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Long Game 8: Elendel Gang War


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I think the cycle might have ended around 6:00 Pacific Time last night but the thread just didn't get closed.


It looks like it was probably 7 Pacific, since my vote came just after 6 and Alvron's vote change came just after 7. However, in that case, the result should've been a tie anyway, since Alvron's vote before then was on Bunnt. I'm guessing it didn't get counted because he greened out the prior one (as was correct), so it looked like his only vote came after the cut-off. Regardless, I think we learned more in this case by lynching someone than we would've with a tie...

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Basically what Wilson said. I let her vote count because I started the Day 5 around twenty minutes late, and she was only off by a few minutes, but I didn't do any of the others. I didn't look at any of the edit times, just the posts themselves. Sorry about not closing it off, my phone is permanently dead so and an unforeseen event had taken me from my home. For the future, assume that all votes after 6:00 Pm Pacific time are null. 

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Since there are a few people out for my blood I will say this. I am not a Kandra. I would be fleeing to another body tonight if that was the case, but I can't.

Iv'e made my fair share of mistakes this game, including not having as much time as I thought i would and thus not having as much thoughts and suspicions as I would like. I haven't had enough time, or skill for that matter to analyze this game, especially regarding people outside my faction since I have less to go on there.


I am surprised and a little suspicious of that votes piled on me so quickly, although I can understand reasons to vote for me since I haven't been able to contribute as much as I'd like.


I understand you may not trust my word for it, but I am no Kandra, and it would be a mistake to lynch me next cycle.

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So I’m assuming that your statement of the code I mentioned, you’re referring to the code I mentioned in that same PM right? Not one I mentioned in a previous game? If so, that particular code is two short. And there are things in it that don’t exactly apply once lined up… If we drop the players who’ve been killed thus far and run with it then (logically matching up what applies to us versus what applied to them), it’ll work just fine.


As for the code code. I think I have this right. 155189491420. 920 2718 914518 155201295131829214 1857.


Before I do more, I should probably find out if this is correct and that you understand. Then we can talk the finer points. (By the way, assuming I have this right, it's going to be killer hard for me to decode, but whatever. :P )

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The first part of yours is correct. That's the one I was thinking of. Dropping the killed players is what I was planning.

Let me decode that. I'll edit this later with a response.

Okay. We aren't using the same one for the numbers. I can't figure that out.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Okay. I am a zinc ferring and I tapped tonight. I have been told that Alron is targeting me for death. If he dies, then I am the kandra. Lunch me if that happens. If not, lynch him. Sorry Wilson for not being able to use the code. Use the spike if you see this. I think I'm going to die or at least be taken over.

Edit: If I die, then it is Alron for sure. If Alron dies, it could be me, but he has been online and may have changed the order. Watch me closely and I won't be offended if you lynch me. In fact I encourage it. But don't focus only on me.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Long Game 8 Day 6: A New Set


NaVorl giggled.


They had been so tricky, watching the Zinc Ferring day and night. He had thought that for whatever reason, that he might have been able to trick them, or at least tell the others what had happened.


Not so. The kandra were smart, and some of them had learned from TenSoon. TenSoon, a servant of the Ascendant Warrior herself. NaVorl had been his personal apprentice, and from TenSoon, NaVorl had learned how to defeat an Allomancer burning atium.


In general, the same rules applied when dealing with zinc ferrings. They could slow time to a crawl, and then they would analyze and reconsider their actions, effectively reading the future from the velocity of the present. Then, NaVorl would alter his motions to suit his motives best.


The others knew him as Alron. Close enough.


His brothers supplied the distraction, firing a bullet into the Ferring’s leg and then another into NaVorl’s head. Binnut was closest to NaVorl; he turned around stared at NaVorl. “Alim was telling the truth. You are a kandra!” The Koloss Riot smashed NaVorl into the wall.


NaVorl giggled. “Ah, you got me!” Then, thankful for his bones plated in steel, he dashed into an alleyway. He scaled the back wall of a building and watched from above.


The Ferring stood warily, leaning against the hood of a car. “Guys, it’s me. They’re after me… I tapped my metalmind and saw Alron starting to shift his weight against me. You two, go after him. Take the metal chain. The rest of you, protect me. That’s who they will try and kill.”


NaVorl giggled. No matter what protections they wasted on the Ferring, they would be just that; a waste. Already, he had his plan for the different person to take.


He jumped down on his new body.  Wouldn’t you know it, he thought. We’re all in new bodies now. Isn’t this fun?


Alron is NaVorl, a kandra! He has bodysnatched!

(This write up is based off of the kandra’s plotting, but it is not true. I did not state who the zinc ferring is, whether or not they are, nor did I give you any possibilites as to whom the kandra’s may have body snatched. Some liberties were taken).

