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6 minutes ago, Sart said:

To catch the criminal infiltrating the police department, we must kill the entire police department. It's the only way to ensure we've done our job properly.

This is mostly a pretty good summary yes :P

Just like how to catch the Informant infiltrating the Octet, we tried to kill the entire Octet :P

The incentives in this game are fairly cursed :P

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3 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

remind me what Cf means again...?

Conferatur. I'm saying that regardless of Drake's being Evil, it's a potential spanner in the works. I am currently still voting with my heart and Sart isn't quite crazy enough for me to believe he's Village. 

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i dont know if im just not mentally capable of understanding anything rn lol uhm. hmm. remind me trom orrow to reread c1 with reveal in mind and trty to think. more on this ig

1 hour ago, Aeoryi said:

Vote neiltheeel

huff thats not even me!

edit: im kinda annoyed that i got like. 2/3 elim doccers c1 and then they had to out bc that like. rlly feels bm fmpov bc it forces the gamestate into. well. this. lol. oh erll

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to be fair, the current game state is all kinds of counterintuitive

it is pretty much impossible to understand without wargaming it all out 😔

add to that the fact that the Octet doc last cycle was pretty full of folks missing some part of the rules or another and I'm assuming the village isn't any better

and well, here we are

Edited by DrakeMarshall
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Edited to add:

@neil the beguiled - my bad, I'm still sleepy. Conferatur, Lat. for 'compare to.'

20 minutes ago, Sart said:

The reason why I want to get this down to Drake vs Stick is simple. I don't want to guess when we've killed the Insider. I want to know for certain we've won.

Honestly I'm not sure how I feel about this statement, and I always get gut Evil vibes off a player who pushes for certainty because IMO that never emerges organically from a Village mindset. I don't think I'll be moving my vote off Sart.

25 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

and 3) im assuming the purpose of going out of your way to get down to Drake/Stick is that you aren't sure which of us to trust but im the evil one i mean im saying it right here

Uh...no, it's just the 'we don't know when the Insider flips' problem. I was trying to work out Sart's logic here.

27 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

2) if you get down to F4 and the Insider is still alive then Team Evil has a say in who the exe targets (and meanwhile if the Insider is dead you can just execute me and win)

Team Evil does, but how you gonna coordinate?

Smhhh murderpuppy I was hoping for another dynamic team-up :(

20 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

why did all of my srs have to be members of the elim doc wth


Oh yeah catching up with my like gazillion pings for when I was sleeping everything off:

I see a lot of things I'm not bothering to reply to because they're irrelevant at this juncture. Only one is Neil's which:

Yeah, because I wasn't really offering a readslist, which is why I didn't label it as such. The fact Stick was on top, with multiple question marks and I explicitly said V!lean at best implies a lot about how depressed my reads were and how much everyone just looked Evil or bleh to me at the point I was signing off. While I felt Aman was my best shot since I wasn't going to be back again, I think I really would not have objected to anyone except Stick being exed.

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Team Evil does, but how you gonna coordinate?

i mean so far Team Evil hasn't been shy about talking out in the open when it needs to has it

2 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Smhhh murderpuppy I was hoping for another dynamic team-up :(

you told me to devour the van from within

this is what u wanted :(

i did what i could with the situation

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Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

i mean so far Team Evil hasn't been shy about talking out in the open when it needs to has it

I'm saying it does out the Insider at that point, meaning if Evil loses the dice toss, they lose hard.

1 minute ago, DrakeMarshall said:

you told me to devour the van from within

this is what u wanted :(

i did what i could with the situation

ok :( 

thank u bro :(

i appreciate the van devouring & ur logging into the doc for me 💔

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8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

@neil the beguiled - my bad, I'm still sleepy. Conferatur, Lat. for 'compare to.'

ah i see i see. ty


8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:


scumreads.  mildly just bemoaning but like. i had stick/aman nailed as sus if nothing else (and im sure maybe someone else could have gotten to drake) so its like. idk i could have served for them not not out and my game would ahve been largely the same ig?

8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Yeah, because I wasn't really offering a readslist, which is why I didn't label it as such. The fact Stick was on top, with multiple question marks and I explicitly said V!lean at best implies a lot about how depressed my reads were and how much everyone just looked Evil or bleh to me at the point I was signing off. While I felt Aman was my best shot since I wasn't going to be back again, I think I really would not have objected to anyone except Stick being exed.

ah, mmm alright noted. i guess. ironic if nothing else lol.


8 minutes ago, Kasimir said:

Uh...no, it's just the 'we don't know when the Insider flips' problem. I was trying to work out Sart's logic here.

that is what i am calling in the business: a tomorrow problem :D.


why am i so hungry waddahell


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3 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

scumreads.  mildly just bemoaning but like. i had stick/aman nailed as sus if nothing else (and im sure maybe someone else could have gotten to drake) so its like. idk i could have served for them not not out and my game would ahve been largely the same ig?

Didn't you say you thought Aman was Village and also Stick?

4 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

ah, mmm alright noted. i guess. ironic if nothing else lol.

How so?

4 minutes ago, neil the beguiled said:

that is what i am calling in the business: a tomorrow problem :D.

I am just minded to vote with my heart at this point. I agree/vibe with Sart too much to feel comfortable with V!reading him. It's unfortunate that Sart's V!tell/E!tell for me is this way because it's just plain awkward to vote him only when I vibe with him and argue to protect him when I think he is kayana but this is sometimes just how life is.

In theory, this position is compatible with Sart wanting every last Villager dead, I'm just arguing about prioritisation.

I'll note if we accidentally do flip the Contact, we might be able to find the Insider via connections. It's worth keeping in mind it's not the end of the world.

