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If you could pick three people from any Cosmere book to help you become emperor of ancient Rome which three would you choose. They would have whatever powers they have now or at the height of there powers these three people are your friends and will help you in what ever way they can. Who would you choose?  I would choose Gavilar, Elend and Vasher.

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1 minute ago, Highprince10 said:

If you could pick three people from any Cosmere book to help you become emperor of ancient Rome which three would you choose. They would have whatever powers they have now or at the height of there powers these three people are your friends and will help you in what ever way they can. Who would you choose?  I would choose Gavilar, Elend and Vasher.

Tindwyl for absolute sure . . . as for the other two, I would go with Jasnah and Kelsier.


This is assuming they wouldn't just destroy my pathetic little nerd self on sight of course/j


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2 minutes ago, justice magician said:
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This is assuming they wouldn't just destroy my pathetic little nerd self on sight of course/j


That's why I had to add in that they would help you and are you friends otherwise you can only choose a few character who won't just take control.

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2 minutes ago, Highprince10 said:

That's why I had to add in that they would help you and are you friends otherwise you can only choose a few character who won't just take control.

Ah yes . . . I must have skimmed past that part lol. That makes way more sense!

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Hoid, Raoden, Odium

Hoid is practically immortal and very powerful, Roaden is an awesome leader (how has no one picked Raoden yet?), and Odium is a literal aspect of god, and I feel like he could be useful in some way. Plus, you said they would help me to the extent of their abilities.

RoW spoiler for safety 


I would go with tarvangian odium.

Is this cheating?

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50 minutes ago, Highprince10 said:

I can't believe I didn't think of that kandra would be so overpowered when trying to become a world leader. 

I forgot about Kandra too lol . . . that being said I think I stick with my choice

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1 minute ago, Quantus said:

At the Height of their Power?  Sazed, Rashek, Taravangian

But having all that power is almost overkill and you do have to rule a empire and having 2 of my friends be utilitarians would just be too much for me 

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1 hour ago, Highprince10 said:

If you could pick three people from any Cosmere book to help you become emperor of ancient Rome which three would you choose. They would have whatever powers they have now or at the height of there powers these three people are your friends and will help you in what ever way they can. Who would you choose?  I would choose Gavilar, Elend and Vasher.

Emperor of ancient Rome you say? Well in that case I just need to have a loyal army that will overthrow the current emperor as per "tradition" started by Julius Caesar. So I just need someone that will make me an army, lead it into a battle and defeat my enemies. For that I would choose Susebron who would make me an army of 50000 Lifeless (but Rashek and his Koloss army are out only because Koloss are too hard to control), Dalinar the Blackthorn (not Dalinar the Bondsmith) who would command them in battles and Vin who would assassinate them both, so they won't try to steal my throne or get any power-hungry ideas. Vin would also protect me from getting assassinated or overthrown during my not-that-brutal reign. And then we would march to conquer the world... I mean bring civilization to the world - Roma Aeterna!

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On 2/8/2024 at 11:46 AM, Highprince10 said:

But having all that power is almost overkill and you do have to rule a empire and having 2 of my friends be utilitarians would just be too much for me 

Two Utilitarian deities, one Benevolent one that is more powerful than either and is devoted to Balance. And Me, their Favored (former) mortal.  If they truly "are your friends and will help you in what ever way they can" then I will have become literal God-Emperor favored by the entire Pantheon.  Help me in whatever way they can means they support me and my goals, would never let me die (even to Age), would never let those I love suffer, and would empower me in a lot of wonderful ways.  

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5 minutes ago, alder24 said:

Vin who would assassinate them both, so they won't try to steal my throne or get any power-hungry ideas.

This is why I had to say they would help you and be your friend because otherwise Vin is always in there to assassinate our friends. 


6 minutes ago, alder24 said:

And then we would march to conquer the world... I mean bring civilization to the world - Roma Aeterna!

