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Still Having a Bad Day? Exchange Your Rants For Hugs Here!


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Last complaint about finals week until April, I hope. Almost done with my stupid paper, but this has been one of the most traumatic experiences of my college career.


Which is proof that they [the school] are doing it wrong. Gah, school is a pain. Best of luck, though! :D

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Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind.  And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.  


So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers? 


I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that. 


I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:


Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?


Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?


I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me. 

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Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind. And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.

So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers?

I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that.

I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:

Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?

Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?

I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me.

When I empathize with people on here, or even with strangers elsewhere, I mean what I say. Using the terrorist attacks as an example, I've never met the people who were injured or killed or left behind by people who died in those attacks, and I never will. I don't know what their favorite colors or movies are. I don't know what they did when they were stressed or excited, or what they were planning to do with the rest of their day before the attack.

But I do know that there are people in France or Israel or California who know those things. There are people who knew those victims as more than statistics. They knew them, they loved them, and they were looking forward to seeing them before the attacks. But because of the attacks, they'll never get to. Everything they had planned with those people they knew is gone, nothing but a memory.

And that makes me sad.

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Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?


Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?



If I respond, it is because there is some empathizing going on. In other words, I'm sincere. This could be due to me feeling bad about one's plight, recognizing myself in another's struggle, or recognizing that no man is an island and that the bell tolls for me, etc.


It also helps me deal with issues I'm dealing with, either because I feel that others (unfortunately) do have it worse, have similar experiences, or rejoice that others have experiences that I have had and I can show them there is light at the end of those particular tunnels. It helps me connect, balance out some more... introspective aspects of my life.


Of course, that's me. I have my quirks (like a near-absolute-refusal to talk about anything bad in MY life) and I can not say that there are not some people who are "sorry"  merely because they feel they "ought to be" instead of from any such actual empathy. And I'm all right with that. 

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Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind. And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.

So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers?

I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that.

I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:

Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?

Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?

I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me.

I mean what I say.

And I'm aware that there are so many terrible things happening that if I was heartbroken about them all I'd never be able to function. Is a weird sort of balance.

Truth is, terror attacks in Israel affect me more than elsewhere because, most of the time it's Jews being attacked because they are Jewish. I'm a Jew, and that means every other Jew is my family and that makes it very personal. I'm sometimes only 2-3 degrees of separation away from victims.

Terror attacks elsewhere hurt because I value all human life. People are meant to live and I don't know anything more horrible than killing people because you just don't like them, killing innocents. Someone who destroys a life doesn't just take that person out of the world, they take away children they might have had, innovations they might have come up with, kind words they could have said that would transform someone else's life. All of that immeasurable potential and personality and life gone, forever, just because.

When it comes to relatives of people here, I care firstly because they're human, and secondly because people here are my friends, and what hurts them hurts me.

So if I could wave a wand and erase hate and fear and anger from the world, I would. If I could click my fingers and get rid of all sicknesses and injuries I would. If I could make the world perfect, it would be perfect already, long ago.

Meanwhile, I hand out digital hugs, and sometimes advice, and do what I can.

Edited by Delightful
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Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind.  And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.  


So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers? 


I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that. 


I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:


Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?


Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?


I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me.

I do mean what I say here. The people injured or killed in terror attacks are still people, even if I did not know them personally, that does not make them less deserving of my empathy. I have always found the idea of doing something due to societal pressure only to be irritating, so that does not drive me.

I post here to add whatever little measure of good I can to someone's bad day, and I express empathy because I feel it.

And Mistrunner, have a hug.


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My MacBook Pro has been running slowly lately. I've uninstalled Steam and a few other apps that were probably slowing it down, but I'll still get the spinning wheel of death after switching between Safari and Word, or when making a new paragraph on Word. It's been installing the same update for Word for the past ten minutes. I don't have all that much memory in use, and it's only two or three years old....argh. It's probably a simple fix, but I have no idea what. <_<

I'm no expert on MacBooks (actually I've never used one :P), but have you tried reinstalling Word? Maybe that'll solve the update problem.


Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind.  And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.  


So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers? 


I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that. 


I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:


Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?


Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?


I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me. 


I rarely feel emotional enough about the things you mentioned to write anything here. I'm not gonna write things I don't really feel. Of course, I feel bad that people are dying etc, however I'm aware that terrible things happen around the world all the time. People die by hundreds if not thousands every day in Africa and Middle East, so I'm not that much moved by, for example, deaths in Paris. Sure, that was shocking, because it was much closer to me, than the fights with ISIS and I've been to Paris three times, but still I couldn't say that it ruined my day.


If I write something in this thread I almost always try to help, not because I feel sorry for someone, but because helping others is simply good :) 

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I don't process emotions quickly or well, so if i'm talking to a person, in-person, at the time something has happened, then chances are good that I'll just be saying what's expected.  If I'm typing it out, I mean every word.  And there's a really good chance that I spent a rather long time thinking about it all, and working hard to make it convey what I mean and how I mean it--while still appearing natural and trying to make it feel sincere, without being chock full of cursing and random thought strings.  Because it is very sincere.  


