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Nightwatcher Boon/Bane (Game)

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On 7/3/2018 at 4:46 PM, ScarletSabre said:

Granted. However, you didn't wish to become a Sprenblade, so your bond has been broken, and you're left with someone swinging around your corpse by the feet as you scream into the mind of anyone who can hear it.

I wish to be able to use Force Lightning.

Granted however you're basically a low-level Sith now with zero skills for a Sith who is below the hierarchy of Sith under Palpatines rule. So good luck ! but hey at least you could spew cool red light now

I wish to be able to access the cognitive world

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1 hour ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

I wish that this wish was impossible to mess up.

Granted!  Your wish is impossible to mess up.
Your bane is that the Nightwatcher lied.  You totally messed up that wish.  So, so badly.  It's completely null and void, so the Nightwatcher gives you a different boon and bane instead.

Your boon is that you are now a Mudkip (if you weren't already).
Your bane is that you are forced to fight to exhaustion in brutal Pokemon battles for the entertainment of the masses.  


I wish to know who I am.

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Half human, half dog? Ha!  That's ridiculous- *walks past a mirror*  HOLY HARMONY!!  How long has this been going on?!

13 minutes ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

I wish for this sentence to be ignored.

Wish granted.  *time warp ensues*

BitBitio the Mudkip, you forgot to make a wish!  Shame on you!  You hereby suffer all the banes of previous posters going back to the last time someone forgot to make a wish.


I wish to for the ability to manipulate photons.

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23 minutes ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

I wish to not have any banes.


The Nightwatcher stares at you, unamused by your clever "wish", and then turns you into a cremling for wasting her time. 
Not to worry, though, she also gives you a boon: you are the most popular of cremlings, and all the other cremlings want to be your friend and hear about your previous adventures as a Mudkip.  


I wish for a tasty sandwich the size of Massachusetts.

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Granted. You are now holding a pet Larkin in your hands. It has these great big wide silver eyes, that are staring up at you... Hungrily?

Unfortunately, the only real source of investiture on Earth is the spark of life, so that is what this Larkin is adapted to feed on. Starting with yours.


I wish for a lark.

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19 hours ago, Drake Marshall said:

I wish for a mango smoothie.

Granted.  You receive an icy beverage that is vibrant yellow-orange in color, like frozen flames of tropical perfection.  The chilled, tangy sweetness trickles down your throat as you enjoy the best mango smoothie ever created in the history of ever.  Tears spring to your eyes at the exquisite flavor, and you think to yourself that this -- this -- is worth any bane.  You savor every last drop, and then look at the Nightwatcher expectantly.  

"Are you ready for your bane, mortal?" the powerful spren asks.  You nod, perfectly at peace with the world around you.  After a smoothie like that, you're ready for anything. 

The Nightwatcher snaps her fingers, and your vision blurs for a moment.  When it clears, nothing has changed.  You feel perfectly normal.  You stretch a bit, look to see if your skin has turned vivid green or something, and hop up and down a few times.  Everything's fine.  You frown at the Nightwatcher in mild puzzlement, but she just waves an insubstantial hand at you, shooing you away.  You shrug and, whistling a merry tune to yourself, head off for home. 

Exactly two weeks later, you slip on a banana peel.  That peel goes flying into the air and smacks a pelican square in the eyes.  Squawking up a storm, the pelican blunders into traffic, where it only avoids death by semi-truck because the truck driver swerves to avoid it.  The swerve is so sudden that the large container on the back of the truck detaches from the cab and goes flying off of the bridge (did I mention this was happening on a bridge?).  Passersby gasp in horrified anticipation, because the container is clearly marked with a large bio-hazard symbol.  


The container smashes against the ground and erupts in a burst of flames.  Everybody runs away, screaming, and a few minutes later, emergency responders in hazmat suits arrive and cordon off the area around the container.  

The next day, on the news, you learn that there was a dangerous toxin within the container that was released into the air.  Fortunately, much to everyone's consternation, it is completely harmless. 

...Almost.  The next next day, you learn that the toxin is indeed deadly to something: mangoes.  Worldwide, mango trees are dying at an alarming rate, and nobody can do anything to stop it.  Soon, there is not a single mango to be found anywhere on Earth.  Everyone cries, even the people who are allergic to mangoes, because this is a tragic, tragic event.

Also, you scraped your knee when you slipped on that banana peel.  You should put a band-aid on that.


I wish for a safe and easy way to dispose of dangerous chemicals and nuclear waste.

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The Nightwatcher eyes you before snapping her misty fingers and pronouncing you the proud owner of one billion bucks.

"Wait!" you insist. "I've heard that one before! I want a billion dol" You cough in the middle. So much dust in this Valley air. "ers. Not tons of deer."

The Nightwatcher smirks. "Fine, then. One billion - " She imitates your word exactly, but without the cough in the middle. " - doll hairs."

You blink to find yourself smothered and choking in doll hairs. They won't leave your lungs, and you're stuck in a cycle of coughing for the rest of your life.


I wish for the ability to visit the Beyond just once before I die and end up there myself. And the ability to return from my trip there, the length of which will be five hours.

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GRANTED however you are only Nightwatcher by title and uhm form. You literally just watch the night, can't move, can't sleep, can't do anything except watch the night. Literally Nightwatcher.

And the original nightwatcher gets to keep her powers and responsibilities. 


I wish to become a vessel of a shard with a unique intent. 

Edited by goody153
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6 hours ago, goody153 said:

I wish to become a vessel of a shard with a unique intent. 


Incredible, surging power suffuses your entire being, making you glow from within with incredible radiance as your body begins to fade, spinning and spiralling into the growing column of light and power that is your ascension. As your consciousness expands, you grow to encompass the planet, seeing it spinning below you in the ebony vastness of space.

