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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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3 minutes ago, Ghanderflaffle said:

When you set out to write the entire Aonic alphabet one day at a time on your biology table for the next class to discover. (It erases easily)

Brilliant idea! I will have to do that...

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Just now, ToaCalune said:

Brilliant idea! I will have to do that...

I started last week, so I’m on Aon Ashe. My format also adds in women's script and the Thaylen alphabet. I’m doing glyph in the middle, name on top, women's script on the right, Thaylen on the left, and what it stands for at the bottom. I’m quoting all of it to Ars Arcanum.

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On 3/2/2020 at 1:11 PM, Ghanderflaffle said:

I started last week, so I’m on Aon Ashe. My format also adds in women's script and the Thaylen alphabet. I’m doing glyph in the middle, name on top, women's script on the right, Thaylen on the left, and what it stands for at the bottom. I’m quoting all of it to Ars Arcanum.

Can you post pictures?

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12 hours ago, AonEne said:

I wonder how confused the people who see “to be featured on ykyasw today” will be :P 

I thought that too! But they are confused anyways. It's mostly seniors in that class, so their last day I will write an explanation.

7 hours ago, DoomStick said:

the "N D" XD


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ykyasf when you are playing a video game (If anyone is familiar with Town of Salem), and you put in a note "*Everstorm approaches*" and one of the other players immediately asks "When do the parshendi show up?"

Edited by Ishar
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So basically my English teacher makes us do this thing called No Red Ink which is just this site where you can practice grammar. The twist is that you can create names for the subjects for all the sentences, and so as a Sanderfan, I naturally put in several cosmere characters' name. Here are some of the results: 

Screen Shot 2020-03-02 at 12.57.13 PM.png

Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 12.12.00 PM.png

Edit: "How many gummy worms do you think I can fit in my mouth at once?" mused Dalinar.

"Doesn't matter," Lift said, "you just need awesomeness, and these are reeaaaaally awesome! Like deevy awesome!"

Edited by Truthless of Shinovar
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  • 2 weeks later...

I thought about saying something about how Covid-19 had killed be thread, but then I thought that with people stuck at home, they would be on the shard more. Then I realized, this thread is somewhat old and might be in the high risk category. 

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It’s five years old. What’s the ratio of thread age to human age? What makes a thread elderly? At what age do they reach maturity? 

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5 whole years old. I think that this thread is absolutely elderly. Is there a thread hospital or will this thread be one of the lucky few who are immune. Also assuming that Threads can gain magic power and assuming that Covid-19 is that one Sanderson magic system where when you catch the illness you get magic powers what magic power would this thread get.

I have some ideas

The power of staying alive.

The power of causing laughs.

The power of being a Sanderfan.

The power of knowing what will happen in future Sanderson books.

The power of reviving fans like me who haven't posted in months from the dead.

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6 hours ago, Shallan&Pattern said:

YKYASFW you are trying to sleep and thinking about if the house was on fire, what you would grab as you escape and the two things you think of are your phone and all of your sanderson books. Spesifically signed ones.


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2 hours ago, Nameless said:

You would rather die then leave your books behind. (Not really.) (OkaymaybeifIhadaWoKleatherbound)

And if you die then you can't track down the cause of the fire. If that cause was a person then you can get really mad at them for 1 the loss of a wealth of sanderson books, and 2 The destruction of your perpendicularity that you have. Any good judge would agree with you that the only good for a person to avoid a life sentence would be if they pled guilty and agreed to be a sanderfan. Only then can they feel the true pain of what they have caused. Any Sanderfan can testify that the loss of sanderson books would be heart-breaking. An WOK leatherbound destruction would mean imminent destruction of all happiness.

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