With my post to Mistrunner, about their Aunt--I mean every word.  I remember the day my grandpa died so clearly, and the years leading up to it.  The pain and the grief are just as strong now as they were then, but time has allowed them to loose their grip on me so that I can put them away again.  


Here, in these forums, I don't post unless I feel I have something of meaning and worth to add.  There is no obligation.  The only expectation that people have is to not be an arse to others having a bad go of it.  The easiest way to meet that would be to not post at all.  So, I only post on what I really do care about, and strongly enough to spend the time necessary to process the emotions and craft a message that I hope will be of some sort of help or assistance to someone.

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Like others I mean everything I post here. I do empathise more than I post but I tend to only post when I have something I think is particularly helpful or useful to say (or feel the need to talk about my own problems but that's a different kind of post :P). I don't need to know/have known someone personally to feel sorrow at their loss. That said, I certainly could empathise more than I do but I choose not to. There's (naturally) only so much negative stuff (in others lives and my own) that I can really think about at a time without it negatively impacting my own mental state and behaviour which would have a ripple effect to other people I interact with.

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Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind.  And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.  


So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers? 


I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that. 


I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:


Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?


Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?


I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me. 



Yes. Feeling sorry for people you've never met is an integral part of being a human being. Feeling angry at the people who destroy precious innocent lives is also an integral part of being a human being. Feeling scared that the same thing could happen to you or your loved ones is also an integral part of a human being.


To the best of my knowledge we are all humans, so I'd hazard to guess that we're all trying to express our genuine horrified emotions in the wake of these tragedies.

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Sorry guys, I might sound rude now, especially in the light of recent terrorist attack discussion here and Mistrunner's loss. I really do apologise for that, and please try to forgive me, but I really want to know the answer. I would be grateful if you could all reply my 100% truthfully. If you don't want to do it in public, you can reply in PM, I don't mind.  And please bear in mind that I am really not trying to offend anyone, really. I am really sorry if I do.  


So I do know that people generally tend to get sad if something bad happens to someone they know and like (at least as far as I know). But what about strangers? 


I noticed that a lot of people (here nad generally) seems to be very angry about for example the terrorist attacks, sad that people's lives were lost and so on. A lot of people seems to have these rather "deep thoughts", saying how aweful the whole situation is, going even as far as quoting poems. Of course that is not only true for terrorist atacks, but also everytime we hear about people dying, starving, getting hurt, loosing their houses, getting bad marks on exam and so on. So basically I noticed that people empathise with strangers, people that they never met. I think this topic is a really good example of that. 


I know that I probably shouldn't ask that and that I have no right to ask that, especially that I've been complaining in this thread a lot lately. But I still want to ask:


Do you actually mean everything you write here? Are these good, empathising words what you actually think? Do you actually feel for other people? Does hearing about the strangers deaths actually make you sad and angry? Do you actually care, feel anything? If yes, then do you think that most of other people also empathise with strangers, and feel bad for them?


Or do people say all these good things just because society expects it? Or because it makes people look good, when they say that they're sorry?


I know this is a weird question. I apologise for that. But please, please, answer me truthfully. I am really trying to figure something out, and I'll be grateful if you can help me.

I mean it. It is part of being a human, being human. Helping. Caring.

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I know how you feel, Im not sure what to do about it though, other than to figure out elsecalling.




Sooo... I got in a fight with my best friend at the start of this year and that was it, we do not talk anymore... and today is her birthday and... sigh...


I miss her...

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What would I give to see one of my friends again. Any of them. To be able to talk and laugh and song random songs with someone. To have someone to partner up with in class. To be a weirdo and be absolutely stupid and not care a fig.

Loneliness isn't fun.

I understand. I've been there. First two years of homeschool group, I talked to no one. But I can promise that it does get better. Eventually, you find someone sort of cool that can laugh with you. Just keep looking. :)

Are there any other young women at church? You could try and start there.

Edit: and I would also try Morzathoth's idea. Skype is great.

Edited by The Honor Spren
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Feeling angry at the people who destroy precious innocent lives is also an integral part of being a human being.

Well... this is awkward. I have a personal rule to never feel hatred and generaly my compassion for the victim does not turn into anger towards the agressor.

So I guess I am a very elaborated biological android?

EDIT: Not that I care about not experiencing what Kobold calls an integral part of being human. Certain elements of the human condition are negative, and I don't agree with that part of Kobold's post anyway.

Edited by CognitivePulsePattern
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And some cremhole on Facebook decided to post mAjor Star Wars spoilers on a group I'm part of.

It happened to me, too. I could shrug it off, to some level, as in "they're just trolling", but some storming voidbringer of a friend posted exactly the same thing. Do these people really can not ruin somebody else's experience?


Of course, even "fake-spoilers" are annoying as hell. I like to call it Spoiler's Wager. If the spoiler is true, then you have your movie ruined. If it's not true, you also know what wouldn't happen and it still ruins the thing.

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