Perfect mindset of a conqueror 

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Hoid knows what's up so I would take him. He has s much experience with all kinds of things. Tindwyl is a must because I love her and this is basically what her research is about. Lastly I would take either Gavilar or Dalinar, basically just someone wth actual experience commanding armies.

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33 minutes ago, The Sibling said:

Lastly I would take either Gavilar or Dalinar, basically just someone with actual experience commanding armies.

I think Gavilar is the best choice here because basically builds all the laws and ideals of Alethkar with almost no help and has lots of experience running a kingdom Dalinar does build the coalition but he doesn't actually ever a run a kingdom

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I don't wanna live in Ancient Rome. If I know the modern era exists, then I'll take Elend, Jasnah, and Dalinar. Dalinar opens a perpendicularity to fuel Jasnah creating Duralumin and Cadium and then with Elend's help we skip ahead with a Duralumin powered Cadmium bubble until we get to the advent of instant noodles, indoor plumbing, and air conditioning. I'll have them start a university for philosophy or something and listen to them debate while 90% of their ideas go over my head.

If I absolutely have to stay and rule Rome, then I'll bring Raoden, Elend, and Susebron to form a triumvirate to manage the place while I go fishing. Just by bringing Susebron I've probably convinced most of Rome that Jupiter has come to visit and take control of Rome. Those three would probably get along quite well, manage the logistics of an empire and it doesn't hurt if they also are ridiculously powerful and can probably claim that they are deities or demigods. Force me to be in charge and I'll be marginally better than Caligula's horse compared to my triumvirate. While Incitatus the horse probably wasn't actually made a consul of Rome, I don't want to be either.

Actually... added this in, because when I thought of when Raoden, Elend, and Susebron were at the height of their powers, I felt guilty because that's right after they were able to get a good solid relationship with Sarene, Vin, and Siri respectively, I'm basically forcing them back into a frat house. So... Susebron, Siri, and Llarimar because they would probably actually be okay and happy with getting transported to Rome. I'm counting on Susebron's aura to basically make the entire empire worship him and his Awakening to quell anyone else. Llarimar's there to actually manage and organize things.


Argent (paraphrased)

Will Llarimar become Susebron's high priest?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

I would not be surprised if the events took him there.

Argent (paraphrased)

Do you think he would be unhappy with the position?

Brandon Sanderson (paraphrased)

No. Susebron is going to make at least, if not a good God King, then at least an earnest one, and Llarimar would approve of that.

Steelheart Chicago signing (Oct. 5, 2013)


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43 minutes ago, Duxredux said:

I don't wanna live in Ancient Rome. If I know the modern era exists, then I'll take Elend, Jasnah, and Dalinar. Dalinar opens a perpendicularity to fuel Jasnah creating Duralumin and Cadium and then with Elend's help we skip ahead with a Duralumin powered Cadmium bubble until we get to the advent of instant noodles, indoor plumbing, and air conditioning. I'll have them start a university for philosophy or something and listen to them debate while 90% of their ideas go over my head.


I didn't think about just waiting till modern times that's a good strategy 

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why has no one picked Adonalsium?

Adonalsium, Hoid, and Raoden

Adonalsium to defeat the current ruler, Raoden to make smart decisions, and be the face of the kingdom, and Hoid tells good storys as well as being powerful, and if nothing else Hoid is a really good meat shield.

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On 2/8/2024 at 1:25 PM, Highprince10 said:

I think Gavilar is the best choice here because basically builds all the laws and ideals of Alethkar with almost no help and has lots of experience running a kingdom Dalinar does build the coalition but he doesn't actually ever a run a kingdom

That's a good point. I do have to factor in how much I dislike Gavilar though.

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If I want to rule by fear:

Lord Ruler (Single handedly took over Scadrial and ruled for 1000 years)

Dilaf (Gragdet of Dahkor/leader of Fjordell black ops)

Taravangian (Smart enough to outwit a shard several years in advance)

If I want to be a respected leader:

Raoden (restored Elantris)

Navani (helped the Kholins take Alethkar and didn't do horrible things)

Kenton (Convinces the entire Taishin council to keep the Diem)


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