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I remember when alfa went to the river delta, it was when the empire was crowned victor, and then peace was supreme. Not long after, The Monster woke up and Ekko's greatest love was exposed as a beagle who is relatively important.


Alfa the SE player isn’t in this game, so this could be a possible reference to something that happened to him? It could also be a way to refer to another player.

The Monster is a song by Rihanna http://www.azlyrics.com/lyrics/eminem/themonster.html if anybody thinks that this is useful.

Ekko is a champion from the game League of Legends, and apparently he had a crush on Jinx, another League champion (you can find pictures of Jinx in Creccio’s profile and signature). Could this possibly mean that Creccio has uncovered an important role?




Juliett  flew through the air of India trying to find any cloud, but alas it was November and the desert was plain and nothing can be seen. except for a distant xylophone

It’s December right now.



Juliett comes from the play Romeo and Juliet, and is the girlfriend of Romeo. This might be tied to the “Ekko's greatest love was exposed as a beagle who is relatively important” part.


@Kyn Also, dont try to make sense of them, its a mesh between what you said and some other knowledge that someone else has.



If Creccio is telling the truth, Kyn said something that might be related to this code. Also, Creccio and at least one other person has “other knowledge” than what Kyn has,


Xin went through the woods, looking for Charlie. As soon as he found him he could not do anything but freeze and bow down, he had never seen such a person in his life before. Rockets flew from his back and lasers out of his gun. he then went on and screamed GGEZ, now let me not break my back carrying all of you. and as such, he clicked on the thumbs up and gave the corresponding honor.



Xin as in League of Legends Xin Zhao? GGEZ could stand for either “Good Game Easy” or “Good Game Ezreal”. Is Creccio implying that he has knowledge/a role that could carry people?


Conclusion #1 is that unless somebody has a key or claims to be the recipient of the message, there is no way to really tell what Creccio is saying. However, the fact that he is using such an obvious code is interesting. It’s useless without a key, which would have to be PMed privately so an aspiring codebreaker can’t figure out the meaning from information in-thread.


However, if Creccio could send (or reply to) PMs, there wouldn’t be any point in creating such an obvious code. Creccio needs to have the key. If Creccio was a DIagrammist, he could just use a Doc to communicate with his fellow Diagrammists.


Could the entire code be a fabrication meant to divert people from other types of discussion? I’m not sure.


Conclusion # 2 is that this bit of analysis seems to have been a waste of effort. Kudos to Creccio for being cryptic and making me waste my time. I see no reason for him to have created his codes if not for the express purpose of confusing people.

@Kyn, I think you're not suspicious, so I'm taking my vote off of you.
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There is no key, you did find a ton of things out of the code, but you did not find it all. You should read Kyn post and tie it to yours, but even then, you are not going to find it.


The code uses slang from league and from other sources, it HAS a meaning, it was not meant for you, so of course you did not get it; neither did the person meant to understand due to reasons of not taking it seriously.


I am not being "cryptic" and making you waste time. You yourself wanted to understand what is happening and made a valiant effort at it.


If i were to be a Dia why would I use an in thread code with things of common knowledge as Jinx, Ekko and LoL lore? Why bother? I would just use the google doc and talk there. 


Also,If i was really a Dia, dont you think they would have stopped me after the first as to not draw suspicions and not draw votes, like the one you just put on me?


Furthermore, if i wanted to "confuse" the thread, why would I use such a simplistic code and not something much more elaborate? I used less than a minute in each of those sentences, I am not trying to trick anyone into it.


If you want, you can try to guess who the message is for, and if you do, you will find the answer to your question. 


If you do not understand it that's ok, but don't cast your vote based on your misunderstanding of something that was not meant for you.


If that's your only reason, I say that you please remove your vote and lets discuss other things, such as Stinks and HS adamantness of my guilt or how other than that and Mail's list is all we have discussed in the whole day. Or how about we poke the inactives?


If my language sounds rude, I am sorry, its just the way I word things and I mean no offense to anyone reading this.



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I could take my vote off, but now I'm actually quite curious. If the message isn't meant for me, who is it meant for? If you don't feel comfortable answering that question, then what does it mean?


I've looked at the codes and it seems like it's encrypted with some bastardization of the phonetic alphabet.

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I could take my vote off, but now I'm actually quite curious. If the message isn't meant for me, who is it meant for? If you don't feel comfortable answering that question, then what does it mean?


I've looked at the codes and it seems like it's encrypted with some bastardization of the phonetic alphabet.


Why would it be meant for you?


The only one i didnt use correctly is X (because i like xylophones better than xrays)


The one supposed to receive the message knows about league, the phonetic alphabet and would understand the meaning of what i said had it been taken seriously from the start

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Long post upcoming.

So Stink has the highest chance of being a Diagrammist as of right now since we know no other Regulars! See guys. I told you Stink was suspicious. 


Why let them make plans when I can foil them before they happen?


...That's not how math works.

1. Can Progression/Surgeon protect from all attacks or only one?


They protect from one attack (or kill attempt), as stated in The Rules ;)

Sorry about that, Kas. That's entirely my fault for not rechecking the rules.

