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The Good News Thread: I'm So Excited! And I Just Can't Hide It!


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So the marching band I'm in finally found out the show theme this year about a week ago. It's gonna be so cool. Everyone is so hyped up this year, the show sounds like it's gonna be pretty awesome, and we have storming amazing music this year. I think if we keep the energy going until state finals we have a pretty damnation good chance of winning this year.

Also, I got an audio recording of the opener from our most recent full-band runthrough...I've listened to it way too many times to count now.

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On 12.8.2018 at 3:04 PM, StrikerEZ said:

So the marching band I'm in finally found out the show theme this year about a week ago. It's gonna be so cool. Everyone is so hyped up this year, the show sounds like it's gonna be pretty awesome, and we have storming amazing music this year. I think if we keep the energy going until state finals we have a pretty damnation good chance of winning this year.

What Instrument do you play? You don't have to answer, I'm just curious.

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1 hour ago, StrikerEZ said:

I play regular clarinet during marching season and bass clarinet during concert season.


And good luck with the contests! The music you'll play is great! I like Stravinsky a lot.

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Driving around town, I had a car in front of me with a Stormlight Archive decal!  Geeking out in traffic, I decided not to blow my horn and make the bridge four salute at them, since I try not to act like a crazy lady( at least in traffic).

I can't describe how excited this made me.  None of my friends and co-workers are into fantasy (I've tried, alas) so it's nice to see someone in my town other than bookstore workers excited for Sanderson.

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I went to a local park to look for milkweed seeds this evening, and I found a bunch! Milkweed is what monarch caterpillars eat, and my mom has been raising them this summer, so she asked me to get her some seeds of the kind of milkweed that grows in Utah but not where she lives in Ohio. So that was neat.

And while I was at the park I got some nice photos of a kingfisher! I didn't have any good ones until now, because kingfishers aren't very cooperative: Usually they fly away as soon as you look at them, let alone put your camera up. :lol: But this one spent several minutes sitting on a little pier at a pond, diving off every once in a while to catch fish.

3 photos under the spoiler:


Belted Kingfisher. This one's a female because she has two bands across her chest/belly. Males only have one band, and it's the same blue-gray color as their back..


About to take off!


And my favorite photo from today, the kingfisher in the middle of a dive off the pier for a fish!



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I recently played at a coffee shop gig (guitar/singing) and invited a bunch of my friends because the performance was for charity.. Unfortunately, all of them said no. But on the day of, one of them showed up and surprised me, which was awesome! 

Also, I made a Nutella hot chocolate recipe, and it’s actually REALLY good, so there’s that...

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42 minutes ago, Niteshado said:

@Ashspren I would have showed up if i was around!

And nutella hot chocolate sounds like something my Girlfriend would freak over..anyway you could pm me that recipe?

Thanks, Niteshado! 

I kind of make it just by throwing in random things... but once I figure out a recipe with set amounts, I’ll PM you for sure. :lol:

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Had a lovely (but looong) day of birding today. I took 351 photos! It's gonna take me forever to sort through them all, but here are a few of the good ones I've found so far.

3 photos under the spoiler (for size):


Great Horned Owl giving me a very judgy look:


Green-tailed Towhee (a type of sparrow):


Common Raven, one of a pair who were VERY cooperative for photos:



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2 minutes ago, Sunbird said:

Had a lovely (but looong) day of birding today. I took 351 photos! It's gonna take me forever to sort through them all, but here are a few of the good ones I've found so far.

3 photos under the spoiler (for size):

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Great Horned Owl giving me a very judgy look:


Green-tailed Towhee (a type of sparrow):


Common Raven, one of a pair who were VERY cooperative for photos:



Amazing as always! ^_^ Thanks for sharing!

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Finally back from Japan and gaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh

Amazing trip. 

Also! I have been trying to get a post at work that came open in march. I am a Correctional Officer in a mid/high Level Prison. A post, J3, came open in march when the officer assigned to it was promoted to Sergeant. I was told on monday i that got the spot! J3 post is for the school section of the compound. My job is to make sure students come to school, and to keep the teachers safe. I no longer am working on shift, i move to 5&2 shift, and i work Monday-Thursday 10h days, with every Fri-Sun off, AND i no longer work holidays.

Beyond happy for that. 

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Our new car arrived yesterday and we can go and take a look at it today, check if everythings alright.

I'm so happy, because I really feared that it would take them longer to produce it and the old one is short of breaking down completely. But thankfully it worked out fine.

And I'm really excited to see it and to drive it and everything :D

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I have some new nature photos :D

"Creepy crawlies" (4 photos):


Common Green Darner dragonfly, female (Males have blue tails):


Two spiders who had built neat funnel-shaped webs in some bushes (spoilered as a courtesy to anyone who doesn't want to see spider closeups):




Honeybee doing his job, pollinating :)



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