this year, so there's just a sort of "acceptance-cloud" that includes everyone. It's just not... like that everywhere else. *Sigh* Maybe I just feel like this because I forgot my notes and that dang due date is catching up...

Fellow high-schooler here (17 and a junior). I think you can chalk some of it up to hormones, some of it up to stress, and some of it up to the life transition that you're hitting. High school is a difficult age; don't believe all of that "high school was so easy. I wish I could go back again" business. People who say that are usually either really lucky, flat-out lying, or both. There are new friends to be made (and old 'friends' who turn out not to be real ones), a sharp increase in class workloads (I'm in 3 APs; I'd know), and then there's hormones, viruses, gossip, and all of that other jazz going around as well. Just great, right?

Basically, my suggestions are these:

1. Find a groove and keep to it. I'm anxiety-prone, and having a regular schedule is one of the best ways to keep the stress in check.

2. Find someone who helps lift you. For freshman me, it was a pair of senior girls who had never gone through what I was going through (at least to my knowledge). But what they did do is make me feel like I was worth something, and that's just what I needed.

3. Don't try too hard to change. Where I live, people go hunting, fishing, and 4-wheeling a lot. That just isn't my jam, and I doubt it ever will be. So while other people can go fish their hearts out, I play Dungeons and Dragons and get on the Shard. While it may not be mainstream, it's me, and I accept that.

4. Know that we're all winging it. For one, I'm winging this post. I rarely go all psychologist like this.

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On 12/01/2017 at 2:17 AM, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:

I kind of know that feel. I mean, I'm living on my own, but sometimes I wonder if this is how things are going to be forever. 

I guess the best thing you could do is find something to give life meaning, cheesy as it sounds. Writing something that I tell myself will be the next Big Thing helps me. You might do something different, but the point is to do something you like that you can get invested in. 

Funnily enough working on a Big Thing intimidates me, I do betternsoing a small piece of fan art or just having fun with something silly. 

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10 hours ago, Elenion said:

High school is a difficult age; don't believe all of that "high school was so easy. I wish I could go back again" business. People who say that are usually either really lucky, flat-out lying, or both.

Or maybe uni is simply more difficult? Life doesn't get simpler, ever.

I don't want to sound all "when I was your age" but... mark my words.

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On 1/13/2017 at 11:07 AM, Oversleep said:

Or maybe uni is simply more difficult? Life doesn't get simpler, ever.

I don't want to sound all "when I was your age" but... mark my words.

I had an absolute blast in high school. I'd go back in a min if I had the option to give my teen self a very hard knock on the head for having a bit to much fun. I think today's kids have much dif expir then us 90's kids did. We didn't have cells or social media clouding over us. 

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1 minute ago, Briar King said:

I had an absolute blast in high school. I'd go back in a min if I had the option to give my teen self a very hard knock on the head for having a bit to much fun. I think today's kids have much dif expir then us 90's kids did. We didn't have cells or social media clouding over us. 

I... I can't tell if this is sarcasm without checking your age on your profile.

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59 minutes ago, Briar King said:

I had an absolute blast in high school. I'd go back in a min if I had the option to give my teen self a very hard knock on the head for having a bit to much fun. I think today's kids have much dif expir then us 90's kids did. We didn't have cells or social media clouding over us. 

Eh.  I'm your age, and high school was hell.

Granted, I think it was basically impossible for me to have had a good school experience.  I was a socially inept nerd in a tiny school.  There was no nerd "crowd" for me to hang out with, and the place was too small for me to fade into the background.  So I was everyone's favorite bullying target from about ages 11-17.

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50 minutes ago, Kaymyth said:

Eh.  I'm your age, and high school was hell.

Granted, I think it was basically impossible for me to have had a good school experience.  I was a socially inept nerd in a tiny school.  There was no nerd "crowd" for me to hang out with, and the place was too small for me to fade into the background.  So I was everyone's favorite bullying target from about ages 11-17.

@Oversleep it wasn't. 36


bullying isn't cool. I was the guy who intervened and put the bully's up against the lockers or in the dirt when I saw it. That kinda stuff mostly stayed in school back then atleast from what I experienced. Social media has changed the game these days. I worry about my kids big time. I'd for sure tell myself to hit those bks harder if I could!

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31 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

I think I might be single again.


16 minutes ago, Silverblade5 said:

And yet I feel strangely detatched from it. Right not, I don't feel any different. Guess I'll be taking it out on some sticks tomorrow though.

I'm so sorry. :( Take care of yourself when it does hit you. 

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1 hour ago, TwiLyghtSansSparkles said:


I'm so sorry. :( Take care of yourself when it does hit you. 

Like I said. I know how to vent when needed. It won't be a problem. Thanks for the concern though :) 

EDIT: Just spent some quality time with a nice tree trunk.

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I feel sorry for the people in Jupiters icy grip but jeez the cold isn't even having a presence down here. It's spring temp down here nearing almost 80 in the day...it's Jan... this has been the weirdest winter ever. I want to see my breath when I go outside not swat mosquitos. Winter is supposed to be chilly even in southwest Louisiana...

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On 13/01/2017 at 6:54 AM, KnightRadiant said:

I just... I don't know. I struggle with feeling accepted. I feel like I'm not good enough and everyone I know can see it. I know I'm not right about this, and people are reaching out to me, but... I don't know. Maybe this is all hormones. School is better because I'm not the only new student this year, so there's just a sort of "acceptance-cloud" that includes everyone. It's just not... like that everywhere else. *Sigh* Maybe I just feel like this because I forgot my notes and that dang due date is catching up...

Have you heard of imposter syndrome? Plenty people feel like they're not good enough. Doesn't mean it's true. :)

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