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Sanderson Memes

Guest Cognizantastic

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On 8/24/2018 at 0:00 PM, I am a STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!! said:

I listened to the audiobook first and it is pronounced “timber” in it

They pronounced it wrong then. It is a musical term, so it really does make sense for it to be pronounced properly.

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There sure has been a lot of Spam on the shard lately which got me thinking....




The example uses Tanavastiums, which could be the Rosharan standard unit of measure for Investiture, but what would the Silverlight scholars say is the base unit of measure for Investiture? The adonalsium?

Edited by hoiditthroughthegrapevine
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Aw, thanks! ^_^ Cole, it's up there for me too. Maybe not my favorite, but close.

You two have compelled me to make more:

KotC Climax: Cole:



KotC Climax: Misc.:



Making memes is fun:P

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@AonEne, those memes keep getting better. :lol: I love the old lady one. Why can't I give you all my upvotes at once?

Edit: And @Wyndlerunner, yes, I want you to join KotC once we get the third RP started.

Edit 2: @King Cole, you're welcome. It's a fun line. Too bad it's not canon, not even in the RP.

Edited by Firerust
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Sweet, we converted Wyndlerunner! This calls for more KotC memes! (Unexpectedly successful, these are. Yay.)

Car salesman:


*car salesman slaps both of Dawn's Aviar* Thene and Rwendeh (not checking the RP, did I get the names spelled right? Knowing me, that's a no) can fit so much Dawn comforting in them -

*Dawn turns slowly and looks at salesman*

*salesman runs*


*car salesman slaps KotC* This roleplay can fit so much depression and emotional breaking down in it!


*Sami slaps Lashes Cole*

*Cole goes all the way to orbit*

Sami: Oops.

What's the difference between the KotC characters and the real characters?

One set has Hoid in almost all their backstories. The other set is the real ones.


RP1 Climax:




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