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You Know You're a Sanderfan When...


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5 minutes ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

You know that you're a Sanderfan when you go to a school dance and start reading a book at a table.

I did that at a dance once! It was a Halloween dance, so I dressed up in a colorful suit and left it unbuttoned, with a loose tie and the top button of my shirt undone, and with ruffled hair.  I then proceeded to put a paperback copy of The Way of Kings in my pocket, go to the dance, and sit down next to the door and read. In fact, the only reason that I went to that dance was for that specific costume.

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5 minutes ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

You know you're a Mormon Sanderfan when you wonder if Kaladin ever said: And I, Kaladin, being young, nevertheless was large in stature.

Ha! Yes. The dance I was speaking of was actually a regional dance.

4 minutes ago, Reckless Reader said:

I do this anyway. Regardless of costume.

I have as well, but the costume made me happy.

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1 hour ago, ElephantEarwax said:

Yo, I just saw this. I have been working on a thing like it. It is a little spoilery, so I'll link it.


Yeah, that’s pretty cool. I am trying to get my friend to make more but he is out of town.

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When someone says "for Pete's sake" and you somehow hear how the word is spelled. And it's Peet for you.

When you see the book title "Guide to Money and Investing" and, well, my thoughts should be obvious to any Sanderfan. ;)

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12 hours ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

When you step outside and the grass doesn't retract and you're like "The Shin are strange."

The grass is actually retracting here, though at a slow speed...

Might have to do more with the drought than anything else though.

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When you're sitting at your desk, eating pop tarts, desperately wishing for something relevant to post here, anything to display your extreme sanderfan-iness. Your extreme Devotion to the fandom! Your Ambition to read everything Brandon has ever written! Your sense of Honor, that could never let you skip to the end of a book, or start on the second book of a series! That same Honor that forbids you from skipping a prologue! Your distress when someone Ruins an ending by a spoiler! Oh, but spoilers, the embodiment of Odium! How you long to live in Autonomy! Separated from all sources of spoilers. Living in Harmony within the Dominion of the Cosmere.

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1 hour ago, Nerd3.14159265358979 said:

You're likely a Sanderfan when you go to a school full of geeks and you're one of the geekiest among them.

Saaaaaaaaaame. It’s fine for me though, since all my friends are at least an 8 on a 1-10 scale. Nothing compared to my 14/10...

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3 hours ago, Apollyon said:

Saaaaaaaaaame. It’s fine for me though, since all my friends are at least an 8 on a 1-10 scale. Nothing compared to my 14/10...

Theirs a scale? why can't it measure me... Also, you know your a Sanderfan when you give someone 20 cookies to get them to read the first chapter in mistborn. I'm totally not speaking from experience.


ps. It worked.

Edited by DarthWoodrack
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3 hours ago, Apollyon said:

Saaaaaaaaaame. It’s fine for me though, since all my friends are at least an 8 on a 1-10 scale. Nothing compared to my 14/10...

Most of my friends are either Sanderfans or are being pushed to it by me and/or my other friends, so we're good there, and any non Sanderfan friends are huge geeks, so I'm pretty solid there as well.

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1 minute ago, Nerd3.14159265358979 said:

Most of my friends are either Sanderfans or are being pushed to it by me and/or my other friends, so we're good there, and any non Sanderfan friends are huge geeks, so I'm pretty solid there as well.

Unfortunately, my friends aren’t Sanderfans. My biggest success among them is reading MB Era 1 and Elantris. She did promise to read SA over the summer... so we’ll see where that goes.

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15 minutes ago, Apollyon said:

It’s fine. A good half of them know my MB references (minus Era 2). They’re still great people, and can geek out about lots of other things, even if it doesn’t measure up to Sanderson.

Ah. Good. Geeking out is always good, even if it isn't Sanderson.

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20 minutes ago, Apollyon said:

It’s fine. A good half of them know my MB references (minus Era 2). They’re still great people, and can geek out about lots of other things, even if it doesn’t measure up to Sanderson.

One of my friends and I are the most up-to-date with Cosmere stuff, so we make a bunch of references to things that other friends don’t understand. They get really annoyed, but we’re like “Eh. We’re cool with it. We’ve got our references.”

I mean like, I’m sorry, but when someone calls me “ambitious,” what else and I supposed to think about?!

Of course, there’s a discussion about Sho Del after that, and it’s storming awesome. :lol:

Edited by Ashspren
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