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Having a Bad Day? Stop here for a Good Rant!


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Is anyone else having problems with the Boards on Mobile? I'm getting error pages on most threads and yesterday I couldn't even get on after 7 pm Central.


The forum crashed for me from yesterday about 21h30 to today at about noon. Somewhere in between these time slots, the forum became unreachable: can't say for sure the exact hours, but these are the times were I checked. According to my computer, the issue was the 17th shard server as my computer was alright, the stupid cloud was alright, but not the 17th shard server. I was not on mobile, but on my personal laptop.


I'm on Eastern Time.

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*hugs* and *hugs* and *MOAR HUGS*

Hope things get better for you :'(.

And my complaint of the day: I'm very happy with my life right now, but things beyond my control are changing and I don't know when I'm going to get back to where I am, and the future is unpredictable and scary.

Also, I had a random texting me trying to get info from me, and by the time I realised it wasn't just a wrong number (which happens to me a lot), I'm a little worried I gave the person too much info. (I have a recycled phone number and I get a lot of people looking for its previous owner, luckily this person didn't think my name was a name and kept asking......). This number is now blocked, and there's nothing else I can do. But I feel dumb and somewhat unsafe for not noticing sooner.

(And I fully get the irony of making that complaint to The Internet. But here at least I'm aware and being careful of details).


Thanks. :) 


Yikes. That is pretty scary. Though I don't know how dumb you should feel; before I moved, I lived in a state where you could have a perfectly friendly ten-minute conversation with someone who dialed your number by mistake, both of you knowing the entire time that you weren't the person they were looking for. With all the wrong number callers you've gotten, I'd say it was a pretty human error to make. At least the number is blocked now. 

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The forum crashed for me from yesterday about 21h30 to today at about noon. Somewhere in between these time slots, the forum became unreachable: can't say for sure the exact hours, but these are the times were I checked. According to my computer, the issue was the 17th shard server as my computer was alright, the stupid cloud was alright, but not the 17th shard server. I was not on mobile, but on my personal laptop.


I'm on Eastern Time.


I had trouble on the 17th Shard earlier today as well.  Don't remember what time, but I am on Mountain time.  It works fine now.

Edited by Elsecaller3414
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First time rant on this thread! Not sure if that's good or terrible...

So, every summer, my mom signs me up for this summer day camp sort of thing. (Not outdoorsy- it's an art camp held at a local elementary school.) Every year, she tells me to "just try it." Every year I'm told that if I don't like it, I can stop going. Every year I end up having to go every single day. Every year it's obvious the thing is designed for eight-year-olds and younger, and I'm the only one my age. I hardly ever know anyone there, but if I do, they're about eight years younger than me. Every year it's the same and I absolutely hate going there, but I have to go because my parents told me so. It's obvious the main reason I have to go is that my mom works for the organization that puts these things on.

One of the things I hate the most is that I'm not even asked. It's always just stated as a fact. "Oh, and of course you'll be going to the art camp this summer." I don't have any choice in deciding how I spend my time. I can explain my reasons, I can offer to do other things, I can argue my head off and it doesn't make any difference. It's yelling at a brick wall.

So I have to sit next to a couple six-year-olds and paint circles on a piece of paper for about four to six hours a day. Not my ideal summer vacation.

That sucks. :( I call that being voluntold--someone else is telling you that you're volunteering for something. It's scummy, and it's unfair, especially because there's usually not much you can do about it.

Is there anything you can do to make it more fun? Turn your childish crafts into something subversive?

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First time rant on this thread! Not sure if that's good or terrible...


So, every summer, my mom signs me up for this summer day camp sort of thing. (Not outdoorsy- it's an art camp held at a local elementary school.) Every year, she tells me to "just try it." Every year I'm told that if I don't like it, I can stop going. Every year I end up having to go every single day. Every year it's obvious the thing is designed for eight-year-olds and younger, and I'm the only one my age. I hardly ever know anyone there, but if I do, they're about eight years younger than me. Every year it's the same and I absolutely hate going there, but I have to go because my parents told me so. It's obvious the main reason I have to go is that my mom works for the organization that puts these things on.


One of the things I hate the most is that I'm not even asked. It's always just stated as a fact. "Oh, and of course you'll be going to the art camp this summer." I don't have any choice in deciding how I spend my time. I can explain my reasons, I can offer to do other things, I can argue my head off and it doesn't make any difference. It's yelling at a brick wall.


So I have to sit next to a couple six-year-olds and paint circles on a piece of paper for about four to six hours a day. Not my ideal summer vacation.

JUst say no, and if push comes to shove, leave. After all, you've already been told you can.

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That sucks. :( I call that being voluntold--someone else is telling you that you're volunteering for something. It's scummy, and it's unfair, especially because there's usually not much you can do about it.

Is there anything you can do to make it more fun? Turn your childish crafts into something subversive?


Or find your own crafts to take.  People have taken up the art of chainmail for less, you know.

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I'm twenty-five years old. 


All of my belongings are in my room. 


