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About Shallan&Pattern

  • Birthday November 14

Profile Information

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  • Interests
    Reading cosmere, drawing, laughing with friends, Shard, musical theater, watching Doctor Who, writing, writing fanfictions for the cosmere, (if you want to read my SA fanfiction I can send it to you.)

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  1. ykyasfw you draw many cosmere related drawings that took multiple hours! I might send pictures of the drawings sometime!!!
  2. When you spend your time designing cake flavors for different cosmere characters
  3. I'm annoyed. I live in a small house of three bedrooms. Normally it wasnt a problem. I even had my own room. Everyone but me were sharing. Then my little sister was born and now she is in it most of the day and I dont really have access to anything in there. So i cant listen to the cosmere series and I don't have it on kindle or in physical form yet. So Im mad because I cant do my cosmere re read. Because my family doesn't let me do it outside of my room.
  4. Ugh. Giant power outage. Lasting till 2 in the morning. So now I'm stuck in the dark. With candles. Its also been raining a lot. So what do I think? Weeping. Its the Storming Weeping.

    1. Doomstick


      actually its the last day of Shash

    2. Shallan&Pattern


      Oh well. I was just making a joke. But yeah.

  5. Im tired. But. Sad. And lonely. So what do I do? COSMERE BINGE!!!

    1. Truthless of Shinovar

      Truthless of Shinovar

      Like all good Sanderfans should:P

  6. Hah- I felt that. However I'm confuzeled about my eye rank. I have hazel eyes and they change color. Some days they look green and are light, somedays they look brown and are dark. Also- I was having a conversation with a boy at my table I have converted. He just finish oathbringer and I am working on finding him a mistborn book. We were discussing ships in Oathbringer, specifically Shalladin. (Shallan/Kaladin) He is a strong Shalladin Believer and so am I. Someone made a joke. (One of the others that I have converted, They are only on way of kings. But They have read mistborn.) He shouted. "SHALINAR!!!) (Shallan/dallinar) Though I realized it was a joke, we had almost all of the Sanderfans (Mostly the extraverted ones, but a couple of the quiet ones) Arguing and commenting on how wrong Shalinar is. Eventually it calmed down, and me and the first kind continued to talk about Shalladin Possibilities. (I can only imagine the what the one's I haven't converted might have been thinking about our loud argument. It was also during Science class and my teacher is almost always out of the room.) Eventually we actually got back to work and chatted about other cosmere things. (spoliers end of oathbringer.) Anyway. After that, one of the non-cosmere kids looks at us and says to me and that first kid: "I ship you two." Awkward. We were both embarrased and they commented " oooh you two are blushing it means its truuuue!" I mean... it doesn't... we were just flustered. But We just tried to ignore them. And we went back to conversations about how all of the eithgrade girls are being immodest with their hands, we talked about which foods we were sad we couldn't eat, and class ended. When half of your post has spell check yelling at you for cosmere words. Sorry for the massive post.
  7. When you can write your name in womens script and a male sanderfan asks what each letter is. I replied: "You can't know! You're a boy." we also had a conversation about what foods we are sad we don't get to eat. Also, when you have converted nearly half of your ALL classes. (Once I finish, my goal is to convert my english teacher who is very anti-fantasy)
  8. YKYASFW you are trying to sleep and thinking about if the house was on fire, what you would grab as you escape and the two things you think of are your phone and all of your sanderson books. Spesifically signed ones.
  9. Er... I don't know... I have only been on this site for a little while and it is kinda my first site with any kind of thread.
  10. Is my computer failing again or have you guys disappeared for 9 days. Did a chasmfiend eat you?
  11. I read fast too, I just don't have money to get physical copies so I listen to it on audible so it takes a while.
  12. Ykyasfw you haven't started your cosmere reread before stormlight four, and you consider it as bad or worse than a missing assignment. (I'm kinda worried tho cuz i have no time to read anymore my mom doesn't let me read those particular books. She want's me to read school related books.)
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