Corrupt Politician:




Corrupt Politician:

Terra (Pupper)

Corrupt Politician:

Corrupt Politician:

Jain (Lightsworn Panda)

Corrupt Politician:

Taliz Duede (twelthrootoftwo)

Koloss Riot:

Kamden (dants)

Koloss Riot:

10. Koll (killersquirrel59)

Koloss Riot:

14. Bunnt (Binnut)

The Set:

Alim (Malliw73)

The Set:

Satrams (a smart guy)

The Set:

Willa (little wilson)


TrelVin (The Only Joe)

MitthRawn (The Gleeman)

NaVorl (Alvron)


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Storms! I thought I posted my message late enough that he wouldn't be able to change his orders. Appears not. We do know now that there are three kandra though.

Edit: Wilson, did you get a spike the night cycle before this recent one? If not, I found a kandra.

Edited by Mailliw73
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Well, we need to start making accusations. Right now, there are 7 good guys and 3 bad guys. That's not the greatest odds, especially since the bad guys can keep switching bodies. Alim, I didn't spike any one last night, but I am concerned about one thing. I suspect that kandra have infiltrated one of the Set, in order to steal our spikes. Therefore, you should post the name of the person you tried to spike, in case Wilson (or you) is a kandra. I'll put a vote on him so he will show up.

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I spiked Twei, as the write up from that night said. I took her lurching power and I gave it to Wilson as I knew she didn't have a very useful power. But Wilson never said anything. I'm not sure if that's because she is a Kandra or what.

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So Alron was originally going to kill (and probably inhabit) Alim, but changed plans after Alim revealed it. Where would he have gone?

There are two people I think would have made good choices:

  • Terra. Last cycle I argued for her innocence, based on Morgan voting for her. That alone makes me think she could have been targeted. In addition, she's been a candidate for lynching a few times. "The closer we are to danger, the farther we are from harm."
  • Bunnt. Alron was pushing for Bunnt to be lynched last cycle, and only changed to secure a lynch given the uncertain votes. Bunnt could therefore be cleared for that cycle, and hence would have been a good choice to possess afterwards. It also would make sense for a last-minute maneuver, without time to consider a new target, and hoping we would think Alim was still targeted

Both of them were also in the sweet spot of posting habits I theorised last cycle.


I'd also like to hear from Koll, who hasn't posted anything substantial for the past few cycles.


edit: forgot to green this when I changed it before

Edited by twelfthrootoftwo
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Maybe I'm wrong, but I counted 11 players which gives 8 good guys and 3 bad. We need everyone to post something fairly fast since that is the only way to get any info about who might be a new Kandra. If Wilson doesn't reply soon, then he might be a good candidate for a vote since players are only required to come online once during each day to coordinate, and Wilson might not have communicated with his Kandra yet. I'm going to vote for Bunnt, I agree with your reasoning Twelfth.

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Hello Everyone. PSA from the Kandra Doc. Bart couldn't get onto the site, so asked one of us to Say this. (Copy/Pasted Directly)


Hello guys. I am unable to get onto 17th Shard right now, and I’m not sure why. If one of you would use your kandra bodies to tell everyone that the write up will be delayed till late tomorrow night, that would be great. Also, be sure to remind them that voting still ends at six.


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Sorry all. I am still here. After consideration I'm leaning strongly at Wilson. We know (and so would a Set-infiltrating Kandra) that he already has at least one spike and possibly more, thus only adding to potential power of a new host. He cannot Lurch himself, thus making him the best possible target by being the only one who can't be saved by a timely Lurch. That combined with the fact that anyone accumulating spikes just makes for a juicy Kandra target both for power and camouflage. Plus in particular taking the Lurching power away from us would  be highly beneficial to them and let them assassinate us with far greater ease. 

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Thank you KollBunnt is normally more active than this; I'm really starting to suspect that he was Alron's target, and has not yet coordinated to post.


Also, Koll, it is possible for someone with Allomantic iron to lurch themselves; this was the crux of Aonar's plan back in cycle 2. Knowing Wilson received the spike doesn't narrow down the possibilities of who she could have protected (though who she would protect is quite a separate matter).


edit: green vote

Edited by twelfthrootoftwo
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I actually hoped that the Kandra would target me insted, but they did not. I am Kolossblooded and would not have been affected by it (provided that no coinshot targeted me that is and I find that unlikely). I have reavealed this to Twelfth and Koll.


I admit to being less active than normal, school is having something to do with that, but a big part is also that I have trouble leading, I was online when no one had been posting yet, and was at a loss as to what to say. (The cycle times do not at all agree with me...)


Kamden has not been online for a long time, and might have be a good target for the Kandra to hide in. But do not expect him to answer...


I will vote for Wilson parptly out of survival instinct, and partly because of she haven't really been like before for a while. (I know, the same could be said about me.)

Edited by Binnut
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Yes, I received that spike. I didn't announce it in the thread because I didn't want to make myself a higher priority target than I already considered myself. And why did I consider myself a high priority target? I never said who I gave Araris' spike to, so the kandra probably assumed I kept it for myself, just like you guys have assumed. Whether or not that assumption is correct... Who knows.

The point is, I lurched myself last night.

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