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Everything posted by red032

  1. Hello all! It's been a while since Dawnshard was released and.... no audio version of the book. OR at least none that I managed to find. Was there such a release? I am waiting for an audio release of Dawnshard to read Rithm of War. If someone could clarify this problem for me, I would be very grateful.
  2. I think Lift was the result of another prunning from Cultivation. She is too much a wildcard for the Nightwatcher to create.
  3. By what we see Jasnah doing on the battle of Thaylen City, we can guess that she had some extensive training. I look forward to read about her adventures on Shadesmar and the time she spent with Wit
  4. Yeah.. he uses the SHE. I am reading it from audible and for a second time. The first time I did not spare another thought. The secod time, tough, I tought I hear a different tone when Michael Kramer said "She". Maybe its just me... but...
  5. I vote Moash, for he is a serial betrayer. I understand that he is foreshadowing the system that Odium uses to corrupt people, and that will be crucial to understand how and why Dalinar was able to foil the plans to make him a the champion (and how Cultivation had a finger on it - or a tree branch, if you will) Lift is annoying, but I can see that there's a path for her. And that she is the Dungen Master´s own character. That is a RPG term, yeah.... Shalam is a problem. As someone notes here, she grows and learn on one POV and on the next time she getas screentime, she has lost that growth. I hope she estabilizes as hinted on the end of the book.
  6. When Wit is talking to Shalam on Kholinar for the first time (in the tavern), he says something that caught my ear: As I do not have the book now, I will not write it verbatim Me and Wisdon are, often, at cross purposes. And I still did not learn the language she speaks It looked to me that he was talking about a person (or shardic entity... you get my drift). Do we know about a Wisdom Shard?
  7. Calderis, it makes sense if you think that would be something the Heralds would say after the recreance. They took ruling positions it would be fair to assume that their sayings were copied by their followers who doesn´t really know what those sayings really mean.
  8. As I was reading the topic about Metalminds and Shardblades, an idea came to my mind. As invested metal, could a metalmind deflect a shardblade attack? Like a halfshard, but more efficient? I could imagine a Scadrian with heavy metal invested bracelets using them to deflect a shardblade attack then blowing the Rosharan face off with a gunshot. Epic isn´t it??
  9. You are only thinking about decreasing cohesion. Think about increasing cohesion. On inanimate obects it would increase its resistance. I can see a highly cohesion invested sword acting like a second class shard. Or a invested cohesion shield acting like a half-shard. On a group of people, it would rise morale adn/or interpessoal strenght. On an army, it would rise coordination making them a LOT more effective. Any more ideas?
  10. Journey before destination, padawan young Radiant, journey before destination...
  11. Self sacrifice is something that Odium is incapable of. It can´t even understand the concept, let alone use it on it's machinations. The shards are severely limited by it's Intent.
  12. I think Venli had some Odium whispers in her ears. That moment always bugged me. The parshendi have gone to great lenghts to avoid the return of their gods (Odiumspren or unmade or whatever). They murdered Gavilar for something dangerous the he was going to do. They created a war that thinking that was less damaging. Then, suddenly, there is an absolute change of mind and they embraced the new form that they knew was a power-form. Granted that Venli was working for that end. She WANTED THAT. But the Gavilar Incident was only 6 years back. No one remember what they had to do to avoid this very same end?
  13. Odium Evil Champignons. sorry... it´s stronger than me. There must be a pun shard.
  14. Another thought crossed my mind... if Rayse dies, the shard is not splintered and someone picks up the power, does it means that the board is clear and Odium is free? What I mean is: Does the investiture ties only tthe HOLDER, the cognitive part of the symbiotic relatioship (holder + shard)? If so, at the end of book 5 we can see Rayse defeated and killed. Then the story could progress for the characters trying to forge a new pact with the Holder (it will depend greatly who is this new holder and how long can he still be him(her)self before the shard nature takes over.
  15. This is from a topic about Stormlight Archive book structure. I stole it from @Calderis It fits nicely on our discussion.
  16. I disagree that Stormlight will be totally self contained. There´s too much characters from another books to believe that and a 10 book serie dealing directly with Odium MUST have a greater impact on the Cosmere storyline.
  17. But Odium is presented as the Big Threat. Three Shards splintered already. I fail to see another threat that can hunt and kill Shards. The pieces are being deployed on the board and I think that the game has not even start yet...
  18. Stormlight Archive is not supposed to be the end of the main storyline on Cosmere. For this very storyline to progress into the epic finale we all are eager to see, the main antagonist, the Shard of Odium, will have to be realeased from its investiture prision on the Roshar System. So, at one point or another (possibly on its resolution) Odium will be set free. The question is... will the final desolation happens, will be ther a cataclismic event that will destroy the planet and our favorite characters will flee via worldhopping? I would like to hear your toughts about that.
  19. I have the feeling that the Oathpact was NOT kept intact. I think that they weakened the Oathpact somehow, presenting Odium with an advantage (whatever it may be).
  20. One thing I don´t understand... if Taravangian knwos about the parshmen->parshendi->voidbringers why in damnation name do he have parshmen in Karbranth? It would be expected that he would make his city a voidbringer free environment, no?
  21. Or he is the traitor under Odiun´s sway. It seems too much convenient that he was the one coming up with the idea that weakened the oathpact (my especulation) AND the one that set Nale killing budding KRs. Now that Nale figured out the Voidbringers are back and the desolation is at hand we will see hints on the way he will respond to this new situation.
  22. Hope Adolin is a skybreaker. If not he has oppened a door to Odium.
  23. He passes as an Ardent, so no one will bother with unusual looks.
  24. A Shardbear... er... Always a classic...
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