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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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When you ask your local librarian for the 'Free Kingdom' section.


*me* May I see the oculator section?

*Mrs Musty (said librarian)* ...The what?

*me* *winks*

*Mrs Musty* *pauses* exuse me a moment *leaves*

*returns with HASS teacher* 

*me* why is he...

*Mrs Musty* Dark Oculator, take him away.




(please note anything from Mrs M leaving is fictional.)



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38 minutes ago, FictionSpren2019 said:

When you see Uluru and immediately think Urithiru.

Is this a Menagerie reference (if so, woooo) or am I missing a bigger pop-culture thing? 


Also, double posting ;)


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Just now, FictionSpren2019 said:

Menagerie? What dose that mean?

I meant big rock in the middle of Australia.

Uluru? Sorry my engrish is terible

Oops meant to quote:

4 minutes ago, AonEne said:

Is this a Menagerie reference (if so, woooo) or am I missing a bigger pop-culture thing? 

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Also, double posting ;)



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20 minutes ago, FictionSpren2019 said:

Menagerie? What dose that mean?

I meant big rock in the middle of Australia.

Uluru? Sorry my engrish is terible

It’s a book series with a bunyip named Uluru in it. Guess now I know where they got the name :P 

Don't worry about it! Your English is fine. 

19 minutes ago, FictionSpren2019 said:

Oops meant to quote:

You didn’t need to, I read everything on this thread. And by the way, the mods don’t like us to post more than once in a row. Instead there’s an edit button you can use. :)

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2 minutes ago, AonEne said:

It’s a book series with a bunyip named Uluru in it. Guess now I know where they got the name :P 

Don't worry about it! Your English is fine. 

You didn’t need to, I read everything on this thread. And by the way, the mods don’t like us to post more than once in a row. Instead there’s an edit button you can use. :)

Oh. Thanks I'm new to 17S so edit from now on? Great. *thumbs up*

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When you realize girls can subtly show they're Sanderfans on public by wearing a glove, so you start looking for something that works for guys.

Edit: Also, when you just got Call to Adventure and the main reason is that Brandon recommended it, and are now anxiously waiting for the Stormlight expansion.

Edited by Eluvianii
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When your reading a non-sanderson book and are looking for Hoid.


When your expecting the next storm to rip you off the face of Australia.


When you call someone lifeless as an insult and watch their confused faces:


*Me* Shut up you storming Lifeless. Your opinion on my thoughts are irrelevant.

*Him* ...What?

* @greeny-231 * *Laughs*

Edited by FictionSpren2019
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mbot quotes from SS sneak peek


 “Not that there’s anything wrong with humans. I find their frail, emotionally unstable, irrational natures quite endearing.”

“Likely,” M-Bot continued, “I regard humans as I do only because I’m programmed to do so. But hey, that’s no different from instinct programming a mother bird to love the twisted, featherless abominations she spawns, right?”


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YKYASW as soon as you taking a class on programming you start thinking of all the great cosmere themed stuff you could make.

Then I think about it some more and start to appreciate how hard making a tiny, semi-functioning game is. I have a newfound respect for developers.

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