Cause I am a good guy, I am a Runner Captain.


Why... Why would you say this? It doesn't make any sense to me.

This applies to Stink, as well. Besides Scholars and arguably the leaders of each faction, Runners seem to me to be the best targets for eliminators. If, say, Maill was a Diagrammist, they might keep PMs up for a few cycles for manipulation purposes, but the good of PMs for villagers really outweighs that for eliminators in the end, I think. You're also garnering protection for a while, but you probably wouldn't have been targeted at all if you hadn't posted.

I have thought of one other thing regarding this, though. Runners are going to be revealed eventually. There's no doubt about it. Since there's no group PMs and all PMs must include a Runner/Bondsmith, there really can't be much doubt about it. It's possible the Runners are partly posting on the chance (25% or so) that they'll contact an Eliminator first and promptly be killed before anyone can know their role. Though that's still not a very good explanation.

One other thing for Runners- One way to tell if a Runner is a Bondsmith would be to ask what PM that Runner created each cycle. Thus either the Bondsmith couldn't use Adhesion at all, or would have to lie and potentially be caught. Thus, I suggest Runners not discuss their other PMs in general, to protect the Bondsmith. And I feel that everyone should protect the Bondsmith, just in case the alternate win con occurs.

Hellscythe attacked STINK for his reveal, taking a ton of mistrust from the rest of the players. Some later realized that what Hellscythe was doing was only natural but others still don't believe that Hellscythe was doing anything for the factions. What triggers alarms for me is that Hellscythe accused STINK without validating their reasons why. A half-hearted remark about the possibility of STINK being a diagrammist is all that we got. Later, Hellscythe used statistical information recently discovered to justify her attack. I am thinking that Hellscythe either has information that we don't (not too likely seeing as it's the first cycle) or else they have some ulterior motive like trying to direct suspicion to themselves.

Since everyone else seems to understand Hellscythe's motivation by now (though their acceptance of it varies), I'll clear up this misunderstanding. As far as I can tell, Hellscythe's main motivation in placing a vote without explanation was to provoke a reaction which could then potentially reveal alignments. For instance, I suggested that he might be a Ghostblood looking to kill a Son of Honor, which implied that I was a Son of Honor defending my compatriot. (I can neither confirm nor deny this.)

Also, Hellscythe is male.

So they can choose any role they want to give to the dead player?


Since the GMs seem to have missed it, I'll ask this question again. Can an Elscaller choose what role the dead player will appear as, or is it random?

Gah . . . The pressure! I'll hold off until next Cycle. I still feel like I need more info on all of you before I make a judgement.


Don't worry too much about it. My first game, I waited much longer than a cycle to post a vote. Of course, that was a LG, which is, well, longer, but still, if you need to take a cycle to get used to it, that's fine. As long as you keep posting your thoughts, of course. Those are just as important as your vote, in my view.

As for making yourself useful; that's something that's a bit hard to do on day one. Perhaps make a list of all the players who have not yet posted and the last time they were online? That way we can discuss potentially having one of them killed and hopefully draw them into the debate. I'd do it myself, but I'm trying to spread the workload so no one can interpret this game as another Adavantos vs Eliminators.

I have included just such a list at the bottom of this post.

Thanks for the headache gents.

I'll echo that.

What intrigues me is how Hellscythe and STINK jumped on Creccio. Their reasons of accusation mainly appear to be A) Creccio is attempting to not die and B) Creccio is being suspicious. Reason A) Is understandable. Wanting to stay alive is perfectly normal. I mean, I know the service and community in the dead docs are great, but it just doesn't beat being alive, you know? We shouldn't be condemning a player to death just for suddenly having a spike in survival instinct. Sure, Creccio could be trying to stay alive since she had just gained an important role, but it's equally possible that she's fed up with dying early so often. Also, Hellscythe and STINK's reasoning are also rather hypocritical. Both have been suspected, targeted and voted for. Attempting to bandwagon Creccio just for trying to stay alive doesn't appear to be very selfless to me. As for reason B), you could slap anyone in the game for that one.


For now, I'm willing to buy Creccio's "Lost" and "Trying to help" stance. I advocate that we give him/her some time to prove herself, and make judgements then.

Just so you know, Creccio is male.

Other thoughts:

There has been some discussion of win condition, and I feel like several people have misconceptions about it.

The secondary win condition is for a team to have more Knights Radiant than the other, when all Diagrammists are dead. After they die we don't just fight it out until all of the KRs are dead. If we kill all of the Diagrammists, the game ends, and we lose or win based on the current number of KRs on each side. There is the possibility of both factions winning if the number of KRs is equal, which sounds like a really good idea if we can pull it off.

There are going to be so many broken links when this is merged. Seriously, there has been an epidemic of post-links. Also, Adavantos, I think it won't make much difference when the links to individual posts are broken. We can go back a couple of pages to find something if necessary.

I'm not going to try to crack Creccio's code, because it's clearly not meant for me and because of the fact it's a code, which almost can't be cracked without prior information which I don't have. If it were a cipher, I'd be all over it, but not a code. Codes are annoying. But that's irrelevant.

