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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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Awaken a calculator to calculate

Awaken a cell phone to vibrate

If you have long hair, stamp yourself with a pixie cut.  All your friends will comment on it, and then when it wears off, pretend that it didn't happen.  

Instead of studying for huge tests, create a set of stamps that lets you have studied each subject at great length... then stamp yourself with the wrong subject walking into the test.

Steelpush the wire on the inside of push-button flashlights to turn them on instead of pushing the button

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Not to make a habit of taking one man's trash as my treasure, but that could be remarkably useful for the physically disabled.

Wow... now that's good thinking. Would the pants be able to move with enough force to move its wearers legs, without snapping them in half? Masterful craftsmanship may very well perform miracles! Good thinking.

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Awaken your vial of metals to "not burn."

Along those lines: store up a ton of breaths and awaken a coppermind with the command "Forget"


P.S. - now I'm curious if an awakened coppermind would be able to access the memories stored inside itself. 

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P.S. - now I'm curious if an awakened coppermind would be able to access the memories stored inside itself. 

No. I don't want to start considering sentient metalminds.




Awaken a hemalurgic spike with the command "Avoid blood"

Awaken a hemalurgic spike with the command "Talk about morality"

Awaken a hemalurgic spike with the command "Be optimistic"

Awaken a hemalurgic spike with the command "Denounce hemalurgy"




Awaken a hemalurgic spike.

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But... isn't atium worth huge amounts of money? Oh wait...

plus, in order to get any idea of what the future will be like more than just a couple seconds ahead, you would have to duralumin flare it.  so you would have to go through even more massive amounts than the comment suggests

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Get a bunch of cats and a wagon for them to pull, then store weight until you are light enough for them to pull with ease. Now, the cats might not be willing to pull you, but you could easily get around this by some rioting and soothing. Have them pull you around town while you stamp people's phones to be at 0% battery.

Useless but totally awesome.

Edit: Wow, my first popular post. Thanks guys!

Edited by Eilemelie
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Get a bunch of cats and a wagon for them to pull, then store weight until you are light enough for them to pull with ease. Now, the cats might not be willing to pull you, but you could easily get around this by some rioting and soothing. Have them pull you around town while you stamp people's phones to be at 0% battery.


Useless but totally awesome.



...You are my new role model.

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Get a bunch of cats and a wagon for them to pull, then store weight until you are light enough for them to pull with ease. Now, the cats might not be willing to pull you, but you could easily get around this by some rioting and soothing. Have them pull you around town while you stamp people's phones to be at 0% battery.


Useless but totally awesome.

hey, some of my cats liked to sleep over people. but with an ironmind, I could do the opposite: I could sleep over a cat!

I'd need to find a way to make the cat bigger than it is so I can use its belly as a pillow...  II wonder if stamping the cat so it had a strange genetic defect that made it grow until it was as big as a lion could work...

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hey, some of my cats liked to sleep over people. but with an ironmind, I could do the opposite: I could sleep over a cat!

I'd need to find a way to make the cat bigger than it is so I can use its belly as a pillow... II wonder if stamping the cat so it had a strange genetic defect that made it grow until it was as big as a lion could work...

Attempt to stamp the cat so it was a completely different species. Incredibly difficult, probably wouldn't work, and would last, at most, a day.

Stamp a spike so it's Hemalurgically charged with Allomantic aluminum, then spike someone with it. If this works at all, you now have someone with a spike and a useless* power who might have to restamp the spike periodically to avoid dying. If it doesn't work, well... You tried?

*With current Sanderfan knowledge

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Depending on the Realmatics involved, if this was possible it might actually be useful. The presence of the breath might be enough to inhibit hemalurgical decay just as placing it in a body does.

That's true, and it's a use I hadn't considered. The amount of Investiture necessary is prohibitive, however. I believe (though I may be mistaken) that doing this requires ~20k Breaths and would make the Spike sentient. Also, as shown with Nightblood, it's possible that it could use some sort of innate Investiture to accomplish its purpose (whatever command that might be), and (also shown with Nightblood) that could make many people unhappy and/or dead. In general, it seems like a bad choice. It may not even be possible, as different kinds of Investiture seem to resist use in other ways or coexistence with other kinds of Investiture (I'm pretty certain a spike can't have both Hemalurgic and Feruchemical charges).


Aaand now I feel compelled to contribute to the thread for real...


Awaken a textbook to "Be The Way of Kings"

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