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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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Push/Pull a door open/closed

If I could actually burn Iron/Steel, this is what I would likely use the powers for all the time.

Make a Lifeless Slug, order it to assassinate my enemies. (Now I just need some enemies...)

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Not actually sure if you could but:

Burn the iron in your blood to pull . . . Anything, really.

Wouldn't be pure Iron... but I love the idea!

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Use a Lightweaving to pass messages to people in the same room, petty but satisfying.


Soulcast layers of the soles of peoples shoes to make them think they're shrinking.


Use Hemalurgy to remove a trait from yourself...and then reapply it to yourself.


Use Steel or Iron to shut doors in peoples faces.


Store smell before entering a changing room.


Store memories of yourself, storing memories.


Use atium to predict plot twists on tv, a few seconds in advance.


Store nutrition so you can have third and fourth helpings of everything.


Burn Pewter to win ALL the drinking games. All of them.


Use brassminds to be perfectly comfortable in mid winter or high summer. Proceed to be irritatingly smug about it.


Cheat on exams with copper (obvious but eh.)


Use Steel or Iron to find and retrive lost keys, loose change and cufflinks (for fancy occasions.)




And finnally, one from Jasnah, Soulcast letters into the page to save on ink.  :lol:

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Wouldn't be pure Iron... but I love the idea!

Sadly, I believe you are probably right. It does beg the question, though, how pure does a metal have to be to be Allomantically/Feruchemically/Hemalurgically viable? Iron, for example is usually found naturally as iron oxide, and aluminium oxidises near instantly on contact with air. Even modern metals have impurities, as evidenced by the fact that iron and steel spark will spark when being forged with a hammer. The sparks are slag, little specks of rock, trapped within the material.

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Use Hemalurgy to remove a trait from yourself...and then reapply it to yourself.

A Gold Compounder/Mistborn with Feruchemical Gold could actually get some serious benefit out of this.

Use Hemalurgy on a Platypus, because they aren't weird enough already.

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Wouldn't it be a net loss due to Hemlurgic Decay?

A Gold Compounders healing is Spiritual as well as Physical, so (unconfirmed?) theory is that they could heal the damage to their Soul after having a Spike driven through them. You'd then end up with a Charged Spike, and the Compounder at full strength, and then you could Spike yourself for a net gain


It's confirmed, but I'd call it a weak confirmation.

INTERVIEW: Aug 13th, 2014

Ask the Author: Brandon Sanderson (Verbatim)


Could Miles heal back his Allomancy if it was spiked out of him?


No, he could not. He would no longer be an Allomancer. Also, he'd probably be dead. :)


I'd thought maybe he could just do some super-tapping from his existing Health in his goldminds (since he'd still have his Feruchemy)...


Oh, I see what you're asking. Using Feruchemy to heal the removed portion of soul. That's actually plausible, not so different from healing other kinds of soul-wounds. If he survived, then yes, this actually might work. (That's why I get for reading the questions so quickly.)


Edited by LabRat
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Wouldn't it be a net loss due to Hemlurgic Decay?

If the trait you are removing isn't the gold (though maybe even if it is), you can heal the torn portion of your soul back to return your original power. Thus the hemalurgic power is added to your original power. This does require some weird cognitive stuff, though. It doesn't count if you're not a Gold compounder, though, so I'd say it's suitably useless. Also, you can't be a Mistborn and a Gold feruchemist unless you already have a hemalurgic spike, which begs the question: can you Hemalurgically steal powers granted Hemalurgically?


However, you COULD conceivably make yourself into an incredibly powerful Gold compounder with this technique, if multiple spikes actually grant extra compounding power. Which they probably don't.




Permanently curse yourself by stealing cursed gold then burning it allomantically so you can't replace it.


EDIT: Ninja'd.

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You can be a Mistborn + Gold Feruchemist

AoL Spoilers

In AoL, the Plan is to back-breed a Mistborn using the decedents of the Lord Mistborn. If anyone from Wax's line were to be a part of it you could get a Mistborn Ferring

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Hmmm interesting, I hadn't read that one, makes sense but feels intuitively wrong in some way, kind of like getting something for nothing, which feels very...unRuinious.

It requires using Preservation as well, and Ruin + Preservation = (possibly beneficial) change

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Hmmm interesting, I hadn't read that one, makes sense but feels intuitively wrong in some way, kind of like getting something for nothing, which feels very...unRuinious.

Spiritual wounds require large amounts of stormlight to heal in SA, so it would probably take a LOT of metalmind charge.

Which you never payed for yourself, since its preservation-health and not internal health. But still, imagine the investiture amount needed.

And gold is expensive.

Hypothetically it should be possible to spike out the allomantic gold and tap until it heals, as well as spiking out your feruchemical gold and just burning a lot of pre-charged gold. The former is probably more useful since allomantic strength matters more.

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Hang out at a wishing well, use Iron to steal people's wish coins and then use Steel to murder them with their own money

Um... Dark Alley, much?


Also, to your previous assertion about the plan, where did you get that? IIRC, it's not explicitly stated in the book and is a mystery going into the next one. Are there annotations or something somewhere?



Hypothetically it should be possible to spike out the allomantic gold and tap until it heals, as well as spiking out your feruchemical gold and just burning a lot of pre-charged gold. The former is probably more useful since allomantic strength matters more.

Yes, but what would more powerful Allomantic gold even do? Would it actually affect Compounding at all?

Edited by kinxer
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All your health is coming from burning goldminds for allomantic power, so in theory you should get more health at once to store?

It won't impact your absurd healing rate but it does save some of your gold budget.

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Set yourself up as the Pied Piper by awakening a bunch of lifeless rats and ordering them to infest towns, then to leave when the townsfolk pay you

Go around Awakening townsfolk's money with the command, "Kill rats." Just in order to render VindicationKnight destitute (or at least make them find an honest job).

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