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*Bows lightly*

I am but a humble novice, reader of a mere three cosmere books, but I request permission to join your fine guild. I believe I could fulfill the tennants quite nicely, as an awkward nerd myself.


Fascinating! I was not aware that the Knights Awkward had Tennants to fulfill (although the Whovians in there midst does not make this too surprising). Though perhaps there are tenets as well as the presence of the dreaded autocorrect?  ;)

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Fascinating! I was not aware that the Knights Awkward had Tennants to fulfill (although the Whovians in there midst does not make this too surprising). Though perhaps there are tenets as well as the presence of the dreaded autocorrect? ;)

You must find David Tennant and convert him to Sandersonism! And then get him to join this guild!

That or the tenth Doctor, I'm not picky.

If you find a Capaldi or Smith or Baker or whatever along the way, that's bonus points.

If you find the fourteenth doctor that's an automatic A+.

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Fascinating! I was not aware that the Knights Awkward had Tennants to fulfill (although the Whovians in there midst does not make this too surprising). Though perhaps there are tenets as well as the presence of the dreaded autocorrect?  ;)

Unfortunatly, that wasn't so much of autocorrect and more of a glaring typo. Pretty much I've written that word in a similar fashion since before I even knew of Dr. Who. I used to be a Whovian, but not anymore really. I really should pay more attention to how I spell things...


Also, I might have been refering to the oaths... xD


Speak again the hallowed oaths:

Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays.

The Knights Awkward must rise again.

Edited by Airhawk360
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  • 2 weeks later...

Out from the shadows, Ripple stepped forward into the light of the Knights Awkward. 


"Excuse me, but may I unite with those who are like me, awkward?" she spoke, her voice near to a whisper.


"Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays."

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Amrynn shook himself back to lucidity. "Why does that keep happening to us?" He muttered.

"What keeps happening?" Fi asked, curious.

"Though it may just be in my mind, everyone just stops doing anything and their eyes get all glazed over." He responded. "A few seconds after that, my memory fades and I reawaken."

"Hmpf. Weird." Fi says, fluttering over to join Mistrunner in jumping on the beanbags.

Amrynn sighs and turns to the new arrival. "Greetings and welcome to our guild... group... order... thing."

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  • 2 weeks later...

I humbly request to become a Knight Awkward as a rolesmith.

Books before friends.

17th Shard before the real world.

Release dates before birthdays.

Mistrunner dashes back up to her throne, slapping what she thinks is a crown on her head. She soon realizes that she does not, in fact, own a crown, and as such the can of refried beans slipped off her head and onto the ground.

"Welcome, Kynedath, to the Grand and Elite Order of the Knights Awkward!" she says, waving her hands regally (ish). "Please ignore Warriormark, it's been a long time since he learned table manners." She shoots him a look.

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Mistrunner dashes back up to her throne, slapping what she thinks is a crown on her head. She soon realizes that she does not, in fact, own a crown, and as such the can of refried beans slipped off her head and onto the ground.

"Welcome, Kynedath, to the Grand and Elite Order of the Knights Awkward!" she says, waving her hands regally (ish). "Please ignore Warriormark, it's been a long time since he learned table manners." She shoots him a look.

"It is quite alright. I have known many others with much worse manners than Warriormark." Kynedath Silently questions his sanity for joining these people. "I am honoured to be welcomed so fervently."

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"Well, I'm not sure that I can top Warriormark's welcome," Amrynn said to Kynedath. "But I welcome you into our ranks with open arms."

Fi, Amrynn's spren, flittered over to Kynedath and circled his head, looking the newcomer over. "Hmm. I think I like you!" Fi said, perking up. "Nice to meet you!" She said, outstretching her miniature hand for him to shake, but got distracted by something in the distance and flew off before she could properly shake Kynedath's hand.

"Excuse her." Amrynn apologized. "Her attention span is nearly nonexistent."

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Maggie looks up from trying (unsuccessfully) to stick a glove onto her left hand. The fingers were just too short.

She narrows her eyes. Fi was so different on the video game. What happened to them?

"Welcome, Kydenath!, I'm gonna guess you read through our lovely thread before joining, so would you like a bookie? This one's--"

Maggie's face turns green as she gags. "Never mind, that's a Straff Venture." She pauses to shudder. "I've never tasted something that bad in my entire life."

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Kynedath quickly glances up from his book, noticing the newcomer. Turning back to the dusty tome he was reading, he mutters:

"Here comes another one, sacrificing their soul for this group of insanities."


Would you like me to help you welcome them?


Kynedath, you probably should go and welcome them.


"Fine, you guys are probably right."


Kynedath closes his book, stand's up from his recliner and begins to walk towards the newcomer whilst mentally preparing himself for the inevitably awkward conversation that will ensue. 


"Greetings Carola, I am Kynedath, The italics is my sentient sword Voidwraith and the Bold is my quiet yet analytical spren Seznith. Please be aware that by accepting entrance into this group of misfits and anti-social personalities, you risk being driven insane and bombarded by offerings of bookies. I do not currently have the power to accept you into our ranks but I welcome you with open arms."


After the very hurried speech and silent stares that followed, Kynedath quickly turns and makes his way back to the recliner he was in to begin with.

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Without looking back up from his book, Kynedath motions to his sword.


The one who first welcomed us officially was Mistrunner. Kynedath thinks that she has some sort of nervous tick since she keeps reaching to the top of her head as if her hat was out of place.


"This place has been fairly quiet lately, but Mistrunner was on just yesterday. I would suggest waiting for a day or two to see if anyone else notices you."


If that doesn't work, then you could always just send a PM their way.

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