Edited to add:

23 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

add to that the fact that the Octet doc last cycle was pretty full of folks missing some part of the rules or another and I'm assuming the village isn't any better

  Smhhhh this is why I objected to Stick wanting to be derpcleared 😤

Even during the approvals and wargaming stage, TJ and I kept forgetting the damn rules, why would the Octet be any different smhhhh Stick I told u so sis

If I vanish it's Dragon Year BS where relatives continue to ask me to have kids telling me I'd make a great dad, inconveniently bypassing the bit where they used to demand I get married soonest. Expect me to be dead from exasperation and pour a cold one out for my soul in Literature heaven 😔

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1 minute ago, Kasimir said:

Didn't you say you thought Aman was Village and also Stick?

How so?

I am just minded to vote with my heart at this point. I agree/vibe with Sart too much to feel comfortable with V!reading him. It's unfortunate that Sart's V!tell/E!tell for me is this way because it's just plain awkward to vote him only when I vibe with him and argue to protect him when I think he is kayana but this is sometimes just how life is.

In theory, this position is compatible with Sart wanting every last Villager dead, I'm just arguing about prioritisation.

I'll note if we accidentally do flip the Contact, we might be able to find the Insider via connections. It's worth keeping in mind it's not the end of the world.

I re-evaluated :P. Worst decision of my life.
ironic to the uh, me sring stick while you “tl????” Her. Not rlly important idt but lol.

ehh I actually disagree, I think if the contact flips isn’t that basically just a town loss almost immediately? 

Just now, DrakeMarshall said:

you should eat something

i refuse to fight a village that isn't at its best 😤

I might but it’s late! !!!! And come on don’t you have rats to kick or something

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Just now, neil the beguiled said:

ehh I actually disagree, I think if the contact flips isn’t that basically just a town loss almost immediately? 

that'd be nice if that was how it worked but no

because the Octet needs to kill the Informant and we literally can't

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1 minute ago, neil the beguiled said:

ehh I actually disagree, I think if the contact flips isn’t that basically just a town loss almost immediately? 

It is if Aman was the Informant. If not, and I'm really presuming an early Contact flip here, then the Elims still have to beat the Village for vote dominance as the Insider does not get a say in the kill until the Informant is the last one in the Octet doc.

At endgame, everything else gets dicey, and to depressed!Kas brain, it's idgaf territory by that point because I simply don't have the mental bandwidth to want to spend too much time on the permutations.

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14 minutes ago, DrakeMarshall said:

alright i will go and uh

kick rats

im not sure what that means

but yeah im going to peace out now ig 🫡

u still reading frieren?

Edited to add:

Current state of thoughts:

-Alv -> V!lean
-Aman -> BSing, E.
- Aeo-> Slight E!lean, potentially willing to flip.
-Stick -> Could be E gdaf not my problem rn
-Drake -> 100% corrupt murderpuppy 😔
-Neil -> 50/50 ig. Stick's defense of Neil still doesn't feel E/E and while I'm tempted to just run with it, it's also C2. I didn't like Neil's suggestion we don't know what's happening in the Elim doc because as we can see, that's just...prima facie false. We can try to make inferences from differentials in play, e.g. bandwidth hypothesis, which was true of Drake and Aman both.
-Raven -> I don't know if I like Raven's current thought processes as I feel he's overjustifying at points, but he's not my first pick for an Insider candidate.
-Sart -> Offered my thoughts enough times. Sort of feel I've picked up his E!tell.
-JNV -> CNY is a major obscuring factor here with my ability to read them. @JNV, when you check back in, can you offer me two other reads on people who aren't me?
-Faerie -> I'm still not a fan of Faerie's avid lurking. Could have made a genuine mistake in this post but I'm currently theorising the Insider declining to get involved. I...maybe think there's a slight reason to lean against Faerie but I don't feel it's a strong one (Insider should be most aware of the flip complication because Insider flips Village no matter what.)
-Royal -> Not a fan of Royal's only preoccupation being own read but don't feel Royal is lead candidate for Insider either.

I think biggest candidate pool for me right now is in <Sart, Aeo, Neil> for my vote, with a Faerie side.

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oh for beans sake. 1 i can’t assume what goes on in elim doc because i don’t know either drake or aman well! i don’t understand the suspicion that you have on me at all because that’s not something i would instinctively understand. aye? also @Faerie Braids i’m not letting this happen again. why am i a good flip for you and how does that help your worldview? what does a neil flip do for you as opposed to anything else?

i’m just going to say this now; you seem most likely of any of the other players to have something to hide. firstly your lurking with limited content, but additionally your response to suspicion c1. we can’t really… claim much wrt bussing because . lol nm here doesn’t know partners and vice versa- but the way you  interacted with your vote c1 did not read village to me and  your declaration of debating to going for a “gambit” reads performative in conjunction to your existing performance.


faerie braids 

towntell or die ^w^

edit: i feel like most people who say that “flipping me could be useful” are not doing so with actual intent to solve and it feels lame and cheap- and this is also the second time you’ve just voted for a top wagon without actually expressing anything else. 


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The only helpful flip is a Contact flip.

Clearly I'm claiming Insider which is why I want Sart dead.

Well, but you see the point. If the Insider flips Village, then prima facie an Insider flip is not helpful because we will not, from the flip itself, get more info that helps us with knowing where to go so I don't understand Faerie's attitude here. If we take Faerie at face value then the best way to make sense of it is she thinks Neil is the Contact which is uh... Not something I am comfortable V leaning immediately. 

An early Contact flip is helpful in the form of connectives but it just goes against the grain, for me, to vote a Contact candidate. I regard the flip as a consolation prize. The goal is to hit the Insider ASAP. 

Edited to add: @|TJ| I cannot fing believe you fing got me to sign up for a FLIPLESS GAME ON STILTS AGAIN SMHHHHHHH

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