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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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If you look at other pictures of the same, it's blue and black (or rather, blue and dark brown).

I see it as white and gold, but in the last couple hours I saw a few pictures of it with different white balances, and the one that yielded blue and black (or dark brown, as you say) also yielded the best background. In short, I agree with you. I still think it was an unnecessarily whimsical thing to cause such division.


And, because I feel obligated (heh) to include a useless use for a useful power:


During TLR's reign, have an Obligator oversee a land transaction from you to yourself.

(Technically a useful power, even if it's not magical.)

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I see blue and gold. I'm weird.

Essence Mark someone with an exact copy of their soul with all the usual self-stamping instincts. Explain forgery to them (poorly) and make them doubt whether their soul is real.

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I see it green and orange, because I'm not mainstream as you are.

And I'll make an illusion in front of it to show that I was right alll along. I only need to find some stormlight first.


EDIT: other possible things to do with the dress:

awaken it with the command "tell which color you are"

soulcast it to be of the desired color.

soulcast it to ash, so as to end the discussion.

eat the golden part and try to burn it to see if it is gold.

plant some gold hemalurgic spikes in it, then say "see? i was right on the golden part"

burn/tap tin to discern the color of the dress

have the dress altered so that it fits your deformed dakor bones

throw up a cadmium bubble near the dress so that people coming to see it will spend all the day there unknowingly

stamp the dress to be blue and black.

stamp the dress to be a white and gold dress that has been stamped to blue and black.

buy the dress with a diamond and a smokestone spheres. discuss if the spheres are blue and black or white and gold.

convince nightblood that the dress is evil

cut yourself with the wire of the dress, then turn the dress to steel and kill everyone present except for a little kid.

Edited by king of nowhere
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eat the golden part and try to burn it to see if it is gold.


have the dress altered so that it fits your deformed dakor bones


cut yourself with the wire of the dress, then turn the dress to steel and kill everyone present except for a little kid.

The first two I just really enjoyed. I do have a question about the third, though... Is that because the dress isn't afraid of you?


Awaken a pair of carved wooden hands with the Command, "Arm wrestle nearby wooden objects."

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I see blue and gold. I'm weird.

Essence Mark someone with an exact copy of their soul with all the usual self-stamping instincts. Explain forgery to them (poorly) and make them doubt whether their soul is real.

It is actually a dark goldish-brown.

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  • 3 months later...

Awaken a mistcloak (or anything else you might wear, I just think a mistcloak would be harder to escape with all those ribbons) with the command "Strangle me."


Although, this could be adapted to commit mass murder, walk into a crowd wearing a miscloak and command it to strangle things. Imagine the look on their faces.

Edited by HalfShard
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Store weight while weighing yourself to achieve the desired results.


Only write on gray paper then burn breaths to animate things around you to draw the colour out of your spelling mistakes instead of erasing/tipexing them.


Use breath around your laundry to draw all the colour from your clothes so you dont have to bother sorting them before a wash.


Store/tap body heat in the shower to get the right temperature shower feeling instead of adjusting the showers water temperature.


Burn atium to loose in chess against a chessmaster anyway


Burn the opposite of atium (forget what it is) to see what your about to type so you can spellcheck it before actually typing it


Store enough breaths to get perfect pitch just to sing in the shower


Burn tin (i think, i suck at remembering the metals) to get better senses instead of adjusting the volume on the tv (same can be done with feruchemy)


Lash paper to the desk instead of using a paperweight


Suck in a ton of stormlight to glow when going to the bathroom in the dark


edit: oh and stamp pencils instead of sharpening them

Edited by InstantWalrus
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