List of players who have not yet posted (time last online in gmt) (converted to MST because no one is in GMT (well, almost))

[Cycle 1 started at 4 PM GMT, 12/13 (9 AM MST, 12/13).]

Honey Badger (1:58 AM, 12/14) (6:58 AM, 12/14)

polkinghornbd (5:17 AM, 12/15) (9:17 PM, 12/14)

Elkanah (3:40 AM, 12/15) (8:40 PM, 12/14)

Starry Smite (5:42 AM, 12/15) (9:42 PM, 12/14)

Mace Windu (3:32 AM, 12/15) (8:32 PM, 12/14)

Burnt Spaghetti (1:15 AM, 12/15) (6:15 PM, 12/14)

As you can see, everyone has been on since the cycle started, and I have personally seen both polking and Starry Smite viewing the thread. Anyone care to post?

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Since the GMs seem to have missed it, I'll ask this question again. Can an Elscaller choose what role the dead player will appear as, or is it random?

The Elsecaller chooses.

Can an Assassin track themselves?

Yes. >> Don't ask how this works flavor-wise. You are an assassin having a severe out-of-body experience.

Can an Assassin track the dead?


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Can an Assassin track themselves?

Yes. >> Don't ask how this works flavor-wise. You are an assassin having a severe out-of-body experience.

They hire someone to trail themselves and report back on anyone else who is also doing so.

Alternatively, they are attacked or defended, and they saw their face.

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Nothing about how we could try and see why he would (basically) do what I did and then just go? What motivation does he have? If he doesn't post at all, will we just forget about him?

I asked. So did others. Now we wait for a response, I guess. I figure he's gunning for protection, but he didn't do it right if he wanted that.

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Because you are saying that you are lost and have no idea what to do, while sending someone messages that you say is easy to figure out, but two people that have tried and posted haven't.

Ninja'd by Maw: Fair Enough

Edited by IrulelikeSTINK
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Because you are saying that you are lost and have no idea what to do, while sending someone messages that you say is easy to figure out, but two people that have tried and posted haven't.


Well, because the message was not for them, how do you expect someone to decipher a code that was not meant for them? It would make no sense to have a code on such levels. None of you will be able to decode it, only the person that it was intended to and if that person is interested by it, its not a walk in the park.


I am lost yes and i don't know what to do, that's why I am asking for help the message, see where that gets me, maybe said person slips or says something suspicious and i can start my own investigation.


Also I would like to bring attention to the list that Elbereth posted and see if those individuals post any time in the cycle, see if they can bring forward some ideas for a plan of action or just their own suspicions, i eagerly await them

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Well, because the message was not for them, how do you expect someone to decipher a code that was not meant for them? It would make no sense to have a code on such levels. None of you will be able to decode it, only the person that it was intended to and if that person is interested by it, its not a walk in the park.


I am lost yes and i don't know what to do, that's why I am asking for help the message, see where that gets me, maybe said person slips or says something suspicious and i can start my own investigation.


Also I would like to bring attention to the list that Elbereth posted and see if those individuals post any time in the cycle, see if they can bring forward some ideas for a plan of action or just their own suspicions, i eagerly await them

I also fiddled with your code, I have a headache now...

I've tried phonetically and using different letters in his seemingly random Casing (upper and Lower) and I still get nothing.

You're lost, but you're asking for help from a secret individual in a secret way. That just increases my suspicion towards you.

Edited by Tony Shark
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No one knows anything for certain on the first cycle. We're all just as lost as you, except Thaidakar/Restares maybe. That's what this thread is for: to publicly discuss and talk about our suspicions and ideas. Codes don't help us.


And thats why I stopped with the code and have tried to bring forward the idea of Elbereth list and my only suspicion which is the people voting for me for being lost and using a code.



Everyone just discusses the code but not the other ideas~


At this point i think we just need input from more players and the the actions of everyone, not just me




Would you prefer me to come out and ask the individual straight out of the blue in the middle of the thread? Which one would be better received?


Oh wait....


Tony, Please instruct me in the ways of this game, teach me what to do, I am lost right now... My message has been for you all along, enlight me.


...See? I dont think it works by being direct on that kind of situation

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1011 1001 1111 1010 0101 0110 1100 1101

Oh no wait, those are only intended for one person who is ignoring it and I hope they react and say something suspicious, now let me go back to explaining why I'm not suspicious.

Ninja'd by Creccio: Good Idea

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1011 1001 1111 1010 0101 0110 1100 1101

Oh no wait, those are only intended for one person who is ignoring it and I hope they react and say something suspicious, now let me go back to explaining why I'm not suspicious.

Ninja'd by Creccio: Good Idea


Good, now i hope the person you want receives those numbers and appreciates them.


Good idea on what idea?

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On actually getting others to talk, the only names that stand out to me currently for talking are Me,Creccio,hellscythe and Ada is somewhat posting, with those summaries. There have been others posting, yes, but they are mostly still under the radar (except for Maw)

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