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the most useless uses for useful powers

king of nowhere

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  • 2 weeks later...

Use hemelurgy to become a bendalloy ferring. Then use the ability only to binge eat and throw away the metalminds. Bonus points if done durring a famine. Extra bonus points if you are starving to death.

Edited by jasonpenguin
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  • 6 months later...

Use hemalurgy to steal human strength and fill a metalmind with the strength it gives you, then never tap it.

same for other human attributes



Use bendalloy compounding to make yourself fat

(can you do that?)


Compound gold, jump into lava


Use allomancy instead of metal detectors at the beach


Use AonDor exclusively to enhance your laziness

(i.e make potato chips and beer from nothing, transform your couch to be more comfy)

Edited by Stalagmite
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Tie individual metal ties around each of your hairs. Steelpush them all at once in front of a mirror.

Store tin to ignore an alarm clock

Awaken a piece of firewood. A burning piece of firewood.

Lightweave an illusion that looks exactly like you.

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Forging, forging everywhere.


Forge your breakfast to make your coffee stay hot.

Forge your clothes to make them ironed.

Forge your clothes to make them cleaned.

Why even bother with more than one set of clothes? Forge them every morning to be a different colour or pattern.

Forge the traffic lights to stay green.

Forge the roads to have no potholes.

Forge your car to have a lower odometer.

Forge your cat to shed less fur.

Write essence stamps to Forge your fingernails, so you don't have to paint them.

Forge your pornography to keep getting different poses.

Forge your lights to turn them on and off.

Stamp your stamp card, to uh... get a stamp on it.

Forge a letter so that you don't have to write it.

Forge your dishes so that they've already been washed.

Forge your video games to give you high scores.

Forge your bank statement to have more money.

Forge the stock ticker to improve your investments.

Forge your girlfriend to not have a headache.



I take it all back, these are super useful powers.

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Go Steelpushing over people's houses at night, then making all the door handles rattle and using zinc and brass to make them afraid. Awakening the curtains to catch and smother them, one by one.

Then laugh, because you've turned the Cosmere into a horror movie.

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(How to fail your courses with Feruchemy)TM


Failing all your finals (on purpose) by storing your memories of the answers in your copperminds and then throwing them into a fire.


Store determination in your Electrum in the school year. You don't want to be motivated, after all, you're trying to fail.


Storing wakefulness in class. Your prof can't wake you up. If you can't sleep in class for some reason, store metal speed instead.


Storing enough luck in your Chromium so that you can't get the answers right on a multiple choice test...even if you know the subject by heart!


Finally, if you were lucky enough to somehow be a Feruchemist born with Breath, become a drab (or store your Breath in your metalmind).

Edited by Nymp
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How to fail your courses with FeruchemyTM


Failing all your finals (on purpose) by storing your memories of the answers in your copper mines and then throwing them into a fire.


Store determination in your Electrum in the school year. You don't want to be motivated, after all, you're trying to fail.


Storing wakefulness in class. Your prof can't wake you up. If you can't sleep in class for some reason, store metal speed instead.


Storing enough luck in your Chromium so that you can't get the answers right on a multiple choice test...even if you know the subject by heart!


Finally, if you were lucky enough to somehow be a Feruchemist born with Breath, become a drab (or store your Breath in your metalmind).


You forgot to store Connection so none of the professors will like you. ;)

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Sell a Shardblade at a pawn shop. Then, once you've left the store, summon it back.


Wait... are we talking about being "useless" or "morally bankrupt"?

Once you hand it over I don't think you can Summon it back (No WoR Spoiler please)

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Once you hand it over I don't think you can Summon it back (No WoR Spoiler please)

There's a bond between the bearer and the Shardblade. You can.


Well following by everyone's example... Not so much useless as mundane uses....


Using Feruchemical iron to control the height of a hot air balloon.

When everyone uses a rope with their climbing gear as they climb a sheer cliff, you just Iron Pull yourself on the metal... uh... there's a technical word for those metal line securing thingoes.

Storing connection when you don't want to be noticed, tapping it when you're in the mood for socialising

Using a shard blade instead of a pocket knife

Burn Atium while playing tic tac toe (and watch in amazement as multiple Atium shadows unfold)

Go ice skating on any surface using the Friction Surge

Pretend you're Jesus with the Friction Surge

Impersonate many superheroes with Gravity Surge

Bundle yourself in the thickest clothes you can find, then wear them everywhere while storing brass till you are constantly at the right temperature

Store speed while at your desk job, then run home.

Breathe pure oxygen to fill your cadmium minds easier, then use them for whatever deep sea diving exploration you have planned.

Use life sense to always know where everyone is

Use bronze minds to always force yourself to conform to a proper sleep pattern. Good bye jet lag!

Store tin when avoiding a particular smell, taste, or any sensation. Tap later when confronted with a pleasurable one. 

Store up pewter to properly cosplay the Hulk transformation <-- I'm proud of this one

Burn bend alloy to do some really funky costume changes power rangers style

Beat the top nerd with copper compounding. Use Feruchemical zinc if they're actually smart




Some more awesome uses for powers:

Using spanreeds for FTL communication and break special relativity. Extension of this is replace your modem with a few conjoined rubies to the main server till you have internet with literally no lag or loading time. 

Get a tattoo of a stamp or an Aon for instantaneous power awesomeness




I just realised that this probably doesn't count as useless at all  :D oh well!

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Take the power of from a shard, and move the planet closer to the sun to get a nicer tan. Move it further away again and rotate the planet when you feel like sleeping so that it's nice and dark. Change all the flora and fauna of the world to fluffy pillow trees, mattress grass, and blanket bushes for the optimal sleep. Change it all back in the morning.

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