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Bavadin's Intent


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So, I just got out of the midnight release event, and I asked Brandon what the intent of Bavadin's shard is. After converting with Isaac, he was willing to release it.

Bavadin's Intent is Autonomy

You are a hero.


Anyway, this Intent is interesting, I mean you can't really autonomy something. I wonder how that takes shape, like forcing others to be autonomous maybe. I guess that could range from being very hands off (potentially to the point where he wants to rid the Cosmere of shardic influence entirely) or forcing an almost anarchic state on the world.

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(Shadows of Self spoilers!)

Well, I now have an alternative answer as to who "Trell" is (i.e. the Shard that supposedly gave Bleeder that mystery spike). It might not be Odium, after all. I had been wondering why Bleeder stressed on "freeing" people so much.


Also, I need to re-read a certain very long Word document...

Edited by skaa
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Thank you for asking that! Have upvotes.


(Shadows of Self spoilers!)

Well, I now have an alternative answer as to who "Trell" is (i.e. the Shard that "freed" Bleeder). It might not be Odium, after all. I had been wondering why Bleeder stressed on "freeing" people.


Also, I need to re-read a certain very long Word document...


SoS spoilers.

I had a theory that Trell could have been a shard of Freedom because of Bleeders actions, Autonomy is close enough.

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This is awesome! Granted, I don't quite understand what it means in the context of what we've seen in previously mentioned long word document. 


Autonomy seems similar to wanting to just Survive by one's own devices. When I think of a person who's considered a survivalist, they are somebody with absolute autonomy because they don't require the aid of anybody else. Hmmm...is Bavadin our long referenced Survival Shard?

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So, I just got out of the midnight release event, and I asked Brandon what the intent of Bavadin's shard is. After converting with Isaac, he was willing to release it.

Bavadin's Intent is Autonomy


You sir, are a hero. Thank you. Our picture of the Cosmere is ever so closer to completion, with this one crucial word. :)

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So, I just got out of the midnight release event, and I asked Brandon what the intent of Bavadin's shard is. After converting with Isaac, he was willing to release it.

Bavadin's Intent is Autonomy

I can't upvote enough, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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But if ALL shards come in pairs, then won't the complete Adonalsium basically be mostly inert like Harmony?

Dominion can also be interpreted in entirely different ways. Cultivation and Ruin both oppose Preservation by their very natures. The setup doesn't seem to be fully binary.

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Yet more proof that all the shards come in pairs! Autonomy is pretty obviously Dominion's Opposite.

Honestly I see autonomy as just a more specific version of Dominion, so I disagree.

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But if ALL shards come in pairs, then won't the complete Adonalsium basically be mostly inert like Harmony?

Dominion can also be interpreted in entirely different ways. Cultivation and Ruin both oppose Preservation by their very natures. The setup doesn't seem to be fully binary.

I suspect if Cultivation had a true opposite it would be something like Neglect.

With that said, your point is valid.

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So, I just got out of the midnight release event, and I asked Brandon what the intent of Bavadin's shard is. After converting with Isaac, he was willing to release it.

Bavadin's Intent is Autonomy

We're all thrilled! I'm super jealous, but also happy because I got the privelage of being there when it was revealed. Go seonid!

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It's less what Cultivation's direct opposite might be and more how many opposites Preservation can have.

He's written in as being on the protagonist side to some extent, but that's only because Ruin was a common enemy to anything that breathes. Preservation seeks stasis; his opposite is change, which is far too broad to be a focused intent, and indeed we know of two shards that deal with it already. There can be more. Preservation opposes everything except status quo; decay, progress, even creation.

Ruin opposes him rather well, probably better than Cultivation would, but he isn't an exact opposite either, as he also can't create things, or cause change for the better. Most he has achieved by himself is tear things apart to put together something stronger with lots of staples and tape.

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This makes me even more curious as to why Hoid has got a beef with Bavadin. Autonomy doesn't really seem like something that is evil, so perhaps Hoid disliked him before he obtained the shard?

Edited by patar365
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But if ALL shards come in pairs, then won't the complete Adonalsium basically be mostly inert like Harmony?

Dominion can also be interpreted in entirely different ways. Cultivation and Ruin both oppose Preservation by their very natures. The setup doesn't seem to be fully binary.

A truly balanced set of that many intents would offer many ways of acting.  It's when you have just two very dynamically opposed intents that it gets tough to act, like is happening with Harmony.



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This makes me even more curious as to why Hoid has got a beef with Bavadin. Autonomy doesn't really seem like something that is evil, so perhaps Hoid disliked him before he obtained the shard?

Pretty sure that's the case. In the same breath he says how Odium was basically always a jerk, while Ruin is the nicest guy around.

Stands to reason there are non-good or clearly malicious people forced by their shards to take it down a notch. Rayse avoids incorporating other shards for that reason, IIRC; he prefers being pure Odium.

A truly balanced set of that many intents would offer many ways of acting. It's when you have just two very dynamically opposed intents that it gets tough to act, like is happening with Harmony.


Is that not a clear bias towards action over inaction? All shards have that inclination, but in directly opposite pairs merged together they contradict and thus end up stopping themselves constantly.

Adonalsium can move, so something, however slight, should logically be there and left at least partially unchecked.

Edited by natc
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I think Autonomy would be more of a hands off kind of guy. He would only interfere if someone *wink* was infringing on Autonomy. Say, by babying their people and stunting their growth. And Hoid would have a beef with him because Hoid can't stay out of people's business, and would probably want him to get involved.

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