I will likely move out of this house before my parents relocate. 


I rarely go into the garage, and even then it's only to access the freezer or fridge. I never touch the stuff in boxes. 


Why must I help clean the garage? 

Because it's the nice thing to do, that's why :)

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What I'd say: "Mom, I'm 25. I don't want to help you clean the garage. I'm going to be moving out before you do, so there's no reason for me to help unless I want to. Please respect my time and let me use it how I see fit."

What my mom would hear: "I'm a selfish brat who doesn't want to help, and I'm going to set a bad example for my eleven year old sister by refusing to help. Sure, I owe you for raising me and letting me live here, but I'm not going to help because I'm selfish like that."


I am sorry Twilight, but I may take your mother's side in this specific case :( If you are 25 and you are still living with your parents, I see it as normal they would expect you to contribute to the "tasks around the house", which sadly does include "cleaning the garage". When my husband was a young adult and still living with his mother, he took care of: cleaning and ordering the garage, taking care of the land which means cutting/watering the grass, taking care of the family's pool which means seeing the water is alright and cleaning it, he also did his fair share of cleaning in the house, even in rooms he never went into. 


In my case, my parents never asked me for anything. I think it was a mistake and they should have. Owning a house comes with responsibilities and most of them are not pleasant. All occupants should help.


In any advent, if you are still living there when they decide to clean the said garage, I think you should help, even if you do not want do and even if you never use it and even if you, of course, have better things to do with your time (who doesn't?). Why? Simply because you currently live there.


I am terribly sorry because I know you do have many issues with your mother, but in this very specific case, I am forced to take her side. So good luck with it all  :)

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First time rant on this thread! Not sure if that's good or terrible...


So, every summer, my mom signs me up for this summer day camp sort of thing. (Not outdoorsy- it's an art camp held at a local elementary school.) Every year, she tells me to "just try it." Every year I'm told that if I don't like it, I can stop going. Every year I end up having to go every single day. Every year it's obvious the thing is designed for eight-year-olds and younger, and I'm the only one my age. I hardly ever know anyone there, but if I do, they're about eight years younger than me. Every year it's the same and I absolutely hate going there, but I have to go because my parents told me so. It's obvious the main reason I have to go is that my mom works for the organization that puts these things on.


One of the things I hate the most is that I'm not even asked. It's always just stated as a fact. "Oh, and of course you'll be going to the art camp this summer." I don't have any choice in deciding how I spend my time. I can explain my reasons, I can offer to do other things, I can argue my head off and it doesn't make any difference. It's yelling at a brick wall.


So I have to sit next to a couple six-year-olds and paint circles on a piece of paper for about four to six hours a day. Not my ideal summer vacation.

If I was in your position, I would take this opportunity to polish my Aons and Alethi... ;)

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That sucks. :( I call that being voluntold--someone else is telling you that you're volunteering for something. It's scummy, and it's unfair, especially because there's usually not much you can do about it.

Is there anything you can do to make it more fun? Turn your childish crafts into something subversive?

Voluntold- nice term. I'll have to steal that.


I've done some of that, actually. We were painting some thingy and I made my own coat of arms. It featured a book with a sword as a bookmark. I am so proud of that.


Or find your own crafts to take.  People have taken up the art of chainmail for less, you know.

I like this idea. Anybody have a whole bunch of small metal rings I can use?


If I was in your position, I would take this opportunity to polish my Aons and Alethi... ;)

Another fine idea.


Thanks to everybody! It's nice to know someone's willing to listen to (read?) my rants.  ^_^

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I like this idea. Anybody have a whole bunch of small metal rings I can use?



Well, I can tell you where to find them. :)  I'd recommend aluminum; it's lightweight and easy to work with, unlike steel.  You can get plain bright aluminum jump rings on Amazon (Chainmail Joe is a good seller), or if you want something more exotic, anodized aluminum in bright colors from the Ring Lord's website.  And the Ring Lord has everything; lots of different types of metals and colors, as well as scales for scale mail.


And then you can make stuff like this:






Don't mind my foot in the bottom of that picture...

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I was going to post something that said how awesome that is, but I realized that I have no words.

Take my upvotes.

Edit: Ninja'd

Lark, I feel you. I can't stand Spanish. It's better now that I work in a place where people actually speak Spanish, but it still isn't my favorite.

Edited by Kipper
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I was going to post something that said how awesome that is, but I realized that I have no words.

Take my upvotes.

Edit: Ninja'd

Lark, I feel you. I can't stand Spanish. It's better now that I work in a place where people actually speak Spanish, but it still isn't my favorite.



It's not actually that difficult to make, just time-consuming.  The tricky bit is getting it started with all of the links going the right direction.


Months of television were given half attention to make that tunic.  Honestly, I don't think it's done; it's wearable as it is right now, but it needs to be longer.



My spanish final is tomorrow and I'm so nervous I think I might throw up.



I remember taking Spanish in high school.  Then it all flew out of my head when I took Italian in college.  I liked Italian much better.

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