Only then, as you see it, your knowledge and power reaching out to touch it and what you can affect, do you realise what your intent is. You have become the Shard Irritation, the god of minor annoyances. Your purview and power extends to lost keys, slow and dropped internet connections, and stubbed toes. You now have complete dominion over all of this, and can even cause it to other Shards, but only in minor ways. Attempting to cause major frustration or anger will cause your own power to rip you apart from within, but you can use your powers in aggregate, making one person irritable and snappy, who then causes others to be like that as well... it all adds up in the end, and people should underestimate your power at their peril.

I wish to be able to phase through everything as I wish, making sure that I can control it enough to not phase through the floor/ground without meaning to and ending up trapped in the centre of the earth.

Edited by ScarletSabre
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Granted. You keep your new powers secret from society, including your loved ones.

You do have control over your power, but it slips out of your grasp when you are surprised. Too bad that it’s your birthday soon after receiving this boon...

Your loved ones have put together a surprise party for you. 

As you step into your house, the lights are off and the space is dark. Suddenly, the lights turn on and everyone yells “surprise!”

In this moment of shock, you lose control of your powers, and you sink waist-deep into the ground. And this is where your bane finally comes...

The Nightwatcher decides that it would be the best time to revoke your powers. You can’t get out.

Now, you are henceforth known as the person who is stuck in the ground. Your house is turned into a museum, and people from all around the world come to see you.

Even if you are stuck in the ground, at least your family has made a lot of money off of you?...



I wish for earbuds that aren’t broken, and with cords that aren’t tangled.

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Your curse is that you have the worst of luck. Everything that can go wrong for you will.

However, you also heal from any wounds you receive, though these wounds are repaired incorrectly, so your body degrades and slowly turns to ash. 

As your ashes are spread throughout the Cosmere, so is your consciousness and you lose your ability to think and reason.

Soon, your ashes degrade into subatomic particles and at last, you manage to wish to be restored.

The Nightwatcher restores you, however she also makes it so nobody can remember you. No doctors can help you if you get sick, you can't find work, and you slowly starve. 

Soon this forgetfulness spreads to you, and you are unable to remember anything. You pass to the Beyond and still none, not even the omnipotent God Beyond, can remember you. 

Additionally, your sickness left an impression on the Cosmere and soon everything forgets everything. All the Realms forget how to function, as does the Beyond.

Plants stop growing.

The sun stops glowing.

Everything stops. 


All of the worlds end, and all because you were selfish enough to ask for earbuds.




I wish for Fortnite to die already!

Edited by BitBitio the Mudkip
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6 hours ago, BitBitio the Mudkip said:

I wish for Fortnite to die already!

Granted however a new battleroyal game rises from it's ashes and is basically a just another version of Fortnite with a more horrible name also much more accessible(multiple platform). Making it the most popular game in the world by far with people ending up talking about it all the time. 

I wish to be a shard that has a unique intent that isn't smallscale.

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19 hours ago, Ashspren said:

Granted. You keep your new powers secret from society, including your loved ones.

You do have control over your power, but it slips out of your grasp when you are surprised. Too bad that it’s your birthday soon after receiving this boon...

Ironically, my birthday is at the end of the month... I'll have to be careful with these powers, since you've had a Foretelling... > 3 >

9 hours ago, goody153 said:

I wish to be a shard that has a unique intent that isn't smallscale.


Power flows into you, and your consciousness begins to expand as your body convers from matter to pure, radiant energy. You feel your mind blossoming with knowledge, with power, with understanding. With this comes an awareness of your planet. Then your solar system. Then the neighbouring stars.... Wait, what?

This isn't right.

Your consciousness continues to grow outwards. You become aware of asteroids and comets drifting through the void of space, of other suns, moons, and black holes that try to suck in your very essence as you pass them by. Soon, you can sense everything in the Milky Way, every star and nebula, but it's already becoming a jumble, impossible to distinguish planets from solar systems, let alone anything smaller.

And still your consciousness expands.

Beyond the spirals of the Milky Way, you soon feel the edges of neighbouring galaxies, your understanding spanning light years upon light years, sensing supernovas explode as faint pops in the wave of knowledge that continues to crash against your mind.

Soon, galaxies become as clustered as solar systems, then an indistinct jumble of sensation and understanding as the entire universe becomes open to you. Everything is so tightly packed though, that you can barely even attempt to pick apart, like trying to see an atom with a magnifying glass.

And then, suddenly, it stops. You feel a wall of... something, that your consciousness pushes against. It feels incredibly solid, yet fluid at the same time, swirling around your mind.... And then you seem to slip through, and pop into existence... somewhere else.

You've ended up in the Macroverse, our own universe a Microverse that now to you seems to exist in the space between neurons. And you without a microscope... You can still sense it, but only faintly, and perhaps with a few billion millenia you'll be able to sort out any kind of proper, distinct galaxy or star system. But who knows? You now exist in the largest scale it's possible to be, and you have a whole new universe to explore.

Enjoy figuring out the rules of reality for the Macroverse, Shard of Understanding.



I wish to be able to walk up walls and on ceilings as I pleased ^^

Edited by ScarletSabre
Forgot my wish.... AGAIN xD
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You now have the incredible ability to walk on walls as a gecko. No, literally. You are now a slightly transparent lizard living on a window, eating the bugs attracted to the light at night. Congratulations! The kind inhabitants of the house let you in in the winter, and allow you to read their books. But your lifespan is still normal lizard length. Sorry. 

I wish for the ability to shapeshift to a safe, stable new form of my choice instantaneously with no ill effects to my person or the balance of physics